LinqToSQl and the Member access not legal on type exception - linq

The basic problem...
I have a method which executes the following code:
IList<Gig> gigs = GetGigs().WithArtist(artistId).ToList();
The GetGigs() method gets Gigs from my database via LinqToSql...
So, when GetGigs().WithArtist(artistId).ToList() is executed I get the following exception:
Member access 'ListenTo.Shared.DO.Artist Artist' of 'ListenTo.Shared.DO.Act' not legal on type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ListenTo.Shared.DO.Act]
Note that the extension function "WithArtist" looks like this:
public static IQueryable<Gig> WithArtist(this IQueryable<Gig> qry, Guid artistId)
return from gig in qry
where gig.Acts.Any(act => (null != act.Artist) && (act.Artist.ID == artistId))
orderby gig.StartDate
select gig;
If I replace the GetGigs() method with a method that constructs a collection of gigs in code (rather than from the DB via LinqToSQL) I do NOT get the exception.
So I'm fairly sure the problem is with my LinqToSQl code rather than the object structure.
However, I have NO IDEA why the LinqToSQl version isnt working, so I've included all the associated code below. Any help would be VERY gratefully receivced!!
The LinqToSQL code....
public IQueryable<ListenTo.Shared.DO.Gig> GetGigs()
return from g in DBContext.Gigs
let acts = GetActs(g.ID)
join venue in DBContext.Venues on g.VenueID equals venue.ID
select new ListenTo.Shared.DO.Gig
ID = g.ID,
Name = g.Name,
Acts = new List<ListenTo.Shared.DO.Act>(acts),
Description = g.Description,
StartDate = g.Date,
EndDate = g.EndDate,
IsDeleted = g.IsDeleted,
Created = g.Created,
TicketPrice = g.TicketPrice,
Venue = new ListenTo.Shared.DO.Venue {
ID = venue.ID,
Name = venue.Name,
Address = venue.Address,
Telephone = venue.Telephone,
URL = venue.Website
IQueryable<ListenTo.Shared.DO.Act> GetActs()
return from a in DBContext.Acts
join artist in DBContext.Artists on a.ArtistID equals artist.ID into art
from artist in art.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new ListenTo.Shared.DO.Act
ID = a.ID,
Name = a.Name,
Artist = artist == null ? null : new Shared.DO.Artist
ID = artist.ID,
Name = artist.Name
GigId = a.GigID
IQueryable<ListenTo.Shared.DO.Act> GetActs(Guid gigId)
return GetActs().WithGigID(gigId);
I have included the code for the Act, Artist and Gig objects below:
public class Gig : BaseDO
#region Accessors
public Venue Venue
public System.Nullable<DateTime> EndDate
public DateTime StartDate
public string Name
public string Description
public string TicketPrice
/// <summary>
/// The Act object does not exist outside the context of the Gig, therefore,
/// the full act object is loaded here.
/// </summary>
public IList<Act> Acts
public class Act : BaseDO
public Guid GigId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Artist Artist { get; set; }
public class Artist : BaseDO
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Profile { get; set; }
public DateTime Formed { get; set; }
public Style Style { get; set; }
public Town Town { get; set; }
public string OfficalWebsiteURL { get; set; }
public string ProfileAddress { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public ImageMetaData ProfileImage { get; set; }
public class BaseDO: IDO
#region Properties
private Guid _id;
#region IDO Members
public Guid ID
return this._id;
this._id = value;

I think the problem is the 'let' statement in GetGigs. Using 'let' means that you define a part of the final query separately from the main set to fetch. the problem is that 'let', if it's not a scalar, results in a nested query. Nested queries are not really Linq to sql's strongest point as they're executed deferred as well. In your query, you place the results of the nested query into the projection of the main set to return which is then further appended with linq operators.
When THAT happens, the nested query is buried deeper into the query which will be executed, and this leads to a situation where the nested query isn't in the outer projection of the query to execute and thus has to be merged into the SQL query ran onto the DB. This is not doable, as it's a nested query in a projection nested inside the main sql query and SQL doesn't have a concept like 'nested query in a projection', as you can't fetch a set of elements inside a projection in SQL, only scalars.

