Alphabetizing methods in Visual Studio - visual-studio

Is there any sort of plug-in or tool available for Visual Studio 2008 to alphabetize methods? Ideally I'd like a tool that will alphabetize a selection, or specified type (i.e. only methods, not member variables), either automatically or on-demand.

While Resharper has many cool features it has a large impact in CPU and I/O usage and can be very complicated to use. It is also only available under commercial licensing unless you qualify for a few very specific free use licenses.
Try CodeMaid. It is free for commercial use and has a much lower performance overhead. I find it easy to use and it is very good for alphabetizing methods.
To sort your file, open the file via solution explorer:
Right click the open file
Code Maid menu (likely near the top of the right click menu)
Click Reorganize Active Document
Alternatively, using the default CodeMaid hotkeys CTRL+M,Z to sort your active file.

Resharper has a Type Members Layout, which can order members by type, accessibility and alphabetically as well.
You can also take a look into Ora , which presents a pane in visual studio that is ordered (even though your source may not be). Link's dead.

The following answer goes much further than the OP asks, because I believe, that sorting methods just by name is far not enough for most programmers. Mostly you want your methods, constructors, fields, event handlers, and interface implementations to be seperated from each other (i.e. through regions), and sorted by various criteria.
For this purpose I tried NArrange, Regionerate, and others, but I've found them not intuitive to use. So ReSharper became the tool of my choice.
As already mentioned by #DavidN, ReSharper can sort your class members (fields, constructors, methods, delegates) by name, accessibility, type, readonly, etc... You can also surround specific members with regions. What I like the most is the ability to group interface members (e.g., #region IDisposable with void Dispose() method in it) and methods that handle an event.
ReSharper provides both - an easy way to configure and trigger the sorting of class members.
Configuring the layout
Create a XML file within Visual Studio and copy-paste the default type member layout (ReSharper Options > Languages > C# > Type Members Layout) into that file. Download the latest XSD schema. Add the schema file to Visual Studio's schema files (Menu > XML > Schemas... > Add). You should be able now, to edit the XML file with IntelliSense support.
Triggering the reorder
If you use the Visual Studio keyboard scheme (ReSharper Options > Visual Studio Integration) and press Ctrl+E,F for Silent Code Cleanup. A dialog will pop up, where you can select a Code Cleanup setting. For this setting you should check Reorder type members. The second time you press the shortcut, ReSharper will automatically reorder your class members.
1: ReSharper Type Members XSD Schema

For C# you can use Regionerate to organize your code. You can create a template that simply organizes your code but doesn't use regions.

You can create such a function yourself using Devexpress' free DXCore product (the same extensibility framework used to create CodeRush).


Visual Studio plug in to jump to test class

I was wondering if there is a plugin that allows me to jump directly to the test for the current class (Or create it if it doesn't exist).
I guess this should be based on the convention that the test project is named like the project being tested + "test" and the test class is named like the class being tester + "test".
A feature like that would really help in projects with many files and foldes, where scrolling the solution explorer to find the associated test project can be quite annoying.
how about NCrunch? This tool will show you, per method, which and how many tests are covering it:
I did manage to find a few extensions on, but ended up writing my own plugin for this. Its not perfect, but i does what I needed.
If anyone else would like, its available for free at
In Visual Studio you can Shift+F12 on any class or method definition to find all references. Although the resulting list Studio is not very convenient, but a starting point. Using a tool like DevExpress CodeRush or ReSharper lets you sort and filter by namespace, project, file, etc.
If you happen to use ReSharper, it has a TestLinker plugin.
It does the job pretty well.
Basic shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+F7.
Goto Related Files is extended with navigation points to production/test classes.
New shortcuts ReSharper_GotoAllLinkedTypes and ReSharper_GotoLinkedTypesWithDerivedName (assignable via keyboard options) that jumps between linked types. In case of multiple linked types, a dedicated popup menu is shown, which can also be displayed in Find Results window.

