What is the algorithm to determine the best way to distribute these coupons? - algorithm

Here is my problem. Imagine I am buying 3 different items, and I have up to 5 coupons. The coupons are interchangeable, but worth different amounts when used on different items.
Here is the matrix which gives the result of spending different numbers of coupons on different items:
coupons: 1 2 3 4 5
item 1 $10 off $15 off
item 2 $5 off $15 off $25 off $35 off
item 3 $2 off
I have manually worked out the best actions for this example:
If I have 1 coupon, item 1 gets it for $10 off
If I have 2 coupons, item 1 gets them for $15 off
If I have 3 coupons, item 1 gets 2, and item 3 gets 1, for $17 off
If I have 4 coupons, then either:
Item 1 gets 1 and item 2 gets 3 for a total of $25 off, or
Item 2 gets all 4 for $25 off.
If I have 5 coupons, then item 2 gets all 5 for $35 off.
However, I need to develop a general algorithm which will handle different matrices and any number of items and coupons.
I suspect I will need to iterate through every possible combination to find the best price for n coupons. Does anyone here have any ideas?

This seems like a good candidate for dynamic programming:
//int[,] discountTable = new int[NumItems][NumCoupons+1]
// bestDiscount[i][c] means the best discount if you can spend c coupons on items 0..i
int[,] bestDiscount = new int[NumItems][NumCoupons+1];
// the best discount for a set of one item is just use the all of the coupons on it
for (int c=1; c<=MaxNumCoupons; c++)
bestDiscount[0, c] = discountTable[0, c];
// the best discount for [i, c] is spending x coupons on items 0..i-1, and c-x coupons on item i
for (int i=1; i<NumItems; i++)
for (int c=1; c<=NumCoupons; c++)
for (int x=0; x<c; x++)
bestDiscount[i, c] = Math.Max(bestDiscount[i, c], bestDiscount[i-1, x] + discountTable[i, c-x]);
At the end of this, the best discount will be the highest value of bestDiscount[NumItems][x]. To rebuild the tree, follow the graph backwards:
edit to add algorithm:
//int couponsLeft;
for (int i=NumItems-1; i>=0; i++)
int bestSpend = 0;
for (int c=1; c<=couponsLeft; c++)
if (bestDiscount[i, couponsLeft - c] > bestDiscount[i, couponsLeft - bestSpend])
bestSpend = c;
if (i == NumItems - 1)
Console.WriteLine("Had {0} coupons left over", bestSpend);
Console.WriteLine("Spent {0} coupons on item {1}", bestSpend, i+1);
couponsLeft -= bestSpend;
Console.WriteLine("Spent {0} coupons on item 0", couponsLeft);
Storing the graph in your data structure is also a good way, but that was the way I had thought of.

It's the Knapsack problem, or rather a variation of it. Doing some research on algorithms related to this problem will point you in the best direction.

I think dynamic programming should do this. Basically, you keep track of an array A[n, c] whose values mean the optimal discount while buying the n first items having spent c coupons. The values for a[n, 0] should be 0 for all values of n, so that is a good start. Also, A[0, c] is 0 for all c.
When you evaluate A[n,c], you loop over all discount offers for item n, and add the discount for that particular offer to A[n-1,c-p] where p is the price in coupons for this particular discount. A[n-1, c-p] must of course be calculated (in the same way) prior to this. Keep the best combination and store in the array.
A recursive implementation would probably give the cleanest implementation. In that case, you should find the answer in A[N,C] where N is the total number of items and C is the total number of available coupons.

This can be written as a linear programming problem. For most 'typical' problems, the simplex method is a fast, relatively simple way to solve such problems, or there are open source LP solvers available.
For your example:
Let 0 <= xi <= 1
x1 = One if one coupon is spent on item 1, zero otherwise
x2 = One if two coupons are spent on item 1, zero otherwise
x3 = One if one coupon is spent on item 2, zero otherwise
x4 = One if two coupons are spent on item 2, zero otherwise
x5 = One if three coupons are spent on item 3, zero otherwise
Assume that if I spend two coupons on item 1, then both x1 and x2 are one. This implies the constraint
x1 >= x2
With similar constraints for the other items, e.g.,
x3 >= x4
x4 >= x5
The amount saved is
Saved = 10 x1 + 5 x2 + 0 x3 + 5 x4 + 10 x5 + ...
If you want to find the most money saved with a fixed number of coupons, then you want to minimize Saved subject to the constraints above and the additional constraint:
coupon count = x1 + x2 + x3 + ...
This works for any matrix and number of items. Changing notation (and feeling sad that I can't do subscripts), let 0 <= y_ij <= 1 be one if j coupons are spent on item number i. The we have the constraints
y_i(j-1) >= y_ij
If the amount saved from spending j coupons on item i is M_ij, where we define M_i0 = 0, then maximize
Saved = Sum_ij (M_ij - M_i(j-1)) y_ij
subject to the above constraints and
coupon count = Sum_ij y_ij
(The italics formatting doesn't seem to be working here)

