Non-Linux Implementations of boost::random_device - windows

Currently, Boost only implements the random_device class for Linux (maybe *nix) systems. Does anyone know of existing implementations for other OS-es? Ideally, these implementations would be open-source.
If none exist, how should I go about implementing a non-deterministic RNG for Windows as well as Mac OS X? Do API calls exist in either environment that would provide this functionality? Thanks (and sorry for all the questions)!

On MacOSX, you can use /dev/random (since it's a *nix).
On Windows, you probably want the CryptGenRandom function. I don't know if there's an implementation of boost::random_device that uses it.

Depends on what you want to use you RNG for.
In general terms, you'll feed seed data into a buffer, generate hash values of the buffer, mix a counter into the result and hash it some more. The reason for using a hash function is that good hashes are designed to yield random-looking results from input data that's more structured.
If you want to use it for cryptography, things'll turn a lot hairier. You'll need to jump through more hoops to ensure that your RNG keeps repeating patterns within reasonably safe limits. I can recommend Bruce Schneier's "Practical Cryptography" (for an introduction on RNGs, and a sample implementation). He's also got some RNG-related stuff up about his yarrow RNG.

If boost relies on /dev/random, chances are it works on MacOS also (as it has that).
On Windows there is CryptoAPI as part of the OS, and that provides a crypto quality RNG.
Also, I believe modern Intel CPUs have a hardware RNG on the chip - however you'd have to figure out how to get at that on each OS. Using the higher level APIs is probably a better bet.
edit: Here's a link to how the Intel RNG works

OpenSSL has a decent one.
#include <openssl/rand.h>
time_t now = time(NULL);
RAND_seed(&now, sizeof(now)); // before first number you need
int success = RAND_bytes(...);
if (!success) die_loudly();
RAND_cleanup(); // after you don't need any more numbers
Microsoft CryptoAPI has one on Win32. It requires a few more function calls. Not including the details here because there are 2 to 5 args to each of these calls. Be careful, CryptoAPI seems to require the user to have a complete local profile (C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings) correctly set up before it can give you a random number.
CryptAcquireContext // see docs


Using fortran RANDOM_SEED in parallel MPI

I am trying to use fortran intrinsic PRNG in a MPI code.
I understand from this link that GFortran implement the PRNG using xorshift1024* which has a period of 2^1024 - 1. It also says:
Note that in a multi-threaded program (e.g. using OpenMP directives),
each thread will have its own random number state.
Then reading this I found:
When a new thread uses
RANDOM_NUMBER for the first time, the seed is copied from the master
seed, and forwarded N * 2^512 steps to guarantee that the random
stream does not alias any other stream in the system, where N is the
number of threads that have used RANDOM_NUMBER so far during the
program execution
If this is an automatic feature of GFortran, it works only in OpenMP? What if I want to have parallel PRNG using MPI? How can I ensure the portability of the code to other compilers?
In other words: Is there any way to do what GFortran says it does (i.e. guarantee real parallel PRNG) in a portable way using the fortran intrinsic instructions?
NOTE: I was using the PRNG of Numerical Recipes in MPI. That worked well for some years, but now I am getting some errors in some assumptions on the integer model that Numerical Recipes says goes beyond fortran... so I don't see how to solve that and that is way I want to use the intrinsic PRNG if is possible.
Note that the use of xorshoft1024* is a very new feature in GFortran, it's only available in the development trunk version, no released version has it yet at the time of writing this. It will be released as part of GCC 7, probably in spring 2017.
So when you're using MPI, each MPI rank is a separate process and the random number generators in each process is completely separate with no communication between the PRNG's in different processes (unless you handle it yourself with MPI, of course). The thing with forwarding the PRNG stream 2^512 steps happens only when using the PRNG from multiple threads within the same process.
That being said, xorshift1024* has a fairly long period (2^1024-1), and the first time the PRNG is used in a process (again, think MPI rank) it is initialized with random data from the OS (/dev/urandom on POSIX systems), unless it has already been explicitly initialized with RANDOM_SEED. So in practice I think you'll be fine, it's exceedingly unlikely that the PRNG streams for different MPI ranks will alias.
And no, the above describes the PRNG in GFortran version 7. If you want something portable you cannot rely on anything beyond what the standard guarantees. Beyond the parallel aspects, for portable high quality random numbers you're probably better of with using a known good PRNG rather than relying on the one provided by the compiler (I have personal experience of at least one compiler producing poor quality random numbers with the RANDOM_NUMBER intrinsic, but I'll refrain from naming the vendor since it was many years ago and they might have fixed it since, if they are even in business anymore, I don't know).
(If you find the semantics of the new xorshift1024* implementation difficult, blame a) me, since I devised it and implemented it b) the Fortran standard which makes it impossible to have a parallel PRNG with simple semantics)
If you want to have a portable version of a multi-stream random number generator for a Fortran program, there is a multi-stream Fortran version of the Mersenne Twister. See . It uses the concept of advancing the PRNG by a very large number of steps for the different threads. It's setup and configured by subroutine calls so you should be able to use it from various multi-threading environments.

Implement glibc random number generator in Windows

I have an embedded device using the standard glibc srand()/rand() functions to generate pseudo-random values. For the same seed x I need to get the same values for rand() on a Windows machine. To my surpise however, this isn't as simple as it seems.
Glibc apparently used two algorithms for it's random number generator. An older one, described here, and a newer one, which my embedded device uses. How can I implement the latter on another platform? My knowlegde of C isn't thorough enough to understand what exactly is happening there.

drand48 on Windows

I am looking for an equivalent to drand48 on Windows. To all who do not know, the following is not equivalent:
Firstly, rand returns values including RAND_MAX
Secondly, on Windows RAND_MAX=32767 which is a too short period for my application.
My purpose is to generate noise for a simulation. It is desirable to use a pseudo-random generator with the same period as drand48.
Firstly, note that you appear to be confusing the resolution with the period. On Windows, rand will return values from 0 to 32767, but this does not mean that the same values will repeat every 32768 calls. So rand should be perfectly adequate unless you need more than 16 bits of resolution. (The resolution and the period are the same in drand48, but not in all pseudorandom number generators.)
If you do not need the exact behaviour of drand48, rand_s would be the simplest option. It has a 32-bit resolution, less than drand48 but enough for most purposes. It generates a cryptographically secure random number, so there is no fixed period. One possible issue is that it will be much slower than drand48.
If you want the same behaviour of drand48, the algorithm is documented and should be easy to re-implement, or you could use the source code from FreeBSD (link to source code browser on
7 years late to the party. Sorry.
Gnu Scientific Library is a good solution to this problem. The library employs several high-quality generating algorithms.
It might not be an exact answer to your question, but still it is a solution. Use the CryptGenRandom(it's form the WinAPI).

What entropy sources are available on Windows?

I want to produce a random cryptographic key on Windows. Where can I obtain entropy?
I would like my entropy function to work without a network connection and to be reliable on Windows 2000 and upwards. Even sources which may or may not provide a small amount of entropy could be useful as all the sources will be pooled.
This is my initial list of functions:
Although early versions of the CryptGenRandom function may contain weaknesses later versions follow secure standards (see remarks on the CrypGenRandom page.)
It is weak to just use time as your seed. There is an answer under What is the most secure seed for random number generation? which explains that the unpredictable random seed may only need 128 bits to produce a secure PRNG. It is therefore probably unnecessary to find more sources than those listed in the question, and normally the CryptGenRandom function will already contain and generate enough entropy for itself that the caller does not need to do any of this.
CryptGenRandom and the function CryptAcquireContext which must preceed it can be called from Delphi like this.
If its an option you can ask user to move mouse pointer for a while.
The only external source that most machines have is Mic In/Line In, call waveInOpen+waveInPrepareHeader+waveInAddBuffer+waveInStart. How random that is probably depends on the hardware...

Any pointers to fix the Unix millennium bug or Y2k38 problem?

I've been reviewing the year 2038 problem (Unix Millennium Bug).
I read the article about this on Wikipedia, where I read about a solution for this problem.
Now I would like to change the time_t data type to an unsigned 32bit integer, which will allow me to be alive until 2106. I have Linux kernel 2.6.23 with RTPatch on PowerPC.
Is there any patch available that would allow me to change the time_t data type to an unsigned 32bit integer for PowerPC? Or any patch available to resolve this bug?
time_t is actually defined in your libc implementation, and not the kernel itself.
The kernel provides various mechanisms that provide the current time (in the form of system calls), many of which already support over 32-bits of precision. The problem is actually your libc implementation (glibc on most desktop Linux distributions), which, after fetching the time from the kernel, returns it back to your application in the form of a 32-bit signed integer data type.
While one could theoretically change the definition of time_t in your libc implementation, in practice it would be fairly complicated: such a change would change the ABI of libc, in turn requiring that every application using libc to also be recompiled from sources.
The easiest solution instead is to upgrade your system to a 64-bit distribution, where time_t is already defined to be a 64-bit data type, avoiding the problem altogether.
About the suggested 64-bit distribution suggested here, may I note all the issues with implementing that. There are many 32-bit NONPAE computers in the embedded industry. Replacing these with 64-bit computers is going to be a LARGE problem. Everyone is used to desktop's that get replaced/upgraded frequently. All Linux O.S. suppliers need to get serious about providing a different option. It's not like a 32-bit computer is flawed or useless or will wear out in 16 years. It doesn't take a 64 bit computer to monitor analog input , control equipment, and report alarms.
