Why is FxCop raising the error "Types that own disposable fields should be disposable" on a class with no disposable fields? - linq

I have a LINQ object with an additional method added to it. The class has no disposable properties or methods, but FxCop is raising the error "Types that own disposable fields should be disposable" and referencing that class.
I've reduced the code this far and still receive the error:
partial class WikiPage
public PagePermissionSet GetUserPermissions(Guid? userId) {
using (WikiTomeDataContext context = new WikiTomeDataContext()) {
var permissions =
from wiki in context.Wikis
from pageTag in context.VirtualWikiPageTags
select new {};
return null;
However, if I remove EITHER of the from clauses, FxCop stops giving the error:
partial class WikiPage
public PagePermissionSet GetUserPermissions(Guid? userId) {
using (WikiTomeDataContext context = new WikiTomeDataContext()) {
var permissions =
from pageTag in context.VirtualWikiPageTags
select new {};
return null;
partial class WikiPage
public PagePermissionSet GetUserPermissions(Guid? userId) {
using (WikiTomeDataContext context = new WikiTomeDataContext()) {
var permissions =
from wiki in context.Wikis
select new {};
return null;
PagePermissionSet is not disposable.
Is this a false positive? Or is the LINQ code somehow generating a disposable field on the class? If it isn't a false positive, FxCop is recommending that I implement the IDisposable interface, but what would I do in the Dispose method?
The full FxCop error is:
"Implement IDisposable on 'WikiPage' because it
creates members of the following IDisposable types:
'WikiTomeDataContext'. If 'WikiPage' has previously
shipped, adding new members that implement IDisposable
to this type is considered a breaking change to existing
Edit 2:
This is the disassembled code that raises the error:
public PagePermissionSet GetUserPermissions(Guid? userId)
using (WikiTomeDataContext context = new WikiTomeDataContext())
ParameterExpression CS$0$0001;
ParameterExpression CS$0$0003;
var permissions = context.Wikis.SelectMany(Expression.Lambda<Func<Wiki, IEnumerable<VirtualWikiPageTag>>>(Expression.Property(Expression.Constant(context), (MethodInfo) methodof(WikiTomeDataContext.get_VirtualWikiPageTags)), new ParameterExpression[] { CS$0$0001 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Wiki), "wiki") }), Expression.Lambda(Expression.New((ConstructorInfo) methodof(<>f__AnonymousType8..ctor), new Expression[0], new MethodInfo[0]), new ParameterExpression[] { CS$0$0001 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Wiki), "wiki"), CS$0$0003 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(VirtualWikiPageTag), "pageTag") }));
return null;
Edit 3:
There does appear to be a closure class containing a reference to the DataContext. Here is its disassembled code:
private sealed class <>c__DisplayClass1
// Fields
public WikiTomeDataContext context;
// Methods
public <>c__DisplayClass1();

My guess is that the two From clauses generate a call to SelectMany with a closure on your data context. The instance of the closure has a field to the datacontext which is causes the FxCop warning. This is nothing to worry about.
There's only one instance of your datacontext, which you clean up via the using block. Because the closure doesn't have a finalizer there's no performance or saftey implication here in the FxCop warning.

I noticed that this is a partial class. Have you checked the other implementation file for the class and see if it has an IDisposable member that is not being disposed?
I don't think the generated closure is at fault here. Closures are generated with certain attributes that should cause FxCop to ignore warnings like this.
Further investigation by the OP showed this to be an issue with an IDisposable field being lifted into a closure.
Unfortunately there isn't a whole lot you can do about this. There is no way to make the closure implement IDisposable. Event if you could there is no way to call IDisposable on the closure instance.
The best way to approach this problem is to rewrite your code in such a way that a disposable value does not get captured in the closure. Disposable fields should always be disposed when they are finished and capturing it in a closure prevents you from doing this.

If you're returning a LINQ query from your method, consumers will iterate over the results using foreach.
When a consumer finishes a foreach loop, it internally calls dispose on the IEnumerable source (in this case, your LINQ query). This will dispose the WikiTomeDataContext.
However, if a consumer made a call to method returning a LINQ query but never iterated over the results, it would appear that enumerable would never be disposed (that is, until the garbage collector cleaned up the object). This would lead to your WikiTomeDataContext not being disposed until garbage collection.
One way you might be able to get around this problem is by calling .ToArray on the result of your LINQ query, call dispose on your context, then return the array.

