Moved hosts, how do I view the site? - hosting

I recently moved hosts with my blog and I have waited 72 hours for it t propergate properly. I just checked the site there and it's showing it on the old host. When i use a proxy, I can see the site perfectly on the new host. The problem seems to becoming from my PC.
EDIT: Tried to flush the dns and it's the same story, it's quite weird.
Any idea?

Your old DNS records will live in various DNS caches until their TTL (time-to-live) timers expire.
Best practice is to revise your DNS records well before the move, and pull the TTL (time-to-live) timeout values low, leaving enough time for the old records to timeout and get refreshed with the short-TTL records. Then after the move you put the TTL values up on the new records (for efficiency).
Now that you're in this situation, you'll have to put up with the inconsistency until all the cached records expire. If you have a way to put an HTTP redirect on the old web server, pointing to an IP URL, that could tide you over in the short run.

Your ISP is the one the one caching the record. Uses a hosts file to temporarily force your computer to use the new ip address.

Sounds like you have the DNS cached on your box. This could be cached on your PC or at your DNS server. Short term options; can try to flush your DNS cache, you can edit your hosts file to temporarily point at the right location.

Open a command prompt and type:
ipconfig /flushdns
then try your site again.

I see this: []
My DNS changes always propagate in minutes, a couple of hours at the most.


Websites DNS has changed everywhere but the clients building. Is this a cache issue?

We recently launched a new website for a client and in the process we had to change the DNS to a new IP. The change has taken place everywhere but the clients office. I had the client run nslookup form there computer and this is what we got.
IP: 10.00.10
Name:[website URL]
Server: [incorrect IP]
It looks like they are running into an internal cache problem but this is out of my realm of knowledge. Any advice on fixing the issue?
Yes, clear the Cache, then retry.
Hope this helps - Jim
Yes, it appears so. If the client uses an ISP to provide their internet access, they are at the mercy of the ISP DNS. If not, they need to run flushdns on their DNS daemon.
You can either wait (the usual TTL is 2 days so it takes no more than 2 days for the cache to expire) or reload/restart the client's DNS resolving server to flush its cache.

Chrome DNS lookup time local address

I'm developing a local site in Windows 7 using WAMP, with a domain of sitename.local. I have sitename.local in my hosts file poiting to I'm getting DNS lookup times of around 6 seconds in chrome. If I immediately reload the page it's instant, but if I wait a minute and reload it I have to wait for a further 6 seconds for the DNS lookup.
My question, why is it having to do a DNS lookup if it's a local address listed in my hosts file? And is there any way I can reduce this time?
A bit of additional information, using the chrome://net-internals I can see that the cache is only ever a minute long, and when this cache expires this is what causes the lengthy lookup time. But should this really affect anything as it shouldn't need to look anything up?
Your issue may be with the .local domain. It has special behavior. I'm not a DNS expert, but had the "pleasure" of debugging a related issue with a friend some time ago. It boiled down to trying to resolve the .local domain via multicast in the network. See a quick explanation here.
Try changing to to force the resolution using the hosts file.

How to delete nameservers records in vps

I was trying to delete and records from the DNS functions using cPanel.. however the records has been successfully erased.. but when I go back to Nameserver IPs under newtworking setup.. I still can see them there..
is there any specific file I can access on my vps so I can remove them?
In CPanel?
I think DNS related operation need sometime to go into effect.
Just wait and try logout your CPanel again.

Subdomain caching issue

I have set up a subdomain to point a specific IP on another server. I did this by creating the following A records:
abc 300 in A and 300 in A
My host confirms that this was done correctly, however (3 days later) the domain still resolves intermittently. That is, sometimes it resolves to the correct IP and I see the correct page and other times I see a 404 error or a default website page from cpanel.
My host suggests that it is a caching issue and if I perform a flushdns and clear my browser cache, this fixes the problem. But i am puzzled as to why it reoccurs.
Could there by something on the other server triggering it? Or is it just a matter of waiting a little longer for propagation?
Forgive me if the problem isn't clear. This stuff is not my forte.
A 404 error indicates an error on the webservers side - not on the DNS level. That means, that if you see a 404 error or the cPanel default site, DNS is working fine but the web server does not respond.
Check the web server logs and/or speak to your provider about the issue.
What was the TTL before you made your changes? I've seen 86,400 seconds (one day) and 604,800 (one week) as common choices in the past. (The important number is what the TTL was set to before you made your change, as that dictates how long stale data is held in DNS caches.)

hosts file in windows and my developer

One of my sites - is showing a blank page.
So I went back to my developer. He asked me to add this on my hosts file
in windows->system32->drivers->etc->hosts
After doing this the site started working. What does this mean?
Thats crazy. All he did was make it work on YOUR machine. The hosts file simply maps names to IP addresses. Its like a local DNS. What needs to happen for the outside world to see this the DNS servers that are authoritative for need to have an A record pointing to
How long ago did you register that site name? Don't forget that DNS entries may take a while to propagate across the web. 24 hrs+ sometimes.
And btw, that "fix" will ONLY work on your machine. It maps the friendly URL to an IP address for you, not for the world.
The reason its not working is there is no DNS record for it.
The hosts file is allowing you to point via a local DNS replacement.
All you need is to get the site hosted somewhere and a DNS entry setup.
If you like the site and he is willing to host for $150 then go for it, depending on your contract, if he should have done in the initial budget then you should question this.
