Controlling psftp in a Windows Batch File - windows

How do I write a batch file to control psftp, but with a dynamic filename? Overall I'm trying to convert a video file and then upload it to my Apple TV. Here's what I have, it generally works, but the commands don't control psftp, psftp just waits for user input:
echo Convert and Upload to Apple TV file Called %1.mkv
ffmpeg -i %1.mkv -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec ac3 -ab 384k -sameq -s hd720 -t 60 %1.avi
psftp frontrow# -pw aaa
cd downloads/boxee
put %1.avi
I know with the -b flag psftp can call it's own batch file, but I don't know how to get the %1 argument to it. I've seen solutions where a text file is redirected to psftp, but that suffers from the same problem. Also, I'd prefer to have just one file, but having to call a second file would be alright too.

I ended up creating a new batch file from the main one that I then told psftp to use:
echo cd downloads/boxee > psftp.bat
echo put "%1.avi" >> psftp.bat
echo quit >> psftp.bat
psftp frontrow# -pw aaa -b psftp.bat

Specify a file containing batch commands
In normal operation, PSFTP is an interactive program which displays a command line and accepts commands from the keyboard.
If you need to do automated tasks with PSFTP, you would probably prefer to specify a set of commands in advance and have them executed automatically. The -b option allows you to do this. You use it with a file name containing batch commands. For example, you might create a file called myscript.scr containing lines like this:
cd /home/ftp/users/jeff
del jam-old.tar.gz
ren jam.tar.gz jam-old.tar.gz
put jam.tar.gz
chmod a+r jam.tar.gz
and then you could run the script by typing
psftp user#hostname -b myscript.scr
Credit to

All in one file:
#echo off
echo Convert and Upload to Apple TV file Called %1.mkv
ffmpeg -i %1.mkv -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec ac3 -ab 384k -sameq -s hd720 -t 60 %1.avi
echo cd downloads/boxee
echo put %1.avi
echo quit
) | psftp frontrow# -pw aaa -bc
If we need the precise port number:
psftp frontrow# -P 222 -pw aaa -bc

Why not use the built in FTP command that comes with windows?
you will need to write a script that will upload the file:
put file.avi
then call ftp -s:MyScript
You will need to generate the script per each file using echo and the >> redirector.

I was struggling to run a simple batch file/script to have an end user upload a file she had just edited to a secure FTP site.
Using This Script:
cd /outgoing
put Examplefile.txt
# chmod a+r Examplefile.txt
# ren Examplefile.txt Exam.ted
# rm Examplefile.txt
and running PuTTY's sftp command from a standard Windows command prompt:
psftp -pw password -b testscript.scr
I was able to quickly and (more importantly!!) easily upload a file from the company I am doing work for to a company we needed to transact business with. You can also see I am ready to rename the file if needed (ren) or delete a file if needed (rm). The hash symbol (#) sets the lines as remark lines.
This allowed me to create a complete batch file in Windows that the end user could simply click on to upload the files as she generated them. It was MUCH simpler than using some of the other "flavors" of sftp I found on the 'Net and I have used and trusted PuTTY for decades.

If all you're doing with ftp is uploading a single file, you can use pscp.
echo Convert and Upload to Apple TV file Called %1.mkv
ffmpeg -i %1.mkv -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec ac3 -ab 384k -sameq -s hd720 -t 60 %1.avi
pscp -pw aaa -sftp %1.avi frontrow#


FFmpeg Batch extracting frames from multiple videos on Windows

I want to extract frames/images per video that will import from a directory and then save those frames into a new folder and the folder name as import video filename.
I tried the below code on Linux and it works perfectly but i can't convert the code to Windows
for i in *.mp4; do mkdir -p "${i%.*}" && ffmpeg -i "$i" -vf fps=1/1 "${i%.*}/%d.jpg"; done
I tried the Linux bash shell on windows and it's worked.
Does have any other options/formats to properly write or convert the code for Windows OS?

Passing file name in youtube-dl post-process script without file extension suffix

The documentation for youtube-dl says I can run a post-process command with the --exec option.
Using Windows, here is an example I have tried:
youtube-dl --exec "ffmpeg -i {} -ac 2 -c:a libfdk_aac -cutoff 20000 -afterburner 1 -vbr 0 {}.m4a"
Note that {} passes the file name to the post-process command. For example filename.webm.
The problem is that {} includes the file extension.
How can I pass the file name to the post-process command without the file extension?
For example, if I were to convert the video, I would rather avoid getting an output name like filename.webm.m4a. Needless to say, I would rather want filename.m4a.

Including Youtube-dl in FFMPEG not working in Bash (OSX)

I am trying to download 5 second samples for a list of youtube video. The traditional approach is to download the entire file with "youtube-dl" and then use "ffmpeg" to split it however you want it.
I am trying to use the following method:
It does work when I include the variables in the command, for example:
ffmpeg -ss 0 -i $(youtube-dl -f best --get-url -t 10 -c:v copy -c:a copy title2.mp4
However, I am having issues trying to automate the system. Specifically, I would like ffmpeg and youtube-dl to read a file and use the values. I created the file "youtube.txt" which includes the following codes:
I am using the following command:
parallel -j 6 --colsep ',' ffmpeg -ss {1} -i $(youtube-dl -f best --get-url {2}) --t 5 -c:v copy -c:a copy {5} :::: youtube.txt
However, I get the following errors:
ERROR: '{2}' is not a valid URL. Set --default-search "ytsearch" (or run youtube-dl "ytsearch:{2}" ) to search YouTube
--t: No such file or directory
Would you mind helping me?
Here's a solution using python2, so this should work on the python version shipped with MacOS. My original bash script was choking on the csv line reading for some reason. Add this script to in the same directory as your youtube.txt, then run chmod +x and when you're ready to turn it loose ./
import csv, os
with open('youtube.txt') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
for row in csv_reader:
starttimes = [row[0], row[2], row[3]]
yturl = os.popen('youtube-dl -f best --get-url '+row[1]).read().strip()
for thistime in starttimes:
print(row[1] + ' #time='+thistime)
os.system('ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -ss '
+thistime+' -i "'+yturl+'" -t 5 -c copy '+row[4]+'['+thistime+'s].mp4')

Keep FFMPEG encoding session running

I am trying to encode an external HLS (m3u8) link into MPEG-TS over UDP via ffmpeg with this command:
ffmpeg -re -i -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f mpegts udp://
Currently I am executing the command directly inside a terminal which I keep open on my Centos server. However, and after some time (volatile), I get the following error :
Failed to resolve hostname Temporary failure in name resolution
[hls,applehttp # 0x349b420] Failed to reload playlist 0
My question is, how can I run this command in a bash script or upstart or … so that whenever it unexpectedly stops, it automatically restarts.
I prefer not to use third parties like monit, and please be explicit in writing the script with annotation for newbies, I am not well experienced on this.
Turned out to be simpler than I thought. For future reference, this is what I did, in a terminal:
Create a new script:
Insert the following code:
while :
echo `ffmpeg -re -i -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f mpegts udp://`
Press Esc W Q Enter to save and exit.
Execute the following commands:
chmod +x
And voilà, ffmpeg will automatically restart when an error occurs.

#/bin/sh in one line

I'm working on some Haskell project using FFmpeg. I need to batch create from a media folder with MP4 files and create screenshots from all of them. I got the code and am using it on a terminal in Unix. It works, but how do I make it in one line to be executed in system "xxxx" in Haskell?
If not using several system"xx"...
for i in $(ls *.mp4)
ffmpeg -i $i -vframes 7 -y -ss 10 -s 150x150 -an -sameq -f image2 -r 1/5 $i%1d.jpg
I tried:
import System.Cmd
function = do{system "#/bin/sh";
system "for i in $(ls *.mp4)";
system "do";
system "ffmpeg -i $i -vframes 7 -y -ss 10 -s 150x150 -an -sameq -f image2 -r 1/5 $i%1d.jpg";
system "done";}
but it gives a error:
-vframes: No such file or directory
/bin/sh: Syntax error: "done" unexpected
The problem is that you're trying to execute each line of your script as a separate, independent invocation of the shell. You just need to do it all with one system call, and separate each line of the script with \n:
system "for i in $(ls *.mp4)\ndo\n..."
but you can write the shell command on one logical line, instead:
system "for i in $(ls *.mp4); do ...; done"
The first line (which should be #!/bin/sh, by the way) is not necessary when using system.
I'm not sure why you want to use Haskell for this purpose, though, if you're just going to execute a single shell script. You should write the loop over the directory contents in Haskell, and only call out to the system to do an individual conversion. At the very least, you should probably put this script into its own file and invoke it with system "sh" or similar.
(If you want a more convenient syntax for multi-line strings like these scripts in Haskell, try the interpolatedstring-perl6 or string-qq packages.)
First, It's #!/bin/sh. Notice the exclamation mark.
Second, you're trying to execute a series of commands one after another, so no state is kept between them. Try to execute it as a single command:
function = system "for i in $(ls *.mp4); do ffmpeg -i $i -vframes 7 -y -ss 10 -s 150x150 -an -sameq -f image2 -r 1/5 $i%1d.jpg; done"
Another option is to save your whole script, with the #! corrected, as a .sh file, make it executable and:
function = system "./"
Bash 4.X Solution
system "/bin/bash -c 'shopt -s globstar; for i in **.mp4; do ffmpeg -i \"$i\" -vframes 7 -y -ss 10 -s 150x150 -an -sameq -f image2 -r 1/5 \"$i\"%1d.jpg; done'"
You don't need #!/bin/bash with system (don't forget the bang !)
Quote your variables otherwise files with spaces in their names wont work
Don't use ls like that, it will break when it comes across a file with spaces in its name
Posix Solution
system "find /some/path -type f -name \"*.mp4\" -exec sh -c 'for f; do ffmpeg -i \"$f\" -vframes 7 -y -ss 10 -s 150x150 -an -sameq -f image2 -r 1/5 \"$f%1d.jpg\"; done' _ {} +"
You should not echo the shell script like this but create a shell command like this:
system "for i in $(ls *.mp4); do ffmpeg -i $i -vframes 7 -y -ss 10 -s 150x150 -an -sameq -f image2 -r 1/5 $i%1d.jpg; done"
