Visual Studio: Make view code default - visual-studio

Is there any way to make Visual Studio show the code of a control / form by default instead of the designer? I tend not to be a fan of the designers as they add bloat.

Right-click on a file and select "Open With..."
Select "CSharp Editor" and then click "Set as Default".

Decorate your class with [System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategory("")], e.g.:
public class MySpecialButton : System.Windows.Forms.Button

I like having my forms open up in Design View, but I made a partial class file which had only code and Visual Studio wanted to open it in Design View all the time. To prevent Visual Studio from realizing that a specific source file can be loaded by Designer, look at the csproj file for the Compile Include tag of the appropriate source file and remove the SubType tag underneath it.

I came across this issue myself recently and the above solutions did not solve my issue. I needed to go into Tools | Options and change the settings for HTML Designer to Enable HTML designer and select Start pages in: Source View.


Remove automatic addition of using statements on Visual Studio on using methods not in the current namespace [duplicate]

I am using Visual Studio with Unity. When I copy and paste a code in Visual Studio. It automatically adds an unnecessary namespace on the top. It is pretty annoying to see if there have many unused namespaces over time. May I ask if is this a bug or how can I turn off the auto import namespace when copy paste?
From the suggested name, I think Visual Studio confuses the "length" and "Length"
Here are the steps to reproduce the problem
On the top of the page in Visual Studio, go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Advanced > Uncheck the option for "Add missing using directives on paste" then click OK on the bottom of the page. And then restart Visual Studio.
Might be useful to some to note that tab completion will still auto-add missing using directives.
Here is an example with the option checked (the example specifics are not relevant but in this case an attribute is being pasted to an ASP.Net Core Razor Page):
Here is an example with the option unchecked:

How do you change the default programming language visual studio 2013?

I installed Visual Studio 2013 again after I got a new PC, but now when I create a new file it creates it as an VB file instead of c#.
I changed the default programming language in web.config like shown here:
I tried reloading the project but it still does not work.
The web project is placed on a local ftp server.
When you make a new project, under Templates you should see a node for Visual Basic and one for Visual C# with the different types of projects listed under the language. I believe VS remembers which one you used last.
The menu that shows up when you right click on a folder > "Add" shows a list of the options available for that folder ex. if you are in App_code it shows "Class". It seems it doesn't change the first suggestion to C# class even tho you change the programming language. So to fix that you go into the same menu and pick "Add New item..." and select C# Class file ...close it. Now if you try and create a file again it still says "Class" in the Add menu, but when you select it now, it creates it as an C#.
Sovled the problem for me. Thanks to all of you leading me to the answer.

How to configure Visual Studio (2010) to open aspx pages on code behind by default on double click?

The question says it all... its pretty simple, and it can be done by selecting the file and pressing F7 but I'm always double clicking accidentally and visual studio takes forever to open the design view page (even if its almost empty), but I just wanna go straight to the code.
Any tips?
I had this problem too. My solution was to change Visual Studio to open up pages in HTML view by default. Because VS doesn't need to format the page, this is MUCH quicker. You can see how to get Visual Studio to open pages in HTML view at
To tell Visual Studio 2010 to open files automatically in Source view,
Tools -> Options
Select the General section of the HTML Designer tab.
Choose to start pages in Source View.
Just incase Andy's link dies, the method to make Visual Studio open ASPX pages in HTML view rather than the default designer view:
Go to Tools -> Options. Select HTML Designer from the menu at left. Select "HTML View" for HTML pages, Active Server Pages and Web Form pages. Click OK.
This forces VS to open pages in HTML view, which for developers is usually the view we work in for editing ASPX templates. In addition, it addresses the original issue of this question, which is getting VS to open pages faster, since it doesn't have to render a designer view.
I think you are asking to configure VS2010 to take you to the .cs / .vb file when you double click on the aspx page, but you could also be asking about make it go to the html source view.
If you are wondering about the latter (html source view), here is a screenshot of what setting to change.
I hope this helps.

VS2010 "Add Item" directory change

Is there any way to change the default directory Visual Studio 2010 uses when you add a source file through Add -> New Item?
Add New Item simply adds the item based on which project directory you're currently in or have selected in your Solution Explorer. If you want to change where it gets added then select the target location in the Solution Explorer first.
This behavior is obvious when right-clicking in the Solution Explorer, but it's also the same when using Project -> Add New Item....
Since my comment seems to be the actual answer, I repost:
In the toolbar of Solution Explorer, there's a button "Show all files" (or similar, I'm using the German version). This switches the view to directories, rather than filters. In this view, you can right-click on the desired target folder to add items.
This does not actually change the default directory, but since you have to click somewhere anyway to add an item, this is the easiest approach.
Note that even when only using Visual C++, I'd recommend the Productivity Power Tools extension, which comes with Solution Navigator. In C++, this is not as powerful as with .NET, but it still has several features that are useful in C++ and can fully replace Solution Explorer.
Try going to tools -> options -> Project and Solutions.
I know this post is old... but maybe someone will stumble upon it... like I did today...
I had the same "problem":
I have a dedicated directory for icons.
When I need to add an icon to the resource file, Visual studio takes me to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE"
To fix the problem, after I "browsed" to the desired folder, I right-clicked the favorites of the "open file" dialog and selected "add current location to Favorites".
Next time you will get this dialog, you simply have to look for the folder in the favorites, and click it.

Extending VisualStudio

I want to extend Visual Studio such that, when someone right clicks on Solution Explorer, context menu should have a new menu item, say "Open custom form", clicking which should open a form (this form would actually accept some settings and modify config file accordingly)
Q1. Please provide on where should I start for such extension. Couldn't find any reference/tutorial link :(
Q2. What technology can be used to make such a form - Winforms/WPF?
Either Windows Forms or WPF should be fine.
SO: Visual Studio Add-In - adding a context menu item to solution-explorer
Google Code: explorer-popup-add-in
There's a lot of docs on Visual Studio integration here
