Prolog - outputting a list? - prolog

I have the function
sublist(_,[_],_) :-
sublist(X,[Y|T],Z) :-
R is X - Y,
an example call is sublist(2,[1,2,3],Z).
At the end of execution it just gives me 'yes', but i'd like to see the contents of Z.
I know it's something simple as i have other instructions that do similar things, but this one isn't working.

I'm also going to assume that sublist/3 is supposed to subtract a number from all items in the list.
The reason you're not getting any result for Z is because you're building the list on the way into the recursion. Which means that when the stopping predicate succeeds, Prolog works it's way back out of the recursion and Z becomes uninstantiated again.
Z is ?
Z is [-1]
Z is [-1, 0]
Z is [-1, 0, 1]
Z is [-1, 0]
Z is [-1]
Z is ?
Try going into the recursion first and building your list on the way out. Maybe like this:
subtract_list(_, [], []).
subtract_list(Number, [Head|Tail], [Subtracted|Result]):-
subtract_list(Number, Tail, Result),
Subtracted is Head - Number.
All we've changed is the order of the rules in the recursive predicate and the terms of the stopping condition. Now it recurses until it reaches an empty list, at which point it instantiates the result variable with an empty list as well. Then it bubbles back up adding values to the list as it does so.
?- subtract_list(1,[4,3,2],Z).
Z = [3, 2, 1]
Hope this helps. Tom

You don't really specify what sublist/3 is supposed to do but maybe you mean this:
sublist(_, [], []) :- !.
sublist(X, [Y | T], [R | Z]) :-
R is X - Y,
sublist(X, T, Z).
Usage example:
?- sublist(2, [1, 2, 3], Z).
Z = [1, 0, -1].
Btw, if you don't want to iterate over the list yourself, then you can use maplist/3 which is provided by SWI-Prolog. First define your desired calculation:
my_calculation(X, Y, Z) :-
Z is X - Y.
and then call maplist/3:
?- maplist(my_calculation(2), [1, 2, 3], Z).
Z = [1, 0, -1].


Turn List into number, increment the number, and then turn the number into a list

I have my head stuck in this exercise in prolog, I ve been trying to do it on my own but it just won't work. Example: ?-succesor([1,9,9],X) -> X = [2,0,0]. Had tried first to reverse the list and increment it with 1 and then do a if %10 = 0 the next element should be incremented too. Thing is that I m too used with programming syntax and I can't get my head wrapped around this.Any help would be appreciated.
I have done this so far, but the output is false.
%[1,9,9] -> 199 +1 -> 200;
numbers_atoms([X|Y],[C|K]) :-
atom_number(C, X),
digits_number(Digits, Number) :-
numbers_atoms(Digits, Atoms),
number_codes(Number, Atoms).
number_tolist( 0, [] ).
number_tolist(N,[A|As]) :-
N1 is floor(N/10),
A is N mod 10,
number_tolist(N1, As).
digits_number(X,Y1), %[1,9,9] -> 199
Y1 is Y1+1, % 199 -> 200
number_tolist(Y1,[Y]), % 200 -> [2,0,0]
You can solve this problem similarly to how you would solve it manually: traverse the list of digits until you reach the rightmost digit; increment that digit and compute the carry-on digit, which must be recursively propagated to the left. At the end, prepend the carry-on digit if it is equal to 1 (otherwise, ignore it).
% successor(+Input, -Output)
successor([X0|Xs], L) :-
successor(Xs, X0, C, Ys),
( C = 1 % carry-on
-> L = [C|Ys]
; L = Ys ).
% helper predicate
successor([], X, C, [Y]) :-
Z is X + 1,
Y is Z mod 10,
C is Z div 10. % carry-on
successor([X1|Xs], X0, C, [Y|Ys]) :-
successor(Xs, X1, C0, Ys),
Z is X0 + C0,
Y is Z mod 10,
C is Z div 10. % carry-on
?- successor([1,9,9], A).
A = [2, 0, 0].
?- successor([2,7],A), successor(A,B), successor(B,C), successor(C,D).
A = [2, 8],
B = [2, 9],
C = [3, 0],
D = [3, 1].
?- successor([7,9,9,8], A), successor(A, B).
A = [7, 9, 9, 9],
B = [8, 0, 0, 0].
?- successor([9,9,9,9], A), successor(A, B).
A = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
B = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1].
Here's a version which doesn't use is and can work both ways:
successor(ListIn, ListOut) :-
reverse(ListIn, ListInRev),
ripple_inc(ListInRev, ListOutRev),
reverse(ListOutRev, ListOut).
ripple_inc([], [1]).
ripple_inc([0|T], [1|T]).
ripple_inc([1|T], [2|T]).
ripple_inc([2|T], [3|T]).
ripple_inc([3|T], [4|T]).
ripple_inc([4|T], [5|T]).
ripple_inc([5|T], [6|T]).
ripple_inc([6|T], [7|T]).
ripple_inc([7|T], [8|T]).
ripple_inc([8|T], [9|T]).
ripple_inc([9|T], [0|Tnext]) :-
ripple_inc(T, Tnext).
?- successor([1,9,9], X).
X = [2, 0, 0]
?- successor([1,9,9], [2,0,0]).
?- successor(X, [2,0,0]).
X = [1, 9, 9]
although it's nicely deterministic when run 'forwards', it's annoying that if run 'backwards' it finds an answer, then leaves a choicepoint and then infinite loops if that choicepoint is retried. I think what causes that is starting from the higher number then reverse(ListIn, ListInRev) has nothing to work on and starts generating longer and longer lists both filled with empty variables and never ends.
I can constrain the input and output to be same_length/2 but I can't think of a way to constrain them to be the same length or ListOut is one item longer ([9,9,9] -> [1,0,0,0]).
This answer tries to improve the previous answer by #TessellatingHacker, like so:
successor(ListIn, ListOut) :-
no_longer_than(ListIn, ListOut), % weaker than same_length/2
reverse(ListIn, ListInRev),
ripple_inc(ListInRev, ListOutRev),
reverse(ListOutRev, ListOut).
The definition of no_longer_than/2 follows. Note the similarity to same_length/2:
no_longer_than([],_). % same_length([],[]).
no_longer_than([_|Xs],[_|Ys]) :- % same_length([_|Xs],[_|Ys]) :-
no_longer_than(Xs,Ys). % same_length(Xs,Ys).
The following sample queries still succeed deterministically, as they did before:
?- successor([1,9,9], X).
X = [2,0,0].
?- successor([1,9,9], [2,0,0]).
The "run backwards" use of successor/2 now also terminates universally:
?- successor(X, [2,0,0]).
X = [1,9,9]
; false.

Get index of given element in list

I am trying to solve some basic puzzles to learn prolog. I am trying to get the index of a given element in a list with recursion. I got stuck trying to solve the problem and I am not sure why. When I execute this it only returns "false" instead of the index.
elem(_, [], 0).
elem(E, [E | T], RES) :-
elem(E, T, CUR_RES), RES is CUR_RES + 1.
An example query I use to check the code elem(2, [1, 2], X).
Your problem with
elem(2, [1, 2], X).
is that when it tries to unify with the base case
elem(_, [], 0).
it fails because the second parameter is not empty.
When it tries to unify with the recursive case
elem(E, [E | T], RES) :-
elem(E, T, CUR_RES),
RES is CUR_RES + 1.
E is 2, which requires the list to be [2|T] but since the list is [1,2] it also can not unify.
This is closer to what you want
elem(E,[_|T],Res) :-
Res is Cur_rest + 1.
Example runs:
?- elem(2, [1, 2], X).
X = 1 ;
?- elem(1, [1, 2], X).
X = 0 ;
?- elem(4, [1,2,3,4,5], X).
X = 3 ;
You need to do the matching for the value you are seeking in the base case and not the recursive case. Once you do that the rest of changes follow as needed.

Prolog - recursive list building

for a program I'm writing I need to make a list of lists, with pairs of numbers representing a product and sum of 2 given numbers.
For now I have a function which I can specify how many times I want to add a list to the list, which will be expanded with the full functionality later.
Here's what I have:
s1(0, X).
s1(Q, X) :-
N is Q - 1,
multiply(2, 3, Y),
A = Y ,
add(2, 3, Z),
B = Z,
addToEnd([A], [B], X),
multiply(A, B, C):-
C is A * B.
add(A, B, C) :-
C is A + B.
addToEnd([], L, L).
addToEnd([H|T], L2, [H|L3]) :-
addToEnd(T, L2, L3).
However, when I run s1(2,X) for example, I get [6,5] returned, then nothing else, it just hangs. When I run s1(0,X), i get true, then false when I hit ;
Can anyone help me with this? I can't see what I'm doing wrong, I feel like it should work!
To clarify how I feel this should work:
I call s1(2,X).
N = 1, [6,5] added to list in X([[6,5]])
N=0, [6,5] added to the list in X ([[6,5],[6,5]])
X = [[6,5],[6,5]]
So, there are many things to say here. First and foremost, as in most declarative languages, a variable cannot really change value.
What that means is that X = 1. will unify 1 to X as you'd expect, but if you add X = 2. after that in your query (X = 1, X = 2.), Prolog will say false. The reason behind that is that you cannot unify 1 with 2 and that X has truly become 1, therefore X cannot be unified to 2.
Though, and that differs from Haskell, Ocaml and the like, you can bind partially a variable, as in X = h(Y).. You'll then be able to further unify it X = h(a(Z))., while you couldn't in the languages mentionned earlier (where a variable is really just an alias for a value).
Why does he tell me all that you wonder? Well, that's your main problem here. You first bind X to [6, 5], and then expect to further bind it to some other things. Once a variable is ground (ie does not contain any free variable inside itself), you cannot ever change its value again.
So here your recursion won't do anything but eventually prove X false. Here it doesn't however since you end up calling addToEnd/3 with the same arguments each time ([6], [5] and [6, 5]).
That being said, let's look at how we could improve your code.
First, a remark:
multiply(2, 3, Y),
A = Y ,
add(2, 3, Z),
B = Z,
addToEnd([A], [B], X),
can be written
multiply(2, 3, Y),
add(2, 3, Z),
addToEnd([Y], [Z], X),
without any loss of information since you do not use A and B again.
Now, let's forget about addToEnd/3 for a moment and think about what you want.
If you enter s1(0, Q), do you really want Q to stay free? Because that's what you state at the moment. It'd make more sense to bind Q to [] in that case. Plus, that'll make a good recursive base case as you'll soon see.
s1(0, []).
is a shortcut to say
s1(0, Q) :- Q = [].
since Prolog does unification in clause heads (the part before :-).
Then, I'll cheat a little but it'll just be to stay clear. You could state that when going from s1(4, Q) to s1(5, Q) you expect Q to hold one more value of some calculus.
Here, we could state that as follows:
s1(N, [SomeCalculus|Q]) :-
PreviousN is N - 1,
s1(PreviousN, Q).
Now, we just have to give a value to SomeCalculus:
s1(N, [SomeCalculus|Q]) :-
PreviousN is N - 1,
X is 2 * 3,
Y is 2 + 3,
SomeCalculus = [X, Y],
s1(PreviousN, Q).
or, if you followed correctly, we could directly write:
s1(N, [[X, Y]|Q]) :-
PreviousN is N - 1,
X is 2 * 3,
Y is 2 + 3,
s1(PreviousN, Q).
So the complete program would be:
s1(0, []).
s1(N, [[X, Y]|Q]) :-
PreviousN is N - 1,
X is 2 * 3,
Y is 2 + 3,
s1(PreviousN, Q).
Now, if you test that, you might remark that the program loops just as yours when you hit the ; key. That's because Prolog thinks the second clause can apply to 0
So let's edit the program once more:
s1(0, []).
s1(N, [[X, Y]|Q]) :-
N > 0,
PreviousN is N - 1,
X is 2 * 3,
Y is 2 + 3,
s1(PreviousN, Q).
Now everything is fine.
I hope this'll help you to get a better understanding of how to build a proper predicate through recursion. I didn't spend much time correcting your addToEnd/3 predicate because my rambling about variables should already have told you a lot about what's wrong about it.

Predicate to filter non constants from a list

I'm working on a predicate only_atoms/2(List+, Result-) that I'd like to filter non atoms.
For example :
only_atoms([1, 2, X, h(Y), 'aba'], Result).
should return
Result = [1, 2, 'aba'].
I do not care about the order.
Here is the piece of code I came up with :
only_atoms([], []) :- !.
only_atoms([Head | Tail], [Head | Result]) :-
only_atoms(Tail, Result).
only_atoms([_ | Tail], Result) :-
only_atoms(Tail, Result).
I thought this was the right kind of reasoning to handle such a problem but seem to be wrong since it yields me [](edit : it actually yields [aba], see precisions below, my bad !) no matter what. I'd appreciate some help !
A first hint: for 1 and 2, atom returns false.
By the way, I was looking for the filter predicate, in the standard library it happens to be called include, it's usually better if you use what the language already provides ;-)
?- include(atom, [1, 2, X, h(Y), 'aba'], Result).
Result = [aba].
or if you wanted just to filter out variables:
?- exclude(var, [1, 2, X, h(Y), 'aba'], Result).
Result = [1, 2, h(Y), aba].
Another by the way, one curious difference between your only_atoms and using include(atom, ...) is that yours will unify variables in the first list with atoms in the second list, whereas the include won't.
?- only_atoms([1, x, 2, Y], [x, y]).
Y = y.
?- include(atom, [1, x, 2, Y], [x, y]).
Those subtleties of Prolog always astonish me (I guess that's because I didn't pay enough attention at the university xD).
You probably need to force the Head not to be an atom on the alternate clause, otherwise it is an option for atoms as well.
This returns Result = ['aba'] for me.
only_atoms([], []).
only_atoms([Head | Tail], [Head | Result]) :- atom(Head), !, only_atoms(Tail, Result).
only_atoms([Head | Tail], Result) :- \+atom(Head), !, only_atoms(Tail, Result).
Alternatively, you could try using findall/3.
atoms_list(List, Result) :- findall(Item, (member(Item, List), atom(Item)), Result).

How to create a list of numbers that add up to a specific number

I need some help writing a predicate in Prolog that, given a number as input, returns a list of lists with numbers that add up to it.
Let's call the predicate addUpList/2, it should work like this:
?- addUpList(3,P).
P = [[1,2], [2,1], [1,1,1]]. % expected result
I'm having so much trouble figuring this out I'm beginning to think it's impossible. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Try this:
condense([], Rs, Rs).
condense([X|Xs], Ys, Zs) :-
condense(Xs, [X|Ys], Zs).
condense([X, Y|Xs], Ys, Zs) :-
Z is X + Y,
condense([Z|Xs], Ys, Zs).
condense(Xs, Rs) :-
condense(Xs, [], Rs).
expand(0, []).
expand(N, [1|Ns]) :-
N > 0,
N1 is N - 1,
expand(N1, Ns).
addUpList(N, Zs) :-
expand(N, Xs),
findall(Ys, condense(Xs, Ys), Zs).
Let me know what marks I get. :-)
The rule num_split/2 generates ways of splitting a number into a list, where the first element X is any number between 1 and N and the rest of the list is a split of N-X.
num_split(0, []).
num_split(N, [X | List]) :-
between(1, N, X),
plus(X, Y, N),
num_split(Y, List).
In order to get all such splits, just call findall/3 on num_split/2.
add_up_list(N, Splits) :-
findall(Split, num_split(N, Split), Splits).
Usage example:
?- add_up_list(4, Splits).
Splits =
[[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 1], [1, 3], [2, 1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 1], [4]].
See also the post by #hardmath which gives the same answer with a bit more explanation.
The example given in the Question suggests that compositions (ordered partitions) of any positive integer N ≤ 10 are wanted. Note however that the solution [3] for N=3 seems to have been omitted/overlooked. The number of compositions of N is 2^(N-1), so N=10 gives a long list but not an unmanageable one.
It is also desired to collect all such solutions into a list, something that findall/3 can do generically after we write a predicate composition/2 that generates them.
The idea is to pick the first summand, anything between 1 and N, subtract it from the total and recurse (stopping with an empty list when the total reaches zero). SWI-Prolog provides a predicate between/3 that can generate those possible first summands, and Amzi! Prolog provides a similar predicate for/4. For the sake of portability we write our own version here.
summand(Low,High,_) :-
Low > High,
summand(Low,High,Val) :-
Now is Low + 1,
composition(0,[ ]).
composition(N,[H|T]) :-
M is N - H,
Given the above Prolog source code, compiled or interpreted, a list of all solutions can be had in this way:
?- findall(C,composition(3,C),L).
C = H126
L = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 1], [3]]
Of course some arrangement of such a list of solutions or the omission of the singleton list might be required for your specific application, but this isn't clear as the Question is currently worded.
There are plenty of great answers to this question already, but here is another solution to this problem for you to consider. This program differs from the others in that it is very efficient, and generates non-redundant solutions of lists which are assumed to represent sets of integers which add up to the specified number.
gen(N, L) :-
gen(N-1, N, N, FL),
dup_n(FL, L).
gen(C-F, M, M, [C-F]).
gen(C-F, S, M, [C-F|R]) :-
S < M, C > 1,
C0 is C - 1,
F0 is floor(M / C0),
S0 is S + (C0 * F0),
gen(C0-F0, S0, M, R).
gen(C-F, S, M, R) :-
F > 0,
F0 is F - 1,
S0 is S - C,
gen(C-F0, S0, M, R).
dup_n([], []).
dup_n([_-0|R], L) :-
!, dup_n(R, L).
dup_n([V-F|R], [V|L]) :-
F0 is F - 1,
dup_n([V-F0|R], L).
Your implementation of addUpList/2 can be achieved by:
addUpList(N, P) :-
findall(L, gen(N, L), P).
Which should give you the following behaviour:
?- addUpList(4,L).
L = [[4], [3, 1], [2, 2], [2, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]].
Note that the list containing one 2 and two 1s only appears once in this result set; this is because gen/4 computes unique sets of integers which add up to the specified number.
This answer is somewhere between
#Kaarel's answer and
#sharky's "efficient" answer.
Like #sharky's code, we impose an ordering relation between adjacent list items to restrict the size of the solution space---knowing how to inflate it if we ever need to. So the solution sets of break_down/2 and gen/2 by #sharky are equal (disregarding list reversal).
And as for performance, consider:
?- time((break_down(40,_),false)).
% 861,232 inferences, 0.066 CPU in 0.066 seconds (100% CPU, 13127147 Lips)
?- time((gen(40,_),false)).
% 8,580,839 inferences, 0.842 CPU in 0.842 seconds (100% CPU, 10185807 Lips)
