Codenamed Products and Visual Studio - visual-studio

Are there any practices regarding using codenames of products in Visual Studio projects and solutions? In that typically, namespaces, assembly names, binary outputs, et al need to be renamed once a product name is chosen: is there any way to deal with this?

In one place I worked we'd choose an unrelated and inoffensive, and typically systematic name for any given project.. Jupiter, Orca, Feynman whatever... and stick with that namespace forevermore.
Because as you've seen what the marketing/client/board chooses to call a product (hell, even what version number they choose) is so rarely going to be known at the start let alone the same by the end, that it's just so much easier for everyone to be able to have a fixed internal reference they don't have to refactor later.
I can't stress how important it is that the name is simple, one word and inoffensive though.

This will partly depend on the type of product. If it's a client library - or anything that will require users to see the names - then clearly the names matter. I don't think it really matters otherwise. Bear in mind that different versions of the product may have new codenames (e.g. Everett, Whidbey, Orcas for Visual Studio) - you don't want to have to rename the code each time you start a new version!


What are possible pros and cons for prefixing folders with digits?

My company strongly suggests to use subfolder names prefixed by digits for larger projects. This is recorded in the companies code convention articles.
This should look something like this
Somehow this feels like an useless overhead to me but I have no valid arguments against that.
Maybe more experienced people can tell me about scenarios which show why this is a bad habit or tell my why it is good - besides the possibility to force the folder to be in a certain order?
it's useful only if the order is important (e.g. order of running scripts). otherwise it's bad (in my opinion). the arguments are:
some products don't allow it. e.g. java package structure maps directly to directory structure. but package name can't start with a digit.
can't use convention over configuration. some tools help you a lot with software development and they assume you are doing it same way as rest of the world (because it's a good practise). you will have a lot of configuration to make them accept your structure (e.g. maven)
human perception. we look for data by names, not by numbers. when i navigate to a file in e.g. krusader/total commander and i have a dozen of dirs i type a letter because i know the folder name.
confusion. if those numbers mean nothing then it introduces confusion to other people. they will always ask 'why', they will always affraid to modify add, remove because they will think someone did it because of some very important reason. that's a clear violation of KISS and least surprise principles (such things heavily affect new developers entry barrier)
no flexibility. sometimes it's good to have custom folder names. for whatever reason, e.g automatic search of configuration in multiple directories (often used in java/spring). but heaving such naming convention it's more difficult to do it. sometimes when you want to use automatic naming translation it also may be harder as your target format may not support names starting with digits (e.g. logins)
overhead. if there is no reason to keep it then any overhead should be removed. again: KISS
last but not least. developer/architect is always the one that makes decisions about software design, layout, used techniques etc. if his hands are tights because of senseless rules invented by non-technical bureaucrats from the previous epoch, that's nothing but troubles

