When do you blow the scope creep whistle? [closed] - project-management

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Most people have been here at some point or another - in your project, you get really small requests along the way that you're happy to take care of, but at some point the little things add up. Sometimes it takes less time to implement something than it does to re-negotiate the project plan.
Providing the spec/requirements plan is decent and it isn't a doomed project to start with, at what point do you actually blow the whistle and start re-negotiating? At any request? When that request requires additional pages / forms? Or just feel it out? Would love to hear how you make the call.

Budget N hours of ad-hoc requests in your project plan. (You know it's going to happen, so why isn't it in there?) Then track your ad-hoc requests and renegotiate when the budget's blown.

At any request?
The real goal is to make the customer happy while not getting ripped off, right? Agile methods address these issues to a large extent. New requirements always come up, and if you don't address them as they come you end up building things that are obsolete or dysfunctional out of the box. So what you need is customer buy-in to the process, a working prototype as soon as possible, and lots of iterating. There's a ton more, of course, but that should be enough to be getting on with.
Edited to add: Customer buy-in means they are aware of you working on a new feature instead of whatever you would be doing, and that they are in agreement. When you've gone through your schedule and budget and still aren't done they they've been there with you the whole way and know why. No big surprise "What? You're not DONE?!"

I'd say when it's going to impact the schedule/release date. If that happens, it's definitely time to blow the whistle. If either the scope creep is of sufficient magnitude, or if there are enough cumulative changes that it's impacting your ability to ship on time, then you should push back.

The moment your budget gets blown. You can't keep doing all these "freebie" add-ons - unless you are doing it for charity.
Once you've put your foot down once, you'll find the requests drying up!

I have only been in this situation with internal tools where our stated goal was to best serve any whim of our "customers" in a situation where there was no way to predict needs in advance. So take my answer with a grain of salt.
My view is that the decision is often political, and unless you're the head of the company it might not even be up to you. The cost of unsatisfied customers going over your head to your boss can be more damaging.
I'm a big believer in agile and continuous requirement gathering that does involve seeing how users work with the product, and trying to match their needs. However, every user has his individual "nice to haves" and there's no way to satisfy everyone. If you have multiple target users, democracy is a good system - only implement things that the majority of the users can benefit from.
If your clients are a cohesive group (e.g., you're making it for users in a specific department in a specific organization), run a Wiki site or something like SO or other engines where they can list and then collaboratively vote on possible features. Make it clear that you will give priority (but no guarantees) about higher rated features, and that you're probably not going to give priority to things that don't get votes from others.
In doing so, you may be able to get the clients to apply some collaborative filtering (or peer pressure) on ideas. You will also get some visibility, so people can see why their wishes were not respected. An important side benefit is that whoever requested a feature now has an interest in formulating the request and its rationale well, so that they can get others to vote for them. This will eliminate some asinine half-baked ideas.
Of course, an underlying assumption of all this is that you budgeted some time to "misc features" with whoever is paying for the projec.

The estimated completion date is more of a probability curve than a single date.
Any extra feature reduces the likelihood of meeting some particular date.
You should 'blow the whistle' if and when the decrease in likelihood becomes 'significant' or worth mentioning.


organizing code and how to hit deadlines in a programming deadline [closed]

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I know this may not be exactly a coder question, but I feel it is still related to programming because I'm sure many developers have come across this before and might have some insight on how to resolve this or have advice. There is an actually programming question though.
My issue as a developer.
I work in a small company, roughly 15 people, 5 of which are developers include myself, the rest are tech support and management. Problem I'm having is, when we get a SOW (Statement of Work), our clients give us a rough description of the project they are requesting, which usually is a 1-3 page brief description, usually including a Visio document, now as a programming, I'm responsible for going over the document and relaying a time-line on how long it should take me to complete the project.
Unfortunately, there have been times, not only me, where we under-estimate the project because we didn't fully get into it till we actually developed it, which ends up slapping ourselves in the face, because my boss is upset because he is being hounded by the client, who is now upset because we missed our promised deadline.
