in NSScriptCommand - cocoa

I've created a subclass of NSScriptCommand with wich I get my URI.
It works well and with [self directParameter] I get the url.
Now I found the great method [self arguments].
if([self isWellFormed] == YES) {
NSLog(#"is well formed");
NSDictionary *dic = [self arguments];
NSLog(#"dic = %#", dic);
But dic is empty. =( Also when the URL is something like myAppUri:foo/bar?a=b#haha...
What I've to do for recognizing this damn arguments?
By the way:
MyApp[39851:813] [self commandDescription] = Command: GetURL ('GURL'/'GURL')
Implementation class: URLHandlerCommand
Name: , description:
Result type: ('null')

GetURL only takes one argument, which is its direct parameter. The command takes no keyword arguments, so of course the dictionary is empty.
If you want the URL's query string arguments, then you need to create an NSURL from the URL string, then send the URL the query message, then parse that yourself (probably using NSScanner).


Mixing tokens and strings in NSTokenField

I want to have an NSTokenField that contains both plain text and tokens. That's the same problem as in this question, but the answers there haven't solved it for me. Maybe I'm missing something, or maybe Apple changed something in the 5 years since those answers were posted.
Specifically, let's say I want to type "hello%tok%" and have it turn into this:
In order to try to remove chances for confusion, I always use a custom represented object, of one of the following classes, rather than a plain string...
#interface Token : NSObject
#implementation Token
#interface WrappedString : NSObject
#property (retain) NSString* text;
#implementation WrappedString
Here are my delegate methods:
- (NSString *)tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField
NSString * displayString = nil;
if ([representedObject isKindOfClass: [WrappedString class]])
displayString = ((WrappedString*)representedObject).text;
displayString = #"TOKEN";
return displayString;
- (NSTokenStyle)tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField
NSTokenStyle theStyle = NSPlainTextTokenStyle;
if ([representedObject isKindOfClass: [Token class]])
theStyle = NSRoundedTokenStyle;
return theStyle;
- (NSString *)tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField
NSString * editingString = representedObject;
if ([representedObject isKindOfClass: [Token class]])
editingString = nil;
editingString = ((WrappedString*)representedObject).text;
return editingString;
- (id)tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField
representedObjectForEditingString:(NSString *)editingString
id repOb = nil;
if ([editingString isEqualToString:#"tok"])
repOb = [[[Token alloc] init] autorelease];
WrappedString* wrapped = [[[WrappedString alloc]
init] autorelease];
wrapped.text = editingString;
repOb = wrapped;
return repOb;
As I'm typing the "hello", none of the delegate methods is called, which seems reasonable. When I type the first "%", there are 3 delegate calls:
tokenField:representedObjectForEditingString: gets the string "hello" and turns it into a WrappedString representation.
tokenField:styleForRepresentedObject: gets that WrappedString and returns NSPlainTextTokenStyle.
tokenField:editingStringForRepresentedObject: gets the WrappedString and returns "hello".
The first two calls seem reasonable. I'm not sure about number 3, because the token should be editable but it's not being edited yet. I would have thought that tokenField:displayStringForRepresentedObject: would get called, but it doesn't.
When I type "tok", no delegate methods are called. When I type the second "%", tokenField:representedObjectForEditingString: receives the string "hellotok", where I would have expected to see just "tok". So I never get a chance to create the rounded token.
If I type the text in the other order, "%tok%hello", then I do get the expected result, a round token followed by plain "hello".
By the way, the Token Field Programming Guide says
Note that there can be only one token per token field that is configured for the plain-text token style.
which seems to imply that it's not possible to freely mix plain text and tokens.
I asked myself whether I had seen mixed text and tokens anywhere in standard apps, and I had. In the Language & Text panel of System Preferences, under the Formats tab, clicking one of the "Customize..." buttons brings up a dialog containing token fields. Here's part of one.
Here, you don't create tokens by typing a tokenizing character, you drag and drop prototype tokens.
To make one of the prototype tokens, make another NSTokenField and set it to have no background or border and be selectable but not editable. When your window has loaded, you can initialize the prototype field using the objectValue property, e.g.,
self.protoToken.objectValue = #[[[[Token alloc] init] autorelease]];
You need to set up a delegate for each prototype token field as well as your editable token field. In order to be able to drag and drop tokens, your delegate must implement tokenField:writeRepresentedObjects:toPasteboard: and tokenField:readFromPasteboard:.

Unable to use reference from a Make New command in Core-data app with AppleScript support

I am able to support the Make New command of AppleScript for my app, however the returned 'specified object' (an NSUniqueIDSpecifier) for the core data managed object is useless. The following AppleScript returns the error message:
error "SpellAnalysis got an error: Invalid key form." number -10002 from level id "x-coredata:///Levels/tC5A49E01-1CE1-4ED6-8F6B-BC0AE90E279A2"
tell application "SpellAnalysis"
set thisLevel to make new «class Slev» with properties {«class Saln»:3}
get properties of thisLevel
end tell
So the newly created Levels object can not be acted upon in AppleScript. I've combed the Web for a solution to this and the closest thing I have found is Bill Cheeseman's example app, "WareroomDemo" which specifically deals with Cocoa Scriptability for Core Data apps (the Sketch example does not use Core Data). Unfortunately, it is a dated example, running only on pre-64-bit XCode and I can't actually run it--I can only look at the code. His app's Make Command may have the same limitations for all I know.
The returned 'objectSpecifier' is unable to refer to the created object either as a safe-guard against corrupting Core Data's organizing scheme, or perhaps because the returned object is an un-cashed 'fault'. I think the latter possibility is unlikely because I can force the fault to cash (by getting a property value on the managed object) , yet I get the same error message with the AppleScript.
Here is the method that creates my class:
- (id)newScriptingObjectOfClass:(Class)class forValueForKey:(NSString *)key withContentsValue:(id)contentsValue properties:(NSDictionary *)properties { // Creates a new Lesson object in response to the AppleScript 'make' command.
// Documentation for 'newScriptingObject…' states that to create a new class object when using Core Data, you intercede using the following method (or you can subclass the NSCreateCommand's 'performDefaultImplementation' method and put your NSManagedObject init code there):
if (class == [Levels class]) {
//NSLog(#"class: %#",class);
NSEntityDescription *levelsEntity = [NSEntityDescription
NSManagedObject *levelObject = [[NSManagedObject alloc] initWithEntity:levelsEntity insertIntoManagedObjectContext:levelsDBase];
SLOG(#"lessonObject: %#", lessonObject);
NSString *levelNumberString = [[properties objectForKey:#"levelNumber"] stringValue];
SLOG(#"levelNumberString: %#", levelNumberString);
[levelObject setValue:levelNumberString forKey:#"levelNumber"];
return levelObject; // When using Core Data, it seems that you return the newly created object directly
return [super newScriptingObjectOfClass:(Class)class forValueForKey:(NSString *)key withContentsValue:(id)contentsValue properties:(NSDictionary *)properties];
Here is my object specifier method:
- (NSScriptObjectSpecifier *)objectSpecifier {
// This NSScriptObjectSpecifiers informal protocol returns a unique ID specifier specifying the absolute string of the URI representation of this managed object. // AppleScript return value: 'level id <id>'.
// The primary container is the application.
NSScriptObjectSpecifier *containerRef = nil; // I understand that if the application is the container, this is value you use for the container reference
NSString *uniqueID = [[[self objectID] URIRepresentation] absoluteString];
return [[[NSUniqueIDSpecifier alloc] initWithContainerClassDescription:[NSScriptClassDescription classDescriptionForClass:[NSApp class]] containerSpecifier:containerRef key:#"levelsArray" uniqueID:uniqueID] autorelease];
The problem lies with the specifier method. The Sketch example actually uses the technique that I needed. I overlooked it many times because I didn't see how it would apply to Core Data managed objects. Instead of returning the objects uniqueID, you make it return the managedObject index using the 'indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:' method as follows:
- (NSScriptObjectSpecifier *)objectSpecifier {
NSArray *levelsArray = [[NSApp delegate] levelsArray]; // Access your exposed to-many relationship--a mutable array
unsigned index = [levelsArray indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:self]; // Determin the current objects index
if (index != (unsigned)NSNotFound) {
// The primary container is the document containing this object's managed object context.
NSScriptObjectSpecifier *containerRef = nil; // the appliation
return [[[NSIndexSpecifier allocWithZone:[self zone]] initWithContainerClassDescription:[NSScriptClassDescription classDescriptionForClass:[NSApp class]] containerSpecifier:containerRef key:#"levelsArray" index:index] autorelease];
} else {
return nil;
Note that this method resides within a subclass of your Core Data managedObject--in this case, the 'Levels' class. The 'self' within the 'indexOfObjectIndenticalToSelf:' method refers to the current managedObject ('Levels') being handled. Also, be sure to provide the specifier (accessor) type to your 'sdef' file, like this:
<element type="level">
<cocoa key="levelsArray"/>
<accessor style="index"/>

Get variable from void function in Objective C

I'm VERY new to Objective C and iOS development (like 5 hours new :-). I've got some code that calls an API to authenticate a user and returns a simple OK or FAIL. I can get the result to write to the console but what I need to do is get that result as part of my IBAction.
Here's the IBAction code:
- (IBAction) authenticateUser
[txtEmail resignFirstResponder];
[txtPassword resignFirstResponder];
[self performAuthentication];
if (authResult == #"OK")
What I need is for authResult to be the JSON result (OK or FAIL). Here is the code that gets the result:
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection
[connection release];
NSString *responseString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:responseData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"%#", responseString);
[responseData release];
NSMutableDictionary *jsonResult = [responseString JSONValue];
if (jsonResult != nil)
NSString *jsonResponse = [jsonResult objectForKey:#"Result"];
NSLog(#"%#", jsonResponse);
Thank you so much for any help and sorry if I'm missing something obvious!
I'm a little confused as to what's going on here... it looks like your -performAuthentication method must start an asynchronous network request via NSURLConnection, and your connection's delegate's -connectionDidFinishLoading: gets to determine the result of the request. So good so far? But your -authenticateUser method expects authResult to be determined as soon as -performAuthentication returns. If the network request is asynchronous, that's not going to happen. If I'm following you, I think you need to do the following:
Fix up -connectionDidFinishLoading: so that it actually sets authResult based on the Result value in jsonResponse. I'm sure you'd get around to this at some point anyway.
Change -authenticateUser such that it doesn't expect to have an answer immediately. You've got to give the network request a chance to do its thing.
Add another method, possibly called -authenticationDidFinish or something along those lines. Everything currently in -authenticateUser from the 'if (authResult...' to the end goes in this new method.
Call the new method from -connectionDidFinishLoading:.
Fix your string comparison. If you want to compare two strings in Cocoa, you say (for example):
if ([authResult isEqualToString:#"OK") { }

NSArrayController without loading a large dataset into an array

I would like to use an NSArrayController to provide data to an NSTableView. The problem I am facing is that I do not want to pre-load all my data into an array and then use the array controllers setContent: method. My data model is a large existing code base that manages millions of records. It contains methods to efficiently return a set of data rows.
Following an example I found on limiting the number of objects in an NSArrayController, I tried subclassing NSArrayController and overriding the arrangedObjects: method to return an array proxy class I wrote. The array proxy class provided count: and objectAtIndex: methods. The object returned by objectAtIndex: is an NSDictionary. When I tried returning my array proxy from the arrangedObjects: method both count: and objectAtIndex: get called, but I also get an unrecognized selector error on my array proxy class for _valueForKeyPath:ofObjectAtIndex:. This looked like a private method, so I did not continue down this path.
I also thought of returning a smaller array of data from arrangedObjects:, but could not figure out how I would determine which rows the NSTableView was trying to display.
Is a datasource the "correct" way to interface with my existing data model or is there some way to make an NSArrayController work?
NSArrayController already works, with proxies and indexes and lazy-loading and the whole shabang. Have you tried just using it as-is? If afterwards you feel the need to micro-manage the data-loading, use NSFetchRequest. Subclass NSArrayController and add an initializer along these lines:
+ (id)arrayControllerWithEntityName: (NSString *)entityName error:(NSError **)error
id newInstance = [[[self alloc] initWithContent:nil] autorelease];
[newInstance setManagedObjectContext:[[NSApp delegate] managedObjectContext]];
[newInstance setEntityName:entityName];
[newInstance setAutomaticallyPreparesContent:YES];
[newInstance setSelectsInsertedObjects:YES];
[newInstance setAvoidsEmptySelection:YES];
[newInstance setAlwaysUsesMultipleValuesMarker:YES];
NSFetchRequest *dontGobbleRequest = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
//configure the request with fetchLimit and fetchOffset an' all that
NSError *err;
if ([newInstance fetchWithRequest:dontGobbleRequest merge:YES error:&err] == NO) {
//better check docs whether merge:YES is what you want
if(*error && err) {
*error = err;
return nil;
return newInstance;
You'll have to do some research into the various possibilities and configurations, but you get the picture.

How to objects from a fetchedResultsController to a Plist?

Can someone help me. I have a coredata application but I need to save the objects from a fetchedResultsController into an NSDictionary to be used for sending UILocalNotifications.
Should I use an NSMutableSet, or a NSDictionary, or an array. I'm not used to using collections and I can't figure out the best way to do that.
Could you please give me clues on how to do that please ?
If I'm reading your question correctly, you're asking how you should pack objects into the userInfo dictionary of a UILocalNotification. Really, it's however works best for you; userInfo dictionaries are created by you and only consumed by you.
I'm not sure why you would be using an NSFetchedResultsController - that class is for managing the marshaling of managed objects between UI classes (like UITableView) efficiently, whereas here it sounds like you would be better off just getting an NSArray of results from your managedObjectContext and the corresponding request, like this:
NSError *error = nil;
NSArray *fetchedObjects = [myManagedObjectContext executeFetchRequest: myRequest error: &error];
if (array == nil)
// Deal with error...
where you have a pre-existing managed object context and request. You don't need to use an NSFetchedResultsController here.
From there, the simplest suggestion would be to build your userInfo dictionary like this:
NSDictionary* myUserInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: fetchedObjects forKey: #"AnythingYouWant"];
UILocalNotification *localNotif = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];
// ... do other setup tasks ...
localNotif.userInfo = myUserInfo;
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:localNotif];
[localNotif release];
Then when it comes time to receive that notification, you can read that dictionary like this:
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notif
NSArray* myFetchedObjects = [notif.userInfo objectForKey: #"AnythingYouWant"];
for(id object in myFetchedObjects)
// ... do other stuff ...
Now, hopefully that's clarified how the userInfo dictionary works. I don't know the details of your app, so it's hard to say, but I'm suspicious that actually passing fetched objects is NOT what you want to do here, mainly because I'm not sure that you have any guarantee that the receiving delegate method will be working with the same object context as the sending method. I would suggest perhaps putting the entity name and predicate in the dictionary and then refetching the objects at receive time with whatever the current MOC is at that moment.
Good luck!