Stop Visual Basic 6 from changing my casing

Very simple question that is apparently impossible to find a decent answer to: How can I make Visual Basic 6 stop changing my ^##*ing variable casing!?!
I know that the general opinion of a great many VB users is that this "feature" is actually quite helpful, but I doubt that they use it much with any source control system. This is absolutely INFURIATING when you are trying to collaborate on a project of any significant size with several other developers. If ignored, you produce thousands of false-positive "changes" to your files (even ones with no actual code changes!) that pollute the revision history and make it near impossible in some cases to locate the actual change that took place.
If you don't ignore it (like my office, where we have been forced to implement a "no unneeded case change" policy), you spend 5x the time you would normally on each commit because you have to carefully revert out VB's "corrections" on every file, sometimes reverting hundreds of lines to put in a one line change.
Surely there must be a setting, plugin, hack, etc. out there that can remove this unwanted "feature"? I am willing to take any method I can get as long as it doesn't require me to pick through piles of phantom diffs. And to squash a couple of complaints up front: No, I can't turn off case detection in my diff tool, that's not the point. No, we can't just make the case changes globally. We're working with hundreds of thousands of LOC being worked on by multiple developers spanning many years of development. Synchronizing that is not feasible from a business standpoint. And, finally: No, we cannot upgrade to or port to another language (as much as I would love to).
(And yes, I am just a tiny bit peeved at the moment. Can you tell? My apologies, but this is costing me time and my company money, and I don't find that acceptable.)
Depending on your situation adding
#If False Then
Dim CorrectCase
#End If
might help.
Here is a real world scenario and how we solved it for our 350k LOC VB6 project.
We are using Janus Grid and at some point all the code lines which referenced DefaultValue property of JSColumn turned to defaultValue. This was an opportunity to debug the whole IDE nuisance.
What I found was that a reference to MSXML has just been added and now the IDE picks up ISchemaAttributes' defaultValue property before the Janus Grid typelib.
After some experiments I found out that the IDE collects "registered" identifiers in the following order:
Referenced Libraries/Projects from Project->References in the order they are listed
Controls from Project->Components (in unknown order)
Source Code
So the simple fix we did was to create a dummy class/interface with methods that hold our proper casing. Since we already had a project-wide typelib we referenced from every project before anything other typelib, this was painless to do.
Here is part of the IDL for our IUcsVbIntellisenseFix interface:
interface IUcsVbIntellisenseFix : IDispatch {
[id(1)] HRESULT DefaultValue();
[id(2)] HRESULT Selector();
[id(3)] HRESULT Standalone();
We added a lot of methods to IUcsVbIntellisenseFix, some of them named after enum items we used to misspell and whatever we wanted to fix. The same can be done with a simple VB class in a common library (ActiveX DLL) that's referenced from every project.
This way our source code at some point converged to proper casing because upon check-out the IDE actually fixed the casing as per IUcsVbIntellisenseFix casing. Now we can't misspell enums, methods or properties even if we try to.
SIMPLE WAY: Dim each variable in the case that you want. Otherwise, VBA will change it in a way that is not understandable.
Dim x, X1, X2, y, Yy as variant
in a subroutine will change ALL cases to those in the Dim statement
I can sympathise. Luckily we're allowed to turn off case sensitivity in our version control diff tool!
It seems the VB6 IDE automatic case-correction occasionally changes case in variable declarations and references, perhaps depending on the order in which modules are listed in the VBP file? But the IDE doesn't tell you that the file needs to be saved. So the problem only shows up when you saved the file because of another edit. We briefly tried to prevent this by checking out all the files in a project and setting the case carefully, but it didn't go away.
I suppose you could list the variable names that are affected - the usual suspects are one letter names like "I", "X" and "Y", perhaps because they are used in standard event handlers like MouseDown. Then write an add-in that'll search for all declarations " As" and force the case to upper. Run the add-in on your modules before you check them in. You might be able to trigger the add-in to run automatically when you save in VB6.
EDIT: Something I've just thought of: adapt Fred's answer. From now on, every time you check in a file, add a block at the top to establish canonical case for the usual suspects. If nothing else, it's easier than reverting hundreds of lines by hand. Eventually you will have this block in every file & maybe then the problem will stop happening.
#If False Then
Dim I, X, Y ' etc '
#End If
I standardised the case across the codebase, normally by using the examples above (Dim CorrectCase), and removing it again.
I then triggered VB to save EVERY file, by doing a case sensitive search/replace of "End" with "End" (no functional change, but enough to get VB to resave).
Once that was done, I could then do a single commit to standardise the case, making it MUCH easier to keep on top of it at a later date.
In this example VB6 was changing the case of the following line following a typo I made when referencing a library: -
Dim MyRecordset As ADODB.REcordset
Ugly, and now every other instance of an ADODB.REcordset thus acquired the new misspelling. I fixed this as follows: -
Type in a new declaration as follows
Dim VB6CasingSucks AS ADODB, Recordset
Note the comma and space after ADODB. Hit [ENTER] for VB6 to check the line.
At this point all instances of REcordset change back to Recordset.
Delete your new declaration.
I don't know if this fix will help with enums/other variable names.
Specifically for controlling the case of enum values, there is a VB6 IDE add-in which may be helpful. Enums seem to have a slightly unique version of this problem.
As described in the link below:
The VB6 IDE has an annoying quirk when it comes to the case of Enum
members. Unlike with other identifiers, the IDE doesn't enforce the
case of an Enum member as it was declared in the Enum block. That
occasionally causes an Enum member that was manually written to lose
its original case, unless a coder typed it carefully enough.
However, if a project contains a lot of Enums and/or a particular Enum
has a lot of members, redeclaring the members in each of them can get
quite tedious fast. ...
...load and unload the add-in as needed via the Add-In Manager
dialog box. Usage is as simple as selecting the entire Enum block,
right-clicking and then choosing the "Lock Enum Case" context menu
I have a similar problem:
in a bas module there I wrote :
Private sub bla_bla()
Dim K as integer
End Sub
so in a class module the Dim k as integer will automatically be replaced by IDE become 'Dim K as integer' <-- it's not logical but then:
I correct the bas module become:
Private sub bla_bla()
Dim k as integer
End Sub
then magically the problem in the class module was solved (still be k and not automatically replaced by IDE become K). Sorry I'm poor in English
I don't think there's any to do it. The IDE will change the case of the variable name to whatever it is when it's declared. But, honestly, back in the day I worked on several large VB6 projects and never found this to be a problem. Why are people on your development team constantly changing variable declarations? It seems like you have not established a clear variable naming policy that you enforce. I know your upset, so no offense, but it might be your policies that are lacking in this regard.
Unfortunately, according to this SO thread, alternate VB6 IDEs are hard to come by. So, your best bet is to solve this problem via policy. Or move to VB.NET. :)
Wow. I've spent a lot of time programming in VB6 and I have no idea what you're on about. The only thing I can think you're referring to is that intellisense will change the capitalization of variable names to match their declarations. If you're complaining about that, I would have to wonder why the hell they've been entered any other way to begin with. And if that is your problem, no, there's no way to disable it that I'm aware of. I'd suggest you, in one go, check out every file, make sure the caps on the declarations and uses of variables all match and check back in.

