Show Firefox tab tooltips faster - firefox

How can I make the tootip/flyover of the tabs appear faster? There is too much reaction time, it takes ages to look through many of them.
I have most of the time 100 tabs open in Firefox (I am using the tab mix plus addon - "tmp").
To see what's in the different browser windows I do not activate them, but I just move the mouse over the tabs.
After some milliseconds a tooltip/flyover appears (a little box at the mouse pointer is drawn above everything below) and it contains information from the header of the web page that belongs to the tab. But there is a pause of some milliseconds before they are shown.
If there is not a specific about:config variable I would also be interested how to change firefox code (as I assume this is not built into tmp, I didn't find it in the options)
I do not use the tmp feature "select tab by pointing after xxx ms", which could probably interfere.
Thank You

It may not really be a system wide problem as some others are claiming. For my website, I noticed that tooltip delay in Firefox was much higher than in Chrome. So I researched a bit, and fortunately it's easy to fix.
Just open your about:config in Firefox, and right click, New->Integer value. Give this name to the preference:
Give it the value you like, I've just set that to 100 and it works nice now (Their default value is 500).

The tooltip delay variable isn't in Firefox's about:config because it is a system-wide variable.
If you are using OS X you can change it using these commands in terminal:
// make the change global (applies to all apps)
defaults write -g NSInitialToolTipDelay -int 500
// just for firefox
defaults write org.mozilla.firefox NSInitialToolTipDelay -int 500
I don't know how this can be done under windows. (maybe a registry key or something
EDIT: I just found this / wikipedia. Maybe you can give it a try?

I believe that Tweak UI from Microsoft PowerToys has a setting to change this on Windows. Look for the download on the right of the page about halfway down.


how to manage mac emacs frames as tabs

Just like this:
How can I get this?
open emacs and toggle-frame-fullscreen
click C-x 5 2 create new frame
then toggle-frame-fullscreen again
Known Issues & Solutions:
It seems like a bug, with frame as tab GUI, the buffer text rendering may suck...
I didn't install tabbar package.
Hammerspoon may be suitable for this.
Ran into the opposite issue. As it happens, Emacs on my laptop would create a native macOS tab wherever make-frame-command (C-x 5 2) is called. Strangely enough same was not happening on my desktop.
Turns out the culprit is System Preferences->General->Prefer Tabs settings.
When set to the default value of "in full screen", make-frame will create tabs only in full screen. Other options are "always and "never". Turns out my laptop was set to always.
Since does not always make sense for the default behavior of Preview and Emacs to match, the following lines in ~/.emacs.d/init.el will prevent tabs from being created.
(setq mac-frame-tabbing nil)
There are also mac-move-tab-to-new-frame and other mac-... commands to deal with native tabs.

RubyMine's built-in console runs out of space. How to wrap lines?

When I'm using the built-in console in RubyMine, if the commands I type exceed a certain amount of characters the console will cease to display new characters.
I've looked through all the RubyMine settings for a 'wrap' option for the console but I don't seem to be able to find one.
Please help if you know where such an option is located. It's rather annoying not to be able to see half of a long command.
You can tell the IRB console to use soft wraps or not. When the console window is the active window, either
click the button with a picture of three sliders
go to Help -> Find Action.
enter "use soft wraps"
hit return
to toggle soft wrapping between off and on.
(In general, you can sometimes find RubyMine functionality that you wish existed by searching in the search box in the upper left of the Preferences dialog. I found "Use Soft Wraps" (which I didn't know existed until just now) by searching for "wrap".)
Unfortunately, in my hands, this setting doesn't affect the Terminal window, which always wraps for me -- maybe that's what you're talking about.

Firefox 10.0 disable hot keys using user.js

I'm currently working on a project where I have firefox launching in one of three modes:
full - kiosk mode with only tabs, and home back and forward navigation showing.
Super - kiosk mode no tabs or anything showing just the content window (true kiosk mode)
Now due to time constraints I have implemented via pygtk rather than creating a custom Firefox extension as the requirements of the project would require a new flag adding to the command line in order to identify what mode it was to launch in. The approach I have used works beautifully, Great. . .
However the problem now is how can I disable all of the hot keys i.e. Ctrl + T, etc, without writing a extension. I am unable to use an existing extension because I need the shortcuts available when firefox is in normal mode and as firefox (for the project) can only be started via the command line programatically I would need a flag to determine weather to restrict the hot keys or not.
I was hoping to be able to achieve this using user.js which is placed programatically into the correct profiles when they are created in another bit of my application. I have tried using user.js by modifying accelKey, chromeAccess, contentAccess, generalAccessKey and menuAccessKey and setting their values to 0, which works for menu access but not for anything else.
Finally the Question
Is it possible to disable all shortcuts from user.js or can you only do it through an extension?
No, you cannot disable shortcut keys via preferences. Not all shortcut keys use the configurable Accel modifier, but even the ones that do cannot be disabled via preferences. In case you are interested, the code handling them only recognizes Meta, Alt and Ctrl as valid values, with Ctrl being the default for inputs that aren't recognized. You can try using Meta (the corresponding code is 224), it seems unmapped on PC keyboard. For anything more fancy than that you will need an extension.
I apologize if this sounds like an ad instead of an answer, it's not meant to.
If you do have time constraints and you just want to get a hold of the code you need, there is an open source kiosk project called Webconverger that has already done a lot of the heavy lifting.

Update desktop "show window contents while dragging" setting programatically

One of my programs seems to be changing the Display Properties > Appearance > Effects > Show window contents while dragging setting to off every few hours.
I'm not sure exactly which program, or when it happens. I have a number of programs that seem like likely culprits - wallpaper rotators, software for multiple monitors, multiple virual desktops and switching, and a few others.
I am just thinking to create a little batch script to run periodically and set the setting back to on.
Does anyone know how to do this in windows? I'm using xp pro sp3.
The best option is to do this programmatically using the supported API. i haven't tested this, but it should do the trick:
You can use SPI_GETDRAGFULLWINDOWS to see if the the bit has been flipped to avoid unnecessarily triggering a WM_SETTINGCHANGE.
You can use RegMon to find the program that keeps changing your settings. Maybe that's a better start than hacking around it.
There is a simple and effective solution to this problem. In Notepad type the following lines :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "DragFullWindows"="1"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\DragFullWindows] "CheckedValue"=dword:00000001 "UncheckedValue"=dword:00000001
Save the file as "Show Window Contents.reg" Double clicking this file and restarting will cure the problem permanently. Post a message if you find this useful.
Aravind Banerjee
It seems the registry setting which controls that preference is HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\DragFullWindows. You can read more about it here. However, trying it on my own computer does not register the change right away, so a batch script won't do it. You'll probably have to write a program to manipulate it using SystemParametersInfo(). You can pass it the SPI_SETDRAGFULLWINDOWS parameter. Here's a page explaining it more. Here's a page showing how to call it, albeit not for the same parameter.
I suspect it's kept in the registry - maybe [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] - "DragFullWindows"?
It would be easy to flip the registry setting back to "1" every hour or so with a batch file.

Windows internet shortcuts: starting with IE maximized?

I have an internet shortcut on my desktop, with the contents looking like this:
I was wondering if there are any tweaks I can do to guarantee that the browser starts maximized after someone loads the link.
In short:You can't guarantee that the browser starts maximized from one special internet link. Either all or none internet links start maximized.
But: Someone had a similar problem than this.
Check this, if it helps you.
Edit: owhowho I've found something really dirty, I think you shouldn't use this, but... here it is. Replace your second line with the following:
It doesn't make the window really maximized, but makes the browserwindow the maximum height and width.
Rather than using a internet shortcut (.url), create a shortcut (.lnk) to internet explorer. (iexplore.exe) You can set the initial windows state in lnk file. (Right-click the icon and see properties.)
You can give an URL as an argument. The target would be something like
"%programfiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
This is okay when you are using this only in your computer. This is not a general solution. If you want to do this programatically, there are some windows API's related to creating a shortcut. You will also have to get an path of internet explorer from the registry, as it can vary. Some users might not have IE.
I think IE remembers how it was opened last time and then uses those settings.
You might find this info from Registry and use it, but I doubpt that it was implemented to get the values from startup arguments
You're jumping quite quickly to conclusions here. I don't think you can even guarantee that Internet Explorer will start at all; you will get whatever the user set as his default browser.
i think that it is a guarantee that the internet explorer will start unless the system is down. even if one gets the default window, from there it is very easy for you to set the browser to what you want.
