Coming up with time/staff required estimates for converting a desktop app into a client-server app - refactoring

My boss is bidding on a project to convert a desktop application into one that runs online as a client-server application. The original app has a little more than a quarter of a million lines of C++ (MFC) code that's not cleanly divided between engine and front-end.
I need to come up with estimates of how long it will take and how many people would be needed for such a project. We don't have anyone on staff capable of doing this project, and we don't have any Windows machines, so we'd have to subcontract/outsource.
Alternatively, what arguments can I use to convince my boss that this project is a bad idea?

I would take a very long time, as most likely, you would have to change languages. It would basically be a complete rewrite. You may even just be better off defining what the old system did, and rewrite it from scratch, only referring to the old code when you need to duplicate business logic.

Without a clear division between the engine and the front-end, it's a bad idea. Giving over the code to a contractor or such would require a large amount of training just to understand the code, including parts that are meant to be rewritten as web apps.
You would first need to estimate how long it would take to clearly define that boundary, and then you can work out how long the rest of the project would take. That way you can train the contractor etc. on the parts that relate to the presentation tier and the API for the engine without explaining how the engine works (which should be irrelevant to the presentation components).

give the info to qualified consultants/outsourcers (send it to me, for example) and consider the ROI based on their estimates
it definitely sounds like you don't have the ability to do this efficiently in-house, but that doesn't mean that it is a bad idea - it depends on the ROI
for example, if your boss thinks this thing could generate $1M in revenue in the first year and a contractor could do the conversion in 6 months for $250K, the ROI (300% in 18 months) is probably good enough to do it
if the numbers are reversed, then it is obviously a Bad Idea ;-)

This sounds like a job for COCOMO II. COCOMO has been used successfully to estimate size and cost and staff size but it could be a pain. It requires a lot of details and time. But it does answer the question of how to go about estimating the size of the project and the number of people required and the time it will take.

The only way to properly estimate this is to give it to someone who 1. will be working on it; and 2. understands the language it's in as well as the language you are converting to.
Regardless, it is ALWAYS a BAD IDEA to bid on projects for which you have no experience. Every single time I've seen someone do that they badly underbid it. Not just in terms of the amount of work required, but also in the learning curve necessary to even begin to understand the underlying processes.
Especially beware of bidding a project you have no experience for then explicitly telling a subcontractor what their budget is to get a project done. I would never work under those conditions, again, because 100% of the time the person doing the bidding is going to get it way wrong.
One more thing, if it's a desktop app, with a backend, then it's already client server... Are you meaning to take an existing client/server app and convert it to a web app?


