Has anybody built a web application with Factor? What were some of the stumbling blocks or problems that you encountered during the process?
Try this.
I wrote a tutorial showing some of the features of Factor's web development libraries.
There is also a blog gitorial that builds a blog web application iteratively.
The Factor source code has several working web applications under extra/webapps.
The concatenative.org wiki has a page with more information about Furnace.
I am developing a Nativescript application which makes numerous server calls for various services. The test and production URLs for these calls are different and while switching back and forth between the Debug and Release version I might miss or mess something up (by accidentally using a production URL for debug app). I wanted to know if there are any best practices regarding this aspect of App publishing? I couldn't find any specific answer regarding my question on the internet and the closest thing I found were these article for ReactNative apps:
If someone can guide me on this specific to Nativescript application, I would really appreciate it.
You can try use this https://www.npmjs.com/package/nativescript-hook-debug-production
when you are trying to debug build it will do filename.debug.extension
or when production then from filename.production.extension to filename.extension so inside code, you can require or link to filename.extension
I recently came across this term and I was wondering if there is anyone that could enlighten this concept and how it could fit into application development?
Twitter Bootstrap
You're probably reffering to Twitter Bootstrap. Not to be confused with normal bootstrap, which is something else.
Twitter bootstrap is a small (frontend) css/js "framework" with which you can build fluid web pages. So this is meant for web design only.
This means that when you resize your browser, all elements will be resized aswell, so that it even displays everything nicely on a mobile device.
For examples and more information check out their github page: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
What is bootstrapping? (bootstrap)
Bootstrap (or bootstrapping) is something different. A bootstrap is a piece of code that is run when the machine (or application) first starts. A bootstrap file contains all sorts of standard configurations to configure itself.
There's actually more detail behind the whole bootstrap story, so for more information please read the wikipedia article:
Bootstrap(aka Twitter Bootstrap)
It is a powerful front-end(CSS,JS) framework for faster and
easier web development.
It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for
typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface
components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.
It is compatible with all browsers from mobile to desktop
Since version 2.0 it also supports responsive design. This
means the layout of web pages adjusts dynamically, taking into
account the characteristics of the device used (PC, tablet, mobile
Its open source and its hosted on GitHub
To know more
Actually, the people giving the prior answers themselves did not have knowledge of the term and mistakenly, provided to you something "that is more popular".
Bootstrap UI is also called Angular UI. This is a JavaScript Library that is used for enhancing features used in projects using both - Bootstrap + Angular. It synchronized between them regarding pagination and other stuff. It is useful for projects primarily using Angular.
See here more details:
Thanks, buddy!
I am currently exploring how to write platformindependant software that have forms with inputfieleds (fat client in java or dotnet as well
as web apps in asp.net or java jsf).
I stumbled over
last updated 2009: is-haxe-worth-learning
I read among others some haxe tutorial and the the wikopedia article about haxe
and it looks quite promising.
Are there any best practises how to seperate haxe-businesslogic from platformdependent-gui-logic?
or is there even a haxe-gui-abstraction layer?
There is one library that is currently developed for cross-platform NME use. You can check it out on GitHub.
It's still in development phase and has a few to-dos : It can use some help.
If you're interested in doing one-source-cross-platform things, you can also look at the conditional compilation and at the "cross" tagged haxelibs.
There is also a few MVC framework in Haxe, like MMVC, which is a port of AS3 Robotlegs.
Good luck, and share what you're doing to the community =)
I'm digging into Node.js now and the whole idea seems brilliant to me. But I'm interested in what the benefits of using Node.js are when developing "traditional" sites with a bit of AJAX and no realtime features. When I say traditional, I mean the sites that one usually builds using MVC frameworks on platforms like PHP, ASP.NET, etc.
I know that the Express framework is popular, but the question is more about what I would gain by switching to Node.js rather than simply "Can I do MVC in Node?".
Node has the advantage of
having a rich open source community with third party modules that solve most problems
having a low level API with a minimal amount of "default" bloat
reducing language context switching
having a decent level of performance
allowing you to manipulate the HTTP server programatically within your application
I guess this url: How to decide when to use Node.js? -is all you need.I am making this as community wiki.
I want to implement web application using xcode?is it possible?if yes then then please advicse me?
While I have no personal experience with it I think you are looking for Dashcode rather than Xcode for developing web applications such as the one you linked.
It's located in /Developer/Applications/Dashcode after installing the developer tools.
You can read more about using Dashcode to develop web applications in the Dashcode User Guide.
Is it possible? Yes.
Is it convenient or pleasant? No.
I'm sorry but from the question, it appears you are trying to run before you can walk. Or possibly even crawl.
XCode is not required to build an iPhone styled website, only to write an iPhone application. You would be better off starting with some HTML-CSS tutorials.
XCode is an IDE. You can use it to build a web application but you must use some kind of web application framework in the first place.
The best option is to use one of the frameworks becoming available and maturing.
In the first instance as has been said look at Dashcode, particularly the latest release as this has templates for web based apps and will actually generate the code for dual, Browser and iPhone app so the resultant code will function in both.
The there are a number of third party solutions of varying quality, ease of use and documentation.
In no particular order there is:
IUI library
jqtouch (this is jquery based)
quickconnect (which has large parts of an OReilly book devoted to it)
All of these give you the javascript and the css to make a web app look and feel and act like a native iPhone app (to one degree or another).
Dashcode is excellent for some solutions as it gives you access to all the Apple tools and has reasonable IDE. The result then runs on a normal web server.
Quickconnect actually has Dashcode templates which you load into Dashcode and build the first part of the app in, then this is exported and imported into Xcode and you completed the project in Xcode and deliver it as a Web App for the iPhone.
Thee other frameworks can be used and developed with any tools, Textmate, Eclipse etc. and the resulting code it then run on a normal web servers
In my opinion, yes.
And while xCode does not target to the web development as other software (like Brackets, DW, etc.) it has a nice feature: a drop-down menu of javascript functions, which would be extremely useful to have in other web development IDEs...