problem reading args from batch script - windows

On windows, I'm trying to acquire the file name using the %~f1 parameter.
I'm doing this from a new voice (command) which I've added to the contextual menu.
In the windows registry, the voice simply calls a batch script which prints the file name,
by this way:
`C:\script.bat %~f1`
but I get this output:
`C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\%~f1`
so, the path is ok, but what about the filename?!
Suggestions? Thanks!

When the context menu item it triggered, it is done so by Explorer (not cmd.exe) and Explorer does not implement %~f1. Hence you get the current result.
What you need is to modify your script so it receives the whole filename (you would probably put only 'C:\script.bat %1' or 'C:\script.bat' in the registry) and update your script to use %~f1:
#echo first argument: %1
#echo filename only: %~f1
#notepad %~f1
Good luck with that!

Try enclosing the entire variable in %'s.
C:\script.bat %~f1%


Why is an argument passed to a Perl script not working on running it from within a batch file?

I wrote a batch called pippo.bat for launching a program with an argument. However, it fails in getting such argument. In other words, it acts as I don't give it any argument.
#echo off
mode con: cols=150 lines=5000
title Link Setting
cd /d E:\Program Files (x86)\pippo\bin
pippoedit.ovpl –f C:\Work\pippo.xml
What's wrong?
You're executing pippoedit.ovpl –f C:\Work\pippo.xml.
Note the extension, .ovpl, which isn't registered as an executable. This means you let the OS figure out and start the application associated with that extension, and start that program with that filename as argument. Here, a small repro:
#echo off
foo.txt bar.txt
This starts Notepad or whichever application is associated with the .txt extension and displays the file foo.txt.
When you do this, Windows doesn't do anything with the arguments beyond the first. Instead you should start the application directly, and pass it the arguments:
pippoedit.exe pippoedit.ovpl –f C:\Work\pippo.xml
Or whatever the executable is called.

Batch parameter via double click

i would like to create a batch script and run it via double click,
but the commands that i use, need a parameter
example: the bat file open the prompt and ask for a parameter, then it create a diredtory with that parameter as name
(in reality is a parameter to give to plink, but the example is similar)
How can i do that?
i know how to get a parameter via command line:
#echo off
mkdir %1
but how to do that via double click?
This may help. Describes how to prompt from batch file for the various versions of windows through the ages.
Here is the basic form of what you are after:
SET /P FOLDER=Enter a folder name:
MKDIR "%1"
You can click the parameter(s) in morse code. It will then be interpreted by Windows correctly. Make sure to get your timing right though.

How to start an application without waiting in a batch file?

Is there any way to execute an application without waiting in batch file? I have tried the start command but it just creates a new command window.
I'm making a guess here, but your start invocation probably looks like this:
start "\Foo\Bar\Path with spaces in it\program.exe"
This will open a new console window, using “\Foo\Bar\Path with spaces in it\program.exe” as its title.
If you use start with something that is (or needs to be) surrounded by quotes, you need to put empty quotes as the first argument:
start "" "\Foo\Bar\Path with spaces in it\program.exe"
This is because start interprets the first quoted argument it finds as the window title for a new console window.
I used start /b for this instead of just start and it ran without a window for each command, so there was no waiting.
If your exe takes arguments,
start MyApp.exe -arg1 -arg2
If start can't find what it's looking for, it does what you describe.
Since what you're doing should work, it's very likely you're leaving out some quotes (or putting extras in).
EDIT moved /B parameter/switch to before the command path, as per Nime Cloud's recommendation
I successfully used a combo of #joey's post, with added /B flag, as follows
START "" /B "Path\To\Application.exe"
Partial output from help command: HELP START...
B Start application without creating a new window. The
application has ^C handling ignored. Unless the application
enables ^C processing, ^Break is the only way to interrupt
the application.
This command starts ClamAV in a seperate console window with custom icon of clamd.exe
start "c:\clamav\clamd.exe" "c:\clamav\clamd.exe"
So the generic format would be like:
start "Your new title" "c:\path\your.exe"

Administrator's shortcut to batch file with double quoted parameters

Take an excruciatingly simple batch file:
echo hi
Save that as test.bat. Now, make a shortcut to test.bat. The shortcut runs the batch file, which prints "hi" and then waits for a keypress as expected. Now, add some argument to the target of the shortcut. Now you have a shortcut to:
%path%\test.bat some args
The shortcut runs the batch file as before.
Now, run the shortcut as administrator. (This is on Windows 7 by the way.) You can use either right-click -> Run as Administrator, or go to the shortcut's properties and check the box in the advanced section. Tell UAC that it's okay and once again the shortcut runs the batch file as expected.
Now, change the arguments in the target of the shortcut to add double quotes:
%path%\test.bat "some args"
Now try the shortcut as administrator. It doesn't work this time! A command window pops up and and disappears too fast to see any error. I tried adding > test.log 2>&1 to the shortcut, but no log is created in this case.
Try running the same shortcut (with the double quotes) but not as Administrator. It runs the batch file fine. So, it seems the behavior is not because of the double quoted parameters, and it's not because it's run as Administrator. It's some weird combination of the two.
I also tried running the same command from an administrator's command window. This ran the batch file as expected without error. Running the shortcut from the command window spawned a new command window which flashed and went away. So apparently the issue is caused by a combination of administrator, the shortcut, and the double quotes.
I'm totally stumped, does anyone have any idea what's going on? I'd also like a workaround.
I just ran Process Monitor on this and here is what I saw:
Run as User:
cmd /c ""C:\Users\Sunbelt\Desktop\test.bat" "some args""
Run as Admin:
"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /C "C:\Users\Sunbelt\Desktop\test.bat" "some args"
For some reason, the Run as Admin case is not quoting the entire command. It seems it is trying to run the command:
C:\Users\Sunbelt\Desktop\test.bat" "some args
I would guess that since the first space is quoted it actually trying to run the following command:
"C:\Users\Sunbelt\Desktop\test.bat some" args
And in Process Monitor logs there is a file system entry of "NO SUCH FILE" for "C:\Users\Sunbelt\Desktop\test.bat some". I don't know why it is different when run as Admin, but that's what appears to be happening.
To work around this, create another bat file on a path without spaces, and with a filename without spaces, that simply does this:
call "Long path to original bat file\Original bat file.bat"
This secondary bat file can be run as admin.
You can now create a shortcut to this secondary bat file and check run as admin in the shortcut's advanced options. The shortcut can be placed on a path with spaces and it can have a filename containing spaces.
In my case I just want to pass one filename as parameter, but the path has spaces.
I found a solution that worked for this case (if that's okay to truncate the file name).
Create another bat file (input_gate.bat) to remove the spaces in the path using the syntax of CALL.exe.
Assuming that the shortcut is named test.lnk and is on the same route as the input_gate.bat:
call %~sdp0test.lnk %~sf1
This pass as a parameter to test.bat the full file name in short format, with administrator privileges.
%~sdp0 -> Is the current path (for the input_gate.bat) in short format.
%~sf1 -> Is the first parameter passed to input_gate.bat (in my case the full filename with spaces)
This worked for me in Windows 7:
ShortcutTarget: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C myscript.bat Param1 "Param Two with spaces"
StartIn: "C:\Path containing\my script"
Not tried it yet as Admin. I don't think it would work if myscript.bat contained spaces
I finally figured it out, in a way that allows the use of long filenames (short filenames weren't adequate for my use case). My solution works on Win 7, 8, and 10. I think it was inspired by Luke's mention of the missing double-quote.
Here it is:
1.) For the shortcut you create to the batch file, which you set to run as admin, use the following command line:
cmd /s /c ""path_to_batch_file"
Note that there are 2 double-quote characters at the beginning of the command, and only 1 at the end, even though there should normally be 2 at the end also. But that is the trick in getting it to work!
2.) In your batch file, add back the missing double-quote character:
set user_file=%1"
That's it! Here's an example to let you see it in action:
1.) On your desktop, create "test.bat" with the following content:
#echo off
set user_file=%1"
echo The file is: %user_file%
3.) Create a shortcut to the batch file. Set it to run as admin, and give it the following command line:
cmd /s /c ""%userprofile%\desktop\test.bat"
4.) Drag a file onto the shortcut. Success! (I hope...)
Answer here worked for me:
Which is...
Adding cmd /C before the target.
I also had to make sure my script's name and path didn't have spaces, and not quote the script's path in target.

How to create batch file in Windows using "start" with a path and command with spaces

I need to create a batch file which starts multiple console applications in a Windows .cmd file. This can be done using the start command.
However, the command has a path in it. I also need to pass paramaters which have spaces as well. How to do this?
E.g. batch file
start "c:\path with spaces\app.exe" param1 "param with spaces"
Actually, his example won't work (although at first I thought that it would, too). Based on the help for the Start command, the first parameter is the name of the newly created Command Prompt window, and the second and third should be the path to the application and its parameters, respectively. If you add another "" before path to the app, it should work (at least it did for me). Use something like this:
start "" "c:\path with spaces\app.exe" param1 "param with spaces"
You can change the first argument to be whatever you want the title of the new command prompt to be. If it's a Windows app that is created, then the command prompt won't be displayed, and the title won't matter.
Escaping the path with apostrophes is correct, but the start command takes a parameter containing the title of the new window. This parameter is detected by the surrounding apostrophes, so your application is not executed.
Try something like this:
start "Dummy Title" "c:\path with spaces\app.exe" param1 "param with spaces"
start "" "c:\path with spaces\app.exe" "C:\path parameter\param.exe"
When I used above suggestion, I've got:
'c:\path' is not recognized a an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I think second qoutation mark prevent command to run. After some search below solution save my day:
start "" CALL "c:\path with spaces\app.exe" "C:\path parameter\param.exe"
Interestingly, it seems that in Windows Embedded Compact 7, you cannot specify a title string. The first parameter has to be the command or program.
You are to use something like this:
start /d C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe
start /d "C:\Program Files\Mozilla
Firefox" firefox.exe start /d
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office12" EXCEL.EXE
Also I advice you to use special batch files editor - Dr.Batcher
Surrounding the path and the argument with spaces inside quotes as in your example should do. The command may need to handle the quotes when the parameters are passed to it, but it usually is not a big deal.
I researched successfully and it is working fine for me. My requirement is to sent an email using vbscript which needs to be call from a batch file in windows. Here is the exact command I am using with no errors.
START C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\akapoor\Desktop\Mail.vbs"