Writing extra code to avoid learning new frameworks

I am a one-man shop at the place where I work, and when I started there I had zero experience and a BS degree from a below-par school of Computer Science. On top of that, my first project at the company involved not just figuring out good design principles, it also involved learning a new language. Needless to say, my code was crappy in the beginning, and all the new features I've added since then have been hacked on top of all that crappy code. It's amazing to me that my software works as well as it does.
I have learned a TON during my employment, and I am dying to refactor my code to make it more readable so future new hires can dive in and help me with it. I also REALLY want to make it easier to add new features without having to hack stuff together. I think it would be useful to learn a framework like Prism for WPF/Silverlight, but I have a huge to-do list (since I am a one-man shop), and it looks like it will take a pretty decent amount of time just to learn how to use it.
Now I have read up a little bit on Prism to where I know the basic principles behind it. Furthermore, it wouldn't be hard to write my own code that accomplishes some of the same things that Prism is used for. I've actually done that already to some degree and I'm making good progress on making things more modular.
My question is this: should I go on writing more infrastructure code that gives me exactly what I need and no more, or should I take the time to learn something like Prism? Or maybe it could be asked like this: Should I spend time writing my own simple custom solutions, or should I spend time trying to grasp a rich, vast framework that may possibly be more complex than is necessary? And what factors should I take into account when making the decision?
I wrote my own PHP MVC framework for a recent project with exactly what I needed. It was loads of fun, taught me a lot, and an overall good experience, and I will never, ever do it again. While an excellent secondary distraction project, it highly detracted from my productivity on the main project.
Really, a lot of it depends on just how much infrastructure you will have to develop. If it's just a tiny bit that won't take more than an hour or two, go for it. If it will take significant amounts of time, use someone else's work, move on, and get your project done.
With the background you give - mostly self-educated and no peers to discuss your current development - you should absolutely check out other libraries and tools. At the very least, get new input how code can be designed and problems can be solved. You may feel that you have achieved something - and you have, congratulations - but that's a plateau, not the peak.
"I have no time to learn something new because I have so much to do"
- that's what I read in your rationale for more code.
This is a warning sign - you are moving yourself into a dangerous position. No time to learn? No time to document? No time to think of all the implications? No time to do it right? No time to train a new employee? No time to call it a day?
You won't solve this problem by learning prism, or any other library, but it's the wrong rationale.
Third, code bogs you down. Having more code to maintain makes you slower. One-man-startups can crank out hundreds, even thousands of LOC per day for days and weeks. As projects and organizations get larger, you end up with an average of a few dozen.
As a recommendation from personal experience: write bulding blocks, not frameworks. Frameworks are great when you have to make the same application with different company logos over and over. Or, as TDWTF's Alex says, the key is in the differences not the similarities.
I don't want you to stop writing code, far from it. But you are discussing a tradeoff, and from the information you've given, I would recommend to put most weight on learning new things.
If the app your writing is going to be around for a while and have to be maintained, particularly by other developers, then any time spent to learn and integrate a standard framework will be worthwhile.
It'll provide documentation for how the app is written and any developer familiar with that framework will be able to pick it up faster. It should reduce the amount of code you have to write and help you concentrate on your specific business problem and not the plumbing of writing an application.
The core issue is, how many times will you re-use the framework, saving you each time the work of re-implementing similar stuff instead? Remember, the stuff you write from scratch, if it's supposed to be any good at all, will have to be tested, validated against different environments (clients &c), and maintained -- all stuff that would come to you "for free" by using a good, actively maintained framework.
If you're going to use that framework only a couple of times, maybe the net returns are still in favor of rewriting from scratch -- but if the framework covers a field that you need in more than just a couple cases, the returns on the investment of learning to use the framework (assuming it's any good!-) vs redoing things from scratch are going to be vastly positive!
I was in a similar situation when I graduated college. I received an offer from a large company about 1.5 years into my stay at the small company. What I learned was this (may be different for you and others):
It was an awesome idea to work at a small company right out of school. I say this because you have to wear many different hats. For example you would write the code, test the code, deploy the code, write stored procs, etc. The end result is that you are familiar with the entire process from conception to whatever. That experience is critical I think.
I loved writing code. I remember the days that I would be driving home and thinking of my day spent dealing with production support issues. I was spending more time supporting customers and writing "one offs" that I wasn't mostly writing code.
Working for a big company is a bad idea right of college. When you're working for a big company they have a specific role for you, and you have specific boundaries. If you're a developer at a big company odds are that you are not deploying the application(s) to production, or tuning stored procs.
Working for a big company is a great idea after working for a small one. That's because if you work at the small company it will force you to learn about a lot more than just coding. And if you understand that you will be a better developer.
Working with good developers makes you better. When you work with a group of guys that are good you will get better. This is because each dev has a specific history that they bring to the group, and you all learn from one another. On the group that I work with mainly right now there is: an MSBuild expert, a Silverlight expert and an F# expert, and other good guys. So some of the guys learn MSBuild from me, and I learn from them. Just talking to guys who are good can make you better.
So if I was you, don't spend too much time there. Maybe 1 or 2 years, after that find a job somewhere that has some talented developers. You will be a much better dev in 5 years. I know that I am because of my move.
I'll play contrarian: YAGNI (You Aren't Going to Need It).
What if the framework
Is badly designed?
Is buggy?
Is too slow?
Will be different in two years, and the old version won't be supported?
Discussions of frameworks often assume that frameworks are great, where the reality is that frameworks vary just like anything else, and many frameworks are larded with stuff you are never going to need.
Here's some advice that I hope bears on your more specific questions:
Continue to make incremental improvements. It sounds like you are being productive with this approach and that it is paying off for you.
Learn more about the framework. Or multiple frameworks. Maybe you can try a small pilot project in, say, 1 to 4 days.
It is an honorable strategy to learn about a framework not in order to use the framework, but in order to cherry-pick the best ideas and adopt them into your own designs.
If you decide for the time being not to adopt a framework, this is an easy decision to revisit later. If you decide to adopt a framework, backing away from it later can be very expensive. It may be worth paying some extra costs up front to reduce the probability of making a very expensive mistake.
I think where I have been burned the most is by depending on somebody else's code base that changed out from under me. I call this the "every Perl script I ever wrote was broken a year later" problem. But I work on a lot of different small projects that tend to get bursty attention and have a very long lifetime compared to the time it took to create one. If you have one big project that you're working with daily for years, you can adapt more easily to changes in external frameworks.
Who has that tool?
This is what I ask to myself everytime I need to solve every problem. This is the main factor to evaluate the effort necessary for develop the tool.
When starting a large project, everyone define well known (at project scope) usefull statements; thinking to enlarge that abstraction layer depends on the frequency of the problem, the importance of the the problem solution, the effort to develop the solution.

How to assemble a project with software products and your own code

Let's say you have a specific project on hand, it can be divided to parts, and you are not completely sure about all the difficulties that will arise.
Time is of the essence.
How do you decide whether a part should use software product or your own code? (considering, that some tools are awesome, but will require much time to learn)
How do you choose the right software product?
How much time (as a percentage) should this stage of choosing the right product, if any, take, and how much time to evaluate a single product?
Is there a way-back, is it o.k to change your mind, after putting efforts in a product, and finding it not suitable?
I would love to hear any rules of thumb about those.
Changing your decisions is like changing your blueprint for a house while it's already being built.
It will entirely depend on what you have spent in time and money to that point.
Some considerations:
0) Understand the problem in clear and simple terms before beginning. Know what's critical to it's success and then use that list to see if any software, language, or tool will aid it, and at what cost, and if the cost outweighs the benefit.
1) Use a crammer's schedule. Build it in the order of what you would build if you only had 1 day or 1 week and no more to work on it. It's amazing how much doesn't matter anymore when you have to do 50% of the features at 100% of the quality. Focus on value, value, value. Read something like 37 Signal's book Getting Real for more on this.
2) Do not re-invent the wheel. It's always easier it seems to build something from scratch. Unless you are doing a fraction of the implementation and it's truly simpler, meaning you can avoid abstraction until you forget what you were building, consider it. If you can build it faster, better, cheaper and in the same amount of time, do it.
3) Know the features of your tools, and the benefits any tools need to give your solution. You should be familiar with or at least aware of many of the tools out there that you may or may not integrate.
4) Pick a language that is used to solve a lot of problems. Chances are you will find many great libraries and tools to build your software that will save your time. If you need something that delivers, can run, and you can lean on the smarts of others, use something established, or a language that can access .NET or Java easily if need be.
For each part of your software you recognize as a software component/package:
How do you decide whether a part should use software product or your own code?
(considering, that some tools are awesome, but will require much time to learn)
Ask yourself whether the component you are considering is a part of your product's main business core.
If not then it is usually better to use an existing solution and not send too much time on it.
If it is then make sure there is no existing product that is better than what you are planning. - It there is, consider purchasing licenses to it instead of developing your product.
Search online for similar components (commercial, open source and even articles/demo-source-code).
Do any of them implement all of your requirements from the components?
How much do they cost, would it cost you more to develop and maintain a similar component?
What are the license conditions? - Are they OK for your product?
If component includes a user-interface, is it plesent to look at and easy to use?
If you answered yes to all the above then do not develop the component yourself.
If not:
Is the component open source or published in an article / demo-code? - If so, it robust, could you take the code an improve it or use it as an example to help you write code that is more suitable for your requirements? - If so write your own code, use code as part of your own component that is not developed from scratch.
If your answer to the above is no, then you'll have to develop your own (or you're searching in the wrong places).
How do you choose the right software product?
See answers to 1.
How much time (as a percentage) should this stage of choosing the right product, if any, take, and how much time to evaluate a single product?
Clear an entire day, search for existing components, read about them (features, prices, reviews) and download + install up to 5 of them.
Clear another day evaluate 2-3 products, compare demos/examples, look at code, write 2 small examples of using each (same example different product).
If you choose more than 3, clear another day and test the others.
Is there a way-back, is it o.k to change your mind, after putting efforts in a product, and finding it not suitable?
Always design your software so that every component is replaceable.
This guarantees that there is always "a way back".
(Use interfaces & adapter design pattern, divide to many assemblies, connect all components as loosely as possible (using events, binding, as etc.) - loose coupling.
Even if you implement something yourself make sure there is a way back - sometime you may use the wrong technology/design and have to replace a component with a new one you develop/purchase.
Other rules of thumb:
Consider which application-wide technologies to use before considering each component.
Writing in assembly would take the longest, in C less, in C++ even less, in more modern languages such as C#, Java, Delphi even less.
Which has more of the self components that are relevant to you? What does your team have experience in.
If you are using .NET (C#), then WPF could help you lower the coupling between GUI and business logic and make a better looking GUI, however it take time to learn how to use it (a 5 day minimum course is very much recommended).
As in any art the difficulty is composing a good solution based on a very large possible solutions space. There as many ways to go about this as there are developers.
I’d normally spend some time understanding the problem and stating it clearly and succinctly as possible, preferably in a written form. The problem description should be completely abstracted away from any possible solutions. Next I’d normally list available constraints that will need to be applied to the solution (time, budget, legal, political, performance, usability, skill availability within team and so on).
Then the theory goes that you need to look on the market for something that solves the problem and meets the constraints at the same time. In practise, the process is not that straight-forward: you try to identify market categories that are likely to be useful, then research them, see what is available and continuously try to reduce the gap between the constraints and capabilities as much as possible, often by going back and revisiting and re-negotiating the constraints.
A few generic tips:
During the research keep coming back to the original problem.
There is always more than one solution, try to extend breadth (concentrating on very different ways of solving the problem) of the search space before going deeper.
Be clear on a number of options it’s worth researching, and amount of time worth spending on each of them before making a decision whether to investigate further.
It’s seldom worth finding an optimal solution, especially then technological landscape keeps changing very rapidly. Look for a solution that is good enough: “The Paradox of Choice - Why More is Less”.
It’s rarely worth turning to users for help (unless they are software experts) on choosing between several options. If you’ve got a number of options all looking equally attractive that means you need to go back and understand the original problem better, it’s likely you’ve missed a requirement or two.
Some further notes on using third-party components (refers to GUI components, but easy to apply to other software areas as well).
And even more notes on scoping, composing and researching for a project.
How do you decide whether a part should use software product or your own code? (considering, that some tools are awesome, but will require much time to learn)
Ask your self two questions.
1) Is it a mature product. If yes, then
2) How long it would take to create the functionality it provides on your own. If that value times your hourly rate is greater than the cost of the product, then use that product.
How do you choose the right software product?
Consult your network of other developers. Have they used it, did they run into problems. Consult the interweb. Create a prototype using the product. Does it work well? Any major bugs?
How much time (as a percentage) should this stage of choosing the right product, if any, take, and how much time to evaluate a single product?
It depends on the size of the project, and the criticality of the product to the success. Most of the time, you are going to be able to get a high level view of the product in a very short amount of time.
It may be just a few minutes using it before you say, nope - not ready for prime time. If it makes past that, a day or two of experimentation may tell you that it passes muster for your project.
If it's a huge project with many developers, then you probably want to spend more time doing a prototype application with it to be sure it's worth investing all that time in.
Is there a way-back, is it o.k to change your mind, after putting efforts in a product, and finding it not suitable?
If you find it's not working out, there's nothing wrong with going back. In fact you probably have to. Ideally you will find this out early. Not at the 11th hour. Again, this is the purpose of prototyping.
There are already some really good answers here, so I won't repeat it, however there is one point you should definitely consider, and though I would have thought its obvious I havent seen it mentioned here yet:
The personnel you have available to implement the solution, their core competency, and their general level of competence.
Who you have to implement this (assuming it's a team, and not just yourself - but relevant even if its just you, too...) can have a HUGE effect on the outcome. If you don't have experienced programmers to help you develop this, you're better off looking for some OTS product to do the work for you... Or, even if you have programmers who are not likely to succeed, you still might want to find a solution with lower overall project risk.

Software Rewrite-vs-Running Cost Analysis

The IT department I work in as a programmer revolves around a 30+ year old code base (Fortran and C). The code is in a poor condition partially as a result of 30+ years of ad-hoc poorly thought out changes but I also suspect a lot of it has to do with the capabilities of the programmers who made the changes (and who incidentally are still around).
The business that depends on the software operates 363 days a year and 20 hours a day. Unfortunately there are numerous outages. This is the first place I have worked where there are developers on call to apply operational code fixes to production systems. When I was first, there was actually a copy of the source code and development tools on the production servers so that on the fly changes could be applied; thankfully that practice has now been stopped.
I have hinted a couple of times to management that the costs of the downtime, having developers on call, extra operational staff, unsatisifed customers etc. are costing the business a lot more in the medium, and possibly even short term, than it would to launch a whole hearted effort to re-write/refactor/replace the whole thing (the code base is about 300k lines).
Ideally they'd be some external consultancy that could come in and run the rule over the quality of the code and the costs involved to keep it running vs rewrite/refactor/replace it. The question I have is how should a business go about doing that kind of cost analysis on software AND be able to have confidence in that analysis? The first IT consultants down the street may claim to be able to do the analysis but how could management be made to feel comfortable with it over what they are being told by internal staff?
We recently decided to completely rewrite large portions of our business code from scratch, and it has not gone as well as we had hoped. I've seen a lot of quotes saying you should never try to rewrite anything from scratch, and now I see why. I would recommend starting small - don't try to rewrite the whole thing at once. Identify the large problem areas and focus on refactoring small portions of the system at a time. Since there is 30+ years worth of work in the system, it will take a long time to get it back to a reasonable state. We had about 5-8 years worth of work to rewrite, and it has been difficult. I can't imagine 30+ years of work!
First, the profile of the consultant you need is very specific. Unless you can find someone who worked in a similar domain with the same languages, don't hire him.
Second, there's a 99% probability (I like dramatic numbers) the analysis will go as follow:
Consultant explores the application
Consultant does understand 10% of the application
Time's up, time for the report
Consultant advices a complete rewrite (no refactoring, plain rewrite)
So you may as well make the economy of what the consultant will cost.
You have only two solutions here:
Keep with the actual source code but determine proper methods to fix problems so that you have a very long run refactoring that is progressly made by those who know the application
Get a secondary team to make a new application to replace the old one
If I talk about a secondary team, it's because you cannot bring just one architect to make the new application and have the old team working with him:
They're too busy on the old application
There will be frictions because the newcomer will undoubtedly underestimate the task at hand
I talk from experience, believe me.
If you go the "new application" way don't put your hopes too high. You'll end up with an application that has less than half the functionalities of the current one, simply because you cannot cram 30+ years of special case and exceptional situation fixes into a freshly design software.
Oh, also, if your developers happen to tell you they have a plan, by all means, hear them out. They most probably know what they are talking about.
The first thing that comes to mind is that you are prematurely addressing the rewrite/refactor/replace argument. The first step two steps I would recommend would be:
Unit tests
It's well within engineering scope to implement these. Unit tests are an essential preliminary step before any reasonable refactor or rewrite could possibly take place. By 'unit test' I mean wrap each function call with corresponding code that proves the code works for all known conditions. In complex retrofits this may not actually happen at the most granular level but any automated tests will help immensely.
And QA - have an independent (and aggressive) quality assurance team that rigorously tests beta releases before production. Their test plans and test procedures become essential for any kind of replacement effort.
Once you've got the code under control, then you are in a position where the business can reasonably consider massive changes.
Just a note about your comment about external consultants - no consultancy will ever care enough about the code to provide realistic quality assurance. QA ends up being married to the hip of business defending the company bottom line. It's an internal function ultimately and an external consultant can't provide much more than getting you started really.
I think that your description provides all of the necessary information on code quality (lack thereof). The fact that so many support resources are required also indicates the high costs involved with maintaining the existing system.
As I answered here, a good approach to consider is refactoring one piece of the system at a time until everything works at an acceptable level. I agree with Joel re not throwing away existing code (see Things You Should Never Do. Parts of your code work, so you should leave those in place whenever possible, and focus on the sections that lead to downtime.
Andy also makes a great point about starting small as well.
Another thing to try, is reviewing the processes around the system. When you do this, you should try to determine what failure situations are caused directly or indirectly by user action?, are there configuration or environment problems? If you are having trouble fixing the code directly, then you can still prop it up by dealing with external issues more effectively.
Read the book Working Effectively with Legacy Code (also see the short PDF version) and surround the code with automated tests, as instructed in that book.
Refactor the system little by little. If you rewrite some parts of the code, do it a small subsystem at a time. Don't try to make a Grand Redesign.
The code has been around for 30 years?
Development paradigms have shifted substantially in the last three decades in many ways, and most relevant to your predicament, I feel, is in terms of the amount of time (in man days) required to create something to input->process->output something.
300,000 lines of code 30 years ago, could probably fit into 100,000 lines or less today, and expending fewer man hours(?) This could seem optimistic/ridiculous to some, but on the other hand is achievable, depending on the type of application in question. You have given no indication as to the classification of system - is it a real-time manufacturing process control system of sorts with sensors and actuators tied to it? An airline booking system ? Does it post-process some backlog of data? In other words could it be rebuilt in something like Java and quickly with an agressive, smallish team? Have the requirements been documented, and if so do they need updating or redeveloping from scratch? Is human safety a factor?
Just a quick sanity check, I think whether or not you should rebuild depends on (any order means the same thing):
Number of code dudes required.
Level of expertise of said dudes.
Which languages do not fit.
Which languages do fit.
How much it costs to use chosen language(s) them in terms of hardware and software.
How much does the business depend on this to stay alive.
Is it really too much downtime, or are you just nitpicking? (maybe they really don't care, but pretend to).
Good luck with that!

What steps make up your web development process and how much time does each phase take?

Let's say you work 100 days on a project. How many days would each phase of your process (requirements analysis, specification, etc.) take?
I'm interested also in the ratio of specific activities in every phase, such as writing tests, back-end coding, front-end coding, visual design, database design etc.
Many thanks!
Just to make things clear, I'm not talking about web site design - I'm interested in more "serious" web development, such as custom business web applications. I know, everything depends on the specifics of each project, however I suppose the ratios could be roughly the same from project to project.
As Helen correctly remarked, this question is really hard to answer, since projects can be so different and so can be teams. To make it more specific, let's say you have a team of four developers - two of them for back-end work, one for front-end programming and one for design & html/css coding (one member of the team acts as a project manager) and you are supposed to develop site.
We're running agile scrum projects, so we typically run all these activities in parallel. So while I cannot answer your exact question, I can give you some ideas of the ratios we have found to be effective:
4-5 developers can be served by one client side programmer (html/css), one on-team tester and one interaction designer (works with the customer to design wireframes). A team like this typically needs a 50% graphic designer for most applications, but your mileage may vary there. Then there's project manager, and there's all sorts of other stakeholders that are not part of the core development team.
In the development team you normally have a couple of developers who are sharp on client side development and similar amount on the back-end. These staffings also tend to reflect resource usage ;) Testing is an integral part of development as well as the efforts of the on-team tester.
Your local conditions may of course vary, but these numbers are just to give you some idea.
Step 1: denial
Step 2: anger
Step 3: acceptence
The time each step takes is different for all team members involved.
I agree with everyone who started along the lines of, "It depends on the project".
On the other hand, I do think that there's a consistent process that can be followed; only tweaking the percentages of effort to match the project:
Typically, I follow these basic principles:
Discovery - determine the feature/functionality of the system. The easiest (and worst) thing to do is accept what's being asked for and go with it.
For example, "building" is a pretty broad request - and is actually the wrong request. The project has to start with "I need an online location where programmers can collaborate".
Based on that one thing you're trying to solve, you can drill down into all the details you want - like how a question will be answered, asked, rated, etc.
I think this is the most crucial step! output = requirements/specification; 20/100 days can safely be spent here
Wireframing - this is where I like to use basic HTML pages, paint.NET, or even construction paper and glue to mock up every aspect of the final site's functionality. I like using paper because it's easy to make changes :)
Going through this process forces you to consider just about every aspect of the user experience and gives you the flexibility to add/remove features and adjust your requirements as needed. Your customer has some input to changes before you've committed a bunch of time to writing code.
An added bonus is that you get to use paste :)
10/100 days
Implementation/Testing - I group implementation AND testing together because I think it's short sighted to develop a whole site without testing along the way. (At the same time, you still need step 4). This is the part where the rubber hits the road. If you've handled your client properly in steps 1 and 2, you'll be pleasantly writing your code without any last-minute changes in scope (or at least very few). I try to follow a general set of steps for implementation:
data develpment (db design, query design, sample data setup)
site framework (set up your environment(s); production, dev, and qa)
front-end structure (css, standard classes, standard html structures)
start coding!
55/100 days
SQA - hopefully you can get some non-involved parties/end users to test the app out as you go. Test plans need to be developed to ensure that it's clear what should be test and the desired outcomes. I like using real people for testing the front end; automated tools are fine for code/backend modules
This is a good time to let the client see things progressing - they should have very limited ability to make changes at this point.
10/100 days
Delivery/Post Production honeymoon - you've built it, tested it, and you're ready to deploy. Get the code out there and let the client play. You shouldn't have much to tweak; but I'm sure there will be some adjustments.
5/100 days
Some of this seems idealistic; but you'd be surprised how quickly you can ship your application when you've got a well-reviewed, well-created specification.
