How to find out defaults when executing MSI with /qn (silent mode)? - installation

When I run an MSI (without parameters) I usually have to click my way through dialog boxes and choose if I want to install to current user/all users, the target directory, etc etc.
What happens when I run the MSI with /qn (silent mode). How do I find what answers where automatically chosen for all those dialog boxes?

An MSI is a basically a database. You can use Orca to open it and view/change settings.
Information on Orca can be found
A quick walkthrough on how
to use Orca can be found here.
Somewhat pertaining to your
question, you can edit which users
the installer will install in silent
mode. Information is here.
I hope this has at least geared you in the right direction.
For instance, download the installer for WiX 3.0 and open it in Orca.
Go to the Property table and you will see a list of public (uppercase) and private properties.
Notice that the WIXUI_INSTALLDIR property is set to APPLICATIONFOLDER.
Go to the Directory table, you'll see that APPLICATIONFOLDER is set to have a default of "vqee3ld3|Windows Installer XML v3" or something similar.
To find which dialog sets this property, go to the ControlEvent table. Here, you'll see the InstallDirDlg fires the event SetTargetPath when the user clicks the Next control. The Argument this event sets is WIXUI_INSTALLDIR, which in turn sets APPLICATIONFOLDER
You could try editing these properties and running the installer to see how the properties are changed. If you have default properties you'd like to set you can run. For instance, close Orca to release the lock on the msi file and run:
msiexec /i Wix3.msi APPLICATIONFOLDER="C:\Program Files\WiX" /qn
More on MSI table structures in this powerpoint

It is correct that you can set PUBLIC properties via the command line. These properties are always uppercase, and generally always listed in the Property table, though this isn't guaranteed to be the case. By reviewing the Property table you should be able to decode what each public property does. If not, there is usually documentation accompanying the MSI in form of a PDF or readme.txt that can help.
With the right tool you can also view the details of each MSI dialog and check the events that have been defined to set them. This requires a tool such as Installshield or Wise.
Another possible option for silent installation is a built-in MSI feature that I have just become aware of: the AdminProperties property. See information here:


MSI installer creates unattended shell open key

I created an MSI installer project in VS2015, set up everything, then added a file extension associtation with the "File Types Editor", assigned my extension to my application, as an Open command.
The COMMAND was the application from the "application folder", the EXTENSION was set, then the &OPEN was set as NAME=&Open, Arguments="%1" VERB=open. Nothing else.
I generated the .msi file, then started. At the end of the installation, I found out that in the registry Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\shell\open\command key there were two item, one is (Default) REG_SZ with value "myexe" "%1" as I expected
Unfortunately there was another item: "command", "REG_MULTI_SZ" and the Data was something weird, for example "LZ*a!t4(v=++Tt$)tOk_>[1jfrS!,nB`L6ciHLW!, "%1"" which I don't know what it is. When I delete the .msi file, and double click on a file with my registered extension, a popup dialog appears as "network resource cannot be found" and Windows wants my .msi installer back (browse dialog comes in)! I don't know how to prevent this unwanted situation. :( Any help would be highly appreciate!
Windows Installer uses so-called Darwin Descriptors to implement resiliency, wherein a corrupted installation can be repaired automatically. Your attempt to delete the .msi rather than to uninstall it acts like a corrupted installation, so the system attempts to fix it. However, since the .msi itself has been removed, it has to ask for help.
The short answer here is to suggest that you not worry about the exact values in the registry key. Since you're using an Extension table instead of a Registry table entry, the registry is an implementation detail; you should prefer to ignore such detail. Instead, if after a successful installation your program launches as expected upon double clicking the associated file, and it stops doing so after properly uninstalling your application, all is well.

how does uninstall a program in "program and features" work?

while uninstalling one msi package through control panel. In task bar i notice that the msiexec.exe with commandLine \x was not getting called but still the msi package got uninstalled. In registry where that particular software was stored in that they have provided uninstallstring in which something like this is given "MsiExec.exe /X{2012098D-EEE9-4769-8DD3-B038050854D4}".
so there are other way through which it does uninstall the software without calling Msiexec.exe??
and if it does then how ??
can someone please enlighten me on this
For Windows Installer products the UninstallString in the registry is not used. Windows simply calls the API to do the uninstall. Yes, sometimes that's a pain if you'd like to customize the uninstall to do something different, but that's the way it works.
The legacy way of adding a program to the ARP (Add/Remove Programs control panel) is to specify the uninstaller's command string (e.g. c:\app\uninstall.exe) in either of the following registry keys:
And the path to the uninstaller is specified by the "UninstallString" value for each subkey
Installer's that do not use MSI use exactly this technique to show up in ARP to suppor uninstall.
More details here:
msiexec.exe is the general process used for install / uninstall task. It takes as an argument the specific program id / class id which is of the form GUID - the long hex string you posted.
Even if you don't see it executing with /x switch, it is silently passed this string when you choose to uninstall something right from control panel - the result of which is uninstallation.

MSI Installer and custom folders

I have an interesting problem. I created a MSI Installer for a .NET 3.5 Application. During the install process I ask the user for a custom folder name where application output files should be stored.
To solve this task I have added a "Textboxes A" user interface item. I assigned TextBox Edit1 a property.
This property I used in "Registry" view to store that path in the registry - that worked. But:
I also used this property in the "File System" view to specify the target folder.
The result is: registry is stored correctly. But the installer created always a directory which is named like the default value of the Textbox Edit1. I've changed that name to ensure that there is no place where I could get that value.
I seems that the property is not being updated by the installer UI although the registry value is set correctly.
Does anyone had the same or similar troubles and found a solution/workaround?
Thanks, Arthur
EDIT: If I change the order of the UI Items (Ask for custom folder first, then ask for the target folder) it works. But this is - what should I say - not a solution. It's a sad workaround.
EDIT: With Edit1 I mean the Edit Control 1 of the "TextBox View A" which is bound to the Property "DATAFOLDERPROPERTY".
A verbose MSI log should tell you more about what exactly is happening. There are two things that jump out at me. One is that your property, Edit1, is not a public property. For it to be public, all letters must be upper-case, e.g. EDIT1. The other is that you are trying to edit a folder location after CostFinalize has set directory locations. To update directories at this time, you cannot merely change their associated properties. You need to add a Set Directory custom action (type 35) to the sequence or a SetTargetPath control event to the dialog - I'd use the control event if possible.

