Rename a directory in installer - windows

I am working on a Windows application which needs to be able to update itself. When a button is pressed it starts the installer and then the parent application exits. At some point during the installer, the installer attempts to rename the directory that the parent application was running from and fails with "Access Denied" If you run the installer from the desktop it works.
I am using CreateProcess to start the installer, is there some way of using this or another API to create the installer completely independantly from the parent application so that it doesn't retain some attachment to the directory.

I'm not convinced that launching the installer separately will solve your issue. It sounds more like a permissions problem that you might be able to solve using ACL manipulation. If the app doesn't already have permissions to mess with that folder, you might be able to write a custom action to remedy the problem by adding the necessary permissions to your process.
Another way of doing this is to make sure that the directory deletion is happening within a custom action that you control (as in, you own/maintain the code that performs the deletion, rather than rely on MsiExec to do it for you). Then, set that custom action to run in the System context so that it will have the same permissions as a service. That should provide your installer with sufficient rights to remove the folder.

You should use the normal update system within the windows installer.
your access denied message appears because file/directory is in use.
renaming directories isn't also not a good idea.
what happened if the user clicks "repair" or "uninstall" ?
you can start the msi with shellexec. after that terminate you app immediately.
you should check that in the msi that your app is NOT running anymore.
do the update. if a file is in use the installer automatically wants to reboot to replace the stuff.

CreateProcess should work if you are passing it the right parameters. Don't reference the parent process in any way and set most things to NULL. If that doesn't work, then you can try WinExec().


MSI installer creates unattended shell open key

I created an MSI installer project in VS2015, set up everything, then added a file extension associtation with the "File Types Editor", assigned my extension to my application, as an Open command.
The COMMAND was the application from the "application folder", the EXTENSION was set, then the &OPEN was set as NAME=&Open, Arguments="%1" VERB=open. Nothing else.
I generated the .msi file, then started. At the end of the installation, I found out that in the registry Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\shell\open\command key there were two item, one is (Default) REG_SZ with value "myexe" "%1" as I expected
Unfortunately there was another item: "command", "REG_MULTI_SZ" and the Data was something weird, for example "LZ*a!t4(v=++Tt$)tOk_>[1jfrS!,nB`L6ciHLW!, "%1"" which I don't know what it is. When I delete the .msi file, and double click on a file with my registered extension, a popup dialog appears as "network resource cannot be found" and Windows wants my .msi installer back (browse dialog comes in)! I don't know how to prevent this unwanted situation. :( Any help would be highly appreciate!
Windows Installer uses so-called Darwin Descriptors to implement resiliency, wherein a corrupted installation can be repaired automatically. Your attempt to delete the .msi rather than to uninstall it acts like a corrupted installation, so the system attempts to fix it. However, since the .msi itself has been removed, it has to ask for help.
The short answer here is to suggest that you not worry about the exact values in the registry key. Since you're using an Extension table instead of a Registry table entry, the registry is an implementation detail; you should prefer to ignore such detail. Instead, if after a successful installation your program launches as expected upon double clicking the associated file, and it stops doing so after properly uninstalling your application, all is well.

Going over all user profiles during installation

I'm creating a Windows application that needs to add an entry to the Send-To explorer context menu, and needs to do so for all users. Since the Send-To folder is specific for each user, with no common folder for all users, I'm left with two choices:
I can go over all user profiles, as well as the default user profile, find the SendTo folder and add the shortcut to it. This will ensure the shortcut is deleted during uninstall.
Or, I can make sure the shortcut is in the SendTo folder each time a user logs in (by adding my application to the start-up folder of all users). This will make my life a lot easier during installation, but when the application is uninstalled, all those shortcuts will not be removed.
So either way, I need a way to find the SendTo folder of all users. I can scan HKEY_USERS and find the SendTo folder of each user (it might not be in the default location, the user can move it), but how do I find out the user profile's root folder? The registry has something like %USERPROFILE\AppData\Roaming... for the SendTo folder. How can I figure out what %USERPROFILE% is for another user?
Easier approach: use the launch sequence of the exe itself to check whether the shortcut it present on launch, and create it if not.
Uninstall for all users is best handled using ActiveSetup which will run "something runnable" once for each user logging onto the machine. In your case a simple batch command could do the job.
If you do chose this uninstall approach, you must make sure that your msi installer checks for this uninstall key and deletes it on install - otherwise you have a delete operation scheduled for the shortcut the next time a user logs on.
Also keep in mind that each install should use a different entry in ActiveSetup to ensure that the shortcut creation is re-run for a user who has had it uninstalled already. This last part might be slightly incomprehensible before you read more about ActiveSetup:
You can create a custom action inside MSI, which will go through all user profiles and remove your shortcuts from SendTo folder. All users profile you can find, just scan all folders in %systemdrive%\Users folders in Windows7 (Vista), or Documents and Settings in Windows XP.
Or you can use ActiveSetup mechanism for this purpose, create some script (application) which remove your shortcut from SendTo folder, when user will log in to system next time.

