need help with mvc & routes - model-view-controller

I'm very new to MVC and I'm trying to get a new site set up using it. For SEO reasons we need to make the url of a page something like "Recruiter/4359/John_Smith" or basically {controller}/{id}/{name}. I have that working when I create the url in the code behind like so...
//r is a recruiter object that is part of the results for the view
r.Summary = searchResult.Summary + "... <a href=\"/Recruiter/" + r.Id + "/" + r.FirstName + "_" + r.LastName + "\">Read More</a>"
But when I am using the collection of results from a search in my view and iterating through them I am trying to create another link to the same page doing something like <%=Html.ActionLink<RecruiterController>(x => x.Detail((int)r.Id), r.RecruiterName)%> but that doesn't work. When I use that code in the view it gives me a url in the form of /Recruiter/Detail/4359 I was told by a coworker that I should use the Html.ActionLink to create the link in both the view and the controller so that if the route changes in the future it will automatically work. Unfortunately he wasn't sure how to do that in this case. So, my problems are...
How can I make the Html.ActionLink work in the view to create a url like I need (like r.Summary above)?
How do I use the Html.ActionLink in a controller instead of hardcoding the link like I have above?

I came across this blog post which got me going in the right direction.

It is a good idea to use the ActionLink method to write out links as your coworker says, that way they will always match your routes.
In your current case the reason it is writing out the method is because it is based on the default routing. You can fix this by adding another route above the default one in the Global.asax. You just need to stipulate the format you want like this:
new { controller = "Recruiter", action = "Details" }
MVC will work through your routes in the order they are registered so putting this before the default will make it use your route instead.
You might find this route debugging tool useful.


multiple default controllers in Codeigniter site

I Have a add multiple default controllers in Codeigniter site.
I am unable to do that.
Basically I have to remove controller names from url without .htaccess file.
I want to make that dynamic.
I have checked that only default controller name can be removed thats why I want to make dynamic multiple default controllers.
Anyone can help me on this issue.
You will have to write the changes to the application/config/routes.php file to do this.
So, if you have a controller called Secondary and it had methods like view, add, search
you would add:
$route['view'] = 'secondary/view';
$route['add'] = 'secondary/add';
$route['search'] = 'secondary/search';
NB that if you're passing params to your methods you will need to add entries for these as will, for example if you wanted to pass something to view() you would need to:
$route['view'] = 'secondary/view';
$route['view/(:any)'] = 'secondary/view/$1';
Hope this helps!

URL rewriting in MVC3

I am working on a project for a local college using MVC3. I have came across a requirement at which I am stuck and can't find any wayout.
Let suppose my URL is
The requirement is that if we type teacher name after the URL we get the detailed view of the teacher, like:
I asked for option like but it has been rejected.
Is this something relevant to URL rewriting or some other wayout, as there can be many teachers in database so I can't make methods in controllers for every teacher.
Can anyone please guide me for this scenario?
Kind Regards
MVC does this natively.
Just create a route for it:
"Teacher route",
new { controller = "SomeController", action = "SomeAction" }
Note that this will conflict with any other /Whatever URLs (eg, /About); to avoid that, you can use my MapDefaultController() extension to map a route for a specific controller before this one.

MVC Routing Engine routes same formatted route to different controller actions

Okay, I did my homework and search SO, and indeed I found similar questions but not reporting the behavior I'm getting.
Here is the deal, I have defined a route:
routes.MapRoute("CategoryName", "Category/Name/{text}",
new { controller = "Category", action = "Name", text = "" });
The twist here is the following:
This url:
And this url:
Both url's should go to the same controller method which is public ActionResult Name(string text) but sadly the first url is going to the default Index method, the second is being routed correctly.
I wonder why this happens, as I've been with .net mvc for several years and never experienced this behavior.
As a side note here are some facts:
As it's being route to different methods, I doubt the code inside them has something to do with it.
When manually write the category to something it doesn't exists in the DB as a category name it goes through the Name method.
The routes are placed correctly, as I'm aware the first route that matches the pattern will win.
Even I tried place the CategoryName route first, the behavior is the same.
When writing each link in the Category/Index I use the same #Html.RouteLink() helper, so all the links are formatted the same way.
Thanks in advance!
Are you using the - sign in the failing route?
Maybe you can find more information with the Routing debugger
And maybe you can look at this question: Failing ASP.NET MVC route. Is this a bug or corner case?
Phil Haack also give an possible answer to your problem in: ASP.NET routing: Literal sub-segment between tokens, and route values with a character from the literal sub-segment

localized routes solution

I built a french/english app and I would like to use the same controller/view for both language but to have a different route that is map to the current language. Let say I have that return to my Account controller and Register action, I would love to have a route that is I know that I can add a custom route in the RegisterRoute section like so :
"AccountFr", // Route name
"comptes/inscription", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Account", action = "Register" } // Parameter defaults
But it will need a lot of [boring] code to write all the possibles routes and also, I think it won't work when I will use T4MVC as #Url.Action(MVC.Account.Register()) will return /Account/Register no mater if I'm in french or in english.
Anyone as suggestions/ideas for this problem?
Since it does not seem to have a good solution using T4MVC does anyone have an other good solution?
Unfortunately, this won't easily work with T4MVC. The root of the problem is that when going through T4MVC, you can't pick a specific route. Instead, the route gets selected based on the Controller, action and parameters.

MVC3 how to create URLs

I see people using Html.ActionLink() and Url.RouteUrl() etc. etc.
But surely this will lead to a maintenance nightmare if routes need to be redesigned?
How are people organising the generation of URLs in a typesafe and manageable way?
Strongly typed URL generation via lambda expressions was available for a period of time during the MVC 1.0 beta timeframe. It was removed since the MVC architecture does not actually have a 1-to-1 mapping between action names and controller method names. See this Phil Haack blog post for details.
It is of course still possible to do it, and assuming you're not using action names that differ from method names, it should work fine.
You can use T4MVC to generate typesafe checks at compile time for your MVC urls.
T4MVC analyses your Controller classes, and generates code that will generate typesafe url's.
Instead of
#Html.ActionLink("New customer", "Create", new { Controller = "Customer", orgID = orgID })
You can use code like:
#Html.ActionLink("New customer", MVC.Customer.Create(orgID))
If you want to call a action you use the Html.ActionLink(). This will create a <a href="..." ></a> hyperlink to chosen action.
If you want to create a url and use it not for a hyperlink, you can use the Url.Content() or the Url.RouteUrl(). The content accepts a string and gerenates a safe url. The Route url takes a route object.
