Monitor memory usage inside your own process - windows

Let's put Heisenberg aside for a brief moment.
How would I go about to, from within my own process, monitor how much memory this process is using?
(I might have under-specified the question on purpose, dreaming of creative answers...)

Quassnoi is correct - but it also might be worth checking our this question:
How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process which includes code examples

Use GetProcessMemoryInfo()
WorkingSetSize in PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX seems to be what you want.


How to control ram usage for a specific user application with cgroups and systemd?

I am kind of pissed off by the browsers memory use. I would like to limit the total memory used by Chrome, opera, firefox etc. to 800MB for example.
It looks like a job for cgroups.
I've read about cgexec and it would do what I want...
However, I would also like to "prepare" a group called "internet", using a similar method as described here :
And since it's mentioned :
Note: when using Systemd >= 205 to manage cgroups, you can ignore this file entirely.
I'm a bit scared. (and Google finds results relevent for the situation before systemd, but it's a blur for the current situation)
Since Systemd looks like it's becoming the new standard, how to do it with a long term support ?
(...And am I missing/messing something here, because it's quite unclear to me to be honest)
I generally think it is a bad idea since Chrome will probably crash when it will not able to allocate any more memory.
Alternatively, it will swap its data to the disk which is even worse.
Chrome's high memory consumption is what makes it fast.
If you insist on creating a cgroup for your browsers, I suggest creating a script that first creates the cgroups if it does not exist, then runs the application given in the script's parameters.

How to debug copy-on-write?

We have some code that relies on extensive usage of fork. We started to hit the performance problems and one of our hypothesis is that we do have a lot of speed wasted when copy-on-write happens in the forked processes.
Is there a way to specifically detect when and how copy-and-write happens, to have a detailed insight into this process.
My platform is OSX but more general information is also appreciated.
There are a few ways to get this info on OS X. If you're satisfied with just watching information about copy-on-write behavior from the command-line, you can use the vm_stat tool with an interval. E.g., vm_stat 0.5 will print full statistics twice per second. One of the columns is the number of copy-on-write faults.
If you'd like to gather specific information in a more detailed way, but still from outside the actual running process, you can use the Instruments application that comes with OS X. This includes a set of tools for gathering information about a running process, the most useful of which for your case are likely to be the VM Tracker, Virtual Memory Trace, or Shared Memory instruments. These capture lots of useful information over the lifetime of a process. The application is not super intuitive, but it will do what you need.
If you'd like detailed information in-process, I think you'll need to use the (poorly documented) VM statistics API. You can request that the kernel fill a vm_statistics struct using the host_statistics routine. For example, running this code:
mach_msg_type_number_t count = HOST_VM_INFO_COUNT;
vm_statistics_data_t vmstats;
kern_return_t host_statistics(mach_host_self(), HOST_VM_INFO, (host_info_t) &vmstats, &count);
will fill the vmstats structure with information such as cow_faults, which gives the number of faults triggered by copy-on-write behavior. Check out the headers /usr/include/mach/vm_*, which declare the types and routines for gathering this information.

Windows Task Manager Save or Graph a Process

I've been monitoring some memory usage by specific processes through Windows Task Manager for awhile and at the moment I've just been taking down a bunch of values into a notepad file. This seems pretty inefficient and also not nearly as easy to glean information from at a glance. Plus, it may not necessarily be accurate as with how much the processes change I definitely have missed some information. I was wondering if anyone knew of a tool that could be used to save process information to a file, or maybe even graph specific process memory usage. I don't think it would be worth me writing my own script since I have no idea how to access the task manager programmatically, and I feel like something already must be out there like what I'm looking for. If anyone knows of anything that would be nice.
Use perfmon. It can monitor memory usage metrics for a process and can export the results to a file.
To get a list of all processes with some interesting numbers like working set, private bytes, CPU usage, ... you can enter on a command prompt simply:
wmic process
You can do this on a regular basis and then make some graph out of it. The text file is rather simple a fixed width column format which is easy to parse.
Alois Kraus

How to interpret the output from the "Leaks" XCode performance tool?

I don't understand the output from the "Leaks" performance tool in XCode. How can I interpret this output?
The Leaks Instrument looks for blocks of memory that are not referenced from the application code.
The Table View shows the addresses of the block found in such condition.
Yes, Instruments it's not simple to use, there are many leaks apparently from the OS and/or the system libraries, the details often show over-freed blocks (?!).
Life is complex :)
Leaks is only marginally useful. A much bigger problem you will have is references which are still retained that you think have been released. For that, use the Object Allocation tool with "created and still living" checked.
If you see memory use increase over time, highlight a region and see what objects are allocated in your own code that you were not expecting.
Leaks is covered in a wonderful video of Lecture 10 of Stanford's CS 193P (Cocoa/iPhone Application Programming).

Cocoa Lock that does not use cpu power

I need a lock in cocoa that does not use one cpu when I try to lock it and it is locked somewhere else. Something that is implemented in the kernel scheduler.
It sounds like you're trying to find a lock that's not a spin lock. EVERY lock must use some CPU, or else it couldn't function. :-)
NSLock is the most obvious in Cocoa. It has a simple -lock, -unlock interface and uses pthread mutexes in its implementation. There are a number of more sophisticated locks in Cocoa for more specific needs: NSRecursiveLock, NSCondition, NSDistributedLock, etc.
There is also the #synchronized directive which is even simpler to use but has some additional overhead to it.
GCD also has a counted semaphore object if you're looking for something like that.
My recommendation is that, instead of locks, you look at using NSOperations and an NSOperationQueue where you -setMaxConcurrentOperationCount: to 1 to access the shared resource. By using a single-wide operation queue, you can guarantee that only one thing at a time will make use of a resource, while still allowing for multiple threads to do so.
This avoids the need for locks, and since everything is done in user space, can provide much better performance. I've replaced almost all of my locking around shared resources with this technique, and have been very pleased with the results.
Do you mean "lock" as in a mutex between threads, or a mutex between processes, or a mutex between disparate resources on a network, or...?
If it's between threads, you use NSLock. If it's between processes, then you can use POSIX named semaphores.
If you really want kernel locks and know what you are doing, you can use
Be sure to always use the "barrier" variants. These are faster and much more dangerous than posix locks. If you can target 10.6 with new code, then GCD is a great way to go. There is a great podcast on using the kernel synchronization primitives at:
