Best algorithm for avoiding loss of precision? - precision

A recent homework assignment I have received asks us to take expressions which could create a loss of precision when performed in the computer, and alter them so that this loss is avoided.
Unfortunately, the directions for doing this haven't been made very clear. From watching various examples being performed, I know that there are certain methods of doing this: using Taylor series, using conjugates if square roots are involved, or finding a common denominator when two fractions are being subtracted.
However, I'm having some trouble noticing exactly when loss of precision is going to occur. So far the only thing I know for certain is that when you subtract two numbers that are close to being the same, loss of precision occurs since high order digits are significant, and you lose those from round off.
My question is what are some other common situations I should be looking for, and what are considered 'good' methods of approaching them?
For example, here is one problem:
f(x) = tan(x) − sin(x) when x ~ 0
What is the best and worst algorithm for evaluating this out of these three choices:
(a) (1/ cos(x) − 1) sin(x),
(b) (x^3)/2
(c) tan(x)*(sin(x)^2)/(cos(x) + 1).
I understand that when x is close to zero, tan(x) and sin(x) are nearly the same. I don't understand how or why any of these algorithms are better or worse for solving the problem.

Another rule of thumb usually used is this: When adding a long series of numbers, start adding from numbers closest to zero and end with the biggest numbers.
Explaining why this is good is abit tricky. when you're adding small numbers to a large numbers, there is a chance they will be completely discarded because they are smaller than then lowest digit in the current mantissa of a large number. take for instance this situation:
a = 1,000,000;
do 100,000,000 time:
a += 0.01;
if 0.01 is smaller than the lowest mantissa digit, then the loop does nothing and the end result is a == 1,000,000
but if you do this like this:
a = 0;
do 100,000,000 time:
a += 0.01;
a += 1,000,000;
Than the low number slowly grow and you're more likely to end up with something close to a == 2,000,000 which is the right answer.
This is ofcourse an extreme example but I hope you get the idea.

I had to take a numerics class back when I was an undergrad, and it was thoroughly painful. Anyhow, IEEE 754 is the floating point standard typically implemented by modern CPUs. It's useful to understand the basics of it, as this gives you a lot of intuition about what not to do. The simplified explanation of it is that computers store floating point numbers in something like base-2 scientific notation with a fixed number of digits (bits) for the exponent and for the mantissa. This means that the larger the absolute value of a number, the less precisely it can be represented. For 32-bit floats in IEEE 754, half of the possible bit patterns represent between -1 and 1, even though numbers up to about 10^38 are representable with a 32-bit float. For values larger than 2^24 (approximately 16.7 million) a 32-bit float cannot represent all integers exactly.
What this means for you is that you generally want to avoid the following:
Having intermediate values be large when the final answer is expected to be small.
Adding/subtracting small numbers to/from large numbers. For example, if you wrote something like:
for(float index = 17000000; index < 17000001; index++) {}
This loop would never terminate becuase 17,000,000 + 1 is rounded down to 17,000,000.
If you had something like:
float foo = 10000000 - 10000000.0001
The value for foo would be 0, not -0.0001, due to rounding error.

My question is what are some other
common situations I should be looking
for, and what are considered 'good'
methods of approaching them?
There are several ways you can have severe or even catastrophic loss of precision.
The most important reason is that floating-point numbers have a limited number of digits, e.g..doubles have 53 bits. That means if you have "useless" digits which are not part of the solution but must be stored, you lose precision.
For example (We are using decimal types for demonstration):
2.598765000000000000000000000100 -
The interesting part is the 100-99 = 1 answer. As 2.598765 is equal in both cases, it
does not change the result, but waste 8 digits. Much worse, because the computer doesn't
know that the digits is useless, it is forced to store it and crams 21 zeroes after it,
wasting at all 29 digits. Unfortunately there is no way to circumvent it for differences,
but there are other cases, e.g. exp(x)-1 which is a function occuring very often in physics.
The exp function near 0 is almost linear, but it enforces a 1 as leading digit. So with 12
significant digits
exp(0.001)-1 = 1.00100050017 - 1 = 1.00050017e-3
If we use instead a function expm1(), use the taylor series:
1 + x +x^2/2 +x^3/6 ... -1 =
x +x^2/2 +x^3/6 =: expm1(x)
expm1(0.001) = 1.00500166667e-3
Much better.
The second problem are functions with a very steep slope like tangent of x near pi/2.
tan(11) has a slope of 50000 which means that any small deviation caused by rounding errors
before will be amplified by the factor 50000 ! Or you have singularities if e.g. the result approaches 0/0, that means it can have any value.
In both cases you create a substitute function, simplying the original function. It is of no use to highlight the different solution approaches because without training you will simply not "see" the problem in the first place.
A very good book to learn and train: Forman S. Acton: Real Computing made real

Another thing to avoid is subtracting numbers that are nearly equal, as this can also lead to increased sensitivity to roundoff error. For values near 0, cos(x) will be close to 1, so 1/cos(x) - 1 is one of those subtractions that you'd like to avoid if possible, so I would say that (a) should be avoided.


What are the stopping conditions for computing infinite series in IEEE 754?

I'm doing error analysis, and I would like to know if there's a good rule of thumb for when to stop adding terms to an infinite sum, or multiplying terms to an infinite product. After reading a lot of numeric code, what I've derived so far is the following.
For infinite sums, we should stop when the next term is near 0. If our target sum were about 1, then the machine epsilon would denote when the next term will be too small to make a contribution. Thus, our machine epsilon multiplied by our current running total will be roughly the right size to indicate when the term will be too small. (I've also seen a variant where the machine epsilon is compared to the next term divided by the running total.)
If the contributing terms can be negative, then absolute-value brackets need to be added in the right places, but otherwise I don't think that there's a two-tailed variant of the one-tailed test.
For infinite products, we should stop when the next term is near 1. If our target product were near 1 as well, then the square root of the machine epsilon (which is bigger than the epsilon itself!) would indicate when our error is negligible. So we can scale the square root of the machine epsilon by the running total in order to see if our next term is too small.
As before, if the contributing terms can fall below 1, then we just have to be more careful with signs and absolute values.
Am I on the right track? Are there better ways to do this? Thanks for reading.
For SUM, and with the magnitude of the terms decreasing, stop when the next term is less than one "unit in the last place" of the current sum.
For a slightly more accurate SUM, hold off on including the first term; add it at the end. after accumulating the rest.
For MULTIPLY, will the terms become exactly 1.0? If so, then that is an easy stopping point.
In both cases, you could stop when the sum or product does not change the accumulated value.
Your comment about "target sum were about 1" is overkill; what I say above relaxes that requirement. But -- beware of under/overflow. Hopefully you 'know' that the result and the intermediate sums will come nowhere near infinity or the other extreme.
My use of "magnitude" allows for oscillating series (eg, sine). But there are series that do converge in spite of the individual terms oscillating wildly. They can create bad round off errors -- because the intermediate sums are bigger than the result.
In particular, for evaluating sine, first do "range reduction" to map the problem into a range of [-pi/4, +pi/4] (for many trig functions). This makes x - x^3/3! + ... very stable. WIthout the range reduction, the terms will oscillate wildly for a large value of x. (Note: range reduction may also turn the sine into cosine and/or change the sign of the result.)
Beware of this 'simple' series: 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5 + ...
Would you like to discuss a particular series?

What is the point of Math.random() returning from 0 inclusive to 1 exclusive?

Math.random() returns a number with 17 digits after the binary point in my console, so the probability of it being exactly 0 is astronomically low. What exactly is the point of that it can technically be 0 but never can be 1, when it is basically never going to return either of those numbers anyway? What led to this? Could someone give me some examples where this property of the Math.random() is relevant?
Typically to produce the random floating-point value a random integer is generated first and then that is scaled to the floating-point range. Because of the binary representation of a floating-point value there are a power-of-two uniformly distributed values between 0 and 1 not including 1.0. If you do include 1.0 then the range is a power of two plus one; and generating a uniform random integer in such a range is much more difficult.
Besides that, returning 1.0 would only cause problems. After you multiply it by a constant you end up with an extremely small chance, but still a chance, of getting exactly that constant. Even after quantising with round-to-nearest you still only get half the chance of occuring compared to any other value (except zero, which also suffers the same penalty).
So it's both easier to do, and more useful.
That said, this is no place to fuss about perfectly uniform distributions. Simply by multiplying a floating-point value, which is inherently restricted to some finite set of values, by a constant and quantising the result, you end up with some results being slightly (immeasurably) more likely than others.

Algorithm to find an arbitrarily large number

Here's something I've been thinking about: suppose you have a number, x, that can be infinitely large, and you have to find out what it is. All you know is if another number, y, is larger or smaller than x. What would be the fastest/best way to find x?
An evil adversary chooses a really large number somehow ... say:
int x = 9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9
and provides isX, isBiggerThanX, and isSmallerThanx functions. Example code might look something like this:
int c = 2
int y = 2
if isX(y) return true
if(isBiggerThanX(y)) fn()
else y = y^c
where fn() is a function that, once a number y has been found (that's bigger than x) does something to determine x (like divide the number in half and compare that, then repeat). The thing is, since x is arbitrarily large, it seems like a bad idea to me to use a constant to increase y.
This is just something that I've been wondering about for a while now, I'd like to hear what other people think
Use a binary search as in the usual "try to guess my number" game. But since there is no finite upper end point, we do a first phase to find a suitable one:
Initially set the upper end point arbitrarily (e.g. 1000000, though 1 or 1^100 would also work -- given the infinite space to work in, all finite values are equally disproportionate).
Compare the mystery number X with the upper end point.
If it's not big enough, double it, and try again.
Once the upper end point is bigger than the mystery number, proceed with a normal binary search.
The first phase is itself similar to a binary search. The difference is that instead of halving the search space with each step, it's doubling it! The cost for each phase is O(log X). A small improvement would be to set the lower end point at each doubling step: we know X is at least as high as the previous upper end point, so we can reuse it as the lower end point. The size of the search space still doubles at each step, but in the end it will be half as large as would have been. The cost of the binary search will be reduced by only 1 step, so its overall complexity remains the same.
Some notes
A couple of notes in response to other comments:
It's an interesting question, and computer science is not just about what can be done on physical machines. As long as the question can be defined properly, it's worth asking and thinking about.
The range of numbers is infinite, but any possible mystery number is finite. So the above method will eventually find it. Eventually is defined such as that, for any possible finite input, the algorithm will terminate within a finite number of steps. However since the input is unbounded, the number of steps is also unbounded (it's just that, in every particular case, it will "eventually" terminate.)
If I understand your question correctly (advise if I do not), you're asking about how to solve "pick a number from 1 to 10", except that instead of 10, the upper bound is infinity.
If your number space is truly infinite, the following are true:
The value will never be held in an int (or any other data type) on any physical hardware
You will NEVER find your number
If the space is immensely large but bound, I think the best you can do is a binary search. Start at the middle of the number range. If the desired number turns out to be higher or lower, divide that half of the number space, and repeat until the desired number is found.
In your suggested implementation you raise y ^ c. However, no matter how large c is chosen to be, it will not even move the needle in infinite space.
Infinity isn't a number. Thus you can't find it, even with a computer.
That's funny. I've wondered the same thing for years, though I've never heard anyone else ask the question.
As simple as your scenario is, it still seems to provide insufficient information to allow the choice of an optimal strategy. All one can choose is a suitable heuristic. My heuristic had been to double y, but I think that I like yours better. Yours doubles log(y).
The beauty of your heuristic is that, so long as the integer fits in the computer's memory, it finds a suitable y in logarithmic time.
Counter-question. Once you find y, how do you proceed?
I agree with using binary search, though I believe that a ONE-SIDED binary search would be more suitable, since here the complexity would NOT be O( log n ) [ Where n is the range of allowable numbers ], but O( log k ) - where k is the number selected by your adversary.
This would work as follows : ( Pseudocode )
k = 1;
while( isSmallerThanX( k ) )
k = k*2;
// At this point, once the loop is exited, k is bigger than x
// Now do normal binary search for the range [ k/2, k ] to find your number :)
So even if the allowable range is infinity, as long as your number is finite, you should be able to find it :)
Your method of tetration is guaranteed to take longer than the age of the universe to find an answer, if the opponent merely uses a paradigm which is better (for example, pentation). This is how you should do it:
You can only do this with symbolic representations of numbers, because it is trivial to name a number your computer cannot store in floating-point representation, even if it used arbitrary-precision arithmetic and all its memory.
Required reading: - that pretty much sums it up
How do you represent a number then? You represent it by a program which will, if run to completion, print out that number. Even then, your computer is incapable of computing BusyBeaver(10^100) (if you dictated a program 1 terabyte in size, this well over the maximum number of finite clock cycles it could run without looping forever). You can see that we could easily have the computer print out 1 0 0... each clock cycle, making the maximum number it could say (if we waited nearly an eternity) would be 10^BusyBeaver(10^100). If you allowed it to say more complicated expressions like eval(someprogram), power-towers, Ackermann's function, whatever-- then I believe that would be no better than increasing the original 10^100 by some constant proportional to the complexity of what you described (plus some logarithmic interpreter factor, see Kolmogorov complexity).
So let's frame this another way:
Your opponent picks a finite computable number, and gives you a function tells you if the number is smaller/larger/equal by computing it. He also gives you a representation for the output (in a sane world this would be "you can only print numbers like 99999", but he can make it more complicated; it actually doesn't matter). Proceed to measure the size of this function in bits.
Now, answer with your own function, which is twice the size of his function (in bits), and prints out the largest number it can while keeping the code to less than 2N bits in length. (You use the same representation he chose: In a world where you can only print out numbers like "99999", that's what you do. If you can define functions, it gets slightly more complicated.)
I do not understand the purpose here, but I this is what I thought of:
Reading your comments, I suppose you aren't looking for infinitely large number, but a "super large number" instead. And whatever be the number, it will have a large no. of digits. How you got them, isn't the concern. Keeping this in mind:
No complex computation is required. Just type random keys on your numeric keyboard to have a super large number, and then have a program randomly add/remove/modify digits of that number. You get a list of very large numbers - select any one out of them.
e.g: 3672036025039629036790672927305060260103610831569252706723680972067397267209
and keep modifying/adding digits to get more numbers
PS: If you state the purpose in your question clearly, we might be able to give better answers.

Why is Math.sqrt(i*i).floor == i?

I am wondering if this is true: When I take the square root of a squared integer, like in
f = Math.sqrt(123*123)
I will get a floating point number very close to 123. Due to floating point representation precision, this could be something like 122.99999999999999999999 or 123.000000000000000000001.
Since floor(122.999999999999999999) is 122, I should get 122 instead of 123. So I expect that floor(sqrt(i*i)) == i-1 in about 50% of the cases. Strangely, for all the numbers I have tested, floor(sqrt(i*i) == i. Here is a small ruby script to test the first 100 million numbers:
100_000_000.times do |i|
puts i if Math.sqrt(i*i).floor != i
The above script never prints anything. Why is that so?
UPDATE: Thanks for the quick reply, this seems to be the solution: According to wikipedia
Any integer with absolute value less
than or equal to 2^24 can be exactly
represented in the single precision
format, and any integer with absolute
value less than or equal to 2^53 can
be exactly represented in the double
precision format.
Math.sqrt(i*i) starts to behave as I've expected it starting from i=9007199254740993, which is 2^53 + 1.
Here's the essence of your confusion:
Due to floating point representation
precision, this could be something
like 122.99999999999999999999 or
This is false. It will always be exactly 123 on a IEEE-754 compliant system, which is almost all systems in these modern times. Floating-point arithmetic does not have "random error" or "noise". It has precise, deterministic rounding, and many simple computations (like this one) do not incur any rounding at all.
123 is exactly representable in floating-point, and so is 123*123 (so are all modest-sized integers). So no rounding error occurs when you convert 123*123 to a floating-point type. The result is exactly 15129.
Square root is a correctly rounded operation, per the IEEE-754 standard. This means that if there is an exact answer, the square root function is required to produce it. Since you are taking the square root of exactly 15129, which is exactly 123, that's exactly the result you get from the square root function. No rounding or approximation occurs.
Now, for how large of an integer will this be true?
Double precision can exactly represent all integers up to 2^53. So as long as i*i is less than 2^53, no rounding will occur in your computation, and the result will be exact for that reason. This means that for all i smaller than 94906265, we know the computation will be exact.
But you tried i larger than that! What's happening?
For the largest i that you tried, i*i is just barely larger than 2^53 (1.1102... * 2^53, actually). Because conversions from integer to double (or multiplication in double) are also correctly rounded operations, i*i will be the representable value closest to the exact square of i. In this case, since i*i is 54 bits wide, the rounding will happen in the very lowest bit. Thus we know that:
i*i as a double = the exact value of i*i + rounding
where rounding is either -1,0, or 1. If rounding is zero, then the square is exact, so the square root is exact, so we already know you get the right answer. Let's ignore that case.
So now we're looking at the square root of i*i +/- 1. Using a Taylor series expansion, the infinitely precise (unrounded) value of this square root is:
i * (1 +/- 1/(2i^2) + O(1/i^4))
Now this is a bit fiddly to see if you haven't done any floating point error analysis before, but if you use the fact that i^2 > 2^53, you can see that the:
1/(2i^2) + O(1/i^4)
term is smaller than 2^-54, which means that (since square root is correctly rounded, and hence its rounding error must be smaller than 2^54), the rounded result of the sqrt function is exactly i.
It turns out that (with a similar analysis), for any exactly representable floating point number x, sqrt(x*x) is exactly x (assuming that the intermediate computation of x*x doesn't over- or underflow), so the only way you can encounter rounding for this type of computation is in the representation of x itself, which is why you see it starting at 2^53 + 1 (the smallest unrepresentable integer).
For "small" integers, there is usually an exact floating-point representation.
It's not too hard to find cases where this breaks down as you'd expect:
# => 94949493295293424
# => 94949493295293424
# => 94949493295293424
Ruby's Float is a double-precision floating point number, which means that it can accurately represent numbers with (rule of thumb) about 16 significant decimal digits. For regular single-precision floating point numbers it's about significant 7 digits.
You can find more information here:
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic:

Fast generation of random numbers that appear random

I am looking for an efficient way to generate numbers that a human would perceive as being random. Basically, I think of this as avoiding long sequences of 0 or 1 bits. I expect humans to be viewing the bit pattern, and a very low powered cpu should be able to calculate near a thousand of these per second.
There are two different concepts that I can think of to do this, but I am lost finding a efficient way of accomplishing them.
Generate a random number with a fixed number of one bits. For a 32-bit random number, this requires up to 31 random numbers, using the Knuth selection algorithm. is there a more efficient way to generate a random number with some number of bits set? Unfortunately, 0000FFFF doesn't look very random.
Some form of "part-wise' density seems like it'd look better - but I can't come up with a clear way of doing so - I'd imagine going through each chunk, and calculate how far it is from the ideal density, and try to increase the bit density of the next chunk. This sounds complex.
Hopefully there's another algorithm that I haven't thought about for this. Thanks in advance for your help.
I should be clearer with what I ask -
(a) Is there an efficient way to generate random numbers without "long" runs of a single bit, where "long" is a tunable parameter?
(b) Other suggestions on what would make a number appear to be less-random?
A linear feedback shift register probably does what you want.
Edit in light of an updated question: You should look at a shuffle bag, although I'm not sure how fast this could run. See also this question.
I don't really know what you mean by bit patterns that "look" random. Is there some algorithm for defining what that is? One way might be to formulate an array consisting of only those numbers which are random enough for your purpose, then, randomly select elements from that array and push them onto the stream. The thing you seem to be trying to do seems bizarre to me and may be doomed to failure though. What happens if you have two 32 bit numbers which taken individually would meet your criteria for apparent randomicity, but when placed side by side make a sufficiently long stream of 0's or 1's to look made up?
Finally, I couldn't resist this.
You need to decide by exactly what rules you decide if something "looks random". Then you take a random number generator that produces enough "real randomness" for your purpose, and every time it generates a number that doesn't look random enough, you throw that number away and generate a new one.
Or you directly produce a sequence of "random" bits and every time the random generator outputs the "wrong" next bit (that would make it look not-random), you just flip that bit.
Here's what I'd do. I'd use a number like 00101011100101100110100101100101 and rotate it by some random amount each time.
But are you sure that a typical pseudo random generator wouldn't do? Have you tried it? You con't very many long strings of 0s and 1s anyhow.
If you're going to use a library random number and you're worried about too many or too few bits being set, there are cheap ways of counting bits.
Random numbers often have long sequences of 1s and 0s, so I'm not sure I fully understand why you can't use a simple linear congruential generator and shift in or out how ever many bits you need. They're blazing fast, look extremely random to the naked eye, and you can choose coefficients that will yield random integers in whatever positive range you need. If you need 32 "random looking" bits, just generate four random numbers and take the low 8 bits from each.
You don't really need to implement your own at all though, since in most languages the random library already implements one.
If you're determined that you want a particular density of 1s, though, you could always start with a number that has the required number of 1s set
int a = 0x00FF;
then use a bit twiddling hack to implement a bit-level shuffle of the bits in that number.
If you are looking to avoid long runs, how about something simple like:
#include <cstdlib>
class generator {
generator() : last_num(0), run_count(1) { }
bool next_bit() {
const bool flip = rand() > RAND_MAX / pow( 2, run_count);
// RAND_MAX >> run_count ?
if(flip) {
run_count = 1;
last_num = !last_num;
} else
return last_num;
bool last_num;
int run_count;
Runs become less likely the longer they go on. You could also do RAND_MAX / 1+run_count if you wanted longer runs
Since you care most about run length, you could generate random run lengths instead of random bits, so as to give them the exact distribution you want.
The mean run length in random binary data is of course 4 (sum of n/(2^(n-1))), and the mode average 1. Here are some random bits (I swear this is a single run, I didn't pick a value to make my point):
See there's a run length of 8 in there. This is not especially surprising, since run length 8 should occur roughly every 256 bits and I've generated 64 bits.
If this doesn't "look random" to you because of excessive run lengths, then generate run lengths with whatever distribution you want. In pseudocode:
get a random number
output that many 1 bits
get a random number
output that many 0 bits
You'd probably want to discard some initial data from the stream, or randomise the first bit, to avoid the problem that as it stands, the first bit is always 1. The probability of the Nth bit being 1 depends on how you "get a random number", but for anything that achieves "shortish but not too short" run lengths it will soon be as close to 50% as makes no difference.
For instance "get a random number" might do this:
get a uniformly-distributed random number n from 1 to 81
if n is between 1 and 54, return 1
if n is between 55 and 72, return 2
if n is between 72 and 78, return 3
if n is between 79 and 80, return 4
return 5
The idea is that the probability of a run of length N is one third the probability of a run of length N-1, instead of one half. This will give much shorter average run lengths, and a longest run of 5, and would therefore "look more random" to you. Of course it would not "look random" to anyone used to dealing with sequences of coin tosses, because they'd think the runs were too short. You'd also be able to tell very easily with statistical tests that the value of digit N is correlated with the value of digit N-1.
This code uses at least log(81) = 6.34 "random bits" to generate on average 1.44 bits of output, so is slower than just generating uniformly-distributed bits. But it shouldn't be much more than about 7/1.44 = 5 times slower, and a LFSR is pretty fast to start with.
This is how I would examine the number:
const int max_repeated_bits = 4; /* or any other number that you prefer */
int examine_1(unsigned int x) {
for (int i=0; i<max_repeated_bits; ++i) x &= (x << 1);
return x == 0;
int examine(unsigned int x) {
return examine_1(x) && examine_1(~x);
Then, just generate a number x, if examine(x) return 0, reject it and try again. The probability to get a 32-bit number with more than 4 bits in a row is about 2/3, so you would need about 3 random generator callse per number. However, If you allow more than 4 bits, it gets better. Say, the probability to get more than 6 bits in a row only about 20%, so you would need only 1.25 calls per number.
There are various variants of linear feedback shift registers, such as shrinking and self-shrinking which modify the output of one LFSR based on the output of another.
The design of these attempts to create random numbers, where the probability of getting two bits the same in a row is 0.5, of getting three in a row is 0.25 as so on.
It should be possible to chain two LFSRs to inhibit or invert the output when a sequence of similar bits occurs - the first LFSR uses a conventional primitive polynomial, and the feed the output of the first into the second. The second shift register is shorter, doesn't have a primitive polynomial. Instead it is tapped to invert the output if all its bits are the same, so no run can exceed the size of the second shift register.
Obviously this destroys the randomness of the output - if you have N bits in a row, the next bit is completely predictable. Messing around with using the output of another random source to determine whether or not to invert the output would defeat the second shift register - you wouldn't be able to detect the difference between that and just one random source.
Check out the GSL. I believe it has some functions that do just what you want. They at least are guaranteed to be random bit strings. I'm not sure if they would LOOK random, since thats more of a psychological question.
Can't believe nobody mentioned this:
If you want a longest run (period) of 2N repeats:
Number = randomN_bitNumber();
if(Number && Number != MaxN_BitNumber)
return Number;
this gives much better results in terms of amount of tosses than using a 32-bit, etc rand
you only toss values 2/2^N of the time.
larger N give better results.
Since the number of values that do not split the value with a 1 in the middle bit is exactly half, you can go with a larger N than you otherwise would have if you can tolerate a larger largest run less than half the time.
One simple approach would be to generate one bit at a time, with a tuning parameter to control the probability that each new bit matches the previous one. By setting the probability below 0.5, you can generate sequences that are less likely to contain long runs of repeating bits (and you can tune that likelihood). Setting p = 0 gives a repeating 1010101010101010 sequence; setting p = 1 gives a sequence of all 0s or all 1s.
Here is some C# to demonstrate:
double p = 0.3; // 0 <= p <= 1, probability of duplicating a bit
var r = new Random();
int bit = r.Next(2);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
if (r.NextDouble() > p)
bit = (bit + 1) % 2;
This might well be too slow for your needs, since you need to generate a random double in order to obtain each new random bit. You could, instead, generate a random byte and use each pair of bits to generate the new bit (i.e. if both are zero then keep the same bit, otherwise flip it, if you're happy with the equivalent of a fixed p = 0.25).
Furthermore, it's still possible to get long sequences of repeated bits, you've just lowered the probability of doing so.
