Is there a way to debug installer executable created using installshield universal? - windows

I have created a windows executable with some custom actions and some UI stuffs.
I am facing a strange behavior with the installable.
I tried probing through the code and kracking the installer as much as I can, but I did not find any idea why the strange behavior is available.
So, I wanted to debug the installer at every point of code execution in the Custom Action for which I tried writing those values I require to a logger. But unfortunately my logger will get created after the installation at which point I will not be in a position to run it again.
So, can anyone suggest how to debug it while the installable is under execution?

I've tried but couldn't get a debugger working with Installshield universal.
My workaround was to add a lot of debugging messages and to use VMware. Install VMware and create the test machine as a virtual server. I configured the virtual server with all the prerequisites, rebooted it and then ran a snapshot.
After the snap shot I'd run the install script, wait for the errors and the log files. Then I'd use the VMware 'revert to snapshot' function to go back to a clean instance of the test server and start investigating the error messages from the logs.


How to enable Hyper-V on a Windows machine?

I'm new to Visual Studio, and I just downloaded the Xamarin package over the weekend. The very first time I ran the Android Emulator, it seemed to work fine. (This was simply running the "Hello World" base-script. Then when I opened the emulator again, it began having Deployment errors.
Deploy Failed
Pressing Yes, yields no results. After some research of my own, I believe that the issue may be because Hyper-V is not running. Enabling it should be simple, but i have tried a few different methods and cannot seem to get it to run. One way I tried was via Powershell: Powershell Feature Name Unknown
Having tried that, I tried to enable it manually via settings: Settings
To my understanding, there should be a few different folders here called "Hyper-V" or something to that effect on top of Hypervision Platform folder. Is this why my emulator isn't running, because I don't have access to the Hyper-V folders, or could something be wrong in Vis Studio itself? Like I said, I'm very new to this software and workflow so any trouble shooting ideas would be appreciated.

Problem installing/running Erlang OTP: Cannot find entry point for llround in beam.smp.dll

We use Erlang OTP because it is bundled with a business application my company uses (as part of a RabbitMQ installation). On our development and test servers, the entire installation went smoothly without any issues. On the production system, however, Erlang OTP installs but fails to launch afterwards. When I doubleclick erl.exe I get an error popup:
The entry point “llround” was not found in the DLL “C:\Program Files (x86)\…\Erlang-21.3\erts-10.3\bin\beam.smp.dll”. (Translated from German, path clipped)
I am completely new to Erlang, so I do not even know whether there are any logs that I should provide. In the Erlang directory, I cannot find anything that looks like a log. The Windows event log shows basically the abovementioned error message plus a message saying that the Erlang VM crashed instantly (wrong distribution name?) – but that seems to be just a follow-up to the root cause of the problem with the DLL.
As I said, erl.exe opens without problems and displays a command prompt when launched on the test or development system. The setup there is almost identical to our production server. We tried removing Erlang and reinstalling it but to no avail. We even restored the VM to an earlier point an did a fresh install of the entire application. Short of setting up another pristine VM, is there any way of getting Erlang to work on the existing system?

Windows service not stopping without restart?

I keep getting this error:
Error 1061: The service cannot accept control messages at this time
This happens when I attempt to stop the service installed using InstallUtil from this location: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe
I am attempting to debug the windows service in question. My problem is that everytime I attempt to introduce changes to the codebase, the computer "A physical machine - Dell Precision T3500" requires that I restart the entire machine to completely uninstall the service, before I do a reinstall.
I have looked at this Link and it is not helpful in my scenario as I would first have to stop the service to be able to gain full access to the location where my build is generated to.
Whilst the service is attempting to restart before I do the restart of PC, when I attempt to build the service from my code, I get this interesting error from the compiler:
Error 16 Unable to copy file
"obj\x86\Debug\X_WindowsService.exe" to
"bin\x86\Debug\X_WindowsService.exe". The process cannot
access the file 'bin\x86\Debug\X_WindowsService.exe' because
it is being used by another process. X_WindowsService
Because of the error above I also think this is why I am not able to use the SO solution from here.
Does anyone have a clever idea for me to go through to bypass having to restart the machine as I debug and make changes to my codebase?
I also had a look at this link from SO but it has no marked solution, I also tried one of the Microsoft forums for a solution but it too has no applicable solution as they recommend the restart which I am trying to avert.
I feel so silly after finding this solution. I should most certainly have used the KISS principle for this one.
Turns out, all I had to do was look for the service's process from task manager and simply end the task. After that a refresh to my services list shows the service status as blank, meaning it has completely stopped without a restart of the machine.

Microsoft Fix It Registry issue

I had a program that starts up a Windows Service when installed and deleted that Windows Service when uninstalled. However it refused to uninstall after I modified the installer by accident (my fault!). I couldn't even remove it from Programs and Features as it kept throwing an error 2715. I found this article that had a FixIt program:
Using that, I managed to finally remove the program itself. Now however, when I try installing and uninstalling it again (to test my changes), the Windows Service that's attached doesn't get removed. In fact, it continues running. I checked the registry and indeed the key for the service is still there after the uninstall. I would need to manually stop it and do a sc delete to get rid of it. Any idea on how I can solve this?
Edit: I am able to replicate the issue on another computer. What I do is, I install the program there, and use the Fix It tool to remove it. Once this is done, I can easily replicate the issue as the service is never deleted after uninstalling. It works fine prior to this.
Some guesswork here because there's not enough info....
Eroor 2715 is a Windows Installer error, and I suspect it's related to you running a program (as you describe it) to start and stop services. I'm guessing that you run it as a cuatom action, and on uninstall you attempt to run it but it's missing because it's been uininstalled.
That fixit cure is not for a broken MSI (which yours is) - it's for fixing corrupt registry data that prevents uninstall, not fixing a broken MSI uninstall.
You don't need to run code to start and stop and delete services. Most MSI-building tools have support to the the Windows Installer functionalty that does this for you, so stop doing it!
A more specific answer is difficult without knowing what you are using to build your MSI with, and how you're running your program, but the signs point to you running the program after it's been removed, and even if you get the program running properly there's no way to tell whether it is correct without seeing the code. But 2 is what you should be doing anyway.

Trying to create dev with SPEasySetUp and VMWare

I am trying to create a dev box for SharePoint 2010 Server utilizing the following:
So first of all this is new to me. I understand that these are instructions are for dual boot in Windows Native, but I am more interested in using a VHD/image of the OS to run on VMWare.
I have tried creating an image of a running virtual machine with sysprep tool, but hit a dead end with capturing the image to a file that I can reference within the running machine to run the scripts against.
I took a look at Diskpart on TechNet, but as I am new to this, I am not sure this is what I want to do?
I tried installing to the local host (virtual machine that is running) and am getting an error there also; fails at Windows Identity Framework.
It is a clean install of Windows 7 (literally nothing else), and the UAC has been disabled.
Is there any insite, help, or advice anyone can provide me regarding this? I would really appreciate it as I have to get working on the development aspects of SP (workflows, web parts,etc), and need a dev env, and I can't seem to get anywhere with this.
