I am trying to make my window manager conform to the ICCCM specifications. I fully understand the reason for the _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK atom - this ensures that no invalid information stays whenever the window manager isn't running anymore.
What I don't understand is why are no other atoms like _NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS expected on the supporting window besides _NET_WM_NAME and _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK itself.
Window managers are supposed to set and overwrite the data but this can be misleading in the case the new window manager isn't compliant.

Well the atoms that you are talking about are not the ICCCM.
They belong to the newer set of EWMH
So basically it goes like this.
First we had the ICCCM.
They are
supported by most window managers (in full or in part)
easy to implement
Unix standard
Then we had EWMH that are
newer (GNOME and KDE)
not many window managers support them
more complex (e.g. virtual desktops)
A freedesktop standard.
Freedesktop wanted to make the EWMH as broad as possible (apart from GNOME and KDE)
and that is why most of the atoms are SHOULD and not MUST. They are giving a chance to small window manager to claim compliance.

I think the idea is you have to check whether a property is supported, and only use it from the root window if it's supported.
The _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK window was added later after a lot of the other properties already existed, if I remember right.


X11 - How to get system colors?

I'm using X11 lib. Is it possible to get system colors? I mean from current user theme like face, highlight color etc. I can't use GTK and QT libs. Exists any way to get colors by some environment variable or freedesktop?
Prepare for some serious pain and confusion and anger. It could be all so simple, weren't both Qt and GTK+/GNOME serious cases of the NIH syndrome.
In X11 there is a system called X resources database which is effectively a key → value store where key and value are both strings and contained within a property of the root window. You can access it using the xrdb tool. Any well behaved X11 program uses this X resource database to adjust its appearance to that the user set.
The traditional X11 toolkits, Motif, Tk, Athena, Xaw3 and such conformed to this. And everything was well. And because there were set a simple, unambigous set of pattern matching rules nearly every aspect and every single widget could be themed this way.
When GTK+ and Qt were born they too adhered to the Xrdb. But soon the GTK+ and Qt developers said "this is not of our design, we do it our way", so GTK+ and Qt retrieve their settings from dotfiles in the user's homedirectory. And for compatiblity reasons also respect some, but not all, and with every version a different set of Xrdb keys.
Of course desktop libraries ought work together and so a lot of settings mangement systems were born: Elektra, gconf, dconf, uconf, and specifically for X11 Xsettings. gconf, dconf, uconf don't use the X11 protocol of course but propritary IPC or DBus. DBus in itself is rather flawed.
Xsettings however is a specification that's full of contradictions, doesn't work nearly as well as Xrdb does. The main "reason" for Xsettings to be there is, so that clients could be informed about changes, because instead of a property on the root window all the settings were managed by a Xsettings deamon, informing all clients on the screen of a change. And should the daemon die things would go back to default, because clients were supposed to register for the event emitted when the Xsettings daemon's InputOnly property holder window would go away. I have only one word for Xsetting wahrrrgarrrbl.
The Xsettings creators obviously never thought of that changing a window's properties creates a X event by itself, that allows clients to listen for settings changes. Also it makes no sense to get informed about settings changes only, because this requires all clients to keep track of their local settings state, even if some of their internal settings only indirectly depend on some settings. Parsing the whole Xrdb is easier, less error prone and the theoretical overhead savings of only processing a subset of changed settings is in stark contrast that settings don't change all the time.
It's on a long TODO list of mine, to strip Qt and GTK+ of the whole gconf, dconf, uconf, Xsettings and their propriatary config dotfile mess and make them use Xrdb and nothing else.

Is it worth developing support for OSX 'services' (does anybody ever use it?)

Mac OSX has this feature called (I think) 'Services'. It is available in the menu bar under the filename of the application (e.g. Finder) and then selecting 'Services'. This gives you access to a list of applications that provide 'services'. For example, if you are browsing a website with firefox and you have some text selected on the page, the services list has an entry for Mail > send selection.
I've been using a Mac for almost 3 years and I've literally never used it (but I've known it to be there from the beginning).
So, is it worth for an application developer to provide support for this (i.e. provide some services actions)? Or would it be a waste of effort (because no one, or very few people, uses it) ?
I've attempted to use it a few times over the past ten years.
Previously, the menu was cluttered with disabled items, and uselessly disorganized. Actually making a selection was unpredictable, as the few items that weren't disabled were often supposed to be. The appearance of possibly doing something was itself just a bug.
However, it appears to be much improved in 10.6. If you want to provide a universal, context-sensitive service, I'd say go for it. Maybe it will be the killer app for this decade-dormant delivery doodad.
I have used Mac OS X since Developer Preview 2 (and earlier versions of Mac OS before that, though they didn't have the Services menu), and I have never used the Services menu.
I'm sure some people, somewhere must use them occasionally, though I have never seen it. I would say it's likely a waste of effort unless one of your users specifically requests the feature.
I use them from time to time. But other pretty high profile users seem to think they're the dog's bollocks. So I suspect it depends on your audience.
Only you can judge whether there's the remotest chance your users will care, but I certainly wouldn't rule it out. If your software genuinely does provide a service that would be of benefit beyond its own application context, exposing that as a service definitely seems like something worth considering. You wouldn't neglect copy and paste out of hand, would you?
In 10.6 they are a lot more useful (as Potatoswatter indicates, they are properly Contextual in 10.6, so that it only displays text based services, when you have text selected).
For what it's worth - I've rarely used the Services menu at the top, but have sometimes used them via the context menu - but primarily with Apple's own apps (send to iPhoto, open in Preview). There aren't many third party apps that offer services I find useful.
However, I am aware that some users of journaling/clipboarding software swear by them. WalkyTalky has the right view - if your application exposes a service that is useful (or if you think users would want to regularly select and push data into your app) then adding support would be useful.
(In contrast - if it doesn't, then adding one is just adding to the 'noise' - I have a notebook application that adds a service for every single new notebook created).

Choosing Windows File Open and File Save Dialogs - What is the Best Practice?

For some time I've noticed how much the File Open and File save dialogs vary between Windows itself and Applications. In Delphi for example (which I use) you can use the built-in dialogs (which have a folder tree) and direct calls to the Windows API which produce variants of the Windows version, with or without large buttons for 'Desktop', 'My Computer' etc (At least on XP).
As an application developer I'm interested in providing the User with a clean, simple way of loading and saving files. Typically, this requires that I propose a preferred folder where my Application data files are stored but that I allow the User to access other folders - often the desktop and other local drives, and sometimes the network - without difficulty if required.
With the introduction of Vista, we seem to be favouring a 'bits missing' folder navigation tree for Windows dialogs and now, Windows 7 has another 'line-less tree' for navigation. I suspect that if one conforms to Microsofts assumptions and stores everything in ~/documents it's not a big problem. However, if one has to start at the root of a drives tree and there are many directories then it's a right pain - there is no horizontal scrolling so directory names get truncated.
My question is - what do other Application developers use? I wonder whether I should be following this Windows lead or simply sticking to a simple cut-down version of File dialogs over which I full control but risk falling into the past....?
Always use the OS defaults - it'll be what your users are used to, and what they expect. Whatever you do, don't astonish the user. Whatever you do, please don't write your own file-open/file-save dialog.
FWIW, I'm not a great fan of Vista's file-open dialog (why do I have to work so hard to navigate my folders?), but I'd rather that than have to get to grips with something new. The less things your users have to learn, the easier your product is to use.
Since I am currently only coding for customers with Windows XP (in a corporate environment that isn't upgrading just yet) I use the standard dialog boxes.
When we do upgrade, I will most likely continue to use the standard old fashioned dialog boxes, until our customers are ready for a change.
In all honesty, I involve at least a few users in the development process, and I won't start new features unless I can bring one in to sit in front of my development PC to see how it works, and they sign off on it.
For those apps that we write for our web site, we tend to be conservative as well... Focus on clean, understandable design, and introduce fancy new features only when there is a compelling reason, and even then, we tend to involve focus groups.
So all that was a long way of saying "Ask your customers". Give them what they want.

Call another program's functions?

So I have this program that I really like, and it doesn't support Applescript. I'd like to automate it a little bit. Now, I know that I could use applescript to tell the program to tell the menu to tell the submenu to tell the menuitem to activate or whatever, but frankly I don't like applescript very much anyway.
When I open the NIB file in IB, I can see the messages that are being sent to FirstResponder; for example, the Copy menu item sends "copy:". Is there any way for me to invoke this directly from another program?
No. It's called protected memory for a reason, you know. The other program is completely insulated from your application. There are ways to put code into other apps, but (a) it's very inadvisable (b) requires root privileges, which means the rest of your app needs to be ROCK SOLID AND IMPREGNABLE, and (c) writing such code is a black art requiring knowledge of the operating system kernel interfaces, virtual memory management, the ABI, the internals of the linker/loader, assembler programming, and the operational parameters and other specifics of the particular processor upon which your app happens to be running.
Really, AppleEvents and other such IPC mechanisms are there for a reason.
Your other alternatives (all of which are a bit hacky, to be honest, and give you the fairly significant burden of ensuring the target app is in the state you want/expect) the access the data you're looking for are:
The Accessibility APIs from the ApplicationServices framework, through which you can traverse the UI tree to grab the text from wherever you need it directly, or can activate the menu item. Access for your app has to be explicitly granted by the user, however (although this is much the same as the requirement for UI scripting).
You can use the CoreGraphics APIs (within the ApplicationServices framework again) to send keyboard events to the target application (or just to the system) directly. This would mean sending four events: Command-down, C-down, C-up, Command-up.
None of these are ideal. To be honest, your best approach would be to look at your requirements and figure out how you can best engineer around the problem by changing those requirements in some way, i.e. instead of grabbing something directly, ask the user to provide some input, etc.
You might be interested in SIMBL or in mach_inject. SIMBL is a daemon (in my fork based on mach_inject, in the original version based on injection via some ScriptingAdditions hack) which does the injection for you, so you just need to put a bundle with your code into the SIMBL directory and SIMBL will inject it for you into the target application. Or you can do so yourself via mach_inject. Or probably more convenient, mach_inject_framework which injects and runs code which just loads some framework.
I think Jim may overstate the point a bit; he's not wrong, but it seems misleading. There are lots of ways to cause a Cocoa program to execute its own code under you control (Carbon is harder). The Accessibility API is very commonly used this way (so commonly that I expect it to be repurposed eventually). Fscript can give you all kinds of access to the innards of another Cocoa program. While Input Managers may well exit the scene at some point, SIMBL is still out there today to do this kind of stuff.
Whether you like Applescript or not, Apple Events are the primary way Apple provides for inter-program control. Have you double-checked Script Editor's Open Library function to find out if the program really does have any Applescript support? You can code Apple Events entirely in Objective-C these days using Leopard's Scripting Bridge. I wrote up a tutorial if you like (it's still under-documented by Apple).
Cocoa is a reverse-engineer's dream. The same guys who host SIMBL have a nice intro to the subject. "Wolf" also writes a lot of useful information on this.
Jim's right. Many of these approaches can completely destabilize the system if done incorrectly (sometimes even if done correctly). I don't do much of this stuff on my production systems; I need them to work. But there are a lot of things you can make a Mac app do, and it's a good part of a Mac developer's training to understand how all the pieces really work.

Is there anything similar to the OS X InputManager on Windows?

Is there anything similar on Windows what would achieve the same as the InputManager on OS X?
If you are looking to inject code into processes (which is what Input Managers are most commonly used for), the Windows equivalents are:
AppInit_DLLs to automatically load your DLL into new processes,
CreateRemoteThread to start a new thread in a particular existing process, and
SetWindowsHookEx to allow the capture of window events (keyboard, mouse, window creating, drawing, etc).
All of these methods require a DLL which will be injected into the remote process. C would be the best language to write such a DLL in as such a DLL needs to be quite light weight as to not bog the system down. RPC methods such as named pipes can be used to communicate to a master process should this be required.
Googling for these three APIs will turn up general sample code for these methods.
I'm pretty sure Windows has an API that developers can use to create new kinds of text input systems. I gather there are a wide variety of text input systems in use in non-Roman-derived markets, many of which are provided by third parties.
It's unclear if that's what you were really asking about, though, because you just assumed everyone knows what you would want to use an Input Manager for on Mac OS X.
If you want to create a new type of input method, ask how to do that.
If you want to get your own code running inside other applications, ask how to do that.
Don't just assume people can read your mind when asking questions, and don't assume that they have the same experience that you do and will recognize all the same platform-specific terminology.
