Win32 File Name Comparison - winapi

Does anyone know what culture settings Win32 uses when dealing with case-insensitive files names?
Is this something that varies based on the user's culture, or are the casing rules that Win32 uses culture invariant?

An approximate answer is at
Comparing Unicode file names the right way.
Basically, the recommendation is to uppercase both strings (using CharUpper, CharUpperBuff, or LCMapString), then compare using a binary comparison (i.e. memcmp or wmemcmp, not CompareString with an invariant locale). The file system doesn't do Unicode normalization, and the case rules are not dependent on locale settings.
There are unfortunate ambiguous cases when dealing with characters whose casing rules have changed across different versions of Unicode, but it's about as good as you can do.

Comparing file names in native code and Don't compare filenames are a couple of good blog posts on this topic. The first has C/C++ code for OrdinalIgnoreCaseCompareStrings, and the second tells you how that doesn't always work for filenames and what to do to mitigate that.
Then there are the Unicode problems. While these new OrdinalIgnoreCase string comparison algorithms are great for your local NTFS drive, they might not yield the right answer on your FAT drive, or a network share.
So what's the answer? When possible, let the file system tell you. CreateFile can tell you if a given filename exists. Just pick the right creation disposition. If you need to compare to handles, you can often use GetFileInformationByHandle; look at dwVolumeSerialNumber/nFileIndexHigh/nFileIndexLow.

If you're using .NET, the official recommendation from Microsoft is to use StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase for comparison and ToUpperInvariant for normalization (to be later compared using Ordinal comparison). This also applies to Registry keys and values, environment variables etc.
See New Recommendations for Using Strings in Microsoft .NET 2.0 for more details.
Note that while it's reliable on NTFS, it can fail with network shares, for example. See #SteveSteiner's answer and links in his post for solutions.

According to Windows Driver Samples FastFAT and CDFS, it uses RtlUpcaseUnicodeString to convert a string to uppercase. According to a brief look in Ghidra, that uses an internal function named NLS_UPCASE, whose behavior is based on your current system codepage.


Unicode Normalization in Windows

I've been using "unicode strings" in Windows for as long as... I've learned about Unicode (e.g. after graduating). However, it always mystified me that the Win32API mentions "unicode" very loosely. In particular, "unicode" variant mentioned by MSN is UTF-16 (although the "wide char" terminology comes from the fact that it used to be UCS-2, which is not Unicode). However, it makes almost no mention of Unicode Normalization.
MSN has a few pages about Unicode and Unicode Normalization Forms and functions to change the normalization form. The page on normalization even says:
Win32 and the .NET Framework support all four normalization forms.
However, I haven't found anywhere in the docs what normalization form is used (or understood) by the Win32 API.
Question 1: what normalization form is used by default for user input (such as an Edit control) and conversion through MultiByteToWideChar()?
Question 2: must the strings passed to Win32API functions be in a particular normalization form, or are the kernel and file system normalization-agnostic?
From the MSDN article Using Unicode Normalization to Represent Strings.
Windows, Microsoft applications, and the .NET Framework generally generate characters in form C using normal input methods. For most purposes on Windows, form C is the preferred form. For example, characters in form C are produced by Windows keyboard input. However, characters imported from the Web and other platforms can introduce other normalization forms into the data stream.
Update: I've included some specific details relating to Question #2.
In regards to the file system, normalization is not required - based on the article Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces.
There is no need to perform any Unicode normalization on path and file name strings for use by the Windows file I/O API functions because the file system treats path and file names as an opaque sequence of WCHARs. Any normalization that your application requires should be performed with this in mind, external of any calls to related Windows file I/O API functions.
In regards to SQL Server, no normalization is required - nor is data normalized when saved in the database. That said, when comparing strings, SQL Server 2000 uses its own string normalization mechanism inside of indexes; but I cannot find specific details on what that is. A SQL Server 2005 article states the same.
One important change in SQL Server 7.0 was the provision of an operating system–independent model for string comparison, so that the collations between all operating systems from Windows 95 through Windows 2000 would be consistent. This string comparison code was based on the same code that Windows 2000 uses for its own string normalization, and is encapsulated to be the same on all computers and in all versions of SQL Server.
what normalization form is used by default for user input
Depends on your keyboard layout/IME. It's possible to generate normal form C, D, or a crazy mixture of both if you want.
Keyboard layouts tend towards NFC because in the pre-Unicode days they'd've usually been outputting a single byte character in the local code page for each keypress. However there are exceptions.
For example using the Windows Vietnamese keyboard layout, some diacritics are typed as a single keypress combined with the letter (eg circumflex â) and some are typed as a combining diacritical (eg grave à). The graheme a-with-circumflex-and-grave would be typed as a-circumflex followed by combining-grave, ầ, which would be 0xE2,0xCC in Vietnamese code page 1258, and would come out as U+00E2,U+0300 in Unicode.
This isn't in normal form C (which would be ầ U+1EA7 Latin small letter A with circumflex and grave) nor D (which would be ầ U+0061,U+0302,U+0300).
There is generally a cultural preference for NFC in the Windows world and on the web, and for NFD in the Apple world. But it's not rigorously enforced and you should expect to cope with any mixture of combined and decomposed characters.
are the kernel and file system normalization-agnostic?
Yes, the kernel and filesystem don't know anything about normalisation and will quite happily allow you to have files with the names ầ.txt, ầ.txt and ầ.txt in the same folder.
First of all, thanks for an excellent question. I found the answer in Michael Kaplan's blog:
But since all of the methods of text input on Windows tend to use the same normalization form already (form C), ...