VS2010 equivalent to Eclipse "Outline" window drag-refactoring

I'm looking for an equivalent feature in Visual Studio to the drag-in-drop in Eclipse's Outline View. Specifically, after opening the class you were editing in Outline View, you saw all the methods in the class in the physical order they were in (not sorted alphabetically). You could to click on Method 1 and drag it above Method 2, moving all of the code from method 1 physically above Method 2's code. This was very useful for organization.
I looked at Class View in Studio, and while Class View does list all the methods in a class, it lists them according to an order you define (which obviously can't be dragged to rearrange). Is there any feature in Studio that allows you to view the physical layout of a class and rearrange it by dragging the methods?
I don't believe there is a direct equivalent in Visual Studio 2010. The closest I've found is the File Structure window, which is provided by Resharper (a great commercial plug-in). This will show you members in their actual order and let you re-arrange things.
VSCommands 2010 has a file structure feature that works with different kind of files in its free version.
Whole Tomato's Visual Assist X has a "VA Outline" feature that has this capability:
Not free, but considered by many to be worth the cost.
I've started using an extension called "VS10x Code Map v2" found in the extension manager. Its really nice and intuitive so far.

How to extend Visual Studio to provide override-like behavior?

When you type the override keyword in a C# file in VS and press Space, you get a second menu offering the method to override. Can I extend this behavior with my own custom code that would use another keyword to pop up my own list of actions?
Yes it is possible to augment the list with more keywords or to even create your own list entirely. The interface you are looking for in Visual Studio 2010 is ICompletionSource. This isn't a simple interface though and it's hard to give a full sample in a stackoverflow answer but there are plenty of samples online to take a look at.
I think the best place to start is the editor samples available on codeplex
What other keyword do you want to use? If it's C#, pressing ctrl+space will open the auto-complete/intellisense menu.
If this is for writing another language using Visual Studio, perhaps this video is of use.
Here's the extending Visual Studio start page, in case it's helpful.

How can I sort Fields, Properties and Methods in Visual Studio?

I know that for clarity in codes, I have to write first fields then constructor and then methods etc. But how can I automate it in Visual Studio?
I think CodeMaid is the best free option for code formatting in Visual Studio.
To sort your file, open the file via solution explorer:
Right click the open file
Code Maid menu (likely near the top of the right click menu)
Click Reorganize Active Document
Alternatively, using the default CodeMaid hotkeys CTRL+M,Z to sort your active file.
ReSharper can sort your class members (fields, constructors, methods, delegates) by name, accessibility, type, readonly, etc... You can also surround specific members with regions. What I like the most is the ability to group interface members (e.g., #region IDisposable with void Dispose() method in it) and methods that handle an event.
ReSharper provides both - an easy way to configure and trigger the sorting of class members.
Create a XML file within Visual Studio and copy-paste the default type member layout (ReSharper Options > Languages > C# > Type Members Layout) into that file. Download the latest XSD schema. Add the schema file to Visual Studio's schema files (Menu > XML > Schemas... > Add). You should be able now, to edit the XML file with the help of IntelliSense.
If you use the Visual Studio keyboard scheme (ReSharper Options > Visual Studio Integration) and press Ctrl+E,F for Silent Code Cleanup. A dialog will pop up, where you can select a Code Cleanup setting. For this setting you should check Reorder type members. The second time you press the shortcut, ReSharper will automatically reorder your class members.
1: ReSharper Type Members XSD Schema
Visual Studio has no feature that allows re-ordering already written code. That's the domain of add-ons. Resharper has a "Reordering type members" feature but that's only supported for C#, not for VB.NET code. NArrange seems to be able to do this. No idea, never used it myself.
Limited sorting of lines is included with Visual Studio 2022.
To use: select the lines you want to sort and in the top menu click:
Edit > Advanced > Sort Lines
Another option I found is XArrange. It is free and can be installed from the Extension Manager.
Issues I took with it...
It puts methods before constructors.
It removes any comments between members,properties,methods, etc.
It's configuration is very limited. No way to change sorting order.
If Code Sorting is your only concern, you can try the Visual Studio Extension CodeSorter
CodeSorter is highly customizable extension that allows its users to
sort C# code itby various conditions such as names, types (method,
class, struct, ...), visibility modifiers (private, public, ...),
constness modifiers (const, static, readonly) and virtuality modifiers
(virtual, override, new, ...).
It is possible to assign multiple search criteria to have the same
priority, for example place protected and private members first, and
then publics and internals.
Names are compared in a way that leading "m_" and "_" is stripped.
This allows fields and properties (eg. _foo and Foo) to be right next
to each other.
One-lined declarations are placed without delimiting blank line, while
multi-lined declarations are separated by a blank line. The exception
is that one-lined field followed by a multi-lined property without
comment of the same name will be placed without the delimiting blank

