Compression to Improve Hard Disk Write Performance - performance

On a modern system can local hard disk write speeds be improved by compressing the output stream?
This question derives from a case I'm working with where a program serially generates and dumps around 1-2GB of text logging data to a raw text file on the hard disk and I think it is IO bound. Would I expect to be able to decrease runtimes by compressing the data before it goes to disk or would the overhead of compression eat up any gain I could get? Would having an idle second core affect this?
I know this would be affected by how much CPU is being used to generate the data so rules of thumb on how much idle CPU time would be needed would be good.
I recall a video talk where someone used compression to improve read speeds for a database but IIRC compressing is a lot more CPU intensive than decompressing.

Yes, yes, yes, absolutely.
Look at it this way: take your maximum contiguous disk write speed in megabytes per second. (Go ahead and measure it, time a huge fwrite or something.) Let's say 100mb/s. Now take your CPU speed in megahertz; let's say 3Ghz = 3000mhz. Divide the CPU speed by the disk write speed. That's the number of cycles that the CPU is spending idle, that you can spend per byte on compression. In this case 3000/100 = 30 cycles per byte.
If you had an algorithm that could compress your data by 25% for an effective 125mb/s write speed, you would have 24 cycles per byte to run it in and it would basically be free because the CPU wouldn't be doing anything else anyway while waiting for the disk to churn. 24 cycles per byte = 3072 cycles per 128-byte cache line, easily achieved.
We do this all the time when reading optical media.
If you have an idle second core it's even easier. Just hand off the log buffer to that core's thread and it can take as long as it likes to compress the data since it's not doing anything else! The only tricky bit is you want to actually have a ring of buffers so that you don't have the producer thread (the one making the log) waiting on a mutex for a buffer that the consumer thread (the one writing it to disk) is holding.

Yes, this has been true for at least 10 years. There are operating-systems papers about it. I think Chris Small may have worked on some of them.
For speed, gzip/zlib compression on lower quality levels is pretty fast; if that's not fast enough you can try FastLZ. A quick way to use an extra core is just to use popen(3) to send output through gzip.

For what it is worth Sun's filesystem ZFS has the ability to have on the fly compression enabled to decrease the amount of disk IO without a significant increase in overhead as an example of this in practice.

The Filesystems and storage lab from Stony Brook published a rather extensive performance (and energy) evaluation on file data compression on server systems at IBM's SYSTOR systems research conference this year: paper at ACM Digital Library, presentation.
The results depend on the
used compression algorithm and settings,
the file workload and
the characteristics of your machine.
For example, in the measurements from the paper, using a textual workload and a server environment using lzop with low compression effort are faster than plain write, but bzip and gz aren't.
In your specific setting, you should try it out and measure. It really might improve performance, but it is not always the case.

CPUs have grown faster at a faster rate than hard drive access. Even back in the 80's a many compressed files could be read off the disk and uncompressed in less time than it took to read the original (uncompressed) file. That will not have changed.
Generally though, these days the compression/de-compression is handled at a lower level than you would be writing, for example in a database I/O layer.
As to the usefulness of a second core only counts if the system will be also doing a significant number of other things - and your program would have to be multi-threaded to take advantage of the additional CPU.

Logging the data in binary form may be a quick improvement. You'll write less to the disk and the CPU will spend less time converting numbers to text. It may not be useful if people are going to be reading the logs, but they won't be able to read compressed logs either.

Windows already supports File Compression in NTFS, so all you have to do is to set the "Compressed" flag in the file attributes.
You can then measure if it was worth it or not.

This depends on lots of factors and I don't think there is one correct answer. It comes down to this:
Can you compress the raw data faster than the raw write performance of your disk times the compression ratio you are achieving (or the multiple in speed you are trying to get) given the CPU bandwidth you have available to dedicate to this purpose?
Given today's relatively high data write rates in the 10's of MBytes/second this is a pretty high hurdle to get over. To the point of some of the other answers, you would likely have to have easily compressible data and would just have to benchmark it with some test of reasonableness type experiments and find out.
Relative to a specific opinion (guess!?) to the point about additional cores. If you thread up the compression of the data and keep the core(s) fed - with the high compression ratio of text, it is likely such a technique would bear some fruit. But this is just a guess. In a single threaded application alternating between disk writes and compression operations, it seems much less likely to me.

If it's just text, then compression could definitely help. Just choose an compression algorithm and settings that make the compression cheap. "gzip" is cheaper than "bzip2" and both have parameters that you can tweak to favor speed or compression ratio.

If you are I/O bound saving human-readable text to the hard drive, I expect compression to reduce your total runtime.
If you have an idle 2 GHz core, and a relatively fast 100 MB/s streaming hard drive,
halving the net logging time requires at least 2:1 compression and no more than roughly 10 CPU cycles per uncompressed byte for the compressor to ponder the data.
With a dual-pipe processor, that's (very roughly) 20 instructions per byte.
I see that LZRW1-A (one of the fastest compression algorithms) uses 10 to 20 instructions per byte, and compresses typical English text about 2:1.
At the upper end (20 instructions per byte), you're right on the edge between IO bound and CPU bound. At the middle and lower end, you're still IO bound, so there is a a few cycles available (not much) for a slightly more sophisticated compressor to ponder the data a little longer.
If you have a more typical non-top-of-the-line hard drive, or the hard drive is slower for some other reason (fragmentation, other multitasking processes using the disk, etc.)
then you have even more time for a more sophisticated compressor to ponder the data.
You might consider setting up a compressed partition, saving the data to that partition (letting the device driver compress it), and comparing the speed to your original speed.
That may take less time and be less likely to introduce new bugs than changing your program and linking in a compression algorithm.
I see a list of compressed file systems based on FUSE, and I hear that NTFS also supports compressed partitions.

If this particular machine is often IO bound,
another way to speed it up is to install a RAID array.
That would give a speedup to every program and every kind of data (even incompressible data).
For example, the popular RAID 1+0 configuration with 4 total disks gives a speedup of nearly 2x.
The nearly as popular RAID 5 configuration, with same 4 total disks, gives all a speedup of nearly 3x.
It is relatively straightforward to set up a RAID array with a speed 8x the speed of a single drive.
High compression ratios, on the other hand, are apparently not so straightforward. Compression of "merely" 6.30 to one would give you a cash prize for breaking the current world record for compression (Hutter Prize).

This used to be something that could improve performance in quite a few applications way back when. I'd guess that today it's less likely to pay off, but it might in your specific circumstance, particularly if the data you're logging is easily compressible,
However, as Shog9 commented:
Rules of thumb aren't going to help
you here. It's your disk, your CPU,
and your data. Set up a test case and
measure throughput and CPU load with
and without compression - see if it's
worth the tradeoff.


