How can I access specific subsets of a large NSDictionary in Cocoa? - cocoa

I have a single NSDictionary object which contains a large number of custom objects. The objects will either be of class B or of class C, both of which inherit from class A. If the objects are of type B, they will have an internal flag (kindOfCIsh) which will be used for future grouping.
How can I, at different times in my program, get an NSDictionary (or NSArray) that contains different groupings of those objects? In one case, I will want all of B, but another time I will want all of the C objects, plus the B objects that satisfy (kindOfCIsh == true).
Is there a simple way to get access to these subsets? Perhaps using filter predicates? I can, of course, loop through the entire dictionary and build the required subset manually, but I have a feeling that there is a better way.
Any help is appreciated.

[[myDictionary allValues] filteredArrayUsingPredicate: pred];

You can use categories
the code is something like this
#interface NSDictionary (dictionaryForClass)
-(NSMutableDictionary *) dictionaryWithObjectsKindOfClass:(Class)myClass;
#implementation NSDictionary (dictionaryForClass)
-(NSMutableDictionary *) dictionaryWithObjectsKindOfClass:(Class)myClass;
NSMutableDictionary *ret = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init] autorelease];
for (id object in self) {
if ([object isKindOfClass:myClass]) {
[ret addObject:object];
return ret;


Is there a way to work with Foundation objects (NSString, NSArray, NSDictionary) in Swift without bridging?

When using Swift, the Cocoa frameworks are declared to return native Swift types, even though the frameworks are actually returning Objective-C objects. Likewise, the methods takes Swift types as parameters, where that makes sense.
Suppose I want to call a Cocoa method that (in Objective-C) would give me an NSArray and then pass that to a Cocoa method that takes an NSArray. With code like this:
let a: [AnyObject] = [] // Imagine calling a method that returns a huge NSArray.
let mutable = NSMutableArray()
It looks like the huge NSArray is going to get bridged to a Swift array when assigned to a and then bridged back to an NSArray when passed as a parameter. At least that's how it seems from profiling and looking at the disassembly.
Is there a way to avoid these potentially slow conversions when I don't need to actually work with the array in Swift? When I'm just receiving it from Cocoa and then passing it back to Cocoa?
At first, I thought that it would help to add type information for a:
let a: NSArray = [] // Imagine calling a method that returns a huge NSArray.
let mutable = NSMutableArray()
mutable.addObjectsFromArray(a as [AnyObject])
But then I have to convert the parameter to a Swift array later or the compiler will complain.
Furthermore, the disassembly for code like:
let c: NSArray = mutable.subarrayWithRange(NSMakeRange(0, 50))
shows calls to __TF10Foundation22_convertNSArrayToArrayurFGSqCSo7NSArray_GSaq__ and __TFer10FoundationSa19_bridgeToObjectiveCurfGSaq__FT_CSo7NSArray, seemingly converting the return value to Swift and then back to Objective-C. (This happens even with Release builds.) I had hoped that by typing c as NSArray there would be no bridging necessary.
I'm concerned that this could lead to inefficiencies with very large data structures, with many disparate conversions of regular ones, and with collections that are lazy/proxied because they are not necessarily large but may be expensive to compute. It would be nice to be able to receive such an array from Objective-C code and pass it back without having to realize all of the elements of the array if they are never accessed from Swift.
This is a very different performance model than with Core Foundation/Foundation where the bridging was toll-free. There are so many cases where code passes objects back and forth assuming that it will be O(1), and if these are invisibly changed to O(n) the outer algorithms could become quadratic or worse. It's not clear to me what one is supposed to do in this case. If there is no way to turn off the bridging, it seems like everything that touches those objects would need to be rewritten in Objective-C.
Here is some sample timing code based on the above example:
NSArray *getArray() {
static NSMutableArray *result;
if (!result) {
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
[array addObjectsFromArray:#[#1, #2, #3, #"foo", #"bar", #"baz"]];
result = array;
return result;
#interface ObjCTests : XCTestCase
#implementation ObjCTests
- (void)testObjC { // 0.27 seconds
[self measureBlock:^{
NSArray *a = getArray();
NSMutableArray *m = [NSMutableArray array];
[m addObjectsFromArray:a];
class SwiftTests: XCTestCase {
func testSwift() { // 0.33 seconds
self.measureBlock() {
let a: NSArray = getArray() as NSArray
let m = NSMutableArray()
m.addObjectsFromArray(a as [AnyObject])
func testSwiftPure() { // 0.83 seconds
self.measureBlock() {
let a = getArray()
var m = [AnyObject]()
In this example, testSwift() is about 22% slower than testObjC(). Just for fun, I tried doing the array append with the native Swift array, and this was much slower.
A related issue is that when Objective-C code passes Swift code an NSMutableString, the Swift String ends up with a copy of the mutable string. This is good in the sense that it won’t be unexpectedly mutated behind Swift’s back. But if all you need to do is pass a string to Swift and look at it briefly, this copy could add unexpected overhead.
have you tried making an extension?
extension NSMutableArray
func addObjectsFromNSArray(array:NSArray)
for item in array
Now that I had time to actually play with this instead of talking in theory, I am going to revise my answer
Create an extension, but instead, do it in an objective c file
#interface NSMutableArray(Extension)
- (void)addObjectsFromNSArray:(NSObject*) array;
#implementation NSMutableArray(Extension)
- (void)addObjectsFromNSArray:(NSObject*) array
[self addObjectsFromArray:(NSArray*)array];
I found the code to work a lot faster doing it this way. (Almost 2x from my tests)
testSwift 4.06 seconds
testSwiftPure 7.97 seconds
testSwiftExtension 2.30 seconds

Converting NSMutableArray to Array of custom objects in sudzc

I am using SUDZC to get data from a web service. The generated code looks like this:
// Do something with the NSMutableArray* result
NSMutableArray* result = (NSMutableArray*)value;
I can see that there is a response when I called the web service but the result in the statement above is empty.
In the generated classes I can find methods to serialize the objects but are there also functions to do the deserialization?
When I get this fixed... how can I convert the NSMutableArray to a array of my custom types generated by sudzc?
I could do something like this now:
for(id obj in result)
Ta *ta = [[Task alloc] init];
ta.desc = [obj DESC];
ta.begin = [obj BEGIN];
ta.ende = [obj ENDE];
ta.longtext = [obj TEXT];
[self.tas addObject:(ta)];
But is this the normal way or how should this be solved within SUDZC (because it already generated some classes for this)? How to cast the result into a list of custom objects?
sudzc seems just return the first element in the handler, so the only thing you need to do is casting like this:
Ta *ta = (Ta *)result

Iterate over NSTableview or NSArrayController to get data

I have an NSTableview which s bound to a NSArrayController. The Table/Arraycontroller contains Core Data "Person" entities. The people are added to the NSTableview by the GUI's user.
Let's say a person entity looks like
NSString* Name;
int Age;
NSString* HairColor;
Now I want to iterate over what is stored in the array controller to perform some operation in it. The actual operation I want to do isn't important I don't really want to get bogged down in what I am trying to do with the information. It's just iterating over everything held in the NSArraycontroller which is confusing me. I come from a C++ and C# background and am new to Cocoa. Let's say I want to build a NSMutableArray that contains each person from nsarraycontroller 1 year in the future.
So I would want to do something like
NSMutableArray* mutArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
foreach(PersonEntity p in myNsArrayController) // foreach doesn't exist in obj-c
Person* new_person = [[Person alloc] init];
[new_person setHairColor:p.HairColor];
[new_person setAge:(p.age + 1)];
[mutArray addObject:new_person];
I believe the only thing holding me back from doing something like the code above is that foreach does not exist in Obj-c. I just don't see how to iterate over the nsarraycontroller.
Note: This is for OSX so I have garbage collection turned on
You're looking for fast enumeration.
For your example, something like
for (PersonEntity *p in myNsArrayController.arrangedObjects)
// Rest of your code
You can also enumerate using blocks. For example:
[myNsArrayController enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id object, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop)
PersonEntity *p = object;
// Rest of your code
There's pro's and cons to both approaches. These are discussed in depth in the answer to this question:
Objective-C enumerateUsingBlock vs fast enumeration?
You can find a great tutorial on blocks in Apple's WWDC 2010 videos. In that they say that at Apple they use blocks "all the time".

