A problem with folding bash functions in vim - bash

I have a bash script file which starts with a function definition, like this:
# .....
# .....
function test {
I use vim 7.2, and I have set g:sh_fold_enabled=1 such that folding is enabled with bash. The problem is that the folding of the function test is not ended correctly, i.e. it lasts until the end of file. It looks something like this:
# .....
# .....
+-- 550 lines: function test {----------------------------------------
The function itself is just about 40 lines, and I want something that lookes like this ("images" say more than a thousend words, they say...):
# .....
# .....
+-- 40 lines: function test {----------------------------------------
Does anyone know a good solution to this problem?

I have done some research, and found a way to fix the problem: To stop vim from folding functions until the end of file, I had to add a skip-statement to the syntax region for shExpr (in the file sh.vim, usually placed somewhere like /usr/share/vim/vim70/syntax/):
syn region shExpr ... start="{" skip="^function.*\_s\={" end="}" ...
This change stops the syntax file from thinking that the { and } belongs to the shExpr group, when they actually belong to the function group. Or that is how I have understood it, anyway.
Note: This fix only works for the following syntax:
function test
and not for this:
function test {
A quick and dirty fix for the last bug is to remove shExpr from the #shFunctionList cluster.

with vim 8.2+ the following worked for me:
syntax enable
let g:sh_fold_enabled=5
let g:is_sh=1
set filetype=on
set foldmethod=syntax
" :filteype plugin indent on
foldnestmax=3 "i use 3, change it to whatever you like.
it did not matter where i put it in my vimrc.
and this turns on syntax folding and the file type plugin for all installed file types.

It should just work, but there seems to be a bug in the syntax file. The fold region actually starts at the word 'function' and tries to continue to the closing '}', but the highlighting for the '{...}' region takes over the closing '}' and the fold continues on searching for another one. If you add another '}' you can see this in action:
function test {

There seems to be a simpler solution on Reddit.
To quote the author in the post:
The options I use are:
let g:sh_fold_enabled=3
EDIT: Workaround
vim -u NONE -c 'let g:sh_fold_enabled=7' -c ':set fdm=syntax' -c 'sy
on' file.sh
g:sh_fold_enabled=4 seemed to be the agreed upon fold-level in the discussion. This solution is working perfectly for me. I did not have to edit the syntax file.
Edit: g:sh_fold_enabled=5 is actually the right one. Not 4.
Also, as the poster showed on Reddit, those commands must go before any other setting in vimrc, except the plugins.


Terraform GCP Instance Metadata Startup Script Issue

I've been working with Terraform, v0.15.4, for a few weeks now, and have gotten to grips with most of the lingo. I'm currently trying to create a cluster of RHEL 7 instances dynamically on GCP, and have, for the most part, got it to run okay.
I'm at the point of deploying an instance with certain metadata passed along to it for use in scripts built into the machine image for configuration thereafter. This metadata is typically just passed via an echo into a text file, which the scripts then pickup as required.
It's... very simple. Echo "STUFF" > file... Alas, I am hitting the same issue OVER AND OVER and it's driving me INSANE. I've Google'd around for ages, but all I can find is examples of the exact thing that I'm doing, the only difference is that theirs works, mine doesn't... So hopefully I can get some help here.
My 'makes it half-way' code is as follows:
resource "google_compute_instance" "GP_Master_Node" {
metadata_startup_script = <<-EOF
echo "hello
you" > /test.txt
echo "help
me" > /test2.txt
Now the instance with this does create successfully, although when I look onto the instance, I get one file called ' /test.txt? ' (or if I 'ls' the file, it shows as ' /test.txt^M ') and no second file.. I can run any command instead of echo, and whilst the first finishes, the second+ does not. Why?? What on earth is causing that??
The following code I found also, but it doesn't work for me at all, with the error, 'Blocks of type "metadata" are not expected here.'
resource "google_compute_instance" "GP_Master_Node" {
metadata {
startup-script = "echo test > /test.txt"
Okaaaaay! Simple answer for a, in hindsight, silly question (sort of). The file was somehow formmated in DOS, meaning the script required a line continuation character to run correctly (specifically \ at the end of each individual command). Code as follows:
resource "google_compute_instance" "GP_Master_Node" {
metadata_startup_script = <<-EOF
echo "hello
you" > /test.txt \
echo "help
me" > /test2.txt \
echo "example1" > /test3.txt \
echo "and so on..." > /final.txt
However, what also fixed my issue was just 'refreshing' the file (probably a word for this, I don't know). I created a brand new file using touch, 'more'd the original file contents to screen, and then copy pasted them into the new one. On save, it is no longer DOS, as expected, and then when I run terraform the code runs as expected without requiring the line continuation characters at the end of commands.
Thank you to commentors for the help :)

