Is Erlang a concise language from a programmer's perspective? [closed] - syntax

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Where would Erlang fall on the spectrum of conciseness between, say, Java/.net on the less concise end and Ruby/Python on the more concise end of the spectrum? I have an RSI problem so conciseness is particularly important to me for health reasons.

Conciseness as a language feature is ill defined and probably not uniform. Different languages could be more or less concise depending on the problem.
Erlang as a functional language can be very concise, beyond Ruby or Python. Specifically pattern matching often replaces if statements and recursion and list comprehensions can replace loops.
For example Java would have something like this:
String foobar(int number){
if (number == 0) {
return "foo";
} else if (number == 1) {
return "bar";
throw new Exception();
while Erlang code would look like:
foobar(0) -> "foo";
foobar(1) -> "bar".
With the exception being inherent because there is no clause for input other then 0 or 1. This is of cause a problem that lends itself well to Erlang style development.
In general anything you could define as a transformation will match a functional language particularly well and can be written very concise. Of cause many functional language zealots state that any problem in programming is a transformation.

Erlang allows you to realize functionallity in very few lines of code, compared to my experiences in Java and Python. Only Smalltalk or Scheme came near for me in the past. You've get only little overhead, but you typically tend to speaking identifiers for modules, functions, variables, and atoms. They make the code more readable. And you've got lot's of normal, curly, and square braces. So it depends on your keyboard layout how comfortable it will be. You should give it a try.

Erlang is surprisingly concise especially when you want achieve performance and reliability.
Erlang is concise even when compared to Haskell:
And is surprisingly fast (and reliable) even when compared to C++:
(18x less SLOC is not surprise).
Anyway it always depends of your preferences and goal what you want achieve.

You have to spend some time, write code, to understand erlang's sweet spot, vs. all the other emerging tools, DHT, doc stores, mapreduce frameworks, hadoop, GPU, scala, ... If you try to do, say SIMD type apps outside the sweet spot, you'll probably end up fighting the paradigm and writing verbose code, whereas if you hit problems that need to scale servers and middleware seamlessly up and down, it flows naturally. (And the rise of scala in its sweet spot is inevitable, too, I think)
A good thing to look up would be the Tim Bray Wide Finder experiment (distilling big apache log files) from a couple years ago, and how he was disappointed with erlang.
I generally don't recommend putting much store in the Alioth shootout, given you inevitably end up comparing really good and bad code, but if you need to put numbers of LOC, erlang vs. C, ruby, whatever


How do you write data structures that are as efficient as possible in GHC? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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So sometimes I need to write a data structure I can't find on Hackage, or what I find isn't tested or quality enough for me to trust, or it's just something I don't want to be a dependency. I am reading Okasaki's book right now, and it's quite good at explaining how to design asymptotically fast data structures.
However, I am working specifically with GHC. Constant factors are a big deal for my applications. Memory usage is also a big deal for me. So I have questions specifically about GHC.
In particular
How to maximize sharing of nodes
How to reduce memory footprint
How to avoid space leaks due to improper strictness/laziness
How to get GHC to produce tight inner loops for important sections of code
I've looked around various places on the web, and I have a vague idea of how to work with GHC, for example, looking at core output, using UNPACK pragmas, and the like. But I'm not sure I get it.
So I popped open my favorite data structures library, containers, and looked at the Data.Sequence module. I can't say I understand a lot of what they're doing to make Seq fast.
The first thing that catches my eye is the definition of FingerTree a. I assume that's just me being unfamiliar with finger trees though. The second thing that catches my eye is all the SPECIALIZE pragmas. I have no idea what's going on here, and I'm very curious, as these are littered all over the code.
Many functions also have an INLINE pragma associated with them. I can guess what that means, but how do I make a judgement call on when to INLINE functions?
Things get really interesting around line ~475, a section headered as 'Applicative Construction'. They define a newtype wrapper to represent the Identity monad, they write their own copy of the strict state monad, and they have a function defined called applicativeTree which, apparently is specialized to the Identity monad and this increases sharing of the output of the function. I have no idea what's going on here. What sorcery is being used to increase sharing?
Anyway, I'm not sure there's much to learn from Data.Sequence. Are there other 'model programs' I can read to gain wisdom? I'd really like to know how to soup up my data structures when I really need them to go faster. One thing in particular is writing data structures that make fusion easy, and how to go about writing good fusion rules.
That's a big topic! Most has been explained elsewhere, so I won't try to write a book chapter right here. Instead:
Real World Haskell, ch 25, "Performance" - discusses profiling, simple specialization and unpacking, reading Core, and some optimizations.
Johan Tibell is writing a lot on this topic:
Computing the size of a data structure
Memory footprints of common data types
Faster persistent structures through hashing
Reasoning about laziness
And some things from here:
Reading GHC Core
How GHC does optimization
Profiling for performance
Tweaking GC settings
General improvements
More on unpacking
Unboxing and strictness
And some other things:
Intro to specialization of code and data
Code improvement flags
applicativeTree is quite fancy, but mainly in a way which has to do with FingerTrees in particular, which are quite a fancy data structure themselves. We had some discussion of the intricacies over at cstheory. Note that applicativeTree is written to work over any Applicative. It just so happens that when it is specialized to Id then it can share nodes in a manner that it otherwise couldn't. You can work through the specialization yourself by inlining the Id methods and seeing what happens. Note that this specialization is used in only one place -- the O(log n) replicate function. The fact that the more general function specializes neatly to the constant case is a very clever bit of code reuse, but that's really all.
In general, Sequence teaches more about designing persistent data structures than about all the tricks for eeking out performance, I think. Dons' suggestions are of course excellent. I'd also just browse through the source of the really canonical and tuned libs -- Map, IntMap, Set, and IntSet in particular. Along with those, its worth taking a look at Milan's paper on his improvements to containers.

Tips for coding using hostile tools? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am developing an application using the wrong tools. I don't wish to get into the rights or wrongs of this - the platform has been blessed as Strategic and nothing is going to change that now. But I'm hoping somebody can give me some tips on how to make the best of the situation.
We use a server-side language, let's call it X, and client-side HTML/JS/CSS (on IE6). X is primitive from an application development point of view (but excellent for data processing, which is why we are using it); it doesn't even have the concept of user-defined functions, so trying to make the application modular in any way is a challenge. