Handling http authenticated urls from elisp - elisp

is there a library in elisp which helps to get data of a page which is only
reachable through HTTP redirect after authentication? I've just started looking at the URL lib.

Perhaps something in the w3m package can help?

Though not an elisp package, the wget library is written specifically for this: http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/


Request only the header in http call

Is there a ruby library, with which I can request the web server to return only the header response and no content? This will help me speed up a script in which all I care is the response code.
I am now using this
but the server generates all the assert files and so on, which I do not want.
You might use rest-client gem and in particular head method.
This can be done using 'Net::HTTP::Head' in the net-http library. other libraries also support it, just remember to look for the HEAD method instead of the Get method

How to get the direct link from a twitter short link

twitter rss feed links comes short (like http://t.co/rwkYrSPD)
I want to get the direct link with using yahoo pipes
How to do it?
Well, obviously you can simply go to the page. for example, http://t.co/rwkYrSPD becomes http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/focus_features/paranorman/
Does Yahoo Pipes have the ability to execute a HEAD request against a URL? If you run a HEAD against that url (curl -I 'http://t.co/rwkYrSPD') you'll get back an HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently response with the actual URL as the Location header.
I realise it's quite a bit later, now, but check out the source of this Pipe, which uses the LongURL API (e.g., http://api.longurl.org/v2/expand?url=http://t.co/rwkYrSPD) together with YQL.

Cross domain content usage from client script (security issues)

I'm trying to load some external content using jQuery load function to div on my page. load method works ok, with local content, but if you want something out of your domain, it won't work.
$("#result").load("http://extrnal.com/page.htm #data);
(it actually works in IE with security warning, but refuses to work in Chrome at all). jQuery documentation says that it is right, because cross-domain content is restricted because of security reasons. Same warning I get if use .getJSON method.
OK, after a googling a bit I found very interesting approach of using YQL for loading content, I've tried some examples, like this:
var request = "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20html%20where%20url%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Ffinance.yahoo.com%2Fq%3Fs%3Dyhoo%22&format=json&diagnostics=true&callback=?";
$.getJSON(request, function (json) {
And it really works!
What I dont understand now is that http://query.yahooapis.com is also cross-domain resouce but browser (both IE and Chrome) works OK with that?
Whats the difference? What am I missing?
Thank you
The results you are getting back from YQL are in JSON format which is permitted for cross site AJAX calls like this. Its the same mechanism that allows you to communicate with web services for external sites via JSON (Ie. the twitter API).
Details here - http://www.wait-till-i.com/2010/01/10/loading-external-content-with-ajax-using-jquery-and-yql/
you can make on external site JSON like this:
and define
function callback(json) {
..here is processing..
Thanks for your answers, but unfortunately both of them do not answer my orginal question..
I've checked out related questions on stackoverflow (i know i need to do that first) and found the reason of such behavior.
First code snipset uses AJAX/JSON to retrive the data and it is permitted because of Same Origin Policy. But request to YQL uses JSONP instead, that is OK.
The JSONP was something that I don't know about, that's why I didn't undrestand the behaviour.
Introduction info on JSONP could be found here:

Ruby Oauth File upload/Multipart POST request

I've been looking at this for a couple of days now and haven't
found a solution. Is there a way to upload a file using OAuth-Ruby?
I am working with a REST system that protects their resource with oauth. I am building a test tool using ruby and oauth-ruby to make it easier to upload test data to the system. But I can't get around to upload files to the resources.
When I send a normal request, everything works but adding a file as a
parameter makes the signature invalid.
#access_token.post("http://.../imageresource", {:name=>"awesome cat"}, {'Content-Type' => 'multipart/form-data'})
works but gives me:
<message>images/POST: Request has no file data</message>
I am not sure how to add a file to the post.
Any thoughts on this?
I know this is old but I'm looking to do this too, this looks like it could do the trick.
Actually there's a question ruby-how-to-post-a-file-via-http-as-multipart-form-data that has an example.
This is either impossible to do with the oauth gem or exceedingly difficult. Either way, I don't know of any way to do it using that gem.
It can be done trivially with my signet gem as long as you have a handy way to construct a valid multipart request body. The construction of such a request body is out-of-scope of an OAuth gem, but should be pretty easy to do with most HTTP clients. The httpadapter gem can then translate the request into a form that signet can sign. Let me know if your preferred HTTP client isn't supported by httpadapter and I'll get that resolved immediately.
See the second example on the fetch_protected_resource method to get an idea for how this might be done.

File downloader written in ruby

Which APIs are necessary to make a file downloader in ruby programming language?
The namespace Net::HTTP contains every usefull tools for HTTP requests in ruby.
The documentation isn't very clear but it's very useful :
I found this example on google :
Net::HTTP always done the job for me, i hope it's will be the same for you.
