Best image format for uncompressed textures? - image

I am in the process of selecting an image format that will be used as the storage format for all in-house textures.
The format will be used as a source format from which compressed textures for different platforms and configurations will be generated, and so needs to cover all possible texture types (2D, cube, volymetric, varying number of mip-maps, floating point pixel formats, etc.) and be completely lossless.
In addition the format has to be able to keep a bit of metadata.
Currently a custom format is used for this, but a commonly available format will be easier to work with for the artists since its viewable in most image editors.
I have thought of using DDS, but this format does not support metadata as far as I can see.
All suggestions appreciated!

With your requirements you should stay with your selfmade format. I don't know about any image-format besides DDS that supports volumetric and cube-textures. Unfortunately DDS does not support meta-data.
The closest thing you can find is TIFF. It does not directly support cube-maps or volumetric textures, but it supports any number of sub-images. That way you could re-use the sub-images as slices or cube-sides.
TIFF also has a very good support for custom meta-data. The libtiff image reading/writing library works pretty good. It looks a bit archaic if you come from a OO side, but it gets it's job done.

When peeking inside various games' resources I found out that most of them store textures (I don't know whether they're compressed or not) in TGA

TIFF would probably be your closest bet for a format which supports arbitrary meta-data and multiple frames, but I think you are better off keeping the assets (in this case, images) separate from how they are converted and utilized in your engine.
Keep images in 32 bit PNG format, and put type- and meta information in XML. That keeps your data human viewable, readable and editable. Obscure custom formats are for engines, not people.

Stick with whatever your artists work with.
If you are a windows/mac shop and use
photoshop stick with .psd
If you are a unix shop and use gimp
stick with .xcf
These formats will store layers and all the stuff your artists need and are used to.
Since your artists will be creating loads of assets make their life as easy as possible,
even if it means to write some extra code.
Put the meta data (whatever it may be) somewhere "along" the images if the native format (psd/xcf) doesn't support it.
For stuff like cube maps, mipmaps (if not generated by the converter) stick to naming guidlines or guidlines on how to put them into one file.
Depending on what tool you use to create the volumetric stuff, just stick with that tools native format.
While writing custom formats for the target is usually a good idea,
writing custom formats for artists results in mayhem...

My experience with DDS is that it is a poorly documented and difficult format to work with and offers few advantages. It is generally simpler to just store a master file for each image class that has references to the source images that make it up ( i.e. 6 faces for a cube map, an arbitrary number of slices for a volume texture ) as well as any other useful meta-data. It's always going to be a good idea to keep the meta-data in a seperate file ( or in a database ) as you do not want to be loading large numbers of images when carryong out searches, populating browsers, etc. It also makes sense to seperate your source image format ( tiff, tga, jpeg, dds ... ) from your "meta-format" ( cube, volume ... ) since you may well find that you need to use lossy compression to support HDR formats or very large source volume data.

Have you tried PNG?

As an alternative solution, maybe spend some time writing a plugin for a Free Image Editor for your file format? I've never done it before, so I don't know the work involved, but there is boatloads of example code out there for you.


Music data format for polyphonic music visualization with Processing

I am interested in visualizing melodic contours of polyphonic music with Processing. It is still unclear to me, though, what the most convenient format for imported data (pitch and onset/duration) would be: tabular (e.g. Humdrum), XML (e.g. MEI, musicXML), or JSON? Maybe another format?
Any suggestions/thoughts on this would be really helpful! Thanks.
Using MIDI files would be optimal, because of the combination of those 3 reasons
MIDI is widely used. You can export a .midi file from pratically any score editor plus you can create your own by recording the input from a midi instrument.
You can already find .midi files of iconic polyphonic music on the web (Bach's counterpoints, Reinaissance vocal music, etc)
It just contain music/playback information. It doesn't contain notation information like music XML. So if you just want to see pitches and note position/duration (like in this video) then .midi will contain just what you need
You can use the Java Midi Package in Processing and it already contains everything you need to read the MIDI files.
While other formats might also apply for 1, 2, 3 or 4 only MIDI applies for all of them.
The best answer I can give you is that you should put together a simple hello world program that tests out each format and see which one you like the best.
In the end, you're the one that has to deal with the code, so only you can really decide on the best format.

How do services like SketchFab, Pix4D, DroneDeploy, etc. transfer large .OBJ files across the network for fast render times?

I've seen 3D viewer services like SketchFab, Pix4D, DroneDeploy, etc. be able to send large 3D models over a network with really quick rendering times. For example, I download the model from Pix4D directly and I see that the file is roughly 70mb which takes a considerable amount of time to serve over a network.
However, when I visit sites like SketchFab, Pix4D, etc. they only take a few seconds. It looks like they are optimizing these files somehow without losing any of the vertices (accuracy) of these models.
Any thoughts on how to serve large assets in 3D applications?
they don't download those formats. they download custom formats designed for perf and download speed.
for example
I haven't looked into the details but glTF also claims to be a designed to be a display format (a format optimized for displaying in real time) where as other formats like .obj, .dae, .fbx, .3ds, .mb, etc are all either editing formats or formats designed to change data between editors, not for displaying.

Change VkFormat at runtime

At the moment I am working on some performance measurements in Vulkan. I want to measure the difference between uncompressed formats such as VK_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT and compressed formats such as VK_FORMAT_BC6H_UFLOAT_BLOCK. Is there a built-in feature in Vulkan that allows switching between formats at runtime?
Since the data is created at runtime, it is unfortunately not an option to compress the data offline. I also know that I could implement the compression myself, but BC6 is so complex that I would like to avoid it if possible.
If Vulkan does not support this feature, is there some C++ lib that I could use instead?
Vulkan does not have built-in on-the-fly image compression. According to a quick Google search, the DirectXTex library seems like it should do what you want.

Pre-multiply pixels after WIC 'Copy Pixels' call

I have been looking at creating PARGB32 bitmaps. This seems to be necessary to produce images which work fully with post-XP menu-items.
This example is very interesting but rather complicated as I have rarely if ever used OLE interfaces before. However, after carefully studying the piece of code that uses WIC and OLE I think I understand how it works. The one thing which confuses me is the comment by user 'David Hellerman'. To summarize, he states this example function is not complete. It does not take in to account any potential alpha information in the source Icon - and if there IS alpha data it must be pre-multiplied on a pixel by pixel basis while scanning through the ppvBuffer variable.
My question has two parts. How do I detect the presence of alpha data in my icons while using WIC instead of GDI and how do I go about pre-multiplying it in to the pixels if it does exist?
Technically, the sample code is wrong because it does not account for or check the format of the IWICBitmap object when calling CopyPixels. CreateBitmapFromHICON presumably always uses a specific format (that sample suggests it's 32-bit PBGRA but the comments are suggesting it's BGRA) when creating the bitmap, but that is not documented by MSDN, and relying on it is at the very least bad form. WIC supports many pixel formats, and not all of them are 32-bit or RGB.
You can use the WICConvertBitmapSource function ( to convert the data to a specific, known format, in your case you'll want GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppPBGRA (you're probably used to seeing that format written as PARGB, but WIC uses an oddly sensible naming convention based on the order of components in an array of bytes rather than 32-bit ints). If converting means premultiplying the data, it will do that, but the point is that if you want a specific format you don't need to worry about how it gets there. You can use the resulting IWICBitmapSource in the same way that the MSDN sample uses its IWICBitmap.
You can use IWICBitmapSource::GetPixelFormat ( to determine the pixel format of the image. However, there is no way to know in general whether the alpha data (if the format has alpha data) is premultiplied, you'd simply have to recognize the format GUID. I generally use GetPixelFormat when I want to handle more than one format specifically, but I still fall back on WICConvertBitmapSource for the formats I don't handle.
Edit: I missed part of your question. It's not possible to detect based on the IWICBitmap whether the icon originally had an alpha channel, because WIC creates a bitmap with an alpha channel from the icon in all cases. It's also not necessary, because premultiplying the alpha is a no-op in this case.

Best way to store "doodle" data?

On one of the applications that I am writing, I was asked to provide the feature for "pencil and eraser" to allow the user to doodle randomly on a document (for proofreading, note-taking, etc.)
What would be the best way to store such data?
I was thinking of using an image with transparency for each doodle (so that I can also support multiple colors of "doodles") but it seems like it will very quickly make any saved project with doodles grow large in file size.
I am looking if there is a better (existing) alternative (e.g. is there a DoodleXML spec out there?) or just any suggestions.
I think the "DoodleXML" spec you're looking for might just be SVG. Simply save the doodles as a series of lines. You don't need a full SVG engine as long as you're only supporting the subset that you generate in the first place.
