Can't get a custom Membership Provider to work with Sitecore 6 -

I followed the directions in the Membership Providers document provided by Sitecore, but I was unable to get my membership provider to work correctly.
Specifically, in the web.config, I changed the "realProviderName" attribute on the sitecore provider to point to my provider. However, this didn't do anything.
I realized that the "defaultProvider" attribute was set to the "switcher" provider, so I changed that to point directly at my provider, and it worked, but I'm not sure if I'm causing problems elsewhere by doing this...
Has anyone done this before?

I think what you probably want to do is set the defaultProvider="sitecore" then on the provider named sitecore change the realProviderName to be the name of your custom provider. The switcher is used if you want to house a certain domain (i.e. extranet) in a different membership database.
I found that the example Sitecore gives in their docs for this does indeed work.


Entity Relationship not seen under Look For in Advanced Find for CRM 4.0

I have the following issue.
I have a custom entity which i have imported in 2 environments. In environment 1, the entity got imported without much difficulty and worked as I had created it.
In the 2nd environment, the entity got imported but i can not see Created By relationship for user under Related label in Advanced find view. However, in the 1st environment and the environment that I had developed in, I can see this relationship.
I do not know why this is happening and the only way to correct it is through unsupported update to CRM Metadata Table.
Can someone please tell me what am I doing wrong?
If you go into the customizations and open the attribute there is a property there that determines if a field shows in advanced find or not. Can you check to make sure that Searchable is set as Yes?

Joomla Component Permissions

In Joomla 2.5 I have a custom component installed that is only available to the Administrator. I would like to make this component available to the Manager Group as well.
Can someone please tell me what file I must edit? Is it an XML file in the administrator/components/name_here/? Or is this a lot more complicated than I think?
I hope I am reading the right file, this Joomla system is a mad hatter.
It's not just an XML file your component will need to check the permissions a user has.
Since Joomla! 1.6 there is an extensive Access Control (ACL) mechanism implemented for front-end and backend access. You can define an unlimited number of Groups all with different access levels on a per component basis (this presumes that the component is written correctly). The default groups that are created with the initial setup can be deleted or renamed and may not to exist on all installations, users can create groups of any name with any range of permissions.
I would recommend starting with the Access Control List/2.5/Tutorial this will give you a better understanding of the new ACL.
Then from the "Developing a Model-View-Controller Component/2.5" tutorial, re-read "Adding ACL" article, if you need custom rules you will probably want to read the Adding ACL Rules to your component article as well.

MVC4 application can not see any membership section

Just installed VS 2012(Ultimate) and created a MVC4 application.
When I looked into web.config, I can not find any membership, role or profile providers sections.
Curious to know where they are set.
Actually it takes the value from machine.config. And the default provider is 'AspNetSqlMembershipProvider'

Orchard cms - custom login module with users in another database

Im evaluating orchard cms for my employer and just wanted to ask a question about login and membership.
Our users and their roles are in another database which are exposed via an API and i would need to just get pointed in the right direction if it is possible to solve this in orchard.
The users must be able to login on the orchard site and it will display different content depending on their role. The admins and editors will use the built in user db.
What would be the correct way to solve this? Some kind of module or custom membership provider?
Also, is it possible to set visibility rules in orchard admin for content based on the roles from the other external DB?
Please do ask if you find something in my question confusing.
There were not that many modules in the orchard gallery but have been playing around with a few so i am now answering my question and hope it helps others looking to build their own custom login.
The one which helped me most was the windows authentication module which was really easy to rewrite to work against an external service.
edit: typo

Change Registration form in Joomla 1.5

I am developing a website where I need to create two user types. One is "member" and the other is "merchant". Both have different areas to be accessed. I am really confused on how can I achieve this.
Also I am trying to add my custom fields of First name and Password in the default Joomla registration form. As soon as I add a new TR with field first name the registration form stops working.
Can you guys help me in doing this?
If you have some troubles with default Joomla registrtion, you could use Community Builder. It is pretty easy to add fields to users profile and users registration. To separate members and merchants you could add field to the registration form called for example Account type. And then according to its value assign new user as registered(members) or author(merchant).
First, adding user types in 1.5 is not going to accomplish the access requirements you have described. You would need to install an access control component to control different user types accessing different content.
Next, Joomla 1.5 is nearing end of life, April 2012 to be exact. Version 1.7.x released last week so you should very seriously consider moving the site to the latest version. An added bonus is that Joomla 1.7.x has built in access control levels that would accomplish what you are trying to do.
Regarding different access levels best thing to do would be upgrade to Joomla 1.6/1.7 It has this functionality built in. It may be possible to achieve this in 1.5 with third party components, but I don't have any experience with this.
Regarding custom registration fields, again, if you upgrade to 1.6/1.7 it has User - Profile plugin which allows to add additional fields to your registration form.
In 1.5 you can use third party components such as ExtendedReg (commercial).
Or alternately edit core files:
