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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there doxygen documentation of the Boost libraries somewhere on the web?
I could create my own, but I think it should already exist somewhere on the web? Thanks!
There's a few sets of documentation.
The documentation for the current version of boost can be found on the web at the link below (with specific, older versions linked on the right-hand side).
If you're after a downloadable version of the HTML documentation, then it's also contained in the boost distribution which you can download from the website. Open up the index.html file in the libs directory in your favourite browser.
Personally, I'd quite like a CHM file of the whole lot, but it seems these must be manually generated (boost don't provide them) with Doxygen and hhc.exe on Windows (which I don't use), so would appreciate any info on getting up-to-date CHMs of boost documentation.
I generated some Doxygen output from Boost a while back. It is hosted here:
The definitive Boost documentation are the docs available at They tend to be quite good for most libraries.
What specific library is it that the docs are not sufficient for?
The Boost libraries have quite a bit of template code and preprocessor macros. Doxygen does not understand templates or macros very well. I would stick to the standard boost documentation.
Though not doxygen based you may find the following site useful.
Boost Graph library (v1.42) online browsable LXR source code available here.
You can jump from definition to usage and vice-versa.
To browse other boost components like bind, type_traits etc just navigate down the main site
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Closed last month.
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This may seem like an odd request, but I'd like to know a way to convert a .chm file to .hlp. Is that at all possible? If so, is there any method I can follow or software I can use to achieve that?
I'm not sure if there are automatic converters for this.
There are CHM decompiler tools, should not be hard to find. This will give you a bunch of HTML files and perhaps some topic/index files. Even the official Microsoft HTML help workshop can help you with this.
To create a .hlp you need to (manually?) convert the HTML files to .rtf if you want to use the official Microsoft compiler. You can probably find it in older SDKs or here or there.
You have to ask yourself, is there any point in doing this? The .hlp format is no longer supported and Windows has not included a viewer for a long time.
If the help file belongs to an application instead of a generic manual or book then there are other things you need to deal with, a different API in the application and you need to port over all topics so they retain their correct id etc. If the HTML included Javascript then you might have a hard time porting those features.
If you are looking for a generic tool, Halibut can generate HLP, CHM and PDF from the same source files. Requires its own input format though.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I love the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide. Most of the rules also apply to TypeScript, but of course it doesn't cover specific TypeScript language features.
I have also found the Microsoft TypeScript Coding Guidelines but they are for the TypeScript project itself, not for projects that use TypeScript.
Finally I found the TypeScript Style Guide by Platypi but it's not as detailed as I'd like it to be. Is there another (official?) TypeScript Style Guide that I missed? Or are the two I listed the only ones that exist?
The TypeScript team doesn't issue an "official" style guide for other projects using TypeScript. The guidelines for working on the compiler itself are both too specific and not broad enough for general use; I would not use them as a baseline.
Any JavaScript style guide that is up-to-date for ES6 is going to cover nearly all TypeScript constructs except for type annotations, so I would start with your favorite JS style and decide on what you want the rules for type annotations to be.
TSLint is a good choice for enforcing style rules around types / type annotations.
Update: TSLint is currently deprectated in favour of ESLint.
Maybe this is a bit late, but I stumbled upon which also provides a bit more detailed tslint.json in the linters folder ... it is also based on the airbnb/javascript styleguide ...
Yet another Styleguide (which we use for angular 1 development with TypeScript) is
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to generate API documentation for my open source project on Github. I'd like to create them automatically from my XML Documentation Comments in my C# projects. My feeble googling has turned up bubkiss. Is there a way to do this?
I'd prefer it be in Github-style Markdown.
Here's an online C# XML doc to Markdown converter:
It is based on #formixian's algorithm.
After searching around a bit, I found this gem of a gist:
Generates Markdown from VS XML documentation file
It prints to the C# XML -> markdown to the console. I'm sure it can be refined further, but this is a really great start. I've tested it, and it's totally working.
I ended up using Sandcastle to generate plain HTML and using that. Inevitably, I'll just write my own parser or a custom template for Sandcastle.
I didn't like the learning curve for Doxygen or QDoc.
I would recommend Doxygen. By configuring Doxygen using the configure files and XSLT you can pretty much do anything with it.
Set the source files and output in the configuration files, then use XSLT to customize the output.
For Doxygen there is a parser tool ( already prepared to do much of the work with C#
if(youDoNotLikeThisIdea == true)
Another tool that is highly configurable would be QDoc (part of the Qt API) # Of course, using QDoc would require you to build Qt and QDoc in particular.
Good luck!
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Can anyone direct me to where the jdk 7 source is hosted?
The direct link is this.
If you wonder how this link is got, follow this link, except that select "jdk7/jdk7-gate/jdk" instead of "jdk6/jdk6-gate/jdk" for jdk 7 sources.
For Java source codes in JRE, this website is more useful than hgweb for OpenJDK7.
This is the repository for OpenJDK
As for Oracle's JDK7, there are binaries and docs, but no source to browse.
I find to be a very handy place to read java code. For example you will find open JDK7 source code here:
It's biggest advantage is that besides syntax highlighting as #Jakub mentioned in his answer, it also supports cross reference, which will makes the code browsing experience 10x easier.
It has bunch of other JVM based projects too (Apache Hadoop, ElasticSearch etc.). It also supports scripting language like ruby and python but the performance is not great at this moment.
You can find the source files here jdk7source
I was looking for it when I found this question and that is why I decided to add this answer, as none of the other answers have it, but there is no web interface for browsing.
There is JDK7 source code mirror on GitHub. Easier to browse, and with syntax highlighting.
I don't think that the source of the Sun JDK is openly available. Why not try the OpenJDK Mercurial repos
Hope that helps.
If you want to browse the source locally.
Then you can find the source in the jvm directory in the file.
for linux environments the file is located in /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle
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Closed 4 years ago.
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There are lots of PE file browsers. Here is a list of good ones if you are interested:
PE File format viewers:
PE Explorer
PE VIew:
PEBrowse Professional
PE Browse Professional Interactive -
I'm still working on windows & I want to view the ELF files. Are there any tools? I'm googling but couldn't find any till now.
readelf and objdump are both excellent utilities if you are on a Unix box.
Both are provided by Cygwin.
readelf will give you a good overview of the ELF header information, section headers. You can also use it to get relocation and symbol information. Overall, readelf can give greater detail on the contents of an ELF file.
objdump has some similar features to readelf, but also includes the ability to disassemble sections.
I like objdump. I think it comes with the Mingw and/or cygwin distributions.
I don't think it's quite what you're looking for, but it may still be useful - Agner Fog has an object file converter available here:
The project biew has been renamed into beye:
I would recommend HT editor.Though it is lack of a beautiful GUI,it do support a lot of file formats which of course include elf.
I've used BIEW before
Apparently it can process ELF headers
Support for a-out, arch, coff-386, ELF, MZ, jvmclass, LMF, LE and LX, NE, NLM-386, PharLap, PE, RDOFF, SIS and SISX executable formats.
You can look at the ELFSharp project. It's a C# library, not a complete tool, but it's very easy to use and, what is very important, active (look at its github).