Constant Write Speed to Disk

I'm writing real-time data to an empty spinning disk sequentially. (EDIT: It doesn't have to be sequential, as long as I can read it back as if it was sequential.) The data arrives at a rate of 100 MB/s and the disks have an average write speed of 120 MB/s.
Sometimes (especially as free space starts to decrease) the disk speed goes under 100 MB/s depending on where on the platter the disk is writing, and I have to drop vital data.
Is there any way to write to disk in a pattern (or some other way) to ensure a constant write speed close to the average rate? Regardless of how much data there currently is on the disk.
Some notes on why I think this should be possible.
When usually writing to the disk, it starts in the fast portion of the platter and then writes towards the slower parts. However, if I could write half the data to the fast part and half the data to the slow part (i.e. for 1 second it could write 50MB to the fast part and 50MB to the slow part), they should meet in the middle. I could possibly achieve a constant rate?
As a programmer, I am not sure how I can decide where on the platter the data is written or even if the OS can achieve something similar.
If I had to do this on a regular Windows system, I would use a device with a higher average write speed to give me more headroom. Expecting 100MB/s average write speed over the entire disk that is rated for 120MB/s is going to cause you trouble. Spinning hard disks don't have a constant write speed over the whole disk.
The usual solution to this problem is to buffer in RAM to cover up infrequent slow downs. The more RAM you use as a buffer, the longer the span of slowness you can handle. These are tradeoffs you have to make. If your problem is the known slowdown on the inside sectors of a rotating disk, then your device just isn't fast enough.
Another thing that might help is to access the disk as directly as possible and ensure it isn't being shared by other parts of the system. Use a separate physical device, don't format it with a filesystem, write directly to the partitioned space. Yes, you'll have to deal with some of the issues a filesystem solves for you, but you also skip a bunch of code you can't control. Even then, your app could run into scheduling issues with Windows. Windows is not a RTOS, there are not guarantees as far as timing. Again this would help more with temporary slowdowns from filesystem cleanup, flushing dirty pages, etc. It probably won't help much with the "last 100GB writes at 80MB/s" problem.
If you really are stuck with a disk that goes from 120MB/s -> 80MB/s outside-to-inside (you should test with your own code and not trust the specs from the manufacture so you know what you're dealing with), then you're going to have to play partitioning games like others have suggested. On a mechanical disk, that will introduce some serious head seeking, which may eat up your improvement. To minimize seeks, it would be even more important to ensure it's a dedicated disk the OS isn't using for anything else. Also, use large buffers and write many megabytes at a time before seeking to the end of the disk. Instead of partitioning, you could write directly to the block device and control which blocks you write to. I don't know how to do this in Windows.
To solve this on Linux, I would be tempted to test mdadm's raid0 across two partitions on the same drive and see if that works. If so, then the work is done and you don't have to write and test some complicated write mechanism.
Partition the disk into two equally sized partitions. Write a few seconds worth of data alternating between the partitions. That way you get almost all of the usual sequential speed, nicely averaged. One disk seek every few seconds eats up almost no time. One seek per second reduces the usable time from 1000ms to ~990ms which is a ~1% reduction in throughput. The more RAM you can dedicate to buffering the less you have to seek.
Use more partitions to increase the averaging effect.
I fear this may be more difficult than you realize:
If your average 120 MB/s write speed is the manufacturer's value then it is most likely "optimistic" at best.
Even a benchmarked write speed is usually done on a non-partitioned/formatted drive and will be higher than what you'd typically see in actual use (how much higher is a good question).
A more important value is the drive's minimum write speed. For example, from Tom's Hardware 2013 HDD Benchmarks a drive with a 120 MB/s average has a 76 MB/s minimum.
A drive that is being used by other applications at the same time (e.g., Windows) will have a much lower write speed.
An even more important value is the drives actual measured performance. I would make a simple application similar to your use case that writes data to the drive as fast as possible until it fills the drive. Do this a few (dozen) times to get a more realistic average/minimum/maximum write speed will likely be lower than you'd expect.
As you noted, even if your "real" average write speed is higher than 100 MB/s you run into issues if you run into slow write speeds just before the disk fills up, assuming you don't have somewhere else to write the data to. Using a buffer doesn't help in this case.
I'm not sure if you can actually specify a physical location to write to on the hard drive these days without getting into the drive's firmware. Even if you could this would be my last choice for a solution.
A few specific things I would look at to solve your problem:
Measure the "real" write performance of the drive to see if its fast enough. This gives you an idea of how far behind you actually are.
Put the OS on a separate drive to ensure the data drive is not being used by anything other than your application.
Get faster drives (either HDD or SDD). It is fine to use the manufacturer's write speeds as an initial guide but test them thoroughly as well.
Get more drives and put them into a RAID0 (or similar) configuration for faster write access. You'll again want to actually test this to confirm it works for you.
You could implement the strategy of alternating writes bewteen the inside and the outside by directly controlling the disk write locations. Under Windows you can open a disk like "\.\PhysicalDriveX" and control where it writes. For more info see
First of all, I hope you are using raw disks and not a filesystem. If you're using a filesystem, you must:
Create an empty, non-sparse file that's as large as the filesystem will fit.
Obtain a mapping from the logical file positions to disk blocks.
Reverse this mapping, so that you can map from disk blocks to logical file positions. Of course some blocks are unavailable due to filesystem's own use.
At this point, the disk looks like a raw disk that you access by disk block. It's a valid assumption that this block addressing is mostly monotonous to the physical cylinder number. IOW if you increase the disk block number, the cylinder number will never decrease (or never increase -- depending on the drive's LBA to physical mapping order).
Also, note that a disk's average write speed may be given per cylinder or per unit of storage. How would you know? You need the latter number, and the only sure way to get it is to benchmark it yourself. You need to fill the entire disk with data, by repeatedly writing a zero page to the disk, going block by block, and divide the total amount of data written by the amount it took. You need to be accessing the disk or the file in the direct mode. This should disable the OS buffering for the file data, and not for the filesystem metadata (if not using a raw disk).
At this point, all you need to do is to write data blocks of sensible sizes at the two extremes of the block numbers: you need to fill the disk from both ends inwards. The size of the data blocks depends on the bandwidth wastage you can allow for seeks. You should also assume that the hard drive might seek once in a while to update its housekeeping data. Assuming a worst-case seek taking 15ms, you waste 1.5% of per-second bandwidth for each seek. Assuming you can spare no more than 5% of bandwidth, with 1 seek/s on average for the drive itself, you can seek twice per second. Thus your block size needs to be your_bandwith_per_second/2. This bandwidth is not the disk bandwidth, but the bandwidth of your data source.
Alas, if only things where this easy. It generally turns out that the bandwidth at the middle of the disk is not the average bandwidth. During your benchmark you must also take a note of write speed over smaller sections of the disk, say every 1% of the disk. This way, when writing into each section of the disk, you can figure out how to split the data between the "low" and the "high" section that you're writing to. Suppose that you're starting out at 0% and 99% positions on the disk, and the low position has a bandwidth of mean*1.5, and the high position has a bandwidth of mean*0.8, where mean is your desired mean bandwidth. You'll then need to write 100% * 1.5/(0.8+1.5) of the data into the low position, and the remainder (100% * 0.8/(0.8+1.5)) into the slower high position.
The size of your buffer needs to be larger than just the block size, since you must assume some worst-case latency for the hard drive if it hits bad blocks and needs to relocate data, etc. I'd say a 3 second buffer may be reasonable. Optionally it can grow by itself if latencies you measure while your software runs turn out higher. This buffer must be locked ("pinned") to physical memory so that it's not subject to swapping.
Another possible option is to destroke (or short stroke) a hard drive. If you start with a 4TB or larger drive and destroke it to 2TB, only the outer portions of the platters will be used, resulting in a faster throughput rate. The issue would be getting the software that issues vendor unique commands to a hard drive to destroke it.

How to get good read performance from tape?

I have an algorithm that performs some file I/O (reading, writing) and computation.
If I write to tape (not read), the algorithm works great. If I read from tape (no writing), the performance is poor. If tape is taken out of the equation (just disk for I/O), then it works great.
Now, I've boiled it down to a relatively simple case that I'm trying to understand.
The setup is a single, 20 GB file on tape. I am reading this file in blocks, sequentially.
The test algorithm is something like:
while (fileRemaining)
Sleep(sleepTime); // this is to mimic computation time
Some observations:
When using a blockSize of 8K, and sleepTime of 0, the throughput (data read/second) is good. Further, the tape drive is constantly making noise.
When using a blockSize of 8K, and any non-zero sleepTime (even 1ms), the throughput suffers horribly. Data still gets read, but the tape drive does not regularly make noise. It becomes silent for a while with occasional noises.
When using a blockSize of 2M, and a sleepTime of 100ms, the throughput is good. The tape drive makes noise the entire time (although, it audibly sounds like a slower speed?).
Windows Explorer is able to transfer the file from tape to disk with good throughput.
How do I get good read performance here?
If you would be so kind to help me understand the other mysteries as well -- Why does the presence of a Sleep throw off the throughput so significantly (knowing this could help re-think the algorithm)? What's the "optimal" amount to read from tape at a time? Is the noise coming from the tape drive even relevant to notice?
You haven't given any details of the tape media, drive or interface type the drive is using.
Current technology like LTO4/5 is capable of delivering data at around 240 - 280MB/s. Performance is achieved by reading in an optimum block size for LTO I believe this is 64KB. Block sizes up to 256KB do not impact significantly but reading lots of small blocks will. Read/Write in bigger blocks and split the data up within your program once you've read it in. If the data is already on the tape in 8KB blocks then set the drive into fixed block mode and read multiple 8KB blocks.
Tape drives have to reach a specific motional speed to read data. If the data is not streamed from the drive fast enough then the drive will have to slow down, stop , rewind , reposition , get back up to speed and then start reading again. This stop / starting will have a significant impact on performance. LTO tries to compensate for this by being able to read at different tape speeds but there are limits.
Further speed improvements can be achieved using asynchronous I/O, however I don't believe this isn't necessary for this application.

Estimating how processor frequency affects I/O performance

I am doing research about dedicated I/O software that would run on consumer hardware. Essentially it boils down to saving huge data streams for later processing. Right now I am looking for a model to estimate performance factors on x86.
Take for example the new Macbook Pro:
high-speed Thunderbolt I/O (input/output) technology delivers
an amazing 10 gigabits per second of transfer speeds in both
1.25 GB/s sounds nice but most processors of the day are clocked around 2 Ghz. Multiple cores make little difference as long as only one can be assigned per network channel.
So even if the software acts as a miniature operating system and limits itself to network/disk operations, the amount of data flowing to storage can't be greater than P / (2 * N)[1] chunks per second. Although this hints the rough performance limit, I feel it's far from adequate.
What other considerations should one take estimating I/O performance in regards to processor frequency and other hardware specifics? For simplicity's sake, assume here that storage performs instantly under all circumstances.
[1] P - processor frequency; N - algorithm overhead
The hardware limiting factors are probably the I/O bus performance, say PCIe, and more recently, the FSB clock-rates, since memory controllers are moving from northbridge to the CPUs themselves.
Then, of course, you have to figure out what sort of processing you need to do on the input, and how much work it is to produce the output. These, at least for conventional software running on a CPU, are dependent on the processor clock, but not only. Writing your code to take advantage of the hardware facilities like caches, instruction-level parallelism, etc. is still a black art but can give you an order of magnitude performance boost.
Basically what I'm ranting about is that not all software is created equal, and you probably want to take that into account.
Likely, harddisk controllers will decide the harddisk I/O performance, graphics cards will decide maximum resolution and refresh I/O performance, and so on. Don't really understand the question, the CPU is becoming less and less involved in these kinds of things (well, has been for the last 10 years).
I doubt the question will even have bearing on CPUs with integrated GPUs, since the buffer to be output to screen is in external memory sharing a bus with (again) a controller on the motherboard.
It's all buffered, so I can only see CPUs affecting file performance if you somehow force the hardware buffer size to something insanely puny. Edit: and I'm pretty sure Apple will prevent you from doing such things. ;)
For Thunderbolt specifically, it's more about what the minimum CPU model is, that supports the kinds of bus speeds required by the Thunderbolt chip set version that is in the machine in question.
Thunderbolt is a raw data traffic system and performance specs are potential maximums, hence all the asterisks in the Apple specs. I believe it will indeed alleviate bottlenecks and in general give lag-free intelligent data shuffling doing many things simultaneously.
The CPU will idle-wait a shorter time for needed data, but the processing speed of the data is the same. When playing or creating a movie, codec processing time will be the same, but you will still feel a boost/lack of lag because the data is there when it needs it. For the I/O, the bottleneck will become the read/write speed of your harddisk instead, and the CPU bottleneck (for file copy operations, likely at least some code in Finder) will stay the same.
In other words, only CPU-intensive tasks such as for example movie encoding will benefit significantly from a faster CPU, while the benefits of Thunderbolt vs. a mix of interfaces will boost machines with both slow and fast CPUs.

What are the most efficient idioms for streaming data from disk with constant space usage?

Problem Description
I need to stream large files from disk. Assume the files are larger than will fit in memory. Furthermore, suppose that I'm doing some calculation on the data and the result is small enough to fit in memory. As a hypothetical example, suppose I need to calculate an md5sum of a 200GB file and I need to do so with guarantees about how much ram will be used.
In summary:
Needs to be constant space
Fast as possible
Assume very large files
Result fits in memory
What are the fastest ways to read/stream data from a file using constant space?
Ideas I've had
If the file was small enough to fit in memory, then mmap on POSIX systems would be very fast, unfortunately that's not the case here. Is there any performance advantage to using mmap with a small buffer size to buffer successive chunks of the file? Would the system call overhead of moving the mmap buffer down the file dominate any advantages Or should I use a fixed buffer that I read into with fread?
I wouldn't be so sure that mmap would be very fast (where very fast is defined as significantly faster than fread).
Grep used to use mmap, but switched back to fread. One of the reasons was stability (strange things happen with mmap if the file shrinks whilst it is mapped or an IO error occurs). This page discusses some of the history about that.
You can compare the performance on your system with the option --mmap to grep. On my system the difference in performance on a 200GB file is negligible, but your mileage might vary!
In short, I'd use fread with a fixed size buffer. It's simpler to code, easier to handle errors and will almost certainly be fast enough.
Depending on the language you are using, a C-like fread() loop based on a file for which you declared a particular buffer size will require exactly this buffer size, no more no less.
We typically choose a buffer size of 4 to 128 kBytes, there is little gain if any with bigger buffers.
If performance was extremely important, for relatively little gain (and at the risk of re-inventing something), one could consider using a two-thread implementation, whereby one thread reads the file in a set of two buffers, and the other thread perform calculations sequential fashion in one of the buffers at a time. In this fashion the disk access delays can be removed.
mjv is right. You can use double-buffers and overlapped I/O. That way your crunching and the disk reading can be happening at the same time. Then I would profile or stack-shot the crunching to make it as fast as possible. With luck it will be faster than the I/O, so you will end up running the I/O at top speed without pause. Then things like file fragmentation come into the picture.

Given disk is slow and multiple cores does on the fly decompression make sense for performance?

It used to be that disk compression was used to increase storage space at the expense of efficiency but we were all on single processor systems back then.
These days there are extra cores around to potentially do the decompression work in parallel with processing the data.
For I/O bound applications (particularly read heavy sequential data processing) it might be possible to increase throughput by only reading and writing compressed data to disk.
Does anyone have any experience to support or reject this conjecture?
Take care not to confuse disk seek times and disk read rates. It takes millions of CPU cycles (5–10 milliseconds or 5–10 million nanoseconds) to seek to the right track on a hard drive (HDD). Once you're there, you can read tens of megabytes of data per second, assuming low fragmentation. For solid-state drives (SSD), seek times are lower (35,000–100,000ns) than HDDs.
Whether or not the data is compressed on the disk, you still have to seek. The question becomes, is (disk read time for compressed data + the decompression time) < (disk read time for uncompressed data). Decompression is relatively fast, since it amounts to replacing a short token with a longer one. In the end, it probably boils down to how well the data was compressed and how big it was in the first place. If you're reading a 2KB compressed file instead of a 5KB original, it's probably not worth it. If you're reading a 2MB compressed file instead of a 25MB original, it likely is.
Measure with a reasonable workload.
Yes! In fact, processors are so ridiculously fast now that it even makes sense for memory. (IBM does this, I believe.) I believe, some of the current big iron machines even do compression on the CPU cache.
Yes, this makes perfect sense. On NT-based Windows OS's it's widely accepted that sometimes enabling NTFS compression can be faster than disabling it for precisely this reason. This has been true for years and multicore should only make it more true.
I think it also depends on how aggressive your compression is vs how IO bound you are.
For example, DB2's row compression feature is targeted for IO bound application: data warehouses, reporting systems, etc. It uses a dictionary-based algorithm and isn't very aggressive - resulting in 50-80% compression of data (tables, indexes in storage as well as when in memory). However - it also tends to speed queries up by around 10%.
They could have gone with much more aggressive compression, but then would have taken a performance hit.