Visual Studio - easy way to bring up type definition as source code

Oftentimes I want to bring up a system class in a source view, so that I can browse the properties and methods exposed by the class. Below is the screenshot of what I mean:
Srting from metadata
Usually I do this by selecting the class name and pressing F12 (or right click>Go To Definition). However, if I haven't got it anywhere ready, i have type it up and then do Go To Definition. Most of the time I have to delete what I typed later on.
Is there a way to bring up this view without having to type the class name? The VS2010 Navigate To dialog doesn't support this.
EDIT: When I posted the question I didn't use any Visual Studio plugins. Now that I realised that I have full CodeRush license (thanks to StackOverflow promotion for users with 10K rep) I will accept answers that use CodeRush or Refactor!.
EDIT: At this stage I haven't really got anywhere with trying to answer this question. I am going to leave it open and let the bounty auto-award itself to Rory as he explained what's happening the best. In the meantime(schedule allowing) I will investigate doing this with DXCore as I think it should be possible.
The view you're looking at appears to have been built by some sort of analysis of the IL of the framework. Without knowing the type you intend to look at, no deconstruction can be done. Therefore I feel that, you are unlikely to find exactly what you have said you are looking for.
Allow me to suggest a few alternatives though.
Disclaimer: I work for DevExpress as a CodeRush Community Evangelist.
The Object Browser (Ctrl+Alt+J) This screen will load without attempting to show you any particular type, it will therefore be down to you to find the type in question. However all types are available and full search functionality is provided. once the type you're looking or is found, all members are listed and available.
Update: If you use the (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+R) shortcut to launch the object browser, then it will launch focused on the Search box. This is invaluable.
There are a number of CodeRush features which can prove useful when trying to locate code.
TabToNextReference (Tab) Whilst the caret is positioned within a type, strike the tab key and the next reference to that type will be located. More Details
References ToolWindow (Shift+F12) When activated the References ToolWindow will show you any references to the current type or member. This toolwindow can also be used to navigate said references. The References Toolwindow can be used in both on demand and Live mode. this allows you to have the window update as you navigate your code (via mouse or keyboard) and locate all references of any symbol the caret lands upon.
QuickNav (Ctrl+Shift+Q): This feature is closest in style to VS2010's NavigateTo feature. QuickNav will locate symbols matching whatever you type into it's filter box. This facility also supports Camel Case search. More details
QuickNav is also much more configurable than it's VS counterpart
Please also keep in mind that CodeRush is build upon the DXCore, a framework which allows users to create their own plugins for use alongside each other and CodeRush.
This framework has been repeatedly been leveraged by the community to add additional functionality. So even if you don't see any thing quite to your needs, consider suggesting something to the community by way of the forums or even contact me directly RoryB at DevExpress dot Com
I'm sure there's something we can do to help you out :)
I was not aware of that new "Navigate To" feature, but I used to use Reflector for this sort of things. The pro version offers some integration with Visual Studio (Right clicking the method and selecting "Open In .NET Reflector"). It will open the reflector window and won't show the code in the VS itself. You can watch the demo that shows this feature and some others.
This is not the best answer that I'd expect but is a good option to know.
There is no way that I know of to do this in Visual Studio 2010. However, you can do this in ReSharper via the 'navigate to' menu. I suggest you try the 30 day trial from them, then if you really do need this then purchase it.
A number of add-ins allow you to browse objects (though usually in an object-browser treeview manner rather than in a "header" file form - I believe Resharper, CodeRush and Visual Assist X all have variations on this theme).
However, one add-in to consider (as it's free) is the VS Productivity Power Tools. It adds a Solution Navigator window that gives a view onto your solution just like Solution Explorer, but (among other enhancements):
can search & filter the files listed, e.g. show only those files that are named Test.
can "expand" any file entry to show the types and members within it.