VS Setup Project; How to restore a registry value on uninstall?

I have a setup project in Visual Studio. As part of the regular installation, it creates/updates some keys and values in the Windows Registry. How can I make the updates reversible?
you may say "they are reversible", but I don't think so. Here's how I think it works: USe the VS designer to specify which Registry Keys and Values you want. Those keys and values are written during install, and deleted during uninstall. Simple. What's not reversible?
The problem comes in when there's an existing value in one of the keys that is written during install. Suppose it has a value of 1. Then with the new install it gets a value of 100. After uninstall, it has no value at all - the value is gone.
I tried to work around this with "custom actions".
During install, if the user confirms, msiexec writes the values into the the registry. Whatever was in the registry key before, is gone. (Let's call this "Update A")
To preserve that value, on install, there's a custom action that reads and preserves the "before" setting. It runs before "Update A". So far, so good.
On uninstall, the normal course of action, is to remove the regular registry keys and values that were added during install. This works just fine. Call this "Update B".
To restore the original registry values, I have another "custom action". This one runs on uninstall. It successfully restores the original values into the Registry. The registry looks just as it was before the original install. I verified that this works using ProcMon (A tool that lets me monitor registry updates, among other things). Call this "Update C".
There's only one problem. On uninstall, Update B is happening after Update C. This means, after the custom action restores the original registry setting, msi wipes out the restored Value, as it does with all the other registry updates.
The result is the registry has empty Values instead of the restored ones.
Any help? How can I re-order the updates? Do I need Orca for this? I really don't want to install and learn another tool to make this happen. I also want it to be automatic. Definitely don't want to have to visually click through an MSI editor to make this happen.
Can I do this with a Javascript post-build event that uses the WindowsInstaller.Installer class? Aaron Stebner published a script that adds a "Launch application after install?" dialog to an MSI produced by Visual Studio. Windows Installer supports a "launch app" capability but it is not exposed in the designers for VS2008/2005. A quick biolerplate script, run as a post-build step in VS, added in the Launch dialog.
Is something similar possible with the ordering of custom actions?
Some answers for me:
Yes, it's possible to do this with a postbuild step implemented in Javascript.
yes, I'd use the WindowsInstaller.Installer class.
yes, orca was necessary to figure it all out
Orca clearly shows the custom action that is intended to restore registry values runs before the built-in action that removes registry values.
So I have to write a script to change the 1698 to 2620, and the registry values should get restored properly.
Edit: not so fast.
The idea is right, but it's not as simple as changing the sequence number. The problem is, the "preserved" registry value is in the registry tree that gets deleted by the uninstaller. Therefore, neither order works. If A is the restore, and B is the delete, A-B will restore the registry only to have the restored value later deleted. B-A will delete the value first, and then A will have no value to restore. The reason is that A (the restore part) stores the to-be-restored value in the tree that is to be deleted.
So the correct operation has to be something like A-B-A, where A takes the stored value-to-be-restored, and puts it in a place that won't get deleted by B. Then B deletes the app-specific keys and values in the registry. The A restores the setting that was socked away by A`.
To make all this happen I had to do some surgery on the MSI file, because the vanilla MSI designer in Visual Studio doesn't allow for setting specific sequence numbers. You need to use Orca, which is a GUI tool, or, in my case I used the COM interface to the WindowsInstaller to automate the changes via javascript.

Install Shield 2009 - Shortcuts creation

Is it possible to create shortcuts in Install Shield 2009 based on user input?
In essnes, a shortcut will be created (on the desktop) only if the user (who runs the installation) wants to do so
We have a screen that prompts the user to create desktop and quicklaunch shortcuts.
The shortcuts are then each in individual components with a condition set to only install if the checkbox was selected.
You also should store this response in the registry somewhere, and read it back during a reconfigure, upgrade, repair, etc. Otherwise if the checkboxes were on by default and that screen does not display to the user, the condition will evaluate to true (because the default property is true) and although the shortcut was not initially installed, it will be created during the repair if the components condition is reevaluated.
I do something similar to Sacha, but I'm lazier. ;-)
I create a component for each desktop shortcut (I hate software that assumes it's allowed to dump shortcuts on my desktop); no file in the component. Then I assign each of these components to its own feature. Then I can use standard feature selection dialogs (which is built in automatically and used when the user selects a Custom installation) to let the user select the desktop shortcut features.
I don't see a lot of software installers offering to install optional shortcuts in the feature selection dialog, but it strikes me as a natural place to do it. More technical users may see this as mixing metaphors.
FWIW, I originally did this in an InstallScript/MSI project, and I've just done the exact same thing in a straight MSI project, and the technique works fine in both.
It's been a while since I've used installshield, my company is currently using WISE as an installer; however, it should be possible to do what you are asking.
In general installer terms you need to do the following:
Make a screen for your installer that presents the option to create the shortcut, this screen should have the prompt text and a checkbox.
There should be a mechanism for storing the response of the checkbox in an Installshield property.
During the execution phase, use the reponse to trigger the creation of the shortcut.
I don't know about the capabilities of Installshield 2009 for whether this can be done without editing the script itself.
I hope this helps.