Code Length in IDE ( w/o modeling support ) versus Code Efficiecy in Compilation in Delphi

So - highly hypothetical question and more like discussion about your coding style and practice you use daily.
I will take as example: CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 (sorry to all D7 fans, but Unicode rules).
I have capability to expand/collapse functions/procedures/records and few other complex data structures, but what if code is lengthy?
What makes the task and its accomplishment efficient - the time required to add comments (its req actually) and expand/collapse necessary area or use OMT offered possibilities?
To give example input from myself - I have small app, about 1,5k lines and I do not use Modeling. Is it smart enough or do I lose a lot of time if I need to find some simple references or (event) calls?
If I understand your question correctly, it is a bout finding your way into code (yours or someone elses').
I use Model Maker Code Explorer for browsing through source code (and for refactoring existing code, and creating new code). At EUR 99, it is dead cheap for what it does.
It usually gives me a perfect overview of what I need, and has a nice 'search' interface as well.
If I need more complex searches, I usually use the GExperts (grep) search function: it is blazingly fast, and with good naming of your identifiers, it is usually a breeze to find stuff.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to know what is more efficient:
Use comments and expandable sections.
Use moddeling techniques.
I think it depends on personal style. Modeling can be great, but has dangers of spending too much time creating nice pictures.
We have a large app 500k+ lines. We do not use collapsable sections because we keep our file size acceptable and we have a good file organisation structure. We sometimes use modeling if complex parts are added (class diagrams and state diagrams). And we use lots of comment to explain difficult parts.
If you have Delphi 2009 you can use also the Delphi Class Explorer (in the View menu) in order to see your classes. It seems a little bit cryptic but only for the first 5 minutes. After this you will get used with it.
Also you can use CnPack a very impressive package in order to help you manage your project. Basically, in the IDE appears a new menu called 'CnPack' which has a bunch of wizards to help you find the way out in the source. Some examples:
Uses Cleaner
Procedure List (it gives you the incremental search capability for your procedures - very neat)
Bookmark Browser

How do YOU factor your Domain (namespaces), in Domain Driven Design?

How do YOU factor your Domain (namespaces), in Domain Driven Design?
I have been moving to the following concept:
For example, I have an entity in a CMS called "Content". So, I would create a project called Project.Content, and factor the classes to look like:
interface IContent
class Content : IContent
interface IContentRepository
class ContentRepository : IContentRepository
This "Content" Entity model would have its own namespace.
But, I am finding it does not scale well in a large Enterprise environment with well over a dozen projects (try 18) of "Entity" models. I end up with a solution with over a dozen projects, some of which only have 2 or 3 classes (i.e. UrlRewriter). Also, I find myself referencing other projects just for their Interfaces. I feel like this is poluting my domain; while not concret references, it's sometimes difficult to keep from circular references.
So, I fall back to the "Layer" concept at times...
I am wanting to know how other DDD experts are factoring Enterprise-size applications. Please feel free to recommend books and articles.
And thanks in advance!
One think that I do is to add something that identifies the bounded context to it.
Ps. to make sure it is clear why, check both links on bounded context:,
I use follow the .NET guidelines. I find them very intuitive and they allow you to setup namespaces such that you don't need to import anything you don't need.
I would never impose a strict naming convention for the feature level. The design of each different project should guide that.
I similarily to you have found out that having load of projects becomes a pain to manage.
I prefer the
Project.Presentation (presenters and such)
Project.Gui (in case of a winforms app)
In a way making things simple helps a lot when things go bad.
The question is what do you gain when you create another project ? (it is very easy to do so, almost to easy)
Will you ever want to use that project independently or not ? You might end up with the resulting .dlls so coupled you can't even deploy them without being exactly the same versions etc. in that case there is little reason for splitting it up and cluttering your IDE)
You can always move things to a new project later if the need arises, it is somewhat painfull, but by that time you would have a good reason to do it apart from just the feeling that is the way it is done.

What is the best practices for directory structures in my Visual Studio project?

I have this:
SolutionName: Foo.sln
Namespaces are:
Should the directory structure be like this?
__Foo/Foo.Bar/Foo.Bar.View__ or __Foo/Bar/View__
If you keep the Visual Studio option of "Automatic Namespaces" you would need to have Foo/Bar/Views. Since this is the default behavior of Visual Studio people will be most used to this. Plus it keeps your folder names/paths from getting excessively long.
This is entirely personal preference. I would choose the latter.
Ask yourself the question, "Am I adding any useful information by repeating Foo and Bar in the sub-folders?" The answer here, in my opinion, is no, simply because the information is redundant. You've also created yourself a maintenance problem; if you need to rename Bar you now have to rename Foo.Bar, Foo.Bar.View, Foo.Bar.Model ...
Well, it can be anything you wish. Either are valid, but the former might get a little redundant and lead to directory hierarchies which are a little hard on the eyes/prohibitive.
Foo/Bar/View seems to be natural. Also MSVS tends to map solution folders to namespaces (i.e. if you add Abc folder to your solution each class you add to this folder will be in root_namespace.Abc namespace)
Foo/Bar/View seems a better choice, more if individual files are named as the individual types (e.g. Foo.Bar.View.IView => Foo/Bar/View/IView.cs).
That's a great pattern to follow, which makes it easier to find types, scripting over sources, do some metrics, etc.