C: drive access permission in windows 7

In matlab, I used a windows standalone application. There is a line in this application that writes a file in C:\...\...\. When I run the output exe file produced from this windows standalone application, the exe doesn't write in C:\...\...\ neither tells me that there is a security issues in that partition. All the execution does is nothing. But, when I right-click and run the exe as administrator, it runs correctly.
I want to do it without right-click and run as administrator. Are there is a command in matlab that can do that?
If you create a shortcut to your application, you can go to the Properties of the shortcut, click on Advanced in the Shortcut tab, and select "Run as administrator". That way, whenever you start the application from the shortcut it will be run as an administrator.
(Disclaimer: applications really shouldn't "foul their own nest" by writing into Program Files. This is bad design.)
Starting from Vista, unprivileged processes are not allowed to write to protected folders such as Program Files, because Program Files is designed to store code and not data. However, since this limitation has not been enforced in XP, MS has provided a backward-compatibility hack in the form of Virtual Store. Now, when a program tries to write to protected folder, its output is being redirected into a dedicated folder. This way, the program still "thinks" it writes to its usual location, while in fact it writes to an unprotected location. However, when you later check the Program Files location, you might not see the file - because it's not really there.
You can find more details here: User Account Control Data Redirection.
If you are administrator, add full control permission for your username to the destination folder. You do that by right clicking on the folder, going to properties and then security tab. Then edit and add you username with Full Control rights. Then you don;t have to run the the program as an administrator.
There is no way you can elevate a process once it is started, so Matlab cannot possibly have a command for that. Just running Matlab elevated.

Sharing data between users with the Windows 7 registry

I have a program that was written on XP. What I've found out is that it doesn't work properly on Win7 because HLKM is no longer writable by non-admins.
Essentially, when you register the program, the licensing information is supposed to go into the registry. That information is valid for everyone on the computer, not just the one user, so I don't want to put it in HKCU. But any copy of the program needs to be able to edit that registry (even if it's a non-admin running it), because there are certain situations when it's going to go get updated license information from my web server (for example, if the registry data is lost or damaged, or if your current license is expired and it needs to see if we've applied an extension).
It's not horrible if it goes out to the web server for every unique user who starts up the program, but it causes some annoying issues, so I'd rather it continue to work the way it did in XP. Is there a way to store data in the registry and still have it shared under Win7, or am I going to have to start looking at storing an INI file on the drive?
Here is how I would architect it: your setup runs elevated and sets up the key. Then if their licensing gets corrupted or whatnot, you enable a button or menu item that has text like "fix license" or "update license". You put a shield on that button or menu item. When they click it, you launch a separate exe using ShellExecute. That exe has a manifest that requires elevation. It can then write to the protected area of the registry. The rest of the app can have a manifest with asInvoker.
If you want it to be completely invisible, either the whole app must always run elevated (annoying) or sometimes the app will just launch another exe that asks for elevation without warning - in which case the smart users will say no. A little less invisibility is a good thing imo.
Could you get the installer to make your particular area of the registry to be writeable by everyone? The installer will need to be run with elevated privileges anyway, I'd expect - so this would seem an ideal approach.

Launch app on startup for all users, but also allow per-user setting (Windows)

I need my application installer set the program to auto-startup for all users.
Then each individual user should be able to modify this option without affecting others.
Currently I write to HKLM/../Run with installer, which acomplishes the first task.
But then I can't disable autorun for current user, because deleting th HKLM/../Run entry would disable it for everybody.
Is there a way to do that, without using shortcuts in Autostart folder?
start it for all users always but check a configuration variable in HKLU to see if it should exit immediately
Any reason not to use the HKCU Run key in the first place?
