Query/Where dialog in Oracle Forms 10g - oracle

In Oracle Forms 6i, you could enter query mode in your form, and type & or :A in a field, and when you executed the query, a Query/Where dialog box would open, allowing you to enter more complex query or sorting criteria than just entering data in the fields allows.
This doesn't seem to work in Forms 10g: I get a "FRM-40367: Invalid Criteria in field XX in example record" error.
Is there some way to do this in Oracle Forms 10g? We're running web-based, not client-server, if that matters.

I came across the answer after I posted this question here. In 10g forms, this functionality is disabled by default, but can be enabled by setting
in the default.env file. We have now enabled this in our test environment, and it is working as expected.

This functionality used to be in Oracle eBusiness Suite, but possibly was removed I think due to SQL Injection vulnerabilities. Not sure if there is a way to switch it back on - worth a look on http://metalink.oracle.com.


Datagrip - table names do not appear when clicking on schema names in left-hand panel

I recently installed Datagrip to view my Company's Postgres database, however I am currently unable to view the tables in the different schemas by clicking on the schema name:
In the image, I've clicked to open and show the ab-testing schema, however nothing appears below it. This behavior is consistent across all of the schemas in the database. I am able to use the query editor to query tables in the schemas (assuming i know the table names), yet I cannot see the names in the left-side panel. I am using datagrip 2020.2
I had the same problem with a MySQL database. As a test, I used the MariaDB driver instead of the MySQL driver as usual. This was intentional and not an oversight, but it was not a good idea!
The tables, views and server objects were not displayed. Although I was able to display the tables and views after activating Schema Properties -> Advanced -> "Introspect using JDBC metadata", the server objects were not displayed. Working with the displayed tables and views was not possible in the usual way.
Only when I used the MySQL driver again, everything worked correctly again. The tables, views and server objects were displayed correctly and the work with it was possible in the usual way.
As a small quintessence I would like to recommend to all who "struggle" with similar problems to check your chosen drivers. Maybe the problem is caused by choosing the wrong driver, as it was in my case.
Whick kind of message do you get when instrospecting the schema?
I had a java.io.CharConversionException caused by a not valid UTF-8 string.
If this is the case, you can add the following VM option -Ddb2.jcc.charsetDecoderEncoder=3.

Oracle return difference result from the same user but difference windows user

I have two users on windows server
Both can use SQL Developer to connect to Oracle 11g Server (Oracle e-Business suite) but in the same query (from synonym) they got the difference result: devUser got the correct result and Administrator got null in first three columns.
where ou_name like 'ASL%'
Query Result from Administrator(Windows User)
Seems like the view has some form of VPD in place. Oracle supports Fine-Grained Access Control through its DBMS_RLS package, which despite the name allows us to implement security policies on columns as well as rows (since 10g). Find out more.
The common model is, when users connect to the database a LOGON trigger populates an application context with details about them. These details are used to generate as additional filters on tables and views which have security policies in place. You can confirm this by using the pertinent views: start with ALL_POLICIES and drill down depending on what you find.
It's possible the view implements a hand-rolled version of this (FGAC is an Enterprise Edition feature) but if you're using EBS that seems unlikely.
Another option is that your database is protected by Oracle Database Vault. This product is a chargeable extra to the EE license. It is a very powerful tool, and one of its uses is to prevent super users like sysadmins or DBAs abusing their privileges to look at sensitive data. It seems unlikely that an organisation would put Database Vault in place on a server that developers have access to but I offer this suggestion for completeness. Find out more.
Thank you for all.
Now I found the problem that is both user set the different Windows locale.

oracle - Schemas issues when migration from discoverer to OBIEE

I'm working on migrating some reports from Oracle Discoverer to OBIEE. I've already exported the layouts from discoverer to OBIEE. I have all I need in the OBIEE Admin tool now, but when I try to perform this operation:
I got this message:
I've read in many forums that this is because of the query (enter link description here) but I've executed the query in SQL Developer and all is fine.
Any idea?
I can see from the icon on your object that it is an Opaque View that your trying to run View Data on.
This is probably because of a syntax issue in your opaque view. Make sure the code in the opaque view doesn't end with a semi-colon or slash, that will cause problems. Try eliminating any blank lines, if there are any. However, without knowing exactly the syntax of the code it's impossible to say exactly what the cause is.
It's also possible that there is a connection script attached to the connection pool you are using to View Data, running on connection or before execution with bad syntax.
Otherwise have a look in the Admin Tool log to see if there's more information about what is causing the error. It will usually contain more detailed information than is passed back through the GUI.

What is the Reporting tool that I will use in APEX?

I'm going to develop a new system using Oracle APEX.
I used to use Oracle Reports Builder to develop reports in Oracle Forms.
What Reporting tool should I use in APEX?
I need something with Oracle Reports features such as Conditional Formatting, PL/SQL support, etc?
Thanks and Regrads
You can use Oracle Reports with Apex - see this rather old how-to doc. Essentially, if you have Reports set up to run via the web then you can run a report via a URL like this:
So it is then just a matter of constructing this URL in Apex and using it. You can avoid passing the password as a parameter by using single sign-on for Apex and Reports.
See Quick Start Guide to Oracle Reports Server 9.0.4 for further details.
The recommended approach I think is to use BI Publisher, but that is expensive to license. There may be cheaper third-party alternatives to BI Publisher that can be used, but I don't know them.
I think there are a number of people in the Apex community waiting for a nice solution to this requirement!
You have that in APEX forms with PL/SQL. But you have to be more specific or you can try in http://apex.oracle.com/i/index.html creating a workspace and see what can be done with APEX.

Saving a report to a file on a client PC?

I would be grateful for a quick sanity check!
When calling Oracle Reports 10g from Oracle Forms 10g, is it possible to run an Oracle Report and save it on the users PC to a specified directory? (I know that if an Oracle Report is run in such a format as PDF the user can save the report to x location). To call the Oracle report I am using the Oracle Forms built-in "Run_Report_Object".
I don't think it is (but would be happy to revise my opinion!) and to obtain such functionality I would have to implement something similar to what is discussed in this thread
I have amended my question to include the fact that I am using the Oracle Forms built-in "Run Report Object" to call Oracle Reports.
There is a Oracle Report parameter: DESTYPE which can accept a value called LOCALFILE which saves the output to the client machine using the file name specified by DESNAME, however as I'm using "Run_Report_Object" it is not possible to use the value LOCALFILE.
One solution is to follow the steps given here.
Sources: Oracle Reports 10g Help (look for DESTYPE),
OTN thread
