16 bit limit on XDrawString arguments - xlib

From the XDrawString man page it seems that it aceepts signed 32 bit x and y coordinates
int XDrawString(Display *display, Drawable d, GC
gc, int x, int y, char *string, int length);
Note how both x and y are int ( ie: 32 bit signed Integer on gcc/linux2.6-i386 at least )
The problem is when I pass y = 32767 ( 2^15 - 1) the string is drawn in the correct location but anything above this value the string is not drawn.
I suspect that internally 32 bit integers are not used but instead 16 bit signed integers for the coordinates.
Given that the man pages seem to indicate that the function accepts 32 bit integers, is there some compile option that needs to be turned to allow the use of the longer integers? Or is this a limmitation of Xlib?

The X11 protocol does specify 16 bits.
Have a look at the definition for xPolyTextReq in <X11/Xproto.h>
typedef struct {
CARD8 reqType;
CARD8 pad;
CARD16 length B16;
Drawable drawable B32;
GContext gc B32;
INT16 x B16, y B16; /* items (xTextElt) start after struct */
} xPolyTextReq;


Define uint8_t variable in Protocol Buffers message file

I want to define a Point message in Protocol Buffers which represents an RGB Colored Point in 3-dimensional space.
message Point {
float x = 1;
float y = 2;
float z = 3;
uint8_t r = 4;
uint8_t g = 5;
uint8_t b = 6;
Here, x, y, z variables defines the position of Point and r, g, b defines the color in RGB space.
Since uint8_t is not defined in Protocol Buffers, I am looking for a workaround to define it. At present, I am using uint32 in place of uint8_t.
There isn't anything in protobuf that represents a single byte - it simply isn't a thing that the wire-format worries about. The options are:
varint (up to 64 bits input, up to 10 bytes on the wire depending on the highest set bit)
fixed 32 bit
fixed 64 bit
length-prefixed (strings, sub-objects, packed arrays)
(group tokens; a rare implementation detail)
A single byte isn't a good fit for any of those. Frankly, I'd use a single fixed32 for all 3, and combine/decompose the 3 bytes manually (via shifting etc). The advantage here is that it would only have one field header for the 3 bytes, and wouldn't be artificially stretched via having high bits (I'm not sure that a composed RGB value is a good candidate for varint). You'd also have a spare byte if you want to add something else at a later date (alpha, maybe).
message Point {
float x = 1;
float y = 2;
float z = 3;
fixed32 rgb = 4;
IMHO this is the correct approach. You should use the nearest data type capable of holding all values to be sent between the system. The source & destination systems should validate the data if it is in the correct range. For uint8_t this is int32 indeed.
Some protocol buffers implementations actually allow this. In particular, nanopb allows to either have .options file alongside the .proto file or use its extension directly in .proto file to fine tune interpretation of individual fields.
Specifying int_size = IS_8 will convert uint32 from message to uint8_t in generated structure.
import "nanopb.proto";
message Point {
float x = 1;
float y = 2;
float z = 3;
uint32 r = 4 [(nanopb).int_size = IS_8];
uint32 g = 5 [(nanopb).int_size = IS_8];
uint32 b = 6 [(nanopb).int_size = IS_8];

long double subnormals/denormals get truncated to 0 [-Woverflow]

In the IEEE754 standarad, the minimum strictly positive (subnormal) value is 2−16493 ≈ 10−4965 using Quadruple-precision floating-point format. Why does GCC reject anything lower than 10-4949? I'm looking for an explanation of the different things that could be going on underneath which determine the limit to be 10-4949 rather than 10−4965.
#include <stdio.h>
void prt_ldbl(long double decker) {
unsigned char * desmond = (unsigned char *) & decker;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof (decker); i++) {
printf ("%02X ", desmond[i]);
printf ("\n");
int main()
long double x = 1e-4955L;
I'm using GNU GCC version 4.8.1 online - not sure which architecture it's running on (which I realize may be the culprit). Please feel free to post your findings from different architectures.
Your long double type may not be(*) quadruple-precision. It may simply be the 387 80-bit extended-double format. This format has the same number of bits for the exponent as quad-precision, but many fewer significand bits, so the minimum value that would be representable in it sounds about right (2-16445)
(*) Your long double is likely not to be quad-precision, because no processor implements quad-precision in hardware. The compiler can always implement quad-precision in software, but it is much more likely to map long double to double-precision, to extended-double or to double-double.
The smallest 80-bit long double is around 2-16382 - 63 ~= 10-4951, not 2-164934. So the compiler is entirely correct; your number is smaller than the smallest subnormal.

Floating Point Divider Hardware Implementation Details

I am trying to implement a 32-bit floating point hardware divider in hardware and I am wondering if I can get any suggestions as to some tradeoffs between different algorithms?
My floating point unit currently suppports multiplication and addition/subtraction, but I am not going to switch it to a fused multiply-add (FMA) floating point architecture since this is an embedded platform where I am trying to minimize area usage.
Once upon a very long time ago i come across this neat and easy to implement float/fixed point divison algorithm used in military FPUs of that time period:
input must be unsigned and shifted so x < y and both are in range < 0.5 ; 1 >
don't forget to store the difference of shifts sh = shx - shy and original signs
find f (by iterating) so y*f -> 1 .... after that x*f -> x/y which is the division result
shift the x*f back by sh and restore result sign (sig=sigx*sigy)
the x*f can be computed easily like this:
n = log2(num of fractional bits for fixed point, or mantisa bit size for floating point)
You can also stop when z^2n is zero on fixed bit width data types.
[Edit2] Had a bit of time&mood for this so here 32 bit IEEE 754 C++ implementation
I removed the old (bignum) examples to avoid confusion for future readers (they are still accessible in edit history if needed)
// IEEE 754 single masks
const DWORD _f32_sig =0x80000000; // sign
const DWORD _f32_exp =0x7F800000; // exponent
const DWORD _f32_exp_sig=0x40000000; // exponent sign
const DWORD _f32_exp_bia=0x3F800000; // exponent bias
const DWORD _f32_exp_lsb=0x00800000; // exponent LSB
const DWORD _f32_exp_pos= 23; // exponent LSB bit position
const DWORD _f32_man =0x007FFFFF; // mantisa
const DWORD _f32_man_msb=0x00400000; // mantisa MSB
const DWORD _f32_man_bits= 23; // mantisa bits
float f32_div(float x,float y)
union _f32 // float bits access
float f; // 32bit floating point
DWORD u; // 32 bit uint
_f32 xx,yy,zz; int sh; DWORD zsig; float z;
// result signum abs value
xx.f=x; zsig =xx.u&_f32_sig; xx.u&=(0xFFFFFFFF^_f32_sig);
yy.f=y; zsig^=yy.u&_f32_sig; yy.u&=(0xFFFFFFFF^_f32_sig);
// initial exponent difference sh and normalize exponents to speed up shift in range
sh =0;
sh-=((xx.u&_f32_exp)>>_f32_exp_pos)-(_f32_exp_bia>>_f32_exp_pos); xx.u&=(0xFFFFFFFF^_f32_exp); xx.u|=_f32_exp_bia;
sh+=((yy.u&_f32_exp)>>_f32_exp_pos)-(_f32_exp_bia>>_f32_exp_pos); yy.u&=(0xFFFFFFFF^_f32_exp); yy.u|=_f32_exp_bia;
// shift input in range
while (xx.f> 1.0f) { xx.f*=0.5f; sh--; }
while (xx.f< 0.5f) { xx.f*=2.0f; sh++; }
while (yy.f> 1.0f) { yy.f*=0.5f; sh++; }
while (yy.f< 0.5f) { yy.f*=2.0f; sh--; }
while (xx.f<=yy.f) { yy.f*=0.5f; sh++; }
// divider block
for (;;)
z*=z; if (z==0.0f) break;
// shift result back
for (;sh>0;) { sh--; zz.f*=0.5f; }
for (;sh<0;) { sh++; zz.f*=2.0f; }
// set signum
return zz.f;
I wanted to keep it simple so it is not optimized yet. You can for example replace all *=0.5 and *=2.0 by exponent inc/dec ... If you compare with FPU results on float operator / this will be a bit less precise because most FPUs compute on 80 bit internal format and this implementation is only on 32 bits.
As you can see I am using from FPU just +,-,*. The stuff can be speed up by using fast sqr algorithms like
Fast bignum square computation
especially if you want to use big bit widths ...
Do not forget to implement normalization and or overflow/underflow correction.

Character range in Java

I've read in a book:
..characters are just 16-bit unsigned integers under the hood. That means you can assign a number literal, assuming it will fit into the unsigned 16-bit range (65535 or less).
It gives me the impression that I can assign integers to characters as long as it's within the 16-bit range.
But how come I can do this:
char c = (char) 80000; //80000 is beyond 65535.
I'm aware the cast did the magic. But what exactly happened behind the scenes?
Looks like it's using the int value mod 65536. The following code:
int i = 97 + 65536;
char c = (char)i;
System.out.println(i % 65536);
char d = 'a';
int n = (int)d;
Prints out 'a' and then '97' twice (a is char 97 in ascii).

Char conversion in gcc

What are the char implicit typecasting rules? The following code gives an awkward output of -172.
char x = 200;
char y = 140;
printf("%d", x+y);
My guess is that being signed, x is casted into 72, and y is casted into 12, which should give 84 as the answer, which however is not the case as mentioned above. I am using gcc on Ubuntu.
The following code gives an awkward output of -172.
The behavior of an overflow is implementation dependent, but visibly in your case (and mine) a char has 8 bits and its representation is the complement by 2. So the binary representation of the unsigned char 200 and 140 are 11001000 and 10001100, corresponding to the binary representation of the  signed char -56 and -116, and -56 + -116 equals -172 (the char are promoted to int to do the addition).
Example forcing x and y to be signed whatever the default for char:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
signed char x = 200;
signed char y = 140;
printf("%d %d %d\n", x, y, x+y);
return 0;
Compilation and execution :
pi#raspberrypi:/tmp $ gcc -Wall c.c
pi#raspberrypi:/tmp $ ./a.out
-56 -116 -172
pi#raspberrypi:/tmp $
My guess is that being signed, x is casted into 72, and y is casted into 12
You supposed the higher bit is removed (11001000 -> 1001000 and 10001100 -> 1100) but this is not the case, contrarily to the IEEE floats using a bit for the sign.