My question is, how do you guys handle organizing basic project description when you need to give deadlines on more concept, and do you have any ideas on how to organize it.
I'm thinking of going to my boss and suggesting, instead of always pushing a estimated deadline to our clients which expect us to hit that, we should write up a detailed document that is more step-by-step (more like what to do) on how to develop the application they want, it may take a lot more time, but least if the project is moved to someone else it is laid out for them, and when I usually get back to it 4 months later, I don't have to refresh up again, I can just follow the steps I wrote.
What do you guys think? Ideas? Or better ways to handle this?
If you switch your development to using an iterative methodology (Agile, XP, Scrum, etc), then the customer will see results much earlier than any deadline you feel you have to promise - usually every 1 or 2 weeks.
The moment they see what you've developed, I can pretty much guarantee that they'll make changes to their initial requirements as they now have a visual representation of the product and it may not be quite what they were thinking of. Some of their changes might be quite radical, so best to get the feedback as early as possible.
In all the projects where i've insisted we do this, the customer was delighted - they saw the results early, could influence the project outcome, and we hit their end deadline. Unexpectedly, a whole load of features got left behind and - guess what - the customer did not mind at all as they got the top features they wanted and put the project/product straight into production as they'd had lots of time to refine it to suit their business, so they were already familiar with it.
It takes a lot of effort to get management, sales, creative, etc, to all buy-in to an iterative style, so you may need to implement a hybrid solution int he mean time, but in my experience, it is well worth it.
If a complete shift to iterative is not possible, split your project into tangible milestones and deliver on those milestones. As others have said, inflate your estimates. My previous manager doubled my estimates and the sales team doubled his too.
Inflate your project deadlines. It's something that most programmers should do (and I quote the VP of Freeverse, the company that I work at):
It is a well-known fact among people
who work in the software industry that
the last 5% of development always takes the longest.
If possible try to divide the higher level tasks as much as possible so that you can get a better approximation of how many man hours that sub-task would take.
Also, adding hidden buffers to your task execution helps in covering some of the unseen contingencies.
If you mock up (balsamiq or whatever) with your customer, you will get more details. Armed with those details and some experience, your estimates will be more accurate. And then double it and add 4 (hours,days,weeks,months)
First, unless you systematically under-estimate, your boss should not get upset. It's his job to answer to the client, and he should know that by definition, an estimate is NOT the future. Statistically, sometimes you should deliver earlier, sometimes later.
Personally, I think that the frame of "how long will it take" is not exactly the right discussion to have. Software development is a risky business, and change/surprises happen all the time. One approach which helps is to focus less on the "right" number, and more on the volatility. Look at the project, and consider the places where you are pretty clear on how long it will take (you have done it before and understand it well), and look at the places where you have uncertainty (unclear requirements, new technology), and for these, think about how bad it could go, and why. That will help you get not one number, but rather boundaries: what you think is reasonable, a worst-case scenario, maybe a best case scenario (which the client should never see :) ) - and convey that information to your boss, so that he can manage accordingly.
Additionally, this will allow you to identify the danger points of the project, and you can then prototype accordingly - look into the uncertainty points as early as possible, so that you can tighten up the timeline fast, and have early warnings for your boss and the client.

Should you include a much-requested feature that is fundamentally wrong? [closed]

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Closed 13 years ago.
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In our main product, we've got a feature request that's been around for a couple of years now that's been requested quite a few times. It's technically easy to implement, the problem is that it will fundamentally change the concept of what the tool does, and will likely cause more bug reports as people mis-use the new feature to match the new concept (which we won't be able to work around). We've got a separate feature that works around the issue quite well, but we still get requests to implement the new one.
Should we
listen to our users, and implement the new feature, even though it changes the concept of what the product does and what we want it to do, and will increase support costs
add some more support articles explaining how to use the workaround
make the workaround more obvious in the UI so the users find it more often
something else
Implement it as a plug-in.
It will be available for users who really want it, but won't fundamentally change your product.
Most users won't end up installing it, so your support base will be smaller.
It won't get in the way of users who don't use it.
If this feature runs counter to the philosophy of your product, it indicates that the product does not conform to the mental model of your users. The consequences of that are much larger than just a single missing feature. You need to get inside your users heads, and figure out how to adjust your model to their expectations, or guide their expectations towards your model.
Put enough thought into this and it could become a great opportunity for you.
In 'The Mythical Man Month' (which you have read, haven't you?), Brooks says words to the effect that 'conceptual integrity of the architecture is the most important thing'. That means that if the requested feature breaks the conceptual integrity of the overall design of your product, you probably should continue to avoid implementing it, regardless of how much it is requested. Or, you need to reshape the architecture so that the requested feature fits into the revised architecture.
One of the products I work on has a 'much requested feature' that was added. It behaves unlike any other feature in the product. It is a horrid wart. But since the competition does it, we had to do it. But instead of remaining true our architecture (which happens to differ fundamentally from the competition's in this area), we aped the competition's feature, down to silly details.
I still bitterly resent the fact that the feature was botched into the system with broken semantics w.r.t the rest of the product. To rub salt into the wound, I had to present the new feature as the 'greatest thing since sliced bread' to our customer base -- that really hurt.
Having said that, no-one has complained (as I think they should) about the feature. It probably gets used sometimes. It is one less difference that the competition can use against us.
(And note: I was not against the feature being implemented in a style consistent with our product's normal way of working; I was only against it being implemented in the style that our competition uses - because the other related features work analogously to the broken implementation in their system, whereas our system is more sane and friendly.)
It's tough. Sometimes the market wins out.
It's almost impossible to answer this, as we don't know exactly what you're talking about.
Having said that some points:
The number of users who actually want the feature, probably are far higher then you think, as most users will never log feedback.
You describe a 'workaround', this implies your product either has a problem, or it's UI needs to change.
I'd be inclined to implement it, as this will make your customers happy.
An option would be to give them a menu option, which directs them to both methods.
Possibly a wizard of some sort, which helps them decide which workaround to use.
I would try to re-design the UI for your work around to make it easier and more obvious for your users. At the end of the day, the customer pays the bills so we have and obligation to meet their needs. When what they ask for will cause more problems, it comes back to us to offer a different solution such that we don't create more future bugs, and we still keep the customers happy.
While not a programming question, I've seen quite a few people over the years struggle with this type of issue.
You need to ask yourself a few questions
1) Have you, or management, done a cost-benefit analysis?
Ask yourself "How will the feature.."
increase sales? i.e. will more people
buy it
decrease sales? i.e. loosing customers that are put off
impact customer service?
2) If the product will change radically - would it make sense to spin it off to an entire new SKU?
3) Management will get what they want in the end. Do you want to work with them to provide your customers the best experience possible & be the hero, or against them and look for other opportunities.
Define "our users". Is it 5% of your user base, 80%, 95%? Have you surveyed enough of them to find out if this is something that the vast majority of the users want, or is it just a rogue group of users (they can be the most difficult and hard to please).
I think that needs to be established first. If it's the majority of your user base and it adds value in their eyes, then I would try to reach a compromise where you meet in the middle, not compromising the integrity of your product, but still offering the customer an alternative solution that would still meet their needs.
Announce the workaround as the solution to the request to those who have requested it. Make the workaround more prominent in the UI / easier to use.
I would go with whatever has more potential ROI. Will you increase profits by implementing this feature? If so, does that exceed the cost of supporting the new feature? If potential profits are greater than your support cost, I'd suggest going with the feature.
If there is no gain to be made either finacially or by lowering costs for support, then it makes no sense to do it.
I'd go with a simple guess at the cost (in terms of usability) versus the benefit, at least as a major factor to weigh. For example, if the feature will likely help 45% of users but make the program harder to use for the other 55%, don't do it.

How to compete on a scarce spec'd project to avoid team death-march [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm time+cost estimating a semi-complex software solution, that hasn't got specific requirements in about 75% of features. I would still like to make as good estimate as possible, by getting additional data from the client. There will still be parts that may end up not being able to develop, since there's too many dependencies with other products/technologies and lack of definition. I also have a very tight schedule to produce this estimate.
There will also be other contenders on this project. Client expects a price+duration (and probably also features) and I know everyone will be off. I know that's impossible, but tell that to marketing people. Another problem is that I'm talking to middle-man and not directly to the client. I can get confidence with middle-man only, but not with the deciding client. Which is a different problem altogether.
What disclaimer/info can I put in my price plan/contract not to kill team with this project, so when project starts slipping (in terms of cost/time/features) we will be covered with some sort of payment. I would of course like to be paid by sprints or releases with relation to time, but I doubt client could be convinced in this. I'm sure we can finish this product before deadline and also create a great product, but how can I convice client to believe me?
What can I do to get this project and avoid death march situation at the same time?
Any suggestion welcome!
EDIT: Outcome
In the end we (me and my co-worker) convinced the client we need at least a week to evaluate the product. So we did. We also pushed (and got) a slot for a few hours long meeting with the client to clarify any outstanding requirements' questions. So we did. Meeting was done after we made the first estimate draft, so we were sure we have all the questions to point out specifics that were either completely misunderstood or too vague to estimate. I hope we get the project, because it would mean 8 months of full time work for us, plus a reasonable pay. We'll know in about a week and a half.
Of course I also pointed out that the way we'll be delivering this product will get them exactly where they want to be with a product that will actually be what they wanted. And also that we only commit to price and time, but not functionality, because it is and will be subject to change. I think we made a good enough impression.
In this economic environment, there are a lot of companies competing for a little work. Someone is bound to give them a very sweet bid that will
Not be able to deliver on,
Kill their team with, or
When they can't deliver at the agreed price, they will start to cut down on the quality in order to deliver something and get paid.
Your challenge is to present that fact to your prospect in a professional manner, and convince them that you will work very hard to deliver at a reasonable cost, but also to deliver exactly what they need. The fact that you're going back for more detail, and the method you approach the project with (agile... but be sure and explain the business benefit to them) helps ensure that they will end up with what they really need.
Remember, they want to get the software delivered that they need at the lowest possible price.
Convince them that you will deliver exactly to their needs, and that your price is reasonable.
Welcome to the world of fixed priced development services :-)
Techniques for to win this project and avoid death march situation at the same time:
Don't underbid a project. Bid for what you think the project will take and add some percentage for things likely to go wrong.
If you are missing 75% of the detail, odds are the project will be significantly different than you currently expect. Document some reasonable detail assumptions within the outline of the defined work. When the project actually starts and the details don't match the assumption, you have an opportunity to negotiate the costs for the changes. At that time, you may also be in a better position to know how much you are over/under and attempt to compensate with this quote.
Your goal in an SOW (statement of work) should be to define enough details so that it gives you an opportunity to renegotiate the cost of changes when you know more about the project. Write these as positives, as much as possible. Note, it is unlikely that people that actually understand the project will read or understand the SOW...I base this on the point that you are given few details to quote. This means it isn't a consultative sale and neither party is really focused on building the 'right' solution.
If you can get a contract as T&M (time and materials) great. I doubt you'll get it or unable to get it without some restrictions that essentially defeat the purpose of a T&M. Your potential customers look at this as them accepting all of the risks around your abilities.
Hopefully, you aren't the first at your company to do this. Find out, historically, how projects have been and the typical result rates. Many software development groups charge an hourly rate that is significantly higher than cost...but their quotes tend to be lower and not actual hours. Customers often will argue more about the hours/days than the actual quote. Enterprises tend to be used to paying high hourly rates.
Figure out your department's expected margin (profit you need to gain from the job). This may help you to understand how much of a 'death march' you may face when your project slips.
In the SOW specify the level of detail that will be required in a specification before you begin work. While Agile and other customer focused processes take an approach that oriented at finding the best solution, they aren't designed to keep costs under control in a fixed bid environment. You will need to take a waterfall approach to requirements and then build in an agile fashion so that you can adjust along the way. The specification, like the SOW, will give you an opportunity to bill for changes. While the customer won't like this, it will put the burden and risks associated with requirements on them and not your team.
Note, to be successful with these negotiations, you needs a supportive management, sales and project management team. If you don't have that, you are bound to always be on 'death marches.' Even if you forgo quality, process, testing and other items, you'll find there's never enough time for a project.
Addressing the middle-men situation. I think the best course of action would be to submit a list of risks along with your bid as a courtesy to the customer. Kind of like giving them a heads-up on what their project limitations are. This will cost you some work up front but I think it could help you win the project.
you have two options
make a best-guess and double or triple your estimate (your competition is probably doing the same thing.)
explain to the customer that you can't bid work like this, and tell him that everyone else that gives him a fixed estimate is probably not being completely truthful.
At the end of the day, if you can't make money on the work, the there is not point in trying for it.
Personally, I prefer the latter, up-front and honest communication with your customers will take you farther than any bid tricks ever will.
A few things I'd say you should think about:
Assumptions: There's no one disclaimer you can add but you need to fill the gaps in the requirements with sensible assumptions and document them. Nothing major or scary, just a section in your spec/bid with a list of bullet points saying what you assumed to be true which was missing (e.g. users details will be pulled using LDAP and no admin screens will be written to cover user admin).
This gives you clarity in estimating as you now have a full scope to work from, but it also means that if the client comes back with things which are wildly different you have a fair basis to start talking about raising change requests and varying the cost. Alternatively they may come back during the negotiations saying this assumption or that one isn't true and you have more information.
Out of Scope: A specific case of assumptions - list things which you aren't including (e.g. No integration will exist with system X). Again this allows you to have a full scope and a reasonable case for potentially varying cost at a later stage.
Assumptions and out of scope are particularly applicable when things are mentioned in passing but not really followed up, or for things which they say could wait for a second phase. These are often the things the client will believe are being done as part of the main project but the project team don't.
Hopefully the thoroughness and insight from the assumptions and scope you define will help inspire confidence with the ultimate client too.
Contingency: A tricky one but you should add contingency in two ways:
(1) for specific risks. For things which might mean something takes longer than you've estimated then put in an amount to cover that weighted by the chance of it happening. Add all these up and that's your risk contingency.
(2) Shit happens contingency - unpredictable shit happens on IT projects. Add between 10% and 20% to cover this.
Whether you hide contingency from your commercial people and the client or not depends on your relationship but if it gets removed they need to understand what that means (essentially you WILL over run).
Understand the relationship between effort and cost: As a technologist your role is to provide an estimate of the effort based on the information you have. You need to then communicate that with assumptions, level of contingency and so on to your commercial team who can convert it into a monetary value. The thing to be clear with them on is that if they want to drop the cost that doesn't change the effort.
There are loads of good reasons for writing down the cost to the client (to build a relationship, because you'll end up with stuff you can reuse later and so on) but people need to understand that unless the scope changes the effort stays the same - the reduction comes out of the profit.
i have a blog article which may have a few tips in it for you:
one of the other posters here has a good point to. there will always be someone who will offer a lower price to get the work. and the developer will suffer for it later (i.e. having to do a lot of free work to satisfy the client).
some clients need to have this experience before it clicks that you cant do IT projects on the cheap without paying some kind of price.
Go for realism. Avoid promising too much, then make a point of it.
A lot of customers out there have been burnt by unrealistic offerers who fail to deliver as promised.
Emphasize the need for a specifications sprint. Convey a focus on core functionality and commitment to deliver rather than a feature bonanza. Offer a primary development phase to deliver core functionality.
Communicate the power and safety of the agile approach. Credit the customer with the ability to see good sense.
In short: Strive to come across as realistic and serious (more so than your competitors). The most important thing for any serious customer in the end is not the price, but a confidence that the product will be delivered on time and budget.

What should I do? let this product branch in two, or keep it unified [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am a first time intern at a large corporation and I created a GUI tool that lets my coworkers visualize the log file that their product produces. The tool, known as MRI, is nearing completion and I face a conflict.
One party, (Two ambitious Indian guys that live in California) want me to adapt MRI to a new format and to display much more detailed information. The current version of MRI is built around the idiosyncrasies of the 20 year old log file format. In my opinion it is a bad idea to attempt to grow a more powerful, more universal tool out of a less powerful and idiosyncratic one (Better to start from scratch; something I probably don't have time to do).
The other party is composed of several marketing types and my father. They are drooling over the shiny new GUI that I slapped on top of their crazy old log file, and every one of them wants some feature that would help them with their day to day work.
Whom should I please? I just want to code. Which path will lead to less dumb conflicts like this?
Sounds like you are getting your first taste of the world of a manager! I'm doing exactly the same thing 10 years later, with a much bigger budget and head count. So it never really ends.
I love the answer about doing some time estimates for each requested addition, and then sitting down all parties and working on a negotiation that gets the greatest degree of satisfication. I'm betting that since you are an intern, and many of the people you mention have seniority, that they will be able sort out amongst themselves who has the biggest stake and most power in the situation. But if not, don't hesitate to act as moderator -- after all, this is your project.
Other things to think about:
Types of stake holders:
Customers - the person who controls the budget is often the most powerful of stakeholders, after all, they control your ability to do the work by controlling your funding. For an internal tool, this is probably an internal stakeholder, but it may be someone from a non-engineering group, if this tool is for a non-engineering purpose.
Users - in the long run, users often make or break a tool. They definitely determine the tool's longetivity. It's not unusual, though, for users to lack advocates. And in a big internal project, it's entirely possible that users are not the customers.
Technical Management - particularly when you are an intern and when you are working on an internal project, technical management is the group that's most important for you (as an individual) to please. They may have their own stake in the feature set, as they may be looking for a certain feature path for the product that fits a long term technological end game. Ideally, they should be on your side, and helping to figure out the best feature set.
In a big company, hopefully these roles are really well defined. Probably with an org chart. But not necessarily. And in a group that's used to working together, they may not make it really clear to a new comer exactly what the official roles are. As the guy doing the work, you're job should be to accurately and honestly tell them your best guess on what effort it will take to get the feature done. And to be open to ideas for making it cheaper/easier.
The best negotiation advice I've ever gotten was "A good negotiation is one where everyone thinks they won". Sadly, the frequent outcome is that everyone feels equally screwed. The trick between every stakeholder leaving happy and every stakeholder feeling beaten down is to see the big picture and be innovative about getting everyone's needs met. In the end, no one really cares how you do it, if you can make their jobs easier, they will be happy. So finding features that serves everyone well can be the key to resolving the conflict.
Being able to do this well will really make a positive impact on your bosses. This is an extremely rare skill, and this type of finesse does get noticed.
Not having it does not mark you as a pariah, however, not many engineers enjoy negotiation. And it's never worth making every engineer be good at it. It's far better to find an engineering manager who is good at negotiating and to let them be the "speaker for the geeks", so the rest of the engineers can do their work in peace. :)
Sit the two parties down in the same room. Show them a list of the features each has asked for and how long you think each will take. Then explain that all of it is possible but all of it takes time, and ask them to come to agreement on what they would like when. Note down what is agreed and mail it to everyone afterwards so there is a record. Don't forget to pad your estimates to allow for testing and debugging time.
Alternatively, work out who the person directly responsible for managing you is, implement what they tell you (feeding back estimates of how long each thing will take) and tell anyone else who asks you to implement anything to go talk to that person to get it on your schedule; then doing the above management work becomes their problem.
Explain, if doing one of the above does not cause the matter does not resolve itself, that the Californians' features would require a refactor, and if you are going to do that you would rather hold off implementing any features for the other party until that is complete since doing the same work twice is wasteful.

How do you manage customers with regards to changing requirements? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Steve Yegge's wisdom notwithstanding, most developers are faced with requirements which were gathered from non-technical customers. Sometimes there are project managers who deal with the customers and translate their requirements, other times not. In any event, the fact that the requirements will change is an inevitability.
Most of what consititues "good programming practice" has to do with developing systems which are adaptable so that they can withstand changing requirements. Principles like YAGNI, DRY, loose coupling, etc. contribute to this. Iterative development processes such as Agile also attempt to address the concern of trying to hit a moving target, and of course having a system under test makes it infinitely more feasible to make changes.
