LINQ across multiple databases - linq

I've got two tables that need to be joined via LINQ, but they live in different databases. Right now I'm returning the results of one table, then looping through and retrieving the results of the other, which as you can guess isn't terribly efficient. Is there any way to get them into a single LINQ statement? Is there any other way to construct this to avoid the looping? I'm just looking for ideas, in case I'm overlooking something.
Note that I can't alter the databases, i.e. I can't create a view in one that references the other. Something I haven't tried yet is creating views in a third database that references both tables. Any ideas welcome.

You can do this, even across servers, as long as you can access one database from the other. That is, if it's possible to write a SQL statement against ServerA.DatabaseA that accesses ServerB.DatabaseB.schema.TableWhatever, then you can do the same thing in LINQ.
To do it, you'll need to edit the .dbml file by hand. You can do this in VS 2008 easily like this: Right-click, choose Open With..., and select XML Editor.
Look at the Connection element, which should be at the top of the file. What you need to do is provide an explicit database name (and server name, if different) for tables not in the database pointed to by that connection string.
The opening tag for a Table element in your .dbml looks like this:
<Table Name="dbo.Customers" Member="Customers">
What you need to do is, for any table not in the connection string's database, change that Name attribute to something like one of these:
<Table Name="SomeOtherDatabase.dbo.Customers" Member="Customers">
<Table Name="SomeOtherServer.SomeOtherDatabase.dbo.Customers" Member="Customers">
If you run into problems, make sure the other database (or server) is really accessible from your original database (or server). In SQL Server Management Studio, try writing a small SQL statement running against your original database that does something like this:
SELECT SomeColumn
FROM OtherServer.OtherDatabase.dbo.SomeTable
If that doesn't work, make sure you have a user or login with access to both databases with the same password. It should, of course, be the same as the one used in your .dbml's connection string.

Create a proc/view in your database.

Given your conditions, I don't think you can do this in one Linq statement. But you can join the results of your L2S queries into a Linq to Objects query.


Spring: best way to fetch field from Oracle v$database

I have an Oracle database and need to periodically access some data from the v$database view in my SpringBoot app. v$database is a special view that has just one row and contains some internal DB constants and variables. Basically I would like to fetch CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# from that one row via a query such as:
Normally, you would use the Spring Data Repository abstraction along with #Query for your usual tables/views and I'm sure that would work here, as well. But considering the fact that v$database is a bit "special" and only has one row, it seems a bit over the head.
How would you approach this?
There is nothing special about it as far as the user is concerned. It queries like any other table. Under the covers, it is an interface to the control file rather than a data segment, but that is only of interest on the back-end. Just don't try to ask for ROWID. And you will need the "SELECT ANY DICTIONARY" privilege to query it, as with all SYS-owned dictionary views.

Linq query will change often- how can I change it without recompiling app?

My application will be querying a database using Entity Framework. The problem is that the database table structure changes fairly often (a few times a year).
Back in the SQL days, we would store SQL queries in Resource files (.resx) and when any database changes occurred, we could just edit the one resource file and not have to edit any code in the app, recompile, etc.
Are there any good ways to do this with Linq-to-SQL?
Linq2SQL is innately code-based. If your schema is going to change, then the code will need to change.
The only way I can see around this, and still get some of the benefits of linq, is to write everything as Stored Procedures, which you can than add as method to the linq DataContext.
Then, as long as the Name, input parameters and output columns remain the same, you can change what the SP is doing on the database and the code can stay the same.

Retrieving tables from "Other users" in nHibernate

First of all I won't to say that I'm an expert in database handling, and less so in oracle. However right now I need to get better at it :)
I'm using nHibernate as orm, to my oracle database. It works ok, and is rather simple to use. However now I have run in to a problem that I don't know how to solve.
In the Database theres a kind of tree with the tables, views, indexes and such. At the end there are also a entry called "Other Users" in which there are some users with access to what I'm guessing is other tables. Now I would like to get data from one of those tables (I can read them manually in SQL Developer, so it's not a access problem or anything). Does anyone have any idea how I shall do that?
The account that you use in SQL Developer has at least read privilges to tables in another schema (owned by another user). You can access these tables by prefixing the table name with the schema name. In Hibernate you'll have to define the non-default-schema in the mapping.

creating a view of tables of a different database

Is it possible to create a view in a database A of tables of another database B? If possible, can somebody please help me, I'm totally clueless.
Of course, just use a database link. So, your view would be:
create or replace view my_view as
select some_columns
from my_table#the_other_database
Beware though it's not always that efficient and you may have some problems with queries doing things you don't expect. If there's any volume to the data you're trying to select it might be worth using a materialized view instead to take data cross server. Then you can select data from the server you're on currently, which'll probably be a lot quicker.

How can I query two databases and combine the results using LINQ?

I need to pull values in similar tables from two different databases, combine them and then write the output to a CSV file. Can I just create a second connection string in the Properties file and explicitly pass the DataContext the second connection string for the other LINQ query? Or do I need to do something else? The tables are nearly identical except for an ID used for some criteria.
I've never used LINQ before but it seems the easier way to handle this insead of having to write SQL by hand.
if the schema matches both of the databases, then you should be able to just create second DataContext instance (giving it the second connection string as an argument). The LINQ to SQL doesn't check in any way whether you use "the right" database - if it has the right columns & tables it will work.
However, LINQ doesn't automatically work with multiple databases in any "smart" way, so it will need to download the content to the memory before doing any operations that involve multiple data sources. You can still use single LINQ query to do this - but you have to be careful about what part of it is running using in memory data. (By the way, you can use extension methods like "ToList" to explicitly say - get the data from the databse at this point).
You also mention that the tables are nearly identical except for an ID in some case - does that mean that primary/foreign keys are different? In that case, some autogenerated relations may not work. If it means that there is a different column name, then you could manually edit the generated schema to contain both columns and then use only the right one. However, this feels a bit odd - unless you're planning doing some manual edits to the schema, you could as well just generate two very similar schemas.
