How to temporarily deactivate all try / catch blocks? - visual-studio

Is there a possibility to deactivate / activate all try catch blocks in the whole project as easy as clicking a button?
I need this for debugging when I don't want the catch block to handle the exception, but instead prefer that VS breaks into the code as if the try catch block was not there.
At the moment I am commenting out the try/catch blocks but this is inefficient.
Environment: VS 2008 with C# as language.

To catch exceptions the moment they're thrown ("first-chance exceptions" in Win32 parlance):
in VS2008: go to Debug, Exceptions...
by VS2015: this has been moved to Debug > Windows > Exception Settings
Then check the box Thrown for Common Language Runtime Exceptions.

There is no way to deactivate try/catch blocks.
However, for debug purposes, if you want to break as soon as a particular type of exception is thrown, you can get Visual Studio to do that (Debug -> Exceptions; select the exception type you're interested in and check the "Thrown" box).

Thought about this today and found an other solution. The advantage of this is that the IDE will stop at the exact point of the occuring exception.
Somewhere globaly defined:
Namespace Global.System
Public Class NeverOccurException
Inherits Exception
End Class
End Namespace
At the beginning of each source code file:
Imports CatchAtReleaseException = System.NeverOccurException
Imports CatchAtReleaseException = System.Exception
#End If
'Compiled in DEBUG-Mode the TryCatch is "disabled", because the
'the ALIAS CatchAtReleaseException is set to "NeverOccurException"
'Compiled as RELEASE the TryCatch is "enabled", because the ALIAS
'is set to the regular "System.Exception"
Public Sub SampleSub()
Catch ex As CatchAtReleaseException
End Try
End Sub
Have fun with it,

If you want to do in the IDE, Debug -> Exceptions is the dialog where you can ask the IDE to break when a specific/category/all exceptions are thrown.

You can change the way Visual Studio breaks when an exception occurs. By default, it breaks on unhandled exceptions. If you go to menu Debug > Exceptions, you can uncheck Common Language Runtime Exceptions and make other changes in the IDE's behavior when exceptions occur. For example, you can have it break on only one kind of exception; there's a long list there.
I have done this on rare occasions when trying to debug.


How to force VS2019 ignore exceptions inside "try" section

Just installed VS2019 and noticed one uncomfortable thing: in Debug it stops ("falls") at the each exception, even inside try sections. How can I force it to ignore these exceptions, go to catch and work further?
After answer of Perry Qian-MSFT. Now I see this when I have UNHANDLED exception.
Translation: "application is in pause mode". And call stack is empty.
How to force VS2019 ignore exceptions inside “try” section
First, I agree with dixv and thanks for his help.
Current VS IDE can ignore specific exceptions as required.Under Debug-->Windows-->Exception settings
You can record the previous exception's name and search under it and then uncheck it.
After that, please uncheck Just My Code option, otherwise the exception may still be interrupted.
Tools-->Options-->Debugging-->General-->Just My Code
Update 1
If you enable that feature and also want to see the detailed info about that exception without breaking Debugging, you can add these code in catch
catch (Exception e) {
It will show the specific info about that exception in output window:
More info, you can refer to this issue.
Update 2
When you face that situation, you can just click on View Detail of that exception window, it will call Watch Widow and then when you click on StackTrace, it will show the related error file name and related line to you.
Hope it will help you.
Appears, there're two possible ways to... not solve this issue, but at least make it less uncomfortable.
1) Update 2 from Perry Qian-MSFT
2) I enabled Diagnostic Tools while debugging and when exception appears, I just select it in the log of the DiagTools and VS shows me required line.
You probably have the debugger set to break on first chance exceptions, which means it will break when the exception is thrown regardless of any code to catch it. To prevent this behavior, uncheck the respective exception types under Debug / Windows / Exception Settings.
From Manage exceptions with the debugger in Visual Studio:
The debugger can break execution at the point where an exception is thrown, so you may examine the exception before a handler is invoked. [...]
If you select an exception in the Exception Settings window, debugger execution will break wherever the exception is thrown, no matter whether it's handled. Now the exception is called a first chance exception.

How to make visual studio break only on unhandled exceptions?

On my other machines, Visual Studio always broke on errors when there was not a try/catch to handle them, but if there was a try/catch then it didn't break.
For some reason, on this laptop, it doesn't work that way. It didn't break at all at first, but then I found out how to set it to break by going to debug/exceptions. However, configuring it to break there causes it to always break on exceptions even if there is a try/catch block.
How do I make it work like I'm used to?
Make sure you have Just My Code Enabled by going into Tools-->Options-->Debugger-->General--> Enable Just My Code. This will change your Debug--> Exceptions Dialog Box to show a CheckBox for User-unhandled Errors.
I cannot find the dialogue in the accepted answer.
In my experience, in Exception Settings, if you hit "Restore the list to default settings", it will not break on exceptions you handled. If you checked a particular exception in Exception Settings, then it will break regardless of whether you handles this exception in your code or not.
For a more updated answer:
When you go to the exception settings right click on the exception type you want, which for C# would probably be Common Language Runtime Exceptions, and enable the "Continue When Unhandled in User Code" setting.
For me this seemed to not break on exceptions that were handled in a try catch or otherwise, but it did break when an unhandled exception occurred. The naming of the option makes it feel a bit iffy but it seems to work exactly as you and I hoped now.
Exception settings
Enable the required setting
In Visual Studio 2022 in the Exception Settings (Debug > Windows > Exception Settings), there is another column (Additional Actions) that can be viewed. It is written about here in the Microsoft Docs.
Make sure to remove the "Continue when unhandled in user code" setting in order break on any given exception.

Is there a setting to show me when an exception is caught?

I'm working on a project where a lot of bad code is written.
Today I came across a piece of code that caught and exception and just returned an empty string to "handle" it (very difficult to debug).
I was wondering whether there was any way of knowing that an exception has been thrown and caught in visual studio 2010?
VS menu -> Debug -> Exceptions -> Enable CLR Exceptions
There you can choose from "Thrown" or "user un-handled", obviously you need to break on "Thrown" exceptions
The debugger can break execution of your application immediately when
an exception occurs, giving you a chance to debug the exception before
a handler is invoked.
More details on MSDN: How to: Break When an Exception is Thrown
Important note - this feature is not available on Visual Studio "Web Developer" edition
Go to the 'debug' menu, select 'exceptions' and check 'Thrown' next to Common Language Runtime Exceptions. When debugging, this will break at any point an exception is thrown when debugging.
On the "Debug" menu choose "Exceptions..." and then tick "Thrown" and/or "User-Unhandled" for Common Language Runtime Exceptions.
This is not possible.
Visual Studio has settings for stopping either when unhandled exceptions occur or whenever an exception is thrown (or both).
There is no setting for exceptions that have been caught (as this would be a very common case and would overwhelm the display).
The debugger writes a entry to the output window when an exception is thrown.
You can break when an exception is thrown.
You can use ReSharper to detect unused parameters (catch(Exception e))

Prevent Visual Studio from breaking when throwing exceptions

I test the exceptions interception, so, I don't need that Visual Studio breaks on thinkgs like thrown new NullReferenceException("myVar").
I have the following under Debug=>Exceptions
however, VS breaks on the exceptions. What should I do?
for the application unhandled exception, I "catch" them using the Application.UnhandledException as in the the following:
''' <summary>Occurs when the application encounters an unhandled exception.</summary> '
Private Sub Application_UnhandledException(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs) Handles Me.UnhandledException
Dim message As String = String.Format("An application UnhandledException were thrown.{1}The application will now terminate.{1}'{0}'{1}{1}StackTrace:{1}{2}", e.Exception.Message, Environment.NewLine, e.Exception.StackTrace)
End Sub
I had same problem when I started using VS2010. I have unit tests, which expect exceptions, and I throw exceptions from my functions. These exceptions are supposed to be handled by the user of my library. In Debug->Exceptions dialog, I unchecked check box under User-Unhandled column for Common Language Runtime Exceptions, and VS stopped breaking on these exceptions. By the way, I don't see second column in the dialog you attached here.
If you throw an exception that is not handled anywhere in your code, Visual Studio is going to break. It doesn't have any other choice: there was an unhandled exception. Outside of Visual Studio, the application would show an error message and inform the user that an unhandled exception occurred.
The options you see in the Debug -> Exceptions dialog only allow you to configure whether Visual Studio breaks on all exceptions, including those that are later handled in your code. These are often referred to as "first-chance" exceptions.
Beyond that, you should never throw a NullReferenceException yourself; this is a runtime exception that is reserved for the runtime framework. Instead, you should throw an ArgumentNullException.
The below method works for me in Visual Studio 2015 (a similar process may work for VS2010).
Taken from the Visual Studio documentation on managing exceptions with the debugger:
In the Exception Settings window, open the context menu by right-clicking in window and then selecting Show Columns. (If you have turned off Just My Code, you will not see this command.)
You should see a second column named Additional Actions. This column displays Continue when unhandled by user code on specific exceptions, meaning that the debugger does not break if that exception is not handled in user code but is handled in external code.
You can change this setting either for a particular exception (select the exception, right-click, and select/deselect Continue when Unhandled in User Code) or for an entire category of exceptions (for example, all the Common Language Runtime exceptions).

Any way in Visual Studio to not break on throwing of a specific exception?

Is there a pragma or debugger attribute which will allow the debugger to not break on the throwing of a specific exception even though under the Debug >> Exceptions menu I've told it to break when any CLR Exceptions are throw?
In general while developing I like to have it break on exceptions while debugging so that I can immediately inspect them. Sometimes there are some isolated cases where it is known that this block of code occasionally throws exceptions and I've handled it in with a try-catch. See the answer to this question where the consensus was that try-catch is the most correct situation.
I'd like to be able to set an attribute on the method (something analogous to System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute) which just ignores any exceptions thrown in the method.
BTW, I'm currently experiencing this in Visual Studio 2008, but I'm guessing there is either an answer for all versions or none.
The direct answer can be found under Exceptions menu item of the Debug menu. This is a per solution/project setting. (Tools > Option > Debugging is a system-wide setting.) See the help topic Visual Studio Debugger, How to: Break When an Exception is Thrown at for details. The Exceptions dialog allows you to set which exceptions are thrown or which exceptions break into the debugger.
I find I get more use out of the DebuggerStepThrough attribute.
In general, I leave throwing exceptions to the default (Debug > Exceptions user-unhandled checked and Thrown unchecked) and add the DebuggerStepThrough attribute for methods where I am not interested in stepping through nor am I interested in any exceptions being thrown within that method. I rarely use DebuggerHidden, and get more use with DebuggerNonUserCode in library code.
