WTSRegisterSessionNotification doesn't work sometimes on startup with XP home - winapi

I'm using the function/message to check if the workstation is locked. Now my application is in the startup folder. It has worked without any problems on XP pro, but since I'm using the program on XP home WTSRegisterSessionNotification fails about 50% of the time on startup, but it never fails when the system is already booted up. Any idea why this could happen?

On XP, services start in the background and do not block boot or logon. The termsrv service is most likely not running by the time you call WTSRegisterSessionNotification.
You can check if the service is running by:
// Error handling omitted for brevity
SC_HANDLE svc = OpenService(scm, L"TermSrv", SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS);
QueryServiceStatus(svc, &status);
if (status.dwCurrentSTate != SERVICE_RUNNING) {
// Try to start, wait and try again, etc.

Reading from the MSDN remarks section for WTSRegisterSessionNotification it says
If this function is called before the dependent services of Terminal Services have started, an RPC_S_INVALID_BINDING error code may be returned. When the Global\TermSrvReadyEvent global event is set, all dependent services have started and this function can be successfully called.
So a neat solution might be to use OpenEvent to obtain a handle to the Global\TermSrvReadyEvent event then use WaitForSingleObject (with the handle obtained from OpenEvent and a sensible timeout) to wait for the terminal services to start (causing the handle to be signalled) before calling WTSRegisterSessionNotification.
Of course, you could probably also call WTSRegisterSessionNotification to begin with then, if it fails, use GetLastError to see if it returned RPC_S_INVALID_BINDING and if so, do the above.


Detect UI operation which will "hang" the application if running in service mode

Fellow experts!
I have faced the following dilemma: some of our tools (executables) are started as scheduled tasks, some are started as services and others as usual desktop apps with interactive Windows user. We are using the code sharing strategy for source management (this is not debatable for this question).
So the solution I want to find is the following:
Detect UI operation at run-time which leads to hanging service/background task (such as say call to Application.ShowException, ShowMessage, MessageDialog, TForm.Show etc.). And when such an action detected I want to raise the exception instead. Then the operation will fail, we will have stack trace etc. but the process will not hang up! The most problematic hang up is when some event processing is done in transaction and then in some of the code used to process event suddenly (because of error in code, design, whatever) there is UI code executed then the process hangs and the DB parts can be locked!
What I think I need to do is: Use DDetours library to intercept WinAPI calls to a certain routines and raise exception instead (so that the process does not hang, but just fail in some method). Also I know that the creation of forms and windows does not hang the app, but only the tries to show them to the user.
Is there some known method of handling this problem? Or maybe there is some list of WinAPI routine set which hangs in service mode?
Thank you in advance.

Detect the Application which requests "services.exe" to start a service in Windows

As a part of my project, I get an event notification every time a Service is Started or Stopped using the WMI class Win32_Service through an EventSink.
I want to detect the application which had requested "services.exe" to start a particular service.
Till now, I tried Monitoring ALPC calls between any process and "services.exe" and got a Message_ID every time a process communicates (sends/receives) any information to/from "services.exe" using the ALPC Class. I would like to know what these messages are so that I can decode a StartService() or a StopService() procedure.
Is there any way to detect which application starts/stops a service?
The best way to do this, in my opinion, would be from kernel-mode using the PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine/Ex/Ex2 kernel-mode callback.
If you're going to be using PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine, you will receive less information than if you were using the Extended version of the kernel-mode callback (the Ex one). However, you can still query information such as the image file path of the parent process (or the one being created) by using PsLookupProcessByProcessId to get a pointer to the _EPROCESS structure and then relying on SeLocateProcessImageName (undocumented, however it is accessible in WDK by default).
The SeLocateProcessImageName routine will rely internally on that _EPROCESS structure, since information like the path of the process image on-disk is all tracked by the Windows kernel there.
If you're going to be using the Ex version of the kernel-mode callback, then you eliminate the need to do what is mentioned above. The Ex version of the routine is more recent than the non-Ex version.
The routine prototype for the callback routine will be:
HANDLE ProcessId,
As seen above, you get a pointer to the _PS_CREATE_NOTIFY_INFO structure. You can then access the ImageFileName and CommandLine fields to filter for services.exe (make sure you filter properly to not catch it for a rogue copy - so ensure full path indicates its the real one) and gain more insight into why it was being invoked (if such information is exposed via the command-line... I cannot remember - nonetheless, you can still detect its creation and be aware of who spawned it).
To determine the parent who was responsible for the process creation operation of services.exe (e.g. if it relied on the Service Manager which in turn resulted in the spawning of it), you can rely on the ParentProcessId field (under the _PS_CREATE_NOTIFY_INFO structure as well). The SeLocateProcessImageName trick will work perfectly here.
SeLocateProcessImageName is undocumented so here is the routine prototype:
At-least with the latest Windows 10 WDK, it's already available by default. If you wanted to though, you can use a dynamic import with MmGetSystemRoutineAddress.

Managing the lifetime of a process I don't control

I'm using Chromium Embedded Framework 3 (via CEFGlue) to host a browser in a third-party process via a plugin. CEF spins up various external processes (e.g. the renderer process) and manages the lifetime of these.
When the third-party process exits cleanly, CefRuntime.Shutdown is called and all the processes exit cleanly. When the third-party process exits badly (for example it crashes) I'm left with CEF executables still running and this (sometimes) causes problems with the host application meaning it doesn't start again.
I'd like a way to ensure that whatever manner the host application exits CefRuntime.Shutdown is called and the user doesn't end up with spurious processes running.
I've been pointed in the direction of job objects (see here) but this seems like it might be difficult to ship in a real solution as on some versions of Windows it requires administrative rights.
I could also set CEF to run in single process mode, but the documentation specifies that this is really for "debugging" only, so I'm assuming shipping this in production code is bad for some reason (see here).
What other options do I have?
Following on from the comments, I've tried passing the PID of the host process through to the client (I can do this by overriding OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch). I've then created a simple watchdog with the following code:
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => {
var process = Process.GetProcessById(pid);
while (!process.WaitForExit(5000)) {
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for external process to die...");
I can verify in the debugger that this code executes and that the PID I'm passing into it is correct. However, if I terminate the host process I find that the thread simply dies in a way that I can't control and that the lines following the while loop are never executed (even if I replace it with a Console.WriteLine I never see any more messages printed from this thread.
For posterity, the solution suggested by #IInspectable worked, but in order to make it work I had to switch the implementation of of the external process to use the non-multi threaded message loop.
settings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop = false;
CefRuntime.Initialize(mainArgs, settings, cefWebApp, IntPtr.Zero);
Application.Idle += (sender,e) => {
if (parentProcess.HasExited) Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill();

How to know if the process is running from service

I made a GUI application that must run in my DELL server to send queries for 24 hours.
In case where the application is stopped by random users, or whatever it is, I created a service program that detects when it stops running, and executes it again.
The problem is, in service, FindWindow() doesn't properly work (always returns nullptr) because Microsoft changed its OS service policies since XP. And my service program has no way to find if the program is on the process list or not.
I found some solutions on the internet, which is to "allow service to interact with desktop on service panel" but since it was a long time ago so doesn't quite fit into the current OS version.
Should I use IPC instead? or any other ways to fix?
I believe that there has got to be a way to do this, because executing a process from service is also possible by using CreateProcessAsUser().
Any advice will be truly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
So I did what Remy Lebeau suggessted for me, and it properly works in Windows 7, and 2008.
Here's how I went step by step.
Create a named mutex in the global namespace in the GUI application.
::CreateMutex(nullptr, false, L"Global\\MyMutex");
Check periodically if the mutex has disappeared or not
by using CreateMutex(), and do not forget to take care of the reference count to the handle.
HANDLE hDetector = ::CreateMutex(nullptr, false, L"Global\\MyMutex");
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
// The GUI application is still running.
// ...
// The GUI application is not running.
// ...
See it work.

Windows Service exits when calling an child process using _execv()

I have a C++ Windows application that was designed to be a Windows service. It executes an updater periodically to see if there's a new version. To execute the updater, _execv() is used. The updater looks for new versions, downloads them and stops the Windows service (all of these actions are logged), replaces the files, and starts the service again. Doing that in CLI mode (not going into service mode) works fine that way. According to my log files, the child process is launched, but the parent process (the Windows service) exits.
Is it even "allowed" to launch child processes in Windows services, and, why does the service exit unexpected then? My log files show no error (I am even monitoring for segfaults etc which is written to the log).
Why are you using _execv() rather than doing it the windows way and using CreateProcess()?
I assume you've put some debug into your service and you aren't getting past the point where you call _execv() in your service?
_execv replaces the existing process with a new one running the file you pass as the parameter. Under Unix (and similar) that's handled directly/natively. Windows, however, doesn't support that directly -- so it's done by having the parent process exit and arrange for a child process to be started as soon as it does.
IOW, it sounds like _execv is doing exactly what it's designed to -- but in this case, it's probably not what you really want. You can spawn a process from a service, but you generally want to use CreateProcessAsUser to create it under a specified account instead of the service account (which has a rather unusual set of rights assigned to it). The service process will then exit and restart when it's asked to by the service manager when your updater calls ControlService, CreateService, etc.