I suspect some kind of sorted list for memoizing each coupon-count can help here.
for example, if you have 4 coupons, the optimum is possibly:
using all 4 on something. You have to check all these new prices.
using 3 and 1. either the 3-item is the optimal solution for 3 coupons, or that item overlaps with the three top choices for 1-coupon items, in which case you need to find the best combination of one of the three best 1-coupon and 3-coupon items.
using 2 and 2. find top 3 2-items. if #1 and #2 overlap, #1 and #3 , unless they also overlap, in which case #2 and #3 don't.
this answer is pretty vague.. I need to put more thought into it.

This problem is similar in concept to the Traveling Salesman problem where O(n!) is the best for finding the optimal solution. There are several shortcuts that can be taken but they required lots and lots of time to discover, which I doubt you have.
Checking each possible combination is going to be the best use of your time, assuming we are dealing with small numbers of coupons. Make the client wait a bit instead of you spending years on it.


Understanding the concise DP solution for best time to buy and sell stocks IV

The problem is the famous leetcode problem (or in similar other contexts), best to buy and sell stocks, with at most k transactions.
Here is the screenshot of the problem:
I am trying to make sense of this DP solution. You can ignore the first part of large k. I don't understand the dp part why it works.
class Solution(object):
def maxProfit(self, k, prices):
:type k: int
:type prices: List[int]
:rtype: int
# for large k greedy approach (ignore this part for large k)
if k >= len(prices) / 2:
profit = 0
for i in range(1, len(prices)):
profit += max(0, prices[i] - prices[i-1])
return profit
# Don't understand this part
dp = [[0]*2 for i in range(k+1)]
for i in reversed(range(len(prices))):
for j in range (1, k+1):
dp[j][True] = max(dp[j][True], -prices[i]+dp[j][False])
dp[j][False] = max(dp[j][False], prices[i]+dp[j-1][True])
return dp[k][True]
I was able to drive a similar solution, but that uses two rows (dp and dp2) instead of just one row (dp in the solution above). To me it looks like the solution is overwriting values on itself, which for this solution doesn't look right. However the answer works and passes leetcode.
Lets put words to it:
for i in reversed(range(len(prices))):
For each future price we already know in advance, after considering later prices.
for j in range (1, k+1):
For each possibility of considering this price as one of k two-price transactions.
dp[j][True] = max(dp[j][True], -prices[i]+dp[j][False])
If we consider this might be a purchase -- since we are going backwards in time, a purchase means a completed transaction -- we choose the best of (1) having considered the jth purchase already (dp[j][True]) or (2) subtract this price as a purchase and add the best result we have already that includes the jth sale (-prices[i] + dp[j][False]).
dp[j][False] = max(dp[j][False], prices[i]+dp[j-1][True])
Otherwise, we might consider this as a sale (the first half of a transaction since we're going backwards), so we choose the best of (1) the jth sale already considered (dp[j][False]), or (2) we add this price as a sale and add to that the best result we have so far for the first (j - 1) completed transactions (prices[i] + dp[j-1][True]).
Note that the first dp[j][False] is referring to the jth "half-transaction," the sale if you will, since we are going backwards in time, that would have been set in an earlier iteration on a later price. We then can possibly overwrite it with our consideration of this price as a jth sale.

Best way to distribute a given resource (eg. budget) for optimal output

I am trying to find a solution in which a given resource (eg. budget) will be best distributed to different options which yields different results on the resource provided.
Let's say I have N = 1200 and some functions. (a, b, c, d are some unknown variables)
f1(x) = a * x
f2(x) = b * x^c
f3(x) = a*x + b*x^2 + c*x^3
f4(x) = d^x
f5(x) = log x^d
And also, let's say there n number of these functions that yield different results based on its input x, where x = 0 or x >= m, where m is a constant.
Although I am not able to find exact formula for the given functions, I am able to find the output. This means that I can do:
X = f1(N1) + f2(N2) + f3(N3) + ... + fn(Nn) where (N1 + ... Nn) = N as many times as there are ways of distributing N into n numbers, and find a specific case where X is the greatest.
How would I actually go about finding the best distribution of N with the least computation power, using whatever libraries currently available?
If you are happy with allocations constrained to be whole numbers then there is a dynamic programming solution of cost O(Nn) - so you can increase accuracy by scaling if you want, but this will increase cpu time.
For each i=1 to n maintain an array where element j gives the maximum yield using only the first i functions giving them a total allowance of j.
For i=1 this is simply the result of f1().
For i=k+1 consider when working out the result for j consider each possible way of splitting j units between f_{k+1}() and the table that tells you the best return from a distribution among the first k functions - so you can calculate the table for i=k+1 using the table created for k.
At the end you get the best possible return for n functions and N resources. It makes it easier to find out what that best answer is if you maintain of a set of arrays telling the best way to distribute k units among the first i functions, for all possible values of i and k. Then you can look up the best allocation for f100(), subtract off the value this allocated to f100() from N, look up the best allocation for f99() given the resulting resources, and carry on like this until you have worked out the best allocations for all f().
As an example suppose f1(x) = 2x, f2(x) = x^2 and f3(x) = 3 if x>0 and 0 otherwise. Suppose we have 3 units of resource.
The first table is just f1(x) which is 0, 2, 4, 6 for 0,1,2,3 units.
The second table is the best you can do using f1(x) and f2(x) for 0,1,2,3 units and is 0, 2, 4, 9, switching from f1 to f2 at x=2.
The third table is 0, 3, 5, 9. I can get 3 and 5 by using 1 unit for f3() and the rest for the best solution in the second table. 9 is simply the best solution in the second table - there is no better solution using 3 resources that gives any of them to f(3)
So 9 is the best answer here. One way to work out how to get there is to keep the tables around and recalculate that answer. 9 comes from f3(0) + 9 from the second table so all 3 units are available to f2() + f1(). The second table 9 comes from f2(3) so there are no units left for f(1) and we get f1(0) + f2(3) + f3(0).
When you are working the resources to use at stage i=k+1 you have a table form i=k that tells you exactly the result to expect from the resources you have left over after you have decided to use some at stage i=k+1. The best distribution does not become incorrect because that stage i=k you have worked out the result for the best distribution given every possible number of remaining resources.

Removal of billboards from given ones

I came across this question
ADZEN is a very popular advertising firm in your city. In every road
you can see their advertising billboards. Recently they are facing a
serious challenge , MG Road the most used and beautiful road in your
city has been almost filled by the billboards and this is having a
negative effect on
the natural view.
On people's demand ADZEN has decided to remove some of the billboards
in such a way that there are no more than K billboards standing together
in any part of the road.
You may assume the MG Road to be a straight line with N billboards.Initially there is no gap between any two adjecent
ADZEN's primary income comes from these billboards so the billboard removing process has to be done in such a way that the
remaining at end should give maximum possible profit among all possible final configurations.Total profit of a configuration is the
sum of the profit values of all billboards present in that
Given N,K and the profit value of each of the N billboards, output the maximum profit that can be obtained from the remaining
billboards under the conditions given.
Input description
1st line contain two space seperated integers N and K. Then follow N lines describing the profit value of each billboard i.e ith
line contains the profit value of ith billboard.
Sample Input
6 2
Sample Output
In given input there are 6 billboards and after the process no more than 2 should be together. So remove 1st and 4th
billboards giving a configuration _ 2 3 _ 6 10 having a profit of 21.
No other configuration has a profit more than 21.So the answer is 21.
1 <= N <= 1,00,000(10^5)
1 <= K <= N
0 <= profit value of any billboard <= 2,000,000,000(2*10^9)
I think that we have to select minimum cost board in first k+1 boards and then repeat the same untill last,but this was not giving correct answer
for all cases.
i tried upto my knowledge,but unable to find solution.
if any one got idea please kindly share your thougths.
It's a typical DP problem. Lets say that P(n,k) is the maximum profit of having k billboards up to the position n on the road. Then you have following formula:
P(n,k) = max(P(n-1,k), P(n-1,k-1) + C(n))
P(i,0) = 0 for i = 0..n
Where c(n) is the profit from putting the nth billboard on the road. Using that formula to calculate P(n, k) bottom up you'll get the solution in O(nk) time.
I'll leave up to you to figure out why that formula holds.
Dang, I misread the question.
It still is a DP problem, just the formula is different. Let's say that P(v,i) means the maximum profit at point v where last cluster of billboards has size i.
Then P(v,i) can be described using following formulas:
P(v,i) = P(v-1,i-1) + C(v) if i > 0
P(v,0) = max(P(v-1,i) for i = 0..min(k, v))
P(0,0) = 0
You need to find max(P(n,i) for i = 0..k)).
This problem is one of the challenges posted in www.interviewstreet.com ...
I'm happy to say I got this down recently, but not quite satisfied and wanted to see if there's a better method out there.
soulcheck's DP solution above is straightforward, but won't be able to solve this completely due to the fact that K can be as big as N, meaning the DP complexity will be O(NK) for both runtime and space.
Another solution is to do branch-and-bound, keeping track the best sum so far, and prune the recursion if at some level, that is, if currSumSoFar + SUM(a[currIndex..n)) <= bestSumSoFar ... then exit the function immediately, no point of processing further when the upper-bound won't beat best sum so far.
The branch-and-bound above got accepted by the tester for all but 2 test-cases.
Fortunately, I noticed that the 2 test-cases are using small K (in my case, K < 300), so the DP technique of O(NK) suffices.
soulcheck's (second) DP solution is correct in principle. There are two improvements you can make using these observations:
1) It is unnecessary to allocate the entire DP table. You only ever look at two rows at a time.
2) For each row (the v in P(v, i)), you are only interested in the i's which most increase the max value, which is one more than each i that held the max value in the previous row. Also, i = 1, otherwise you never consider blanks.
I coded it in c++ using DP in O(nlogk).
Idea is to maintain a multiset with next k values for a given position. This multiset will typically have k values in mid processing. Each time you move an element and push new one. Art is how to maintain this list to have the profit[i] + answer[i+2]. More details on set:
* Observation 1: ith state depends on next k states i+2....i+2+k
* We maximize across this states added on them "accumulative" sum
* Let Say we have list of numbers of state i+1, that is list of {profit + state solution}, How to get states if ith solution
* Say we have following data k = 3
* Indices: 0 1 2 3 4
* Profits: 1 3 2 4 2
* Solution: ? ? 5 3 1
* Answer for [1] = max(3+3, 5+1, 9+0) = 9
* Indices: 0 1 2 3 4
* Profits: 1 3 2 4 2
* Solution: ? 9 5 3 1
* Let's find answer for [0], using set of [1].
* First, last entry should be removed. then we have (3+3, 5+1)
* Now we should add 1+5, but entries should be incremented with 1
* (1+5, 4+3, 6+1) -> then find max.
* Could we do it in other way but instead of processing list. Yes, we simply add 1 to all elements
* answer is same as: 1 + max(1-1+5, 3+3, 5+1)
ll dp()
multiset<ll, greater<ll> > set;
mem[n-1] = profit[n-1];
ll sumSoFar = 0;
lpd(i, n-2, 0)
if(sz(set) == k)
if(i+2 < n)
added[i] = mem[i+2] - sumSoFar;
sumSoFar += profit[i];
if(n-i <= k)
mem[i] = profit[i] + mem[i+1];
mem[i] = max(mem[i+1], *set.begin()+sumSoFar);
return mem[0];
This looks like a linear programming problem. This problem would be linear, but for the requirement that no more than K adjacent billboards may remain.
See wikipedia for a general treatment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_programming
Visit your university library to find a good textbook on the subject.
There are many, many libraries to assist with linear programming, so I suggest you do not attempt to code an algorithm from scratch. Here is a list relevant to Python: http://wiki.python.org/moin/NumericAndScientific/Libraries
Let P[i] (where i=1..n) be the maximum profit for billboards 1..i IF WE REMOVE billboard i. It is trivial to calculate the answer knowing all P[i]. The baseline algorithm for calculating P[i] is as follows:
for i=1,N
for j = max(1,i-k-1)..i-1
P[i] = max( P[i], P[j] + C[j+1]+..+C[i-1] );
Now the idea that allows us to speed things up. Let's say we have two different valid configurations of billboards 1 through i only, let's call these configurations X1 and X2. If billboard i is removed in configuration X1 and profit(X1) >= profit(X2) then we should always prefer configuration X1 for billboards 1..i (by profit() I meant the profit from billboards 1..i only, regardless of configuration for i+1..n). This is as important as it is obvious.
We introduce a doubly-linked list of tuples {idx,d}: {{idx1,d1}, {idx2,d2}, ..., {idxN,dN}}.
p->idx is index of the last billboard removed. p->idx is increasing as we go through the list: p->idx < p->next->idx
p->d is the sum of elements (C[p->idx]+C[p->idx+1]+..+C[p->next->idx-1]) if p is not the last element in the list. Otherwise it is the sum of elements up to the current position minus one: (C[p->idx]+C[p->idx+1]+..+C[i-1]).
Here is the algorithm:
P[1] = 0;
list.AddToEnd( {idx=0, d=C[0]} );
// sum of elements starting from the index at top of the list
sum = C[0]; // C[list->begin()->idx]+C[list->begin()->idx+1]+...+C[i-1]
for i=2..N
if( i - list->begin()->idx > k + 1 ) // the head of the list is "too far"
sum = sum - list->begin()->d
// At this point the list should containt at least the element
// added on the previous iteration. Calculating P[i].
P[i] = P[list.begin()->idx] + sum
// Updating list.end()->d and removing "unnecessary nodes"
// based on the criterion described above
list.end()->d = list.end()->d + C[i]
(list is not empty) AND
(P[i] >= P[list.end()->idx] + list.end()->d - C[list.end()->idx]) )
if( list.size() > 1 )
list.end()->prev->d += list.end()->d
list.AddToEnd( {idx=i, d=C[i]} );
sum = sum + C[i]
//shivi..coding is adictive!!
long long int arr[100001];
long long int sum[100001];
long long int including[100001],excluding[100001];
long long int maxim(long long int a,long long int b)
{if(a>b) return a;return b;}
int main()
int N,K;
for(int i=0;i<N;++i)scanf("%lld",&arr[i]);
for(int i=1;i<K;++i)
long long int maxi=0,temp=0;
for(int i=K;i<N;++i)
for(int j=1;j<=K;++j)
//here is the code...passing all but 1 test case :) comment improvements...simple DP

Find the best way to buy p Product from limit x Vendors

I have to buy 100 Products ( or p Products) from 20 Vendors ( or v Vendors). Each Vendors have all of these Products, but they sell different Price.
I want to find the best price to get 100 Products. Asume that there is no Shipping Cost.
There are v^p ways. And I will get only one way that have best Price.
The problem seem to be easy if there is no requirement: LIMIT number of Vendors to x in the Orders because of Time Delivery ( or Some reasons).
So, the problem is: Find the best way to buy p Product from limit x Vendors ( There are v Vendors , x<=v).
I can generate all Combination of Vendors( There are C(v,x) combinations) and compare the Total Price. But There are so many combinations . (if there are 20 Vendors, there are around 185k combinations).
I stuck at this idea.
Someone has same problem , pls help me. Thank you very much.
This problem is equivalent to the non-metric k-center problem (cities = products, warehouses = vendors), which is NP-hard.
I would try mixed integer programming. Here's one formulation.
minimize c(i, j) y(i, j) # cost of all of the orders
subject to
for all i: sum over j of y(i, j) = 1 # buy each product once
for all i, j: y(i, j) <= z(j) # buy products only from chosen vendors
sum over j of z(j) <= x # choose at most x vendors
for all i, j: 0 <= y(i, j) <= 1
for all j: z(j) in {0, 1}
The interpretation of the variables is that i is a product, j is a vendor, c(i, j) is the cost of product i from vendor j, y(i, j) is 1 if we buy product i from vendor j and 0 otherwise, z(j) is 1 is we buy from vendor j at all and 0 otherwise.
There are many free mixed integer program solvers available.
Not Correct as shown by #Per the structure lacks optimal substructure
My assumptions are as follows, from the master table you need to create a sub list which has only "x" vendor columns, and "Best Price" is the "Sum" of all the prices.
Use a dynamic programming approach
What you do is define two functions, Picking (i,k) and NotPicking(i,k).
What it means is getting the best with ability to pick vendors from 1,.. i with maximum of k vendors.
Picking (1,_) = Sum(All prices)
NotPicking (1,_) = INF
Picking (_,0) = INF
NotPicking (_,0) = INF
Picking (i,k) = Min (Picking(i-1,k-1) + NotPicking(i-1,k-1)) - D (The difference you get because of having this vendor)
NotPicking (i,k) = Min (Picking(i-1,k) + NotPicking(i-1,k))
You just solve it for a i from 1 to V and k from 1 to X
You calculate the difference by maintaining for each picking the whole product list, and calculating the difference.
How about using a Greedy Approach. Since you have a limitation on the vendors ( you need to use at least x of the total v vendors). That means you need to choose at least 1 product from each vendor of the x ... And here's an example solution:
For each vendor in v, sort the products by price, then you will have "v" sets of sorted prices. Now you can pick the min of these sets and sort again, producing a new set of "v" products, containing only the cheapest ones.
Now, if p <= v, then pick the first p items and you are done, otherwise pick all v items and repeat the same logic until you reach p.
I haven't worked this out and verified, but I guess it might work. Try this:
Add two more columns called "Highest Price" and "Lowest Price" to the table and generate data for it: they should hold the highest and lowest price for each product amongst all vendors.
Also add another column, called "Range" which should hold the (highest price - lowest price).
Now do this 100 (p) times:
Pick the row with highest range. Buy the product with least price on
that row. Once bought, mark that cell as 'bought' (maybe set null).
Recalculate lowest price, range for that row (ignoring cells marked as 'bought').
EDIT: Hungarian algorithm is not the answer to your question unless you did not wanted to put a limit on vendors.
The algorithm you are looking for is Hungarian Algorithm.
There are many available implementations of it on the web.

Algorithm possible amounts (over)paid for a specific price, based on denominations

In a current project, people can order goods delivered to their door and choose 'pay on delivery' as a payment option. To make sure the delivery guy has enough change customers are asked to input the amount they will pay (e.g. delivery is 48,13, they will pay with 60,- (3*20,-)). Now, if it were up to me I'd make it a free field, but apparantly higher-ups have decided is should be a selection based on available denominations, without giving amounts that would result in a set of denominations which could be smaller.
denominations = [1,2,5,10,20,50]
price = 78.12
79 (multitude of options),
80 (e.g. 4*20)
90 (e.g. 50+2*20)
100 (2*50)
It's international, so the denominations could change, and the algorithm should be based on that list.
The closest I have come which seems to work is this:
for all denominations in reversed order (large=>small)
add ceil(price/denomination) * denomination to possibles
baseprice = floor(price/denomination) * denomination;
for all smaller denominations as subdenomination in reversed order
add baseprice + (ceil((price - baseprice) / subdenomination) * subdenomination) to possibles
end for
end for
remove doubles
Is seems to work, but this has emerged after wildly trying all kinds of compact algorithms, and I cannot defend why it works, which could lead to some edge-case / new countries getting wrong options, and it does generate some serious amounts of doubles.
As this is probably not a new problem, and Google et al. could not provide me with an answer save for loads of pages calculating how to make exact change, I thought I'd ask SO: have you solved this problem before? Which algorithm? Any proof it will always work?
Its an application of the Greedy Algorithm http://mathworld.wolfram.com/GreedyAlgorithm.html (An algorithm used to recursively construct a set of objects from the smallest possible constituent parts)
list={1,2,5,10,20,50,100} (*ordered *)
while list not null
found_answer = false
p = ceil(price) (* assume integer denominations *)
while not found_answer
find_greedy (p, list) (*algorithm in the reference above*)
EDIT> some iterations are nonsense>
list={1,2,5,10,20,50,100} (*ordered *)
p = ceil(price) (* assume integer denominations *)
while list not null
found_answer = false
while not found_answer
find_greedy (p, list) (*algorithm in the reference above*)
I found an improvement due to Pearson on the Greedy algorithm. Its O(N^3 log Z), where N is the number of denominations and Z is the greatest bill of the set.
You can find it in http://library.wolfram.com/infocenter/MathSource/5187/
You can generate in database all possible combination sets of payd coins and paper (im not good in english) and each row contains sum of this combination.
Having this database you can simple get all possible overpaid by one query,
WHERE sum >= cost and sum <= cost + epsilon
Some word about epsilon, hmm.. you can assign it from cost value? Maybe 10% of cost + 10 bucks?:
WHERE sum >= cost and sum <= cost * 1.10 + 10
Table structure must have number of columns representing number of coins and paper type.
Value of each column have number of occurences of this type of paid item.
This is not optimal and fastest solution of this problem but easy and simple to implement.
I think about better solution of this.
Other way you can for from cost to cost + epsilon and for each value calculate smallest possible number of paid items for each. I have algorithm for it. You can do this with this algorithm but this is in C++:
int R[10000];
sort(C, C + coins, cmp);
for(int i=1; i <= coins_weight; i++)
R[i] = 1000000;
for (int j=0; j < coins; j++)
if((C[j].weight <= i) && ((C[j].value + R[i - C[j].weight]) < R[i]))
R[i] = C[j].value + R[i - C[j].weight];
return R[coins_weight];
