How are Process Explorer's memory metrics: WS Private, WS Shareable, WS Shared columns calculated? - vb6

I am continuing my saga to understand memory consumption by VB6 application.
The option that seems to work best so far is to monitor various memory metrics at key points at run-time and understand where big memory hogs are.
The measure driver to study this, is to understand how the application scalability in multi-user environment in Terminal Server (Citrix) is impacted due to changes in memory consumption (in simple terms more memory you use, less users you can fit on the server).
I can get most memory metrics for the process using GetProcessMemoryInfo.
Process Explorer reports additional metrics WS Private, WS Shareable, WS Shared - which seem very interesting for my investigation.
So question is, is there standard/hidden API to get these metric for a process? I would like to query these metrics programatically, so that I can capture them at key spots during application run and understand memory usage better.

See the QueryWorkingSet API. This looks rather nasty to use though, as it returns info on a per-page basis and would therefore leave it up to you to aggregate the totals. If there's a better method, please leave a comment and I'll delete this answer.
Also, if you have specific places in mind where you want to monitor changes in the working set, you might want to check out the InitializeProcessForWsWatch and GetWsChanges APIs -- these might make it easier to see how many pages have been faulted in rather than having to walk the entire page set before and after.


Easier way to aggregate a collection of memory accesses made by a Windows process?

I'm doing this as a personal project, I want to make a visualizer for this data. but the first step is getting the data.
My current plan is to
make my program debug the target process step through it
each step record the EIP from every thread's context within the target process
construct the memory address the instruction uses from the context and store it.
Is there an easier or built in way to do this?
Have a look at Intel PIN for dynamic binary instrumentation / running a hook for every load / store instruction. intel-pin
Instead of actually single-stepping in a debugger (extremely slow), it does binary-to-binary JIT to add calls to your hooks.
Honestly the best way to do this is probably instrumentation like Peter suggested, depending on your goals. Have you ever ran a script that stepped through code in a debugger? Even automated it's incredibly slow. The only other alternative I see is page faults, which would also be incredibly slow but should still be faster than single step. Basically you make every page not in the currently executing section inaccessible. Any RW access outside of executing code will trigger an exception where you can log details and handle it. Of course this has a lot of flaws -- you can't detect RW in the current page, it's still going to be slow, it can get complicated such as handling page execution transfers, multiple threads, etc. The final possible solution I have would be to have a timer interrupt that checks RW access for each page. This would be incredibly fast and, although it would provide no specific addresses, it would give you an aggregate of pages written to and read from. I'm actually not entirely sure off the top of my head if Windows exposes that information already and I'm also not sure if there's a reliable way to guarantee your timers would get hit before the kernel clears those bits.

How to debug copy-on-write?

We have some code that relies on extensive usage of fork. We started to hit the performance problems and one of our hypothesis is that we do have a lot of speed wasted when copy-on-write happens in the forked processes.
Is there a way to specifically detect when and how copy-and-write happens, to have a detailed insight into this process.
My platform is OSX but more general information is also appreciated.
There are a few ways to get this info on OS X. If you're satisfied with just watching information about copy-on-write behavior from the command-line, you can use the vm_stat tool with an interval. E.g., vm_stat 0.5 will print full statistics twice per second. One of the columns is the number of copy-on-write faults.
If you'd like to gather specific information in a more detailed way, but still from outside the actual running process, you can use the Instruments application that comes with OS X. This includes a set of tools for gathering information about a running process, the most useful of which for your case are likely to be the VM Tracker, Virtual Memory Trace, or Shared Memory instruments. These capture lots of useful information over the lifetime of a process. The application is not super intuitive, but it will do what you need.
If you'd like detailed information in-process, I think you'll need to use the (poorly documented) VM statistics API. You can request that the kernel fill a vm_statistics struct using the host_statistics routine. For example, running this code:
mach_msg_type_number_t count = HOST_VM_INFO_COUNT;
vm_statistics_data_t vmstats;
kern_return_t host_statistics(mach_host_self(), HOST_VM_INFO, (host_info_t) &vmstats, &count);
will fill the vmstats structure with information such as cow_faults, which gives the number of faults triggered by copy-on-write behavior. Check out the headers /usr/include/mach/vm_*, which declare the types and routines for gathering this information.

Does calling `writev` repeatedly with the same memory address allow hardware caching?

I've read some performance claims about how Elixir and Erlang use hardware, and I'm trying to see if I understand their basis. Some background:
First, Erlang supports writing nested lists of immutable strings (iolists) to IO (files, sockets, etc) and uses writev and the strings' memory addresses to do so (see Evan Miller's blog post on this).
Second, the docs for an Erlang web framework called Chicago Boss say:
Erlang Respects Your RAM!
Erlang is different from other platforms because when rendering a server-side template, it doesn't create a separate copy of a web page in memory for each connected client. Instead, it constructs pointers to the same pieces of immutable memory across multiple requests.
So if two people request two different profile pages at the same time, they're actually sent the same chunks of memory for the header, footer, and other shared template snippets. The result is a server that can construct complex, uncached web pages for hundreds of users per second without breaking a sweat.
Third, a book about an Elixir (Erlang VM) web framework called Phoenix says:
Templates are precompiled. Phoenix doesn’t need to copy strings for each rendered template. At the hardware level, you’ll see caching come into play for these strings where it never did before.
From looking at the source, I know that this framework uses iolists to represent a completed response template.
Putting all this together, I think what's being implied is that if a web framework uses writev to tell the OS to send the same header and footer strings from the same memory locations, one web request after another, the hardware will be able to say "oh, I know that value, it's already in CPU cache so I don't have to look in RAM for it."
Is that right? (I have very little understanding of system calls and hardware.) If not, any ideas on how hardware caching is involved?
(Bonus if you can tell me how to see or infer what's happening.)
Yes, it's mostly the processor caches that help you. The time needed to retrieve the data is smaller as it's in a faster memory (ie the CPU caches).
Some pointers for understanding what the caches are and how they work:
To see this, measure how much a request takes (client side) in the normal server operation. After that have a separate process within the same vm that constantly creates and writes to disk a very large string (it probably has to be megabytes in size - whatever the size of the L2/L3 caches on your process are). Remeasure how much the request takes - if done correctly this should be at least 1 order of magnitude slower.

What is the difference between PM_DATA_ALL* and PM_DATA* events on Power8?

During evaluation of memory performance of Power8 processor using perf I ended up with problem of understanding difference between events PM_DATA_ALL_* and PM_DATA_*. Most of the counters exists in both version, but the description in oprofile documentation and in papi_native_avail are the same, for example:
The processor's data cache was reloaded from the local chip's Memory due to either only demand loads or demand loads plus prefetches if MMCR1[16] is 1.
I though I will figure out the difference by measuring some data. If I provide task large enough, I can observe expected difference that *_ALL versions have higher values. I understand the concept of multiplexing counters in the measure using perf.
So what is actually the all in these events?
After few more hours of searching, I found another source directly from IBM describing the events as:
The processor's data cache was reloaded from the local chip's Memory due to either demand loads or data prefetch
The processor's data cache was reloaded from the local chip's Memory due to a demand load
So the difference makes prefetch load, which is not included in the second version.
The PAPI and perf tools just include wrong description. These events were contributed directly to oprofile by IBM but probably with some mistakes/inaccuracies. As I browse through the PAPI/libpfm source, I see that the correct description is in .pme_short_desc field, but the .pme_long_desc fields are both the same. And papi_native_avail reports only the long one:
Thanks for patience. Summing the stuff like this helped me a lot and I hope it will help somebody struggling with similar issues.

Limiting memory of V8 Context

I have a script server that runs arbitrary java script code on our servers. At any given time multiple scripts can be running and I would like to prevent one misbehaving script from eating up all the ram on the machine. I could do this by having each script run in its own process and have an off the shelf monitoring tool monitor the ram usage of each process, killing and restarting the ones that get out of hand. I don't want to do this because I would like to avoid the cost of restart the binary every time one of these scripts goes crazy. Is there a way in v8 to set a per context/isolate memory limit that I can use to sandbox the running scripts?
It should be easy to do now
context.EstimatedSize() to get estimated size of the context
isolate.TerminateExecution() when context goes out of acceptable memory/cpu usage/whatever
in order to get access if there is an infinite loop(or something else blocking, like high cpu calculation) I think you could use isolate.RequestInterrupt()
A single process can run multiple isolates, if you have a 1 isolate to 1 context ratio you can easily
restrict memory usage per isolate
get heap stats
See some examples in this commit:
In particular you have:
v8::HeapStatistics stats;
There are also fancy features like memory allocation callbacks you can use.
This is not reliably possible.
All JavaScript contexts by this process share the same object heap.
WebKit/Chromium tries some stuff to disable contexts after context OOMs.
