bracket syntax for Ruby Hashes - ruby

Do these two statements pass the same type of argument (a Hash) to the new method?
#seat = =>
#seat ={:flight_id =>})
Do the Hash brackets {} change anything in the second example?

They are both the same, the {} add nothing in the second argument, apart from making things even more explicit than they already were (using the => syntax is enough to say 'this is a hash' to anyone using ruby for any length of time).
Ruby will automatically turn a list of parameters like:
someFunction(:arg1 => value1, :arg2 => value2)
into a hash and pass it as a single argument for you. The time when you need to add {} around hashes is when you have things like a hash of hashes or a function that expects two hashes (such as several rails methods when you need to pass both options and html_options), like this:
someFunction({:arg1 => value1, :arg2 => value2}, {:arg3 => value3})
which will pass in two hashes (the interpreter wouldn't be able to deduce where the 2 hashes were split if left to itself, so you need to give it the {} to tell it what to do in this case)
More information is available in the Pickaxe book chapter: More About Methods in the section on Collecting Hash Arguments at the bottom.

This seems like a good place to mention another alternate syntax, using the comma to separate items within braces (using your example):
#seat ={:flight_id,})
I don't normally use the comma syntax in standard code -- like workmad3 says, the arrow (=>) makes the hash more obvious. But in an interactive Ruby session (irb), it is easier to type a comma than the arrow:
{:eyes, "blue", :height, 6.2} # => {:height=>6.2, :eyes=>"blue"}
And in Ruby 1.9, the idiomatic version has even fewer commas:
{eyes: "blue", height: 6.2}


Testing order using a hashmap

I'm a ruby beginner and reading that a Hash does not have order. I tried to play with that concept but found I could still order things like so:
Travel_Plans =
Travel_Plans[4] = "Colorado Springs"
Travel_Plans[1] = "Santa Fe"
Travel_Plans[2] = "Raton"
Travel_Plans[5] = "Denver"
Travel_Plans[3] = "Pueblo"
puts Travel_Plans.sort
Could someone explain what is meant by "Hash does not have order"?
If you could provide a simple example that would be great.
Ruby's Hash class represents a "hash map" or "key-value dictionary" in conventional terms. These are intended to be structures that allow quick random-access to individual elements, but the elements themselves have no intrinsic ordering.
Internally Ruby's Hash organizes elements into their various locations in memory using the hash method each object must provide to be used as a key. Ruby's Hash is unusually, if not ludicrously flexible, in that an object, any object, can be used as a key, and it's preserved exactly as-is. Contrast with JavaScript where keys must be strings and strings only.
That means you can do this:
{ 1 => 'Number One', '1' => 'String One', :one => 'Symbol One', 1.0 => 'Float One }
Where that has four completely different keys.
This is in contrast to Array where the ordering is an important part of how an array works. You don't want to have a queue where things go in one order and come out in another.
Now Ruby's Hash class used to have no intrinsic order, but due to popular demand now it stores order in terms of insertion. That is, the first items inserted are "first". Normally you don't depend on this behaviour explicitly, but it does show up if you're paying attention:
a = { x: '1', y: '2' }
# => {:x=>"1, :y=>"2"}
b = { }
b[:y] = '2'
b[:x] = '1'
# => {:y=>"2", :x=>"1"}
Note that the order of the keys in b are reversed due to inserting them in reverse order. They're still equivalent though:
a == b
# => true
When you call sort on a Hash you actually end up converting it to an array of key/value pairs, then sorting each of those:
# => [[:x, "1"], [:y, "2"]]
Which you could convert back into a Hash if you want:
# => {:x=>"1", :y=>"2"}
So now it's "ordered" properly. In practice this rarely matters, though, as you'll be accessing the keys individually as necessary. b[:x] doesn't care where the :x key is, it always returns the right value regardless.
Some things to note about Ruby:
Don't use, instead just use { } to represent an empty Hash structure.
Don't use capital letters for variables, they have significant meaning in Ruby. Travel_Plans is a constant, not a variable, because it starts with a capital letter. Those are reserved for ClassName and CONSTANT_NAME type usage. This should be travel_plans.
First, the statement "[h]ash does not have order" is wrong as of today. It used to be true for really old and outdated versions of Ruby. You seem to have picked outdated information, which would be unreliable as of today.
Second, the code you provided:
puts Travel_Plans.sort
is irrelevant to showing your point that the hash Travel_Plans has, i.e. preserves, the order. What you should have done to check whether the order is preserved, is to simply do:
p Travel_Plans
which would always result in showing the keys in the order 4, 1, 2, 5, 3, which matches the order in which you assigned the key-values to the hash, thus indeed shows that hash preserves the order.

Unique construct for passing a hash

I have never seen this construct for building a hash. do_stuff(records: records) Does this only work in a parameter list being sent to a method? Is it documented anywhere? I know it is Ruby 1.9+.
records = {
'' => '',
'' => '',
def do_stuff(data = {} )
puts data
do_stuff(records: records)
There are two things going on here. The { key: value } syntax is new in Ruby 1.9. It is equivalent to { :key => value }.
Also, Ruby methods have some syntactical sugar that allows you to pass in a hash literal as the last argument of the method without including the curly braces. This is not new in Ruby 1.9. So
do_stuff(key: value)
Is equivalent to
do_stuff({ key: value })
Just to remind you, this only works if the hash is the last argument to the method.
The new syntax for Hashes in Ruby 1.9 allows you to drop the hash rocket.
#Pre 1.9
{:key => value}
{key: value}
Both of the above are equivalent.
One thing to keep in mind when using the new hash syntax is that the key will always be treated as a symbol.

Why are singleton Puppet Arrays Strings in my ruby code?

I've create a custom type in Puppet (simplified for this example). If I use it like this (two items in collections)...
my_type { "example1":
ensure => present,
collections => ["abc", "def"]
} my provider, resource[:collections] is of type Array. That is good, and right.
But if collections contains only 1 item...
my_type { "example2":
ensure => present,
collections => ["abc"],
...resource[:collections] is a String, which is most disconcerting, and a pain in the ass to deal with.
Is this a Ruby thing, a Puppet thing (I'm new to both) or just some cosmic wrinkle in the coding universe I've stumbled upon? And more importantly, is there a workaround? Or am I just plain doing it wrong? I've been told that before. Don't hold back.
While I can't tell you why this happens, the standard workaround for dealing with things that can be either arrays or single objects is using the splat operator like this:[*foo]. In case foo was an array its elements will be "exploded" into a new one, so you still have an array. If foo was just a plain object, you now have a one element array.
It's not a Ruby thing.
resource = { :collection => ["abc"] }
=> Array
It seems a bit odd if the Puppet DSL would change that behavior since it's Ruby based after all. But if it really does you can take Michaels' advice. Example:
=> ["abc"]
=> "abc"
=> ["abc"]

How to convert a ruby integer into a symbol

I have a Ruby array like this
q_id = [1,2,3,4,5,...,100]
I want to iterate through the array and convert into a hash like this
:1 => { #some hash} ,
:2 => { #another hash},
:100 => {#yet another hash}
What is the shortest and most elegant way to accomplish this?
[EDIT : the to_s.to_sym while being handy is not how I want it. Apologies for not mentioning it earlier.]
For creating a symbol, either of these work:
The #inspect representation of these shows :"42" only because :42 is not a valid Symbol literal. Rest assured that the double-quotes are not part of the symbol itself.
To create a hash, there is no reason to convert the keys to symbols, however. You should simply do this:
q_id = (1..100).to_a
my_hash_indexed_by_value = {}
q_id.each{ |val| my_hash_indexed_by_value[val] = {} }
Or this:
my_hash = Hash[ *{ |v| [v,{}] }.flatten ]
Or this:
# Every time a previously-absent key is indexed, assign and return a new hash
my_hash ={ |h,val| h[val] = {} }
With all of these you can then index your hash directly with an integer and get a unique hash back, e.g.
my_hash[42][:foo] = "bar"
Unlike JavaScript, where every key to an object must be a string, Hashes in Ruby accept any object as the key.
To translate an integer into a symbol, use to_s.to_sym .. e.g.,:
Note that a symbol is more related to a string than an integer. It may not be as useful for things like sorting anymore.
Actually "symbol numbers" aren't a thing in Ruby (try to call the to_sym method on a number). The benefit of using symbols in a hash is about performance, since they always have the same object_id (try to call object_id on strings, booleans, numbers, and symbols).
Numbers are immediate value and, like Symbol objects, they always have the same object_id.
Anyway, using the new hash syntax implies using symbols as keys, but you can always use the old good "hash rocket" syntax
awesome_hash = { 1 => "hello", 2 => "my friend" }
Read about immediate values here:
If you are creating a hard-coded constant numeric symbol, there's a simpler way:
This produces the same results as the more complex methods in other answers:
irb(main):001:0> :'99'
=> :"99"
irb(main):002:0> :"#{99}"
=> :"99"
irb(main):003:0> 99.to_s.to_sym
=> :"99"
Of course, this will not work if you're dynamically creating a symbol from a variable, in which case one of the other two approaches is required.
As already stated, :1 is not a valid symbol. Here's one way to do what you're wanting, but with the keys as strings:
Hash[a.collect{|n| [n.to_s, {}] }]
An array of the objects you want in your hash would be so much easier to use, wouldn't it? Even a hash of integers would work pretty well, wouldn't it?
u can use
but this will make symbols like :"1"
You can make symbolic keys with Hash[]:
a = Hash[(1..100).map{ |x| ["#{x}".to_sym, {}] }]
Check type of hash keys:

Inconsistent implicit hash creation in Ruby?

Ok, so I was comparing some stuff in my own DSL to Ruby. One construct they both support is this
x=["key" => "value"]
Knowing the difference between arrays and hashes, I would think this to be illegal, but the result in Ruby is
[{"key" => "value"}]
Why is this? And with this kinda syntax why can't you do
x=("key" => "value")
Why is an array a special case for implicitly created hashes?
Another special case is in a function call, consider:
def f(x)
puts "OK: #{x.inspect}"
f("foo" => "bar")
=> OK: {"foo"=>"bar"}
So in some contexts, Hashes can be built implicitly (by detecting the => operator?). I suppose the answer is just that this was Matz's least-surprising behavior.
With this apparent inconsistency in implicit hash creation, ruby achieves consistency in this regard:
can always be substituted with:
args = [whatever...]
You can convert between argument lists and arrays, and therefore it is logical that they have the same syntax.
I would say that the interpreter figures out that "key" => "value" is a hash, the same way it would figure out that 5 is a number when you put it into an array.
So if you write:
x = [5]
The interpreter is not going to think that it is a string, and return:
x = ["5"]
It seems that ruby implicitly creates hashes in some instances.