Your code that gives the error uses WikiDataContext.
Your two examples that do not give an error use WikiTomeDataContext.
Maybe there is some difference between these two that is causing the error.


Getting DataContext error while saving form

I get this error when opening one specific form. The rest is working fine and I have no clue why this one isn't.
Error: An attempt has been made to Attach or Add an entity that is not new, perhaps having been loaded from another DataContext. This is not supported.
I get the error at _oDBConnection when I try to save. When I watch _oDBConnection while running through the code, it does not exist. Even when I open the main-window it does not exist. So this form is where the DataContext is built for the very first time.
Every class inherits from clsBase where the DataContext is built.
My collegue is the professional one who built it all. I am just expanding and using it (learned it by doing it). But now I'm stuck and he is on holiday. So keep it simple :-)
What can it be?
namespace Reservation
class clsPermanency : clsBase
private tblPermanency _oPermanency;
public tblPermanency PermanencyData
get { return _oPermanency; }
set { _oPermanency = value; }
public clsPermanency()
: base()
_oPermanency = new tblPermanency();
public clsPermanency(int iID)
: this()
_oPermanency = (from oPermanencyData in _oDBConnection.tblPermanencies
where oPermanencyData.ID == iID
select oPermanencyData).First();
if (_oPermanency == null)
throw new Exception("Permanentie niet gevonden");
public void save()
if (_oPermanency.ID == 0)
public class clsBase
protected DBReservationDataContext _oDBConnection;
protected int _iID;
public int ID
get { return _iID; }
public DBReservationDataContext DBConnection
get { return _oDBConnection; }
public clsBase()
_oDBConnection = new DBReservationDataContext();
Not a direct answer, but this is really bad design, sorry.
One context instance per class instance. Pretty incredible. How are you going to manage units of work and transactions? And what about memory consumption and performance?
Indirection: every entity instance (prefixed o) is wrapped in a cls class. What a hassle to make classes cooperate, if necessary, or to access their properties.
DRY: far from it. Does each clsBase derivative have the same methods as clsPermanency?
Constructors: you always have to call the base constructor. The constructor with int iID always causes a redundant new object to be created, which will certainly be a noticeable performance hit when dealing with larger numbers. A minor change in constructor logic may cause the sequence of constructor invocations to change. (Nested and inherited constructors are always tricky).
Exception handling: you need a try-catch everywhere where classes are created. (BTW: First() will throw its own exception if the record is not there).
Finally, not a real issue, but class and variable name prefixes are sooo 19xx.
What to do?
I don't think you can change your colleague's design in his absence. But I'd really talk to him about it in due time. Just study some linq-to-sql examples out there to pick up some regular patterns.
The exception indicates that somewhere between fetching the _oPermanency instance (in the Id-d constructor) and saving it a new _oDBConnection is created. The code as shown does not reveal how this could happen, but I assume there is more code than this. When you debug and check GetHashCode() of _oDBConnection instances you should be able to find where it happens.

using Moq - void return type method Unit test

I am writing unittest for void method actually that method load the collection in
ViewData["CityList"] method is
public void PopulateCityCombo() {
IEnumerable<Cities> c= service.GetCities();
ViewData["CityList"] = c.Select(e => new Cities{ ID = e.ID, Name = e.Name});
now i do not know how to unit test using Moq since controller method is void and not returning data, can any one tell i will achive that.
On a side note, I would shy away from using ViewData within controller methods as per your example. The ViewData dictionary approach is fast and fairly easy to implement, however it can lead to typo's and errors that are not caught at compile time. An alternative would be to use the ViewModel pattern which allows you to use strongly-typed classes for the specific view you need to expose values or content within. Ultimately giving you type safe and compile time checking along with intellisense.
Switching to the ViewModel pattern would allow you to call the PopulateCityCombo() method from your controller to populate a ViewModel that in turn would passed to the corresponding view.
From there you would need to inject a mock service layer into your controllers constructor from your unit test.
// arrange
var mock = new Mock<servicelayer>();
var controller = new YourController(mock.Object);
// act
var result = controller.ControllerMethod() as ViewResult;
var resultData = (YourViewModel)result.ViewData.Model;
// assert
// Your assertions

Is there any way to clean up the following generic method using any of the new C# 4 features?

I've just modified a method for handling my DDD commands (previously it had no return type):
public static CommandResult<TReturn> Execute<TCommand, TReturn>(TCommand command)
where TCommand : IDomainCommand
var handler = IoCFactory.GetInstance<ICommandHandler<TCommand, TReturn>>();
return handler.Handle(command);
The method is fine, and does what I want it to do, however using it creates some fugly code:
CommandResult<Customer> result =
DomainCommands.Execute<CustomerCreateCommand, Customer>
new CustomerCreateCommand(message)
Before I added the Customer return type TReturn, it was nice and tidy and the method could infer the types from its usage. However that's no longer possible.
Is there any way using any new C# features that I could rewrite the above to make it tidier, i.e. using Func, Action, Expression, etc? I'm probably expecting the impossible, but I'm getting fed up of writing so much code to just call a single method that used to be very simple.
One option to reduce it slightly is to have a static generic type for the type parameter that can't be inferred, allowing you to have a generic method with just one type parameter that can be inferred:
public static class DomainCommands<TReturn>
public static CommandResult<TReturn> Execute<TCommand>(TCommand command)
where TCommand : IDomainCommand
var handler = IoCFactory.GetInstance<ICommandHandler<TCommand, TReturn>>();
return handler.Handle(command);
var result = DomainCommands<Customer>.Execute(new CustomerCreateCommand(msg));
It's not much nicer, but it's slightly better. Of course, if the domain command type itself could be generic, that might help - so CustomerCreateCommand would implement IDomainCommand<Customer> for example. If you still needed a nongeneric IDomainCommand, you could make IDomainCommand<T> derive from IDomainCommand.

In LINQ-SQL, wrap the DataContext is an using statement - pros cons

Can someone pitch in their opinion about pros/cons between wrapping the DataContext in an using statement or not in LINQ-SQL in terms of factors as performance, memory usage, ease of coding, right thing to do etc.
Update: In one particular application, I experienced that, without wrapping the DataContext in using block, the amount of memory usage kept on increasing as the live objects were not released for GC. As in, in below example, if I hold the reference to List of q object and access entities of q, I create an object graph that is not released for GC.
DataContext with using
using (DBDataContext db = new DBDataContext())
var q =
from x in db.Tables
where x.Id == someId
select x;
return q.toList();
DataContext without using and kept alive
DBDataContext db = new DBDataContext()
var q =
from x in db.Tables
where x.Id == someId
select x;
return q.toList();
A DataContext can be expensive to create, relative to other things. However if you're done with it and want connections closed ASAP, this will do that, releasing any cached results from the context as well. Remember you're creating it no matter what, in this case you're just letting the garbage collector know there's more free stuff to get rid of.
DataContext is made to be a short use object, use it, get the unit of work done, get out...that's precisely what you're doing with a using.
So the advantages:
Quicker closed connections
Free memory from the dispose (Cached objects in the content)
Downside - more code? But that shouldn't be a deterrent, you're using using properly here.
Look here at the Microsoft answer: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/adodotnetentityframework/thread/2625b105-2cff-45ad-ba29-abdd763f74fe
Short version of if you need to use using/.Dispose():
The short answer; no, you don't have to, but you should...
Well, It's an IDisposable, so I guess it's not a bad idea. The folks at MSFT have said that they made DataContexts as lightweight as possible so that you may create them with reckless abandon, so you're probably not gaining much though.....
First time DataContext will get object from DB.
Next time you fire a query to get the same object (same parameters).: You’ll see query in a profiler but your object in DataContext will not be replaced with new one from DB !!
Not to mention that behind every DataContext is identity map of all objects you are asking from DB (you don’t want to keep this around).
Entire idea of DataContext is Unit Of Work with Optimistic Concurrency.
Use it for short transaction (one submit only) and dispose.
Best way to not forget dispose is using ().
I depends on the complexity of your Data Layer. If every call is a simple single query, then each call can be wrapped in the Using like in your question and that would be fine.
If, on the other hand, your Data Layer can expect multiple sequential calls from the Business Layer, the you'd wind up repeatedly creating/disposing the DataContext for each larger sequence of calls. not ideal.
What I've done is to create my Data Layer object as IDisposible. When it's created, the DataContext is created (or really, once the first call to a method is made), and when the Data Layer object disposes, it closes and disposes the DataContext.
here's what it looks like:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;
namespace PersonnelDL
public class PersonnelData : IDisposable
#region DataContext management
/// <summary>
/// Create common datacontext for all data routines to the DB
/// </summary>
private PersonnelDBDataContext _data = null;
private PersonnelDBDataContext Data
if (_data == null)
_data = new PersonnelDBDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PersonnelDB"].ToString());
_data.DeferredLoadingEnabled = false; // no lazy loading
//var dlo = new DataLoadOptions(); // dataload options go here
return _data;
/// <summary>
/// close out data context
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
if (_data != null)
#region DL methods
public Person GetPersonByID(string userid)
return Data.Persons.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserID.ToUpper().Equals(userid.ToUpper()));
public List<Person> GetPersonsByIDlist(List<string> useridlist)
var ulist = useridlist.Select(u => u.ToUpper().Trim()).ToList();
return Data.Persons.Where(p => ulist.Contains(p.UserID.ToUpper())).ToList();
// more methods...
In one particular application, I experienced that, without wrapping the DataContext in using block, the amount of memory usage kept on increasing as the live objects were not released for GC. As in, in below example, if I hold the reference to List<Table> object and access entities of q, I create an object graph that is not released for GC.
DBDataContext db = new DBDataContext()
var qs =
from x in db.Tables
where x.Id == someId
select x;
return qs.toList();
foreach(q in qs)
// cannot dispose datacontext here as the 2nd iteration
// will throw datacontext already disposed exception
// while accessing the entity of q in process() function
process(Table q)
// access entity of q which uses deferred execution
// if datacontext is already disposed, then datacontext
// already disposed exception is thrown
Given this example, I cannot dispose the datacontext because all the Table instances in list variable qs **share the same datacontext. After Dispose(), accessing the entity in process(Table q) throws a datacontext already disposed exception.
The ugly kluge, for me, was to remove all the entity references for q objects after the foreach loop. The better way is to of course use the using statement.
As far as my experience goes, I would say use the using statement.

Lazy generic delegate initialisation using Ninject

I'm using Ninject 1.0 and would like to be able to inject lazy initialisation delegates into constructors. So, given the generic delegate definition:
public delegate T LazyGet<T>();
I'd simply like to bind this to IKernel.Get() so that I can pass a lazy getter into constructors, e.g.
public class Foo
readonly LazyGet<Bar> getBar;
public Foo( LazyGet<Bar> getBar )
this.getBar = getBar;
However, I can't simply call Bind<LazyGet<T>>() because it's an open generic type. I need this to be an open generic so that I don't have to Bind all the different lazy gets to explicit types. In the above example, it should be possible to create a generic delegate dynamically that invokes IKernel.Get<T>().
How can this be achieved with Ninject 1.0?
Don't exactly understand the question, but could you use reflection? Something like:
// the type of T you want to use
Type bindType;
// the kernel you want to use
IKernel k;
// note - not compile tested
MethodInfo openGet = typeof(IKernel).GetMethod("Get`1");
MethodInfo constGet = openGet.MakeGenericMethod(bindType);
Type delegateType = typeof(LazyGet<>).MakeGenericType(bindType);
Delegate lazyGet = Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, k, constGet);
Would using lazyGet allow you to do what you want? Note that you may have to call the Foo class by reflection as well, if bindType isn't known in the compile context.
I am fairly certain that the only way to do this (without some dirty reflection code) is to bind your delegate with type params. This will mean it needs to be done for each individual type you use. You could possibly use a BindingGenerator to do this in bulk, but it could get a bit ugly.
If there is a better solution (a clean one) I would love to hear it as I run into this problem from time to time.
From another similar question I answered:
public class Module : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Bind(typeof(Lazy<>)).ToMethod(ctx =>
.GetMethod("GetLazyProvider", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.Invoke(this, new object[] { ctx.Kernel }));
protected Lazy<T> GetLazyProvider<T>(IKernel kernel)
return new Lazy<T>(() => kernel.Get<T>());