Core Data Transformable attributes NOT working with NSPredicate

I often use Transformable for Core Data attributes, so I can change them later.
However, it seems like, if I want to use NSPredicate to find a NSManagedObject, using "uniqueKey == %#", or "uniqueKey MATCHES[cd] %#", it's not working as it should.
It always misses matching objects, until I change the attributes of the uniqueKey of the matching object to have specific class like NSString, or NSNumber.
Can someone explain the limitation of using NSPredicate with Transformable attributes?
Note: I'm not sure when/if this has changed since 5/2011 (from Scott Ahten's accepted answer), but you can absolutely search with NSPredicate on transformable attributes. Scott correctly explained why your assumptions were broken, but if Can someone explain the limitation of using NSPredicate with Transformable attributes? was your question, he implied that it is not possible, and that is incorrect.
Since the is the first google hit for "Core Data transformable value search nspredicate" (what I searched for trying to find inspiration), I wanted to add my working answer.
How to use NSPredicate with transformable properties
Short, heady answer: you need to be smart about your data transformers. You need to transfrom the value to NSData that contains what I'll call "primitive identifying information", i.e. the smallest, most identifying set of bytes that can be used to reconstruct your object. Long answer, ...
Foremost, consider:
Did you actual mean to use a transformable attribute? If any supported data type -- even binary data -- will suffice, use it.
Do you understand what transformable attributes actually are? How they pack and unpack data to and from the store? Review Non-Standard Persistent Attributes in Apple's documentation.
After reading the above, ask: does custom code that hides a supported type "backing attribute" work for you? Possibly use that technique.
Now, past those considerations, transformable attributes are rather slick. Frankly, writing an NSValueTransformer "FooToData" for Foo instances to NSData seemed cleaner than writing a lot of adhoc custom code. I haven't found a case where Core Data doesn't know it needs to transform the data using the registered NSValueTransformer.
To proceed simply address these concerns:
Did you tell Core Data what transformer to use? Open the Core Data model in table view, click the entity, click the attribute, load the Data Model Inspector pane. Under "Attribute Type: Transformable", set "Name" to your transformer.
Use a default transformer (again, see the previous Apple docs) or write your own transformer -- transformedValue: must return NSData.
NSKeyedUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName is the default transformer and may not suffice, or may draw in somewhat-transient instance data that can make two similar objects be different when they are equal.
The transformed value should contain only -- what I'll call -- "primitive identifying information". The store is going to be comparing bytes, so every byte counts.
You may also register your transformer globally. I have to do this since I actually reuse them elsewhere in the app -- e.g. NSString *name = #"FooTrans"; [NSValueTransformer setValueTransformer:[NSClassFromString(name) new] forName:name];
You probably don't want to use transforms heavily queried data operations - e.g. a large import where the primary key information uses transformers - yikes!
And then in the end, I simply use this to test for equality for high-level object attributes on models with NSPredicates -- e.g. "%K == %#" -- and it works fine. I haven't tried some of the various matching terms, but I wouldn't be surprised if they worked sometimes, and others not.
Here's an example of an NSURL to NSData transformer. Why not just store the string? Yeah, that's fine -- that's a good example of custom code masking the stored attribute. This example illustrates that an extra byte is added to the stringified URL to record if it was a file URL or not -- allowing us to know what constructors to use when the object is unpacked.
// URLToDataTransformer.h - interface
extern NSString *const kURLToDataTransformerName;
#interface URLToDataTransformer : NSValueTransformer
// URLToDataTransformer.m - implementation
#import "URLToDataTransformer.h"
NSString *const kURLToDataTransformerName = #"URLToDataTransformer";
#implementation URLToDataTransformer
+ (Class)transformedValueClass { return [NSData class]; }
+ (BOOL)allowsReverseTransformation { return YES; }
- (id)transformedValue:(id)value
if (![value isKindOfClass:[NSURL class]])
// Log error ...
return nil;
NSMutableData *data;
char fileType = 0;
if ([value isFileURL])
fileType = 1;
data = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&fileType length:1];
[data appendData:[[(NSURL *)value path] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
fileType = -1;
data = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&fileType length:1];
[data appendData:[[(NSURL *)value absoluteString] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
return data;
- (id)reverseTransformedValue:(id)value
if (![value isKindOfClass:[NSData class]])
// Log error ...
return nil;
NSURL *url = nil;
NSData *data = (NSData *)value;
char fileType = 0;
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(1, [data length]-1);
[data getBytes:&fileType length:1];
if (1 == fileType)
NSData *actualData = [data subdataWithRange:range];
NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:actualData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:str];
else if (-1 == fileType)
NSData *actualData = [data subdataWithRange:range];
NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:actualData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
url = [NSURL URLWithString:str];
// Log error ...
return nil;
return url;
Transformable attributes are usually persisted as archived binary data. As such, you are attempting to compare an instance of NSData with an instance of NSString or NSNumber.
Since these classes interpret the same data in different ways, they are not considered a match.
you can try this way
NSExpression *exprPath = [NSExpression expressionForKeyPath:#"transformable_field"];
NSExpression *exprKeyword = [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:nsdataValue];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSComparisonPredicate predicateWithLeftExpression:exprPath rightExpression:exprKeyword modifier:NSDirectPredicateModifier type:NSEqualToPredicateOperatorType options:0];

Mutable to immutable object

Is there a way to convert mutable object converted to immutable one in cocoa?
I have used NSMutableDictionary *mut=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary: copyItems:];
But this dictionary is used in many other places without the mutable thing.
Best Regards,
NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:
This may be an overly simplistic answer, but:
NSMutableDictionary * mutableDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithStuff....];
NSDictionary * dictionary = mutableDictionary;
//from this point on, only use dictionary
While dictionary is technically (internally) mutable, you won't be able to access the set methods, since those are methods on NSMutableDictionary.
If I understand your question correctly (given your later comment), you want to convert an immutable copy of an mutable object back to being mutable again.
The problem seems to be this:
NSMutableString *foo = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#"a mutable object"];
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary1, *dictionary2;
dictionary1 = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:foo forKey:#"foo"];
dictionary2 = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]initWithDictionary:dictionary1
copyItems: YES];
[[dictionary1 objectForKey:#"foo"] appendString:#", mutated"];
[[dictionary2 objectForKey:#"foo"] appendString:#", mutated"];
we can alter the object in dictionary1 just fine, but doing the same to dictionary2 throws an exception.
This is because although NSMutableDictionary's initWithDictionary:copyItems: method makes a mutable copy of the dictionary object, it makes immutable copies of its contents.
Classes that distinguish between immutable and immutable versions (such as cocoa's basic string, array & dictionary classes) are supposed to implement a copyWithZone: and mutableCopyWithZone: method. Since not all classes implement an mutableCopyWithZone: method, NSMutableDictionary's initWithDictionary:copyItems: method copies each of dictionary1's contents immutably, meaning that dictionary2 contains immutable objects.
You can make an mutable copy of an immutable object by sending it a mutableCopy message. But probably a better solution for you would be to add an initWithDictionary:mutableCopyItems: method to NSMutableDictionary with a category:
- (id) initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)otherDictionary
if (flag) {
self = [self init];
if (self)
for (id key in otherDictionary){
id object = [otherDictionary objectForKey:key];
if ([object respondsToSelector:#selector(mutableCopyWithZone:)])
[self setObject:[object mutableCopy] forKey:key];
[self setObject:[object copy] forKey:key];
self = [self initWithDictionary:otherDictionary];
return self;
Read these if you want to know the difference between copy, mutableCopy, copyWithZone: and mutableCopyWithZone:
