what is wrong with my version of _bittestandset - gcc

I am new to assembly language. It seems that gcc doesn't have _bittestandset function in intrin.h like MSVC does, so I implemented a new one. This one works fine in linux, but it goes wrong with mingw in winVista machine, the code is:
inline unsigned char _bittestandset(unsigned long * a, unsigned long b)
__asm__ ( "bts %1, %[b]"
: "=g"(*a)
: [b]"Ir"(b), "g"(*a) );
return 0;

Could you give some further explanation what's not working? Maybe a simple example of the usage or so. It's hard to guess what's wrong with the code..
One thing that looks cheesy so far: You execute a bit-test opcode but ignore the result. The bit that you test (and set) ends up in the carry flag after the opcode.
If you want to get the result you need an additional instruction to get the carry flag into some other output register. (SBB EAX, EAX or something like that).
Otherwise - if you don't need the result - it's much cheaper to replace the BTS instruction with three simpler assembler opcodes:
Something along these lines:
; bit-index in cl
; Value in ebx
; eax used as a temporary (trashed)
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
or ebx, eax
Since I don't have mingw with your exact version running a assembly-output of a simple testcase could give us some clue what's going wrong.

DON'T use the BTS instruction. It's horribly slow. A better way would be to implement it using simple shift+or. And as a bonus, you can do it without any assembly, in pure, portable C++.


x86 assembler pushf causes program to exit

I think my real problem is I don't completely understand the stack frame mechanism so I am looking to understand why the following code causes the program execution to resume at the end of the application.
This code is called from a C function which is several call levels deep and the pushf causes program execution to revert back several levels through the stack and completely exit the program.
Since my work around works as expected I would like to know why using the pushf instruction appears to be (I assume) corrupting the stack.
In the routines I usually setup and clean up the stack with :
sub rsp, 28h
add rsp, 28h
However I noticed that this is only necessary when the assembly code calls a C function.
So I tried removing this from both routines but it made no difference. SaveFlagsCmb is an assembly function but could easily be a macro.
The code represents an emulated 6809 CPU Rora (Rotate Right Register A).
PUBLIC Rora_I_A ; Op 46 - Rotate Right through Carry A reg
sub rsp, 28h
; Restore Flags
mov cx, word ptr [x86flags]
push cx
; Rotate Right the byte and save the FLAGS
rcr byte ptr [q_s+AREG], 1
; rcr only affects Carry. Save the Carry first in dx then
; add 0 to result to trigger Zero and Sign/Neg flags
pushf ; this causes jump to end of program ????
pop dx ; this line never reached
and dx, CF ; Save only Carry Flag
add [q_s+AREG], 0 ; trigger NZ flags
mov rcx, NF+ZF+CF ; Flag Mask NZ
Call SaveFlagsCmb ; NZ from the add and CF saved in dx
add rsp, 28h
However if I use this code it works as expected:
PUBLIC Rora_I_A ; Op 46 - Rotate Right through Carry A reg
; sub rsp, 28h ; works with or without this!!!
; Restore Flags
mov ah, byte ptr [x86flags+LSB]
; Rotate Right the byte and save the FLAGS
rcr byte ptr [q_s+AREG], 1
; rcr only affects Carry. Save the Carry first in dx then
; add 0 to result to trigger Zero and Sign/Neg flags
mov dl, ah
and dx, CF ; Save only Carry Flag
add [q_s+AREG], 0 ; trigger NZ flags
mov rcx, NF+ZF+CF ; Flag Mask NZ
Call SaveFlagsCmb ; NZ from the add and CF saved in dx
; add rsp, 28h ; works with or without this!!!
Your reported behaviour doesn't really make sense. Mostly this answer is just providing some background not a real answer, and a suggestion not to use pushf/popf in the first place for performance reasons.
Make sure your debugging tools work properly and aren't being fooled by something into falsely showing a "jump" to somewhere. (And jump where exactly?)
There's little reason to mess around with 16-bit operand size, but that's probably not your problem.
In Visual Studio / MASM, apparently (according to OP's comment) pushf assembles as pushfw, 66 9C which pushes 2 bytes. Presumably popf also assembles as popfw, only popping 2 bytes into FLAGS instead of the normal 8 bytes into RFLAGS. Other assemblers are different.1
So your code should work. Unless you're accidentally setting some other bit in FLAGS that breaks execution? There are bits in EFLAGS/RFLAGS other than condition codes, including the single-step TF Trap Flag: debug exception after every instruction.
We know you're in 64-bit mode, not 32-bit compat mode, otherwise rsp wouldn't be a valid register. And running 64-bit machine code in 32-bit mode wouldn't explain your observations either.
I'm not sure how that would explain pushf being a jump to anywhere. pushf itself can't fault or jump, and if popf set TF then the instruction after popf would have caused a debug exception.
Are you sure you're assembling 64-bit machine code and running it in 64-bit mode? The only thing that would be different if a CPU decoded your code in 32-bit mode should be the REX prefix on sub rsp, 28h, and the RIP-relative addressing mode on [x86flags] decoding as absolute (which would presumably fault). So I don't think that could explain what you're seeing.
Are you sure you're single-stepping by instructions (not source lines or C statements) with a debugger to test this?
Use a debugger to look at the machine code as you single-step. This seem really weird.
Anyway, it seems like a very low-performance idea to use pushf / popf at all, and also to be using 16-bit operand-size creating false dependencies.
e.g. you can set x86 CF with movzx ecx, word ptr [x86flags] / bt ecx, CF.
You can capture the output CF with setc cl
Also, if you're going to do multiple things to the byte from the guest memory, load it into an x86 register. A memory-destination RCR and a memory-destination ADD are unnecessarily slow vs. load / rcr / ... / test reg,reg / store.
LAHF/SAHF may be useful, but you can also do without them too for many cases. popf is quite slow (https://agner.org/optimize/) and it forces a round trip through memory. However, there is one condition-code outside the low 8 in x86 FLAGS: OF (signed overflow). asm-source compatibility with 8080 is still hurting x86 in 2019 :(
You can restore OF from a 0/1 integer with add al, 127: if AL was originally 1, it will overflow to 0x80, otherwise it won't. You can then restore the rest of the condition codes with SAHF. You can extract OF with seto al. Or you can just use pushf/popf.
; sub rsp, 28h ; works with or without this!!!
Yes of course. You have a leaf function that doesn't use any stack space.
You only need to reserve another 40 bytes (align the stack + 32 bytes of shadow space) if you were going to make another function call from this function.
Footnote 1: pushf/popf in other assemblers:
In NASM, pushf/popf default to the same width as other push/pop instructions: 8 bytes in 64-bit mode. You get the normal encoding without an operand-size prefix. (https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/pushf:pushfd:pushfq)
Like for integer registers, both 16 and 64-bit operand-size for pushf/popf are encodeable in 64-bit mode, but 32-bit operand size isn't.
In NASM, your code would be broken because push cx / popf would push 2 bytes and pop 8, popping 6 bytes of your return address into RFLAGS.
But apparently MASM isn't like that. Probably a good idea to use explicit operand-size specifiers anyway, like pushfw and popfw if you use it at all, to make sure you get the 66 9C encoding, not just 9C pushfq.
Or better, use pushfq and pop rcx like a normal person: only write to 8 or 16-bit partial registers when you need to, and keep the stack qword-aligned. (16-byte alignment before call, 8-byte alignment always.)
I believe this is a bug in Visual Studio. I'm using 2022, so it's an issue that's been around for a while.
I don't know exactly what is triggering it, however stepping over one specific pushf in my code had the same symptoms, albeit with the code actually working.
Putting a breakpoint on the line after the pushf did break, and allowed further debugging of my app. Adding a push ax, pop ax before the pushf also seemed to fix the issue. So it must be a Visual Studio issue.
At this point I think MASM and debugging in Visual Studio has pretty much been abandoned. Any suggestions for alternatives for developing dlls on Windows would be appreciated!

How can I print numbers in my assembly program

I have a problem with my assembly program. My assembly compiler is NASM. The source and the outputs are in this picture:
The problem is that I can't print numbers from calculations with the extern C function printf(). How can I do it?
The output should be "Ergebnis: 8" but it isn't correct.
In NASM documentation it is pointed that NASM Requires Square Brackets For Memory References. When you write label name without bracket NASM gives its memory address (or offset as it is called sometimes). So, mov eax, val_1 it means that eax register gets val_1's offset. When you add eax, val_2, val_2 offset is added to val_1 offset and you get the result you see.
Write instead:
mov eax, [val_1]
add eax, [val_2]
And you shoul get 8 in eax.
P.S. It seems that you have just switched to NASM from MASM or TASM.
There are a lot of guides for switchers like you. See for example nice tutorials here and here.

gcc, __atomic_exchange seems to produce non-atomic asm, why?

I am working on a nice tool, which requires the atomic swap of two different 64-bit values. On the amd64 architecture it is possible with the XCHGQ instruction (see here in doc, warning: it is a long pdf).
Correspondingly, gcc has some atomic builtins which would ideally do the same, as it is visible for example here.
Using these 2 docs I produced the following simple C function, for the atomic swapping of two, 64-bit values:
void theExchange(u64* a, u64* b) {
__atomic_exchange(a, b, b, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
(Btw, it wasn't really clear to me, why needs an "atomic exchange" 3 operands.)
It was to me a little bit fishy, that the gcc __atomic_exchange macro uses 3 operands, so I tested its asm output. I compiled this with a gcc -O6 -masm=intel -S and I've got the following output:
.p2align 4,,15
.globl theExchange
.type theExchange, #function
mov rax, QWORD PTR [rsi]
xchg rax, QWORD PTR [rdi] /* WTF? */
mov QWORD PTR [rsi], rax
.size theExchange, .-theExchange
.section .text.unlikely
As we can see, the result function contains not only a single data move, but three different data movements. Thus, as I understood this asm code, this function won't be really atomic.
How is it possible? Maybe I misunderstood some of the docs? I admit, the gcc builtin doc wasn't really clear to me.
This is the generic version of __atomic_exchange_n (type *ptr, type val, int memorder) where only the exchange operation on ptr is atomic, the reading of val is not. In the generic version, val is accessed via pointer, but the atomicity still does not apply to it. The pointer is so that it will work with multiple sizes, when the compiler has to call an external helper:
The four non-arithmetic functions (load, store, exchange, and
compare_exchange) all have a generic version as well. This generic
version works on any data type. It uses the lock-free built-in
function if the specific data type size makes that possible;
otherwise, an external call is left to be resolved at run time. This
external call is the same format with the addition of a ‘size_t’
parameter inserted as the first parameter indicating the size of the
object being pointed to. All objects must be the same size.

Using GCC intel inline assembly to insert jmps to absolute 64 bit addresses

I am trying to perform a live patch to some 64 bit intel code.
Basically, I like to replace a few instructions with a larger set of instructions.
The patching will be performed by a program written in C, and I like to make use of GCC's inline assembler for that.
What I am struggling with is how to calculate the jmp and call instructions, knowing only the absolute 64bit addresses of the original code and my replacement routine.
To give some background, I am trying to perform the patch that's outlined here: Hacking the OS X Kernel for Fun and Profiles.
But instead of modifying the kernel file, I am writing a KEXT that is already able to locate the relevant set of these 6 instructions that need to be changed:
mov %r15,%rdi
xor %esi,%esi
xor %edx,%edx
xor %ecx,%ecx
mov $0x1b,%r8d
callq <threadsignal+224>
I know the address of each of these above instructions.
Now, I would want to write the replacement code like this:
void patchcode ()
current_thread (); // leaves result in rax, apparently
__asm__ volatile (
"xor %edi,%edi \n"
"xor %esi,%esi \n"
"mov %rax,%rdx \n" // current_thread()'s result
"mov $0x4,%ecx \n"
"pushl $0x01234567 \n"
"pushl $0x89ABCDEF \n"
"ret \n"
The challenges for me are:
Apparently, the compiler puts some code at the start of the patchcode() function that changes the stack. That's not good because I leave the routine with a jmp, not by the function's usual return path. How do I deal with that, can I tell the compiler not to generate that lead-in code?
How do I code the two jmps, one jmp from the to-be-patched area to the above patchcode() function, and then the jmp inside patchcode() back to the instruction of which I only know the absolute address, at runtime? As you can see above, I imagine pushing two 32 bit values onto the stack (I'll patch those values at runtime once I know the actual address where I want to jump to) and then jump to them using a ret instruction. Will that work?

How does gcc know the register size to use in inline assembly?

I have the inline assembly code:
#define read_msr(index, buf) asm volatile ("rdmsr" : "=d"(buf[1]), "=a"(buf[0]) : "c"(index))
The code using this macro:
u32 buf[2];
read_msr(0x173, buf);
I found the disassembly is (using gnu toolchain):
mov eax,0x173
mov ecx,eax
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0xc],edx
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x10],eax
The question is that 0x173 is less than 0xffff, why gcc does not use mov cx, 0x173? Will the gcc analysis the following instruction rdmsr? Will the gcc always know the correct register size?
It depends on the size of the value or variable passed.
If you pass a "short int" it will set "cx" and read the data from "ax" and "dx" (if buf is a short int, too).
For char it would access "cl" and so on.
So "c" refers to the "ecx" register, but this is accessed with "ecx", "cx", or "cl" depending on the size of the access, which I think makes sense.
To test you can try passing (unsigned short)0x173, it should change the code.
There is no analysis of the inline assembly (in fact it is after text substitution direclty copied to the output assembly, including syntax errors). Also there is no default register size, depending on whether you have a 32 or 64 bit target. This would be way to limiting.
I think the answer is because the current default data size is 32-bit. In 64-bit long mode, the default data size is also 32-bit, unless you use "rex.w" prefix.
Intel specifies the RDMSR instruction as using (all of) ECX to determine the model specific register. That being the case, and apparently as specified by your macro, GCC has every reason to load your constant into the full ECX.
So the question about why it doesn't load CX seems completely inappropriate. It looks like GCC is generating the right code.
(You didn't ask why it stages the load of ECX inefficiently by using EAX; I don't know the answer to that).
