Delphi and XP embedded - windows

Does anybody know if Delphi (Win32) works with XP embedded

Yes it does, is the short answer
We use Delphi 5 with WePos (windows embedded for point of sale) and it works fine.
Running Interbase 5.5 via the BDE
The only thing we have to do is install an extra file. the file is called "libraryfiles.exe" , not very descriptive I know, here is more info to help you find it
Ascentive Libary Files
Product name: Libraryfiles Install Program

In general, it seems to work (example Delphi program for XPE), but there could be some problems when using some specific libraries (i.e. XML) where XP embedded could differ from an usual XP installation.

I recently finished a project with an ActiveForm, making heavy use of OpenGL and has a ton of third party libraries inside and everything works like a charm on XP embedded.
BTW, I wasn't told that this thing was meant to run on XP embedded...

XP Embedded is XP, with the ability to remove lots of stuff. Almost anything that runs on XP can be made to run on XPE. Often the key is finding the libraries as #Re0sless did.


Delphi7 created exe on intel galileo windows

Installed Windows on my Galileo board and that works fine.
I developed a small application i Delphi7 (32 bit exe) that
I have deployed to the Galileo and configured it to start
at boot by configuration in the autorun.cmd file.
start C:\applications\GalileoApp1.exe
The application is formless and contains a TCPserver that echoes back incoming data.
Works fine under windows 7 on my PC.
Does not start automatically or manually on my Galileo.
Has anyone tried something similar and succeeded in executing the application on Galileo?
Are there any limitations on what types of 32bit exe´s that can be executed on the Galileo?
Stock Delphi RTL will not work on that version of Windows. The primary reason is that the Galileo versions of Windows' DLLs are different from the desktop version. This will require a rebuild of the RTL in order to import APis from their new locations. Some APis aren't even supported (such as most of the ones in GDI32 and USER32).
That being said, here at Embarcadero, as a research project I have a version of the Delphi RTL that does run on the Galileo board (I'm looking at the board right now :). I also have a stripped down Delphi conversion of some of the Wiring/Arduino Sketch API. When or even if we release such a thing is purely dependent upon the demand and our intended product direction.
The bottom line is that, yes, it is possible to get a Delphi-built command-line application (no visual VCL is supported, or anything that assumes the presence of a GUI). No, it's not a straight-forward, simple process as it requires some significant modifications to the RTL. I would also not recommend using Delphi 7, since the Galileo board doesn't support most of the Ansi versions of the Windows APIs. You will need a Unicode capable version of Delphi to start with.

I have XP in Italian but my GTK application runs in English

I developed an application which uses GTK+2. It compiles and runs fine both in Windows XP and Linux. Built-in messages reflect the current language of the operating system in those 2 environments (the Italian XP installation where I actually developed it, and my virtualized Linux Fedora 16 installation).
The problem arises on another XP installation, where I installed the GTK runtime and the theme selector (taken from On this system, built-in messages are shown in English, although it's another Italian XP installation.
How do I tell the GTK environment which language it has to use? Otherwise, how can I alter built-in messages such as those inside file-choosers?
I don't want to build a multi-lingual application, just Italian.
Thank you.
PS: I'm using MinGW+gcc on XP and gcc on Linux. Programming language is C, the GUI is designed with Glade and built with GtkBuilder.
Solved. I chose not to install translations. Installed again with translations and everything works as expected.

How to install Skipfish Security scanner under windows 7?

I have a development PC with Windows 7 (APACHE / MYSQL / PHP) and I want to install "Skipfish" ( in order to check my web app for security/vulnerability issues. I read the instructions but I can't understand it.
I cite the source page
The tool is believed to support Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X, and Windows (Cygwin) environments
Since it isn't a "real" windows application you don't have any file windows can execute (such as a .exe or .msi file). You need to use the tool and then more or less use it as an Linux application.
Read up on the instructions on skipfish and Cygwin, and then return with any more specific questions you may have.
I think it is too late, but... Complied version is here:
Since the original source is not available so it is shared in GDrive. Use it.
Skipfish for Windows

VB6 application on a 64bit machine

I'm maintaining an old VB6 application, that uses some Sheridan 3D controls (SSPanel and SSTab, found in threed32.ocx and tabctl32.ocx).
Will this application work on a 64-bit machine (I guess the 32 in threed32 comes from the bit number?)
If not, what can I do to make it work?
It should run fine via WoW.
EDIT: Since you've clarified that it's a 16-bit application1, if it's a LOB application that absolutely must run then you could try Windows XP Mode for Windows 7 and later.
If you've got a copy of VB6 kicking around, try importing the project and compiling it at 32-bit.
Otherwise you might want to put the source code through the VB .NET project upgrade wizard and see how far you can get simply by targeting 32-bit.
1 Are you sure it's VB6? The only references to 16-bit VB applications were from VB4

windows for trivial app?

we have a small app that doing trivial stuff, no GUI.
we was using Linux, but the library/framework available for Linux is highly less than that for windows, it was such a pain to develop under Linux.
So we want to use windows, but windows is too big for the trivial app, is there any solution that i can use windows and not losing OS's lightweight?
any advices appreciated.
What kind of applications are you building?
1) some older versions of windows have less bloat, but you wouldn't want these running on public networks because they don't get security updates. Plus, the latest/greatest libraries may not run on them
2) If you're running command-line server utilities, you could try Windows 2008 Server Core, which is a console-only installation
3) You might want to try Wine or Mono to run your windows/.NET framework-based application.
You should try a "Windows PE" (sometimes also called "minint") installation (installation guide here), which is a trimmed-down version based on Windows XP or Vista.
This does not make sense, sorry. If you have a CLI program under Linux why shouldn't you be able to write on CLI program on Windows?