Delimiter for meta data in Windows file name

I'm working on maintenance of an application that transfers a file to another system and uses a structured filename to include meta data including a language code. The current app uses a two character language code and a dash/hyphen for a delimiter.
Ex. Canada-EN-ProdName-ProdCode.txt
I'm converting it to use IETF language code and so the dash delimiter won't do and need a replacement. I'm trying to determine a delimiter to avoid future errors and am considering the tilde ~.
Ex. Canada~en-GB~ProdName~ProdCode.txt
This will be use only on Windows Sever 2003 + systems. I certainly didn't come up with this system of parsing a filename to get meta data. Unfortunately, I can't include this in the file itself and the destination system is expecting the language code to be in IETF format with the dash.
Any thoughts on potential issues with using the tilde in the filename, or perhaps a better character to use? I'm just looking for a second opinion in case I'm overlooking a possible failure. I believe windows will use the tilde when shortening a long filename to 8.3 format, but I don't see that as an issue here as the OSs can handle lang filenames.
The tilde is probably fine, but what's wrong with the good old underscore _ ? It has no special meaning on either windows or unix, and makes names that are relatively easy to read. If there are no other special considerations, I would avoid the tilde solely out of paranoia, since windows does use it as a special character sometimes, as you mentioned.
For anyone readiong this question I would strongly recommend anything but the tilde in the file name or at least be careful in testing for any speed problems with any .NET path work where one exists.
I used this as a file name delimiter some time ago. I couldn't understand why simply getting a list of files from the folders was taking so long. It was a number of years later (having written a lot of speed up code that had marginal advantage) that I discovered there is a problem with the (DirectoryInfo(path).name in .NET at least) where simple existience of the tilde was forcing underlying code to through a lot of hoops.
The slow down was substantial (it was over a network so I had thought it was bandwidth/Network issues for a fair while)
I understand this is a legacy overhang for when alternative short versions of filenames could be used for Windows files.
I am now stuck with the tilde in these file names but, given that the problem lay in some of the .NET path functions (I don't actually know if it still does), I could work around it by spotting a tilde and creating my own answers when it existed rather than passing it through.
If in any doubt just run speed tests with and without the tilde in filenames for say just 500-1,000 files.

Localization best practices

I'm starting to modify my app, which uses all hardcoded strings for errors, GUI, etc. I'm considering these two approaches, but let me know if there is an even better way:
-Put all string in ressource (.rc) files.
-define all strings in a file, once for each language. Use a preprocessor define to decide which strings get compiled in.
Which of these two approaches is generally prefered?
Put all the strings in resource files. Once you've done that, there's several good translation packages available. One useful thing these packages do is allow you to get translation done by somebody who doesn't program.
Remember, also, that internationalization (i18n) is a large subject, and there's a lot of things to consider. It isn't just a matter of translating strings. Do a web search on it, at the very least. You might want to read a book on it: I used International Programming for Windows by Schmitt as a guide. It's an old book from Microsoft Press, and I had to get it through a used book service; most of the more modern stuff seems to be on internationalizing .NET apps.
Without knowing more about your project (what sort of software, who the intended audience is, what sort of organization you have, what sort of budget, why you're interested in internationalization, etc.), this is about the most I can tell you.
Generally you see locale specific resource files containing strings referenced by key. Compiling different versions for different locales is a very rigid solution and will be a maintenance nightmare. Using resource files also allows the user to have fallback locales.
There's another approach of just putting strings in the source with somethign like tr(" ") and usign one of the tools that strips them out and converts them.
It works with any toolkit/GUI library.
You can mark text to be converted and text not to change (such as protocol strings or db keys).
It makes the source easier to read and search, isntead of having to lookup what IDS_MESSAGE34 means.
One problem with resource files, at least with Windows/MFC, is that you can't use the stringtable in dialogs. So you have some text in the stringtabel and some in the dialog section which you have to dela with separately.

What does Canonical Representation mean and its potential vulnerability to websites

I searched on google for a meaning of canonical representation and turned up documents that are entirely too cryptic. Can anyone provide a quick explanation of canonical representation and also what are some typical vulnerabilities in websites to canonical representation attacks?
Canonicalisation is the process by which you take an input, such as a file name, or a string, and turn it into a standard representation.
For example if your web application only allows access to files under C:\websites\mydomain then typically any input referring to filenames is canonicalised to be a physical, direct path, rather than one which uses relative paths. If you wanted to open C:\websites\mydomain\example\example.txt one input into that function may be example\example.txt. It's hard to work out if this goes outside the boundaries of your web site, so the canonicalisation function would look at the application directory and change that relative path into a physical one, C:\websites\mydomain\example\example.txt. This is obviously easier to check as you simply do a string compare on the start of the file path.
For HTML inputs you take inputs like %20 and canonicalise them by unencoding, so this would turn into a space. This is a good idea as the number of different ways of encoding are numerous, canonicalisation means you would check the decoded string only, rather than try to cover all the encoding variations.
Basically you are taking input which is logically equivalent and converting them to a standard form which you can then act upon.
The following explanation is from the "Application Security and Development STIG" found here:
3.11 Canonical Representation
Canonical representation issues arise
when the name of a resource is used to
control resource access. There are
multiple methods of representing
resource names on a computer system.
An application relying solely on a
resource name to control access may
incorrectly make an access control
decision if the name is specified in
an unrecognized format.
For example,
in Windows, notepad.exe may be
represented by the following file and
path name combinations:
An application attempting to restrict
access to the file based solely on the
file path and name may improperly
grant or deny access. The same issue
may apply to other named resources on
a system, such as a hard- and
soft-links, URL, pipe, share,
directory, device name, or within data
files, if alternate encoding
mechanisms are used with the data.
following items may indicate potential
canonical representation issues in an
• Access control
decisions based upon a resource name.
• Failure to reduce a resource name to
its canonical form before use.
order to minimize canonical
representation issues in the
application, implement the following
• Do not rely solely on
resource names to control access.
• If
using resource names to control
access, validate the names to ensure
they are in the proper format; reject
all names not fitting the known-good
• Use operating system-based
access control mechanisms such as
permissions and ACLs.
Canonicalisation means reducing the data received to its simplest form, it's used for Input validation.
Canonical (I think) means that console input is "typical behavior". Non-canonical means that input is non-standard and requires special knowledge, such as the input behavior of "vi" on linux.

Comparing and sorting Unicode filenames

Using Delphi 2007 and TMS components for Unicode utils and interface (upgrading to Delphi 2009 for Unicode support is not an option).
I'm storing a list of filenames in a string list (TTntStringList). It's sorted and case insensitive. The default sort routine uses CompareStringW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, ...) to compare strings (and the same for Find). However, this is a problem because that will equate dummyss.txt with dummyß.txt (for example), but on NTFS it's perfectly legal to have those two files in the same folder, i.e. they are treated as different names.
My understanding is that on Vista and newer, the correct way to compare filenames is to use CompareStringOrdinal. Is this correct?
On pre-Vista systems, what would be the correct way? I believe it should be CompareStringW(LOCALE_INVARIANT, ...) but I'm not entirely sure.
Quote from MSDN article Handling Sorting in Your Applications:
CompareStringOrdinal compares two
Unicode strings to test for binary
equality, as opposed to linguistic
equality. Examples of such
non-linguistic strings are NTFS file
names, ...
CompareStringOrdinal requires Windows Vista or later.
Edit: Yes, it seems that in pre-Vista Windows you can use RtlCompareUnicodeString which is used internally by CompareStringOrdinal, too, and is available since Windows NT.