It is impossible to give a meaningful answer to this question. The ratios will not be even roughly the same from project to project. For some projects the visual design barely matters (as long as it more or less works) but the database is critical and complex. For others, it's all about providing a smooth user experience with lots of AJAX goodies and other eye candy, but the underlying data is trivially simple to organise and store.
It sounds like you're thinking mainly of one-man projects, but for larger teams the size and setup of the team also matters, as well as your development process.
Probably we are an unusual development shop. Our whole existence (at least during work hours) is requirements gathering. Developers are required to als work in every other department. Be it answering the phone in after sales support (and fighting the CRM Software), driving a forklift in the warehouse (and fighting the mobile terminals) or packing crates in the shipping station (and fighting confusing delivery notes).
When we tackle a new project "requirements gathering" was usually an afternoon on the whiteboard, usually with somebody from the department which used the new software most. There was little upfront design and lots of re-factoring and rewriting. We where very happy with this and generated about 100.000 Lines of Code which are well-architected and stable.
But it seems we are hitting a complexity barrier now. This is very frustrating because moving to "heavier" processes than hack and slay coding results in a dramatic loss of productivity.
Just to be clear - you're basically time-boxing your work - which is directly relational to having a fixed budget (4 developers x $x per day x 100 days - assuming it's 100 day duration and not 100 day work effort). If that's the case then, on avg. you would spend:
25% up front planning which includes scope, spec development, technology approach, logistics (computers, servers, work space), resource gathering.
50 % development - test case (TDD) development, schema design and implementation, front end coding, backend coding, deployment
15% Testing - basic break/fix activities
10% overhead/management - project management, communication and coordination.
Very rough est. - many 'areas' to consider including resource skills/maturity, technology being used, location of resources (one room or across the country), level of requirements, etc. The use of 'skill specific' resources would make planning more difficult since you might need the resources to perform multi-roles - one suggestion would be to get 3 generalists who can help spec/design/plan and one tech wizard that would ensure the platform and database are setup correctly (key to success once you have good as possible requirements)
That is truely a tricky questions. To give an somewhat exact estimation on the ratio of time you need to apply for each step - if we take a classical approach of design, implement, test and deploy - one needs to know the specification and the expertise of the project members.
If you take McConnell's book "Software Estimation" (which I highly recommend) you have a chapter in their about historical data and how to use that for future projects.
I do not think, that you have exact historical data of former projects - well - I don't have one - although I always remind me of recording them ;)
Since the smallest failures or uncertainties in the design-phase are the most crucial ones take a lot of time to specify what you want to do. Make sure that everyone understands it the same way and write it down.
To cut a long story short - I'd put 50% - 75% of the time in the design (if 75% this would include a prototype to clear all uncertainties) and equal parts in implementation and test.
If you are using TDD you would mix design and test a bit so you would take a bit of the design-phase and add it to the test-phase.
Building a list of client needs 1-2 days
This depends on the client and what they need and how well prepared they are.
Designers do initial sketch ups 2-3 days
A bit of branching happens here as 2 and 3 will happen concurrently.
Programers build any functionality not already in our existing system 1day - 1 month
This depends on the client, and what they need more then most anything else.
This also will only produce functional code.
Repeat steps 2&3 until the client is happy with the general feeling of what we have.
Could be 1 iteration could be 100 (not likely if by 10 we couldn't make them happy we'd send them somewhere else.
Build final design 1-5 days
This is the final, no error, valid CSS/HTML/JS, everything is cross browser ect
Build final functionality 2-3 days
This code is "perfect" it works 100%, it is pretty, there are no known bugs, and the developers are happy to send it
This and Step 5 happen concurrently.
Deploy 10 seconds.
Then 2weeks, 2 months and 6 months later we do a review to make sure there have been no problems.
So if you skip the review this usualy takes 8-20 days, IDK how you'll work that into 100 days.
If we are just building an application (or extending one) for a client we would spend 2-3 defining EXACTLY what they need then however long it takes to build it.

