Embedding c# windows application (.exe) in a webpart - windows

Is there is a way to embed an application executable inside a webpart? is there any kind of a webpart available in sharepoint.
If not, then is it possible to create my own webpart and some how place my windows application there so that when a user login to a sharepoint site he can view the main winodws applciation screen on the webpage.

Do you have the code for the exe? If so you may be able to port it to a UserControl and put that in your WebPart. Development experience required.

Your requirement is to display an windows application inside a web form.
You can do that by creating an ActiveX component with your winform application and calling it from your custom webpart code. You can also to extract your commom business logic and reuse it between your win/web apps.


Outlook add-in with global scope (inbox level)

Is there a way to have an outlook add-in that uses a global scope? I want to be able to launch the add-in at any time, but not necessarily relate it to a specific e-mail. According to the documentation I found, the closest thing would be to have it appear as a Module, but then it only works on the desktop version (not the web), and doesn't allow you to view it alongside e-mails. It would be ideal if this could run on the side of the screen, similar to how Skype works on the web version of Outlook, on both the desktop and web versions. Is Skype a special case, or is it possible to build an add-in like that?
Web-based add-ins work in the context of the current item only.
Instead, you may consider developing a browser plug-in which modifies a web page dynamically. And for the desktop editions of Outlook you may consider creating a COM based add-in which allows to customize the UI in the way you need. See Walkthrough: Creating Your First VSTO Add-In for Outlook to get started quickly.

How to restrict external application accessing my windows application

We have a windows application created using Visual Basic 6.0.
An external application accesses the controls and data present in the forms (screens) of our VB application and prompts validation messages to the user. We assume that the external application is using the 'FindWindow', 'FindWindowEx' API functions present in the user32.dll to access our application using the logic as explained in the following link.
Get Text From Specific Textboxes From External Application - Visual Basic .Net
Is it possible to restrict the external applications from accessing the controls and data present in the forms (screens) of our VB application? Is there any method to restrict this anonymous access?
Thanks in Advance.
One of the easiest ways to fend off hijackers is to substitute controls from How To Install the Microsoft Windowless Controls for VB6 for many of the intrinsic controls.
This simple step thwarts a lot of the parasites.
Your program hands the text over. The VB6 forms package is doing it for you. Subclass the window and kill the GetText message. See https://www.google.com.au/search?q=vb6+subclass+form.

How to create a custom app entry inside the Application Settings with Windows Phone SDK

Do you know if the Windows Phone SDK offers an API that allows to add a custom App entry inside the Application Settings page?
I would like to create a new entry "AppXYZ" that links the settings page of the application.
Is this view reserved just for "system" applications or could also be used to add a link to an external app's settings?
Although not well-known, there is a way to do that. In WMAppManifest.xml you can specify that your app belongs in HubType="268435456". That way, it will be integrated there. This is not an officially-supported approach and I am yet to see a third-party app approved in the Store that would handle this.
You can link to the settings page of your own application but not to the windows phone settings page you show us in the screenshot. Developers are only allowed to show some of these by using the corresponding URL schmemes.
Unfortuantely there is no possibility to integrate your app to the official settings hub as a third party developer. Adding HubType="268435456" in your WMAppManifest.xml file will prevent a successful sumbission.
Sorry for the bad news...

is it possible to create web application using c++ in visual-studio-2010?

I had created media annotation application which is a dialog based MFC application using c++ in visual studio2010. I want to make it work using web application by accessing it through URL via web browser.Is it possible to implement through C++?
You can do it. In stead of using the dialog based application, create automation COM component and use that in html or scripting languages.

How can Windows Sidebar Gadget communicate with my desktop app?

I've got a .NET 2.0 Windows desktop application (time-sheets) which i develop and wanted to add a Gadget interface to it (so that app runs hidden and is controlled via the gadget).
What is the easiest way to get my gadget to communicate to my app?
An idea that i had was to have a built-in web server inside the app, and the gadget controls communicates with the app using ajax. However i'm hoping there's a simpler solution.
You didn't specify what technology the gadget and app were written with, so it's hard to answer. Assuming you can use .NET, WCF with a named-pipes binding would be very simple. Just a few lines of code to set it up.
We use win32 APIs in one of our gadgets' ActiveX control to communicate with other instances of the same gadget. Unfortunately, I can't give you the code (because I don't have permission and I don't write the .net stuff) but it boils down to using a window (in your case the application window) as a server and the gadget ActiveX control as the client and use the SendMessage function.
You can see an example of using COM interop with windows desktop gadgets at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/gadgets/GadgetInterop.aspx
NB: make sure the interop assembly is in the application's directory and NOT the gadget directory, otherwise you'll run into problems when updating/uninstalling the gadget.