Nonetheless, it seems that for many of us changing requirements can not only hurt the quality of our software, but can also drain our motivation and make us want to stab someone.
This question is about how to manage the customer to make it possible for them to change their requirements in the ways that they need, while discouraging arbitrary or frivolous changes. How do you do it?
Do you have project managers to insulate the devs from the customer?
Do you have a formal change management process? Change managers?
How difficult is it for the customer to get a change when they really need it?
Conversely, how easy is it for a customer to get a change when it's "frivolous"?
How much detail do you give the customer when explaining the cost of a change?
How quickly are you able to give the customer this information after receiving a request for change?
What factors can torpedo the process (e.g. PM's who can't say no to the customer?)
What works for you?
If you are looking for the ideal world where the customer never changes his mind or you get the ideal spec - you are in the wrong business. That being said, the most effective mechanism I have found for managing customer expectations and change requests is to institute an accurate system of measurement.
This is how I run my team:
1) We start with user stories. The customer is involved in writing them and the development team estimates how long each user story will take in a relative manner.
2) Using prior experience I take these relative estimates (story points) and create a rough schedule for when major milestones of the project will be complete.
3) Within these milestones we run 2-week iterations. The customer is involved in setting the approval criteria and whether or not the story has been approved. A simple burn down chart shows the customer how close we are to meeting the launch goal.
4) Often time during the approval sessions the customer will request a change because the feature did not turn out how he expected it (even though it met his original approval criteria). At this time you generate a new story with a new estimate. You can also adjust your milestone dates appropriately. This then puts the ball back into the customers court:
Often times they realize their change request isn't worth it (they'd have to get approval from their boss) and we'll kill the new feature
Sometimes it is important so we'll delay the due date to get the feature in
And finally, there's always the option to kill another not so important feature that will take an equivalent amount of time.
The key is not to run away from change requests, but to establish that every change request has consequences on the product. There's no such thing as a free lunch.
I work as indpenedent developer and so contact with customers directly. It's normal that most of the time they have no idea what they actually want. So we start slowly and I give them prototype early on to play with and then the changes will be gradualy made. If I think that customers wants "frivolous" change then I tell him that this change doesn't work or is not needed. If it is 5 min of work then I might even do it anyway.
It helps to add later on to the contract some maintenance clause to get money for those small changes that will come up later on. For bigger changes you just charge by the hour.
Managing the customer is hard, and it is something that very easily can go wrong.
I find that as early as possible you need to gain the trust of the customer. For me I think you can do this by:
Ask the customer to appoint a product manager - who is clear thinking enough to communicate the requirements he/she wants, and look to build a strong working relationship with him/her.
Really try to understand their business - you don't need to be a domain expert, but you need to know where the customer is coming from.
Ask pertinent questions about what they want - don't assume what they ask for (at first) is what they really want.
At first welcome all changes. This is not the customer being annoying and fickle, it as an opportunity to better understand what the customer really wants. If this costs you time/money, then you may need to accept it as a loss leader.
Deliver a prototype early, and incorporate as much customer feedback as practicable.
Give the customer a kick arse product.
Once you have done this, and the customer trusts you, then you will be in a position to start knocking back unreasonable changes, or ask for extra payments/time for things that were previously considered out of scope.
Of course, you won't be able to build this sort of relationship with every customer, some are idiots (in this case see if you can have a different product manager appointed) but you should always do as much as you can to build an effective working relationship.
You can’t expect customers to know what they want at the start, so you must be adaptable. But also you need to stop change for changes sake.
This is for ‘internal’ customers.
I have found that bargaining with the customer is an effective way to go. They can have whatever feature they want if they wait for it, or if they sacrifice some other (yet to be implemented) features. This forces them to think about the value of the change they are asking for in relation to the system as a whole.
Sometimes this works well and a good compromise is reached. Other times the customer throws their toys out of the pram and goes however high they have to get the feature implemented and quality is reduced.
If the customer is paying, it is a different ball game. They need to be made aware that change costs, and that the cost increases as the product nears completion. This means that you have to do a lot of up front analysis about what you will deliver and make sure the spec is agreed upon. So then you can measure what has changed. This may not be the most effective solution for either party but it does keep things cut and dry. So they are not dissatisfied and you don’t end up doing loads of work for free.
In software engineering, change is just a fact. It will happen. For us, everything comes at a price. We'll make just about any change the clients wants, but there is always a time estimate and a cost associated with it. Do we ever tell the client no -- not normally, but sometimes the changes request comes in at a very high cost. We do draw the line at potential security threats etc. in which case we calmly explain to them that we can't accommodate the request.
How much do we explain to the customer, we explain where the money is going to be allocated, this much for development, this much for analysis etc. We don't explicitly tell them why something costs the way it does. Now I will admit, this does vary a little with some of our clients. Some of them get very detailed billing as to exactly how many hours are spent where. To get the contract we had to agree to it, although this is very rare for us.
We have sales people who can't say no at times, and that can cause problems. We have spent a lot of time working on that, but unfortunately it still crops up. We combat it by explaining how much money they cost us by quoting something without researching what it will take. Transparency is key at all levels. Everyone has to know how their decisions affect the bottom line.
Do we do frivolous changes? Yep. What you have to remember is that when you bill hourly most of the time a 5 minute change is billed at a full hour, so that is quite lucrative. We explain all of this before like we do with any change request so they are aware of it, but it tends to help discourage such behavior unless it is really important. The fact is that we treat all changes the same. We don't assume we know what is considered frivolous to them no matter how absurd we think it might be. We have a formal change process where the customer asks for something we write it down and get them to sign off that is what we evaluate it and present a Cost of Work Estimate. They either agree in which case they formally sign a document letting us know it is ok to start, or they rescind the request. We try to be diligent, but we let them know that it will take a few days for us to get a response to their request.
A coworker of mine gave me the best advice I have ever heard about managing customer relations ships. It's a give and take. To make the customer happy, you have to be willing to help them when they need something, but at the same time, you have to be able to say no. When dealing with people they want you to help them, but they also want you to have a spine and stand up for yourself. It becomes a win-win situation that way.
I’d prefer a term of evolving requirements to “changing requirements”. Professor M.M.Lehman (http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~mml/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meir_Manny_Lehman) has done a considerable contribution into research on software evolution; his works also suggest that not all types of requirements evolve. One might consider themselves lucky if they happen to work on one of these systems, where requirements stay the same (i.e. math libraries etc).
To the rest of us experience suggests that developers prefer as much information about requirements up front as possible, whereas customers or end-users value an ability to specify or adjust requirements as late as possible into the development process. The former need the detailed information to help planning and designing the solution, the latter can gain a strategic advantage through changing a requirement late, because it gives customer some room for manoeuvre to respond to the changing environment or information gained on as a result of the earlier stages / iterations of the project. A trade-off between the ability to have a detailed plan and change things largely determines the development process itself (waterfall, agile, spiral etc).
Some practical advice managing the evolution of requirements:
Build in some room into the initial plan to account for evolving requirements, multiple check points or iterations.
Either put volatile requirements into the beginning of the project so that some kind of prototyping or feasibility study is likely to clarify them or plan for the change late into the project.
Monitor that the requirements are still relevant.
Have an up to date, prioritised list of current requirements handy. Nothing else helps to keep evolution in control as a good visibility to all stakeholders of current “must haves” including their relative priority and cost.
Keep managing customer expectations on how long things are going to take; this also helps to keep focus.
Introduce a formal process for changing or adding requirements if you need. The process description needs to specify roles of these involved, frequency of reviews etc. It could serve as a good safeguard against some political and most opportunistic but not essential requirements.
Build in some time for refactoring even for the first version. You’re very likely to throw all or part of the solution as a result of additional knowledge gain during the development.
The customer comes to you to do something because they either don't have the time to do it or they don't know what to do (and want to pay you to do it for them). If you have changing requirements, it's because of the latter. In other words, they are paying you to figure out the details! And they know what they like and don't like but they won't know how it works.
Recognize this and whatever the solution needs to be falls in to place.