I need this baby in a month - send me nine women!

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Under what circumstances - if any - does adding programmers to a team actually speed development of an already late project?
The exact circumstances are obviously very specific to your project ( e.g. development team, management style, process maturity, difficulty of the subject matter, etc.). In order to scope this a bit better so we can speak about it in anything but sweeping oversimplifications, I'm going to restate your question:
Under what circumstances, if any, can adding team members to a software development project that is running late result in a reduction in the actual ship date with a level of quality equal to that if the existing team were allow to work until completion?
There are a number of things that I think are necessary, but not sufficient, for this to occur (in no particular order):
The proposed individuals to be added to the project must have:
At least a reasonable understanding of the problem domain of the project
Be proficient in the language of the project and the specific technologies that they would use for the tasks they would be given
Their proficiency must /not/ be much less or much greater than the weakest or strongest existing member respectively. Weak members will drain your existing staff with tertiary problems while a new person who is too strong will disrupt the team with how everything they have done and are doing is wrong.
Have good communication skills
Be highly motivated (e.g. be able to work independently without prodding)
The existing team members must have:
Excellent communication skills
Excellent time management skills
The project lead/management must have:
Good prioritization and resource allocation abilities
A high level of respect from the existing team members
Excellent communication skills
The project must have:
A good, completed, and documented software design specification
Good documentation of things already implemented
A modular design to allow clear chunks of responsibility to be carved out
Sufficient automated processes for quality assurance for the required defect level These might include such things as: unit tests, regression tests, automated build deployments, etc.)
A bug/feature tracking system that is currently in-place and in-use by the team (e.g. trac, SourceForge, FogBugz, etc).
One of the first things that should be discussed is whether the ship date can be slipped, whether features can be cut, and if some combinations of the two will allow you to satisfy release with your existing staff. Many times its a couple features that are really hogging the resources of the team that won't deliver value equal to the investment. So give your project's priorities a serious review before anything else.
If the outcome of the above paragraph isn't sufficient, then visit the list above. If you caught the schedule slip early, the addition of the right team members at the right time may save the release. Unfortunately, the closer you get to your expected ship date, the more things can go wrong with adding people. At one point, you'll cross the "point of no return" where no amount of change (other than shipping the current development branch) can save your release.
I could go on and on but I think I hit the major points. Outside of the project and in terms of your career, the company's future success, etc. one of the things that you should definitely do is figure out why you were late, if anything could have been done alert you earlier, and what measures you need to take to prevent it in the future. A late project usually occurs because you were either:
Were late before you started (more
stuff than time) and/or
slipped 1hr, 1day at time.
Hope that helps!
It only helps if you have a resource-driven project.
For instance, consider this:
You need to paint a large poster, say 4 by 6 meters. A poster that big, you can probably put two or three people in front of it, and have them paint in parallel. However, placing 20 people in front of it won't work. Additionally, you'll need skilled people, unless you want a crappy poster.
However, if your project is to stuff envelopes with ready-printed letters (like You MIGHT have won!) then the more people you add, the faster it goes. There is some overhead in doling out stacks of work, so you can't get benefits up to the point where you have one person pr. envelope, but you can get benefits from much more than just 2 or 3 people.
So if your project can easily be divided into small chunks, and if the team members can get up to speed quickly (like... instantaneously), then adding more people will make it go faster, up to a point.
Sadly, not many projects are like that in our world, which is why docgnome's tip about the Mythical Man-Month book is a really good advice.
Maybe if the following conditions apply:
The new programmers already understand the project and don't need any ramp-up time.
The new programmers already are proficient with the development environment.
No adminstrative time is needed to add the developers to the team.
Almost no communication is required between team members.
I'll let you know the first time I see all of these at once.
According to the Mythical Man-Month, the main reason adding people to a late project makes it later is the O(n^2) communication overhead.
I've experienced one primary exception to this: if there's only one person on a project, it's almost always doomed. Adding a second one speeds it up almost every time. That's because communication isn't overhead in that case - it's a helpful opportunity to clarify your thoughts and make fewer stupid mistakes.
Also, as you obviously knew when you posted your question, the advice from the Mythical Man-Month only applies to late projects. If your project isn't already late, it is quite possible that adding people won't make it later. Assuming you do it properly, of course.
If the existing programmers are totally incompetent, then adding competent programmers may help.
I can imagine a situation where you had a very modular system, and the existing programmer(s) hadn't even started on a very isolated module. In that case, assigning just that portion of the project to a new programmer might help.
Basically the Mythical Man Month references are correct, except in contrived cases like the one I made up. Mr. Brooks did solid research to demonstrate that after a certain point, the networking and communication costs of adding new programmers to a project will outweigh any benefits you gain from their productivity.
If the new people focus on testing
If you can isolate independent features that don't create new dependencies
If you can orthogonalise some aspects of the project (especially non-coding tasks such as visual design/layout, database tuning/indexing, or server setup/network configuration) so that one person can work on that while the others carry on with application code
If the people know each other, and the technology, and the business requirements, and the design, well enough to be able to do things with a knowledge of when they'll step on each other's toes and how to avoid doing so (this, of course, is pretty hard to arrange if it isn't already the case)
Only when you have at that late stage some independent (almost 0% interaction with other parts of the project) tasks not tackled yet by anybody and you can bring on the team somebody that is a specialist in that domain. The addition of a team member has to minimize the disruption for the rest of the team.
Rather than adding programmers, one can think about adding administrative help. Anything that will remove distractions, improve focus, or improve motivation can be helpful. This includes both system and administration, as well as more prosaic things like getting lunches.
Obviously every project is different but most development jobs can be assured to have a certain amount of collaboration among developers. Where this is the case my experience has been that fresh resources can actually unintentionally slow down the people they are relying on to bring them up to speed and in some cases this can be your key people (incidentally it's usually 'key' people that would take the time to educate a newb). When they are up to speed, there are no guarantees that their work will fit into established 'rules' or 'work culture' with the rest of the team. So again, it can do more harm than good. So that aside, these are the circumstances where it might be beneficial:
1) The new resource has a tight task which requires a minimum of interaction with other developers and a skill set that's already been demonstrated. (ie. porting existing code to a new platform, externally refactoring a dead module that's currently locked down in the existing code base).
2) The project is managed in such a way that other more senior team members time can be shared to assist bringing the newb up to speed and mentoring them along the way to ensure their work is compatible with what's already been done.
3) The other team members are very patient.
I suppose the adding people toward the end of the work could speed things up if:
The work can be done in parallel.
The amount saved by added resources is more than the amount of time lost by having the people experienced with the project explain things to those that are inexperienced.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, this kind of thing doesn't happen all too often. Usually it is fairly straight forward stuff, like admin screens that do simple CRUD to a table. These days these types of tools can be mostly autogenerated anyway.
Be careful of managers that bank on this kind of work to hand off though. It sounds great, but it in reality there usually isn't enough of it trim any significant time off of the project.
Self-contained modules that have yet to be started
Lacking development tools they can integrate (like an automated build manager)
Primarily I'm thinking of things that let them stay out of the currently developing people's way. I do agree with Mythical Man-Month, but I also think there are exceptions to everything.
I think adding people to a team may speed up a project more than adding them to the project itself.
I often run into the problem of having too many concurrent projects. Any one of those projects could be completed faster if I could focus on that project alone. By adding team members, I could transition off other projects.
Of course, this assumes that you've hired capable, self-motivated developers, who are able to inherit large projects and learn independently. :-)
If the extra resource complement your existing team it can be ideal. For example, if you are about to set up your production hardware and verify that the database is actually tuned as opposed to just returning good results (that your team knows as domain experts) borrowing time from a good dba who works on the the project next to yours can speed the team up without much training cost
Simply put. It comes down to comparing the time left and productivity you will get from someone excluding the amount of time it takes the additional resources to come up to speed and be productive and subtracting the time invested in teaching them by existing resources. The key factors (in order of significance):
How good the resource is at picking
it up. The best developers can walk
onto a new site and be productive
fixing bugs almost instantly with
little assistance. This skill is
rare but can be learnt.
The segregability of tasks. They need to
be able to work on objects and
functions without tripping over the
existing developers and slowing them
The complexity of the project
and documentation available. If it's
a vanilla best practice ASP.Net
application and common
well-documented business scenarios
then a good developer can just get
stuck in straight away. This factor
more than any will determine how
much time the existing resources
will have to invest in teaching and
therefore the initial negative
impact of the new resources.
The amount of time left. This is often
mis-estimated too. Frequently the
logic will be we only have x weeks
left and it will take x+1 weeks to
get someone up to speed. In reality
the project IS going to slip and
does in fact have 2x weeks of dev
left to go and getting more
resources on sooner rather than
later will help.
Where a team is already used to pair programming, then adding another developer who is already skilled at pairing may not slow the project down, particularly if development is proceeding with a TDD style.
The new developer will slowly become more productive as they understand the code base more, and any misunderstandings will be caught very early either by their pair, or by the test suite that is run before every check-in (and there should ideally be a check in at least every ten minutes).
However, the effects of the extra communication overheads need to be taken into account. It is important not to dilute the existing knowledge of the project too much.
Adding developers makes sense when the productivity contributed by the additional developers exceeds the productivity lost to training and managing those developers.