Pester 5.0 including ps1 file

In version 4 I was using pester and in the begging of the test script I have this:
. "$PSScriptRoot\..\Utilities.ps1"
Reading the Pester docs it is now saying to use everything before "Describe" into "BeforeAll" so I have done this:
BeforeAll {
. "$PSScriptRoot\..\Utilities.ps1"
My problem is that the functions declared in the Utilities.ps1 are not visible for the tests, so I assume I should call that in another way. How should be the correct way to import another ps1 from a pester ps1 test script?
The problem I had happened because I have code added in the "Describe" block. Moving the code to the "It" block worked for me.

Get autocompletion list in bash variable

I'm working with a big software project with many build targets. When typing make <tab> <tab> it shows over 1000 possible make targets.
What I want is a bash script that filters those targets by certain rules. Therefore I would like to have this list of make targets in a bash variable.
[do something with make_targets]
make $make_targets
It would be best if I wouldn't have to change anything with my project.
How can I get such a List?
#yuyichao created a function to get autocomplete output:
comp() {
# Don't really thing any real autocompletion script will rely on
# the following 2 vars, but on principle they could ~~~ LOL.
_command_offset 0
echo ${COMPREPLY[#]}
Just run comp make '' to get the results, and you can manipulate that. Example:
$ comp make ''
test foo clean
You would need to overwrite / modify the completion function for make. On Ubuntu it is located at:
(Other distributions may store the file at /etc/bash_completion.d/make)
If you don't want to change the completion behavior for the whole system, you might write a small wrapper script like build-project, which calls make. Then write a completion function for that mapper which is derived from make's one.

How to prevent capistrano replacing newlines?

I want to run some shell scripts remotely as part of my capistrano setup. To test that functionality, I use this code:
execute <<SHELL
cat <<TEST
However, that is actually running /usr/bin/env cat <<TEST; something; TEST which is obviously not going to work. How do I tell capistrano to execute the heredoc as I have written it, without converting the newlines into semicolons?
I have Capistrano Version: 3.2.1 (Rake Version: 10.3.2) and do not know ruby particularly well, so there might be something obvious I missed.
I think it might work to just specify the arguments to cat as a second, er, argument to execute:
cat_args = <<SHELL
execute "cat", cat_args
From the code #DavidGrayson posted, it looks like only the command (the first argument to execute) is sanitized.
I agree with David, though, that the simpler way might be to put the data in a file, which is what the SSHKit documentation suggests:
Upload a file from a stream
on hosts do |host|
file = File.open('/config/database.yml')
io = StringIO.new(....)
upload! file, '/opt/my_project/shared/database.yml'
upload! io, '/opt/my_project/shared/io.io.io'
The IO streaming is useful for uploading something rather than "cat"ing it, for example
on hosts do |host|
contents = StringIO.new('ALL ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL')
upload! contents, '/etc/sudoers.d/yolo'
This spares one from having to figure out the correct escaping sequences for something like "echo(:cat, '...?...', '> /etc/sudoers.d/yolo')".
This seems like it would work perfectly for your use case.
The code responsible for this sanitization can be found in SSHKit::Command#sanitize_command!, which is called by that class's initialize method. You can see the source code here:
You might consider monkeypatching it to do nothing by adding something like this to the top of your Rakefile:
SSHKit::Command # force the class to load so we can re-open it
class SSHKit::Command
def sanitize_command!
return if some_condition
This is risky and could introduce problems in other places; for example there might be parts of Capistrano that assume that the command has no newlines.
You are probably better off making a shell script that contains the heredoc or putting the heredoc in a file somewhere.
Ok, so this is the solution I figured out myself, in case it's useful for someone else:
str = %x(
base64 <<TEST
execute "echo #{str} | base64 -d | cat -"
As you can see, I'm base64 encoding my command, sending it through, then decoding it on the server side where it can be evaluated intact. This works, but it's a real ugly hack - I hope someone can come up with a better solution.

RSpec - script to upgrade from 'should' to 'expect' syntax?

I have hundreds of files that also have hundreds of 'should' statements.
Is there any sort of automated way to update these files to the new syntax?
I'd like options to both create new files and also modify the existing files inline.
sed is a good tool for this.
The following will process all the files in the current directory and write them out to new files in a _spec_seded directory. This currently handle about 99%+ of the changes but might still leave you with a couple of manual changes to make (the amount will depend on your code and coding style).
As always with a sed script you should check the results, run diffs and look at the files manually. Ideally you are using git which helps make the diffs even easier.
find . -type f -name '*_spec.rb' | while read file; do
mkdir -p ../_spec_seded/"${file%/*}"
echo "next file...$filenum...$file"
let filenum+=1
cp "$file" ../_spec_seded/"$file"
sed -i ' # Exclude:
/^ *describe .*do/! { # -describe...do descriptions
/^ *it .*do/! { # -it...do descriptions
/^[[:blank:]]*\#/! { # -comments
/^ *def .*\.should.*/! { # -inline methods
/\.should/ {
s/\.should/)\.to/ # Change .should to .to
s/\(\S\)/expect(\1/ # Add expect( at start of line.
/\.to\( \|_not \)>\=/ s/>\=/be >\=/ # Change operators for
/\.to\( \|_not \)>[^=]/ s/>/be >/ # >, >=, <, <= and !=
/\.to\( \|_not \)<\=/ s/<\=/be <\=/
/\.to\( \|_not \)<[^=]/ s/</be </
/\.to\( \|_not \)\!\=/ s/\!\=/be \!\=/
/\.to +==\( +\|$\)/ s/==/eq/
/=\~/ { # Change match operator
s/$/ )/
s/\[ )$/\[/
s/[^}.to|end.to]\.to /).to / # Add paren
/eq ({.*} )/ s/ ({/ ( {/ # Add space
/to\(_\|_not_\)receive/ s/_receive/ receive/ # receive
/\.to eq \[.*\]/ {
s/ eq \[/ match_array([/
/expect.*(.*lambda.*{.*})/ { # Remove unneeded lambdas
s/( *lambda *{/{/
s/ })\.to / }\.to /
/expect *{ *.*(.*) *})\.to/ { # Fix extra end paren
}' ../_spec_seded/"$file"
Please use with caution. Currently the script create new files in _seded/ for review first for safety. The script is placed in /spec directory and run from there.
If you have hundreds of files this could save you hours or days of work!
If you use this I recommend that "step 2" is do manually copy files from _spec_seded to spec itself and run them. I recommend that you don't just rename the whole directories. For one thing, files, such as spec_helper.rb aren't currently copied to _spec_seded.
11/18/2013 Note: I continue to upgrade this script. Covering more edge cases and also making matches more specific and also excluding more edge cases, e.g. comment lines.
P.S. The differences which should be reviewed can be seen with (from the project directory root):
diff -r /spec /_spec_seded
git also has nice diff options but I like to look before adding files to git at all.
Belated update, mainly for those who may find their way to this page via a search engine.
Use Yuji Nakayama's excellent Transpec gem for this purpose. I've used it over 10 times now on different projects without issue.
From the website:
Transpec lets you upgrade your RSpec 2 specs to RSpec 3 in no time. It supports conversions for almost all of the RSpec 3 changes, and it’s recommended by the RSpec team.
Also, you can use it on your RSpec 2 project even if you’re not going to upgrade it to RSpec 3 for now.