I had the same issue and what seemed to do the trick for me was separating out an inline static method call that returned IQueryable<> so that I stored this deferred query into a variable and referenced that.
I think this is a bug in Linq to SQL but at least there is a reasonable workaround. I haven't tested this out yet but my assumption is that this problem may arise only when referencing static methods of a different class within a query expression regardless of whether the return type of that function is IQueryable<>. So maybe it's the class that holds the method that is at the root of the problem. Like I said, I haven't been able to confirm this but it may be worth investigating.
UPDATE: Just in case the solution isn't clear I wanted to point it out in context of the example from the original post.
public IQueryable<ListenTo.Shared.DO.Gig> GetGigs()
var acts = GetActs(g.ID); // Don't worry this call is deferred
return from g in DBContext.Gigs
join venue in DBContext.Venues on g.VenueID equals venue.ID
select new ListenTo.Shared.DO.Gig
ID = g.ID,
Name = g.Name,
Acts = new List<ListenTo.Shared.DO.Act>(acts),
Description = g.Description,
StartDate = g.Date,
EndDate = g.EndDate,
IsDeleted = g.IsDeleted,
Created = g.Created,
TicketPrice = g.TicketPrice,
Venue = new ListenTo.Shared.DO.Venue {
ID = venue.ID,
Name = venue.Name,
Address = venue.Address,
Telephone = venue.Telephone,
URL = venue.Website
Note that while this should correct the issue at hand there also seems to be another issue in that the deferred acts query is being accessed in each element of the projection which I would guess would cause separate queries to be issued to the database per row in the outer projection.

I don't see anything in your classes to indicate how LINQ to SQL is meant to work out which column is which, etc.
Were you expecting the WithArtist method to be executed in .NET, or converted into SQL? If you expect it to be converted into SQL, you'll need to decorate your Gig class with appropriate LINQ to SQL attributes (or configure your data context some other way). If you want it to be executed in code, just change the first parameter type from IQueryable<Gig> to IEnumerable<Gig>.

I found out that an issue like this (which I also had recently) can be resolved, if you convert the IQueryable (or Table) variable Gigs into a list like so
return from g in DBContext.Gigs.ToList()
If that still doesn't work, do the same for all the IQueryables. The reason behind seems to me that some queries are too complex to be translated into SQL. But if you "materialize" it into a list, you can do every kind of query.
Be careful, you should add "filters" (where conditions) early because too much memory consumption can become a problem.


Combining Linq Expressions for Dto Selector

We have a lot of Dto classes in our project and on various occasions SELECT them using Expressions from the entity framework context. This has the benefit, that EF can parse our request, and build a nice SQL statement out of it.
Unfortunatly, this has led to very big Expressions, because we have no way of combining them.
So if you have a class DtoA with 3 properties, and one of them is of class DtoB with 5 properties, and again one of those is of class DtoC with 10 properties, you would have to write one big selector.
public static Expression<Func<ClassA, DtoA>> ToDto =
from => new DtoA
Id = from.Id,
Name = from.Name,
Size = from.Size,
MyB = new DtoB
Id = from.MyB.Id,
MyCList = from.MyCList.Select(myC => new DtoC
Id = myC.Id,
Also, they cannot be reused. When you have DtoD, which also has a propertiy of class DtoB, you would have to paste in the desired code of DtoB and DtoC again.
public static Expression<Func<ClassD, DtoD>> ToDto =
from => new DtoD
Id = from.Id,
Length = from.Length,
MyB = new DtoB
Id = from.MyB.Id,
MyCList = from.MyCList.Select(myC => new DtoC
Id = myC.Id,
So this will escalate pretty fast. Please note that the mentioned code is just an example, but you get the idea.
I would like to define an expression for each class and then combine them as required, as well as EF still be able to parse it and generate the SQL statement so to not lose the performance improvement.
How can i achieve this?
Have you thought about using Automapper ? You can define your Dtos and create a mapping between the original entity and the Dto and/or vice versa, and using the projection, you don't need any select statements as Automapper will do it for you automatically and it will project only the dto's properties into SQL query.
for example, if you have a Person table with the following structure:
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string FamilyName { get; set; }
public string GivenName { get; set; }
public string Initial { get; set; }
public string PreferredName { get; set; }
public string FormerTitle { get; set; }
public string FormerFamilyName { get; set; }
public string FormerGivenName { get; set; }
and your dto was like this :
public class PersonDto
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string FamilyName { get; set; }
public string GivenName { get; set; }
You can create a mapping between Person and PersonDto like this
Mapper.CreateMap<Person, PersonDto>()
and when you query the database using Entity Framework (for example), you can use something like this to get PersonDto columns only:
ctx.People.Where(p=> p.FamilyName.Contains("John"))
which will return a list of PersonDtos that has a family name contains "John", and if you run a sql profiler for example you will see that only the PersonDto columns were selected.
Automapper also supports hierachy, if your Person for example has an Address linked to it that you want to return AddressDto for it.
I think it worth to have a look and check it, it cleans a lot of the mess that manual mapping requires.
I thought about it a little, and I didn't come up with any "awesome" solution.
Essentially you have two general choices here,
Use placeholder and rewrite expression tree entirely.
Something like this,
public static Expression<Func<ClassA, DtoA>> DtoExpression{
Expression<Func<ClassA, DtoA>> dtoExpression = classA => new DtoA(){
BDto = Magic.Swap(ClassB.DtoExpression),
// todo; here you have access to dtoExpression,
// you need to use expression transformers
// in order to find & replace the Magic.Swap(..) call with the
// actual Expression code(NewExpression),
// Rewriting the expression tree is no easy task,
// but EF will be able to understand it this way.
// the code will be quite tricky, but can be solved
// within ~50-100 lines of code, I expect.
// For that, see ExpressionVisitor.
// As ExpressionVisitor detects the usage of Magic.Swap,
// it has to check the actual expression(ClassB.DtoExpression),
// and rebuild it as MemberInitExpression & NewExpression,
// and the bindings have to be mapped to correct places.
return Magic.Rebuild(dtoExpression);
The other way is to start using only Expression class(ditching the LINQ). This way you can write the queries from zero, and reusability will be nice, however, things get harder & you lose type safety. Microsoft has nice reference about dynamic expressions. If you structure everything that way, you can reuse a lot of the functionality. Eg, you define NewExpression and then you can later reuse it, if needed.
The third way is to basically use lambda syntax: .Where, .Select etc.. This gives you definitely better "reusability" rate. It doesn't solve your problem 100%, but it can help you to compose queries a bit better. For example: from.MyCList.Select(dtoCSelector)

Linq selecting from muliple tables

I have the following model
public class SummaryModel
public int CompanyCount { get; set; }
public int GroupCount { get; set; }
public int ProjectCount { get; set; }
public int ResourcesCount { get; set; }
public int PeopleCount { get; set; }
I would like to use linq to query my database and return record counts from multiple tables and populate this model object.
This is how I am doing it:
using (var ctx = new WeWorkModel.weWorkEntities())
var summary = new SummaryModel()
CompanyCount = ctx.Companies.Count(),
PeopleCount = ctx.People.Count(),
GroupCount = ctx.Groups.Count(),
ProjectCount = ctx.Projects.Count(),
ResourcesCount = ctx.Resources.Count()
Is this the most efficient way to do this?
Yes, this is the most efficient way - equivalent to writing sql query as this does not fetch the objects but only does a count on the server. So something like this ( using profiler I tracked the query)
[GroupBy1].[A1] AS [C1]
COUNT(1) AS [A1]
FROM [dbo].[Company] AS [Extent1]
) AS [GroupBy1]
Do you need to store this model in a database or change it's values after instantiating? If no, why not put this code block inside of a parameterless constructor and mark the fields readonly as to avoid using this model differently than intended. If you find later you need greater control over initialization of fields, simply add another constructor to deal with that specific case. To the main question, I see nothing particularly inefficient with your way of handling it. Although, with code there is nearly always terser ways or more efficient ways of handling just about any scenario.

Linq Expressions on Child entities

I am building dynamic linq expressions which is working fine for a single entity.
For example:
I have a class called Employee and empeduinfo
public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class EmpEduInfo
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int EmpId { get; set; }
I need to get all the the employees and empeduinfo class starts with "x"
I prepared expression for startswith("x")
var temp= entities.employees.Include("EmpEduInfo").Where(mydynamicexpression);
In this case it is filtering only parent table not on child.
I need to prepare generic expression so than i need to filter both parent and child objects dynamically.
Without using expression I know a solution:
var temp= (from ee in entities.Employee.Include("EmpEduInfo").Where(x =>"t"))
where ee.EmpEduInfo.Where(x =>"t")).Count()>0
select ee).ToList();
using expressions I am building generic expression to provide dynamic advance search rather than writing in each and every entity.
Here is my expression details
// Get the method information for the String.StartsWith() method
MethodInfo mi = typeof(string).GetMethod("StartsWith", new Type[] { typeof(string) });
// Build the parameter for the expression
ParameterExpression empparam= Expression.Parameter(typeof(employee), "ename");;
// Build the member that was specified for the expression
MemberExpression field = Expression.PropertyOrField(empparam, "name");
// Call the String.StartsWith() method on the member
MethodCallExpression startsWith = Expression.Call(field, mi, Expression.Constant("t"));
var namelamda = Expression.Lambda<Func<employee, bool>>(startsWith, new ParameterExpression[] { empparam });
var temp = entities.employees.Include("empedudetails").Where(namelamda).ToList();
You can look at the Expression the compiler generates using IQueryable:
IQueryable<Employee> query =
from ee in entities.Employee ...
var expression = query.Expression;
Look at expression in a debugger to see what you need to generate - LINQPad is good for this.
You might want to simplify your query a bit first:
IQueryable<Employee> query =
from ee in entities.Employee.Include("EmpEduInfo")
where"t") &&
ee.EmpEduInfo.Any(x =>"t"))
select ee;
I was trying in EF 4.0 either we have write DB extentions for the same.
Option is provided in EF 4.1

how to print not mapped value

I am using complicated SQL queries, i have to use SqlQuery ... in simple way:
public class C
public int ID { get; set; }
public float Value { get; set; }
IEnumerable<C> results = db.C.SqlQuery(#"SELECT ID, ATAN(-45.01) as Value from C);
return View(results.ToList());
#model IEnumerable<C>
#foreach (var item in Model) {
#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Value)
and the result for item.Value is NULL.
So my question is , how can i print the computed value from SQL Query ?
Thank you for help.
I would conclude from the fact that Value is 0 that EF doesn't map returned columns to properties that are not mapped in the model.
What you could try as an alternative is to define a helper type...
public class CHelper
public int ID { get; set; }
public float Value { get; set; }
Then query into this type and copy the values to your entity afterwards:
IEnumerable<C> results = db.Database.SqlQuery<CHelper>(
#"SELECT ID, ATAN(-45.01) as Value from C")
.Select(ch => new C
ID = ch.ID,
Value = ch.Value
(Normally in a LINQ-to-Entities query you cannot project into an entity with Select. But I believe that the Select in the example above does not affect the database query and is LINQ-to-Objects in memory, so it should be allowed. I am not sure, though.)
Note that the results collection is not attached to and tracked by the context, but I guess you don't need it anyway for a GET request to render a view.
Of course you could create your view directly based on the CHelper class as view model and omit the conversion into the C entity.

LINQ query returning a List<> as a class member

Given the follow data class,
public class EmployeeMenu
public int ID { get; set; }
public string HeaderName { get; set; }
public List<string> ItemNames { get; set; }
how can I get a sub-query into the ItemNames field?
My current query of
IQueryable<EmployeeMenu> retValue =
from mh in menuHeaders
select new EmployeeMenu
ID = mh.ID,
HeaderName = mh.HeaderName,
ItemNames = (from mhi in mh.MenuItems
select mhi.MenuItemName).ToList<string>()
doesn't seem to be doing the trick...
The data structure is
MenuHeaders MenuItems
----------- ---------
HeaderName <-(FK)--MenuHeaderID
I ended up just changing from a List to IEnumerable. This fixed it.
Wouldnt you want to just put a where in your sub-select to filter that down to all the menu items with the MenuHeaderID equals mh.HeaderName. You can just .Equals() with the StringComparison type if you want as well.
Here is an example...
IQueryable<EmployeeMenu> retValue =
from mh in menuHeaders
select new EmployeeMenu
ID = mh.ID,
HeaderName = mh.HeaderName,
ItemNames = (from mhi in mh.MenuItems
select mhi.MenuItemName where mhi.MenuHeaderID = mh.HeaderName).ToList<string>()
My guess is that your not initiliazing the list within your class. I basing this off the experience I was having with Nhibernate.
public class EmployeeMenu
public int ID { get; set; }
public string HeaderName { get; set; }
public List<string> ItemNames { get; set; }
public EmployeeMenu()
ItemNames=new List<string>();
Hope this helps.
Okay. Try replacing
(from mhi in mh.MenuItems
select mhi.MenuItemName).ToList<string>()
.Select(mhi => mhi.MenuItemName)
I question if you want a where clause in there somewhere, but this should get you past the runtime exception.
Any time you see an error message of the form "LINQ to Entities does recognize the method ... and this method can not be translated into a store expression" LINQ to Entities is telling you that it can't figure out how to translate part of the expression tree into a SQL statement. This means you need to pull things client side so that LINQ to Entities doesn't try to translate something that it can't translate.
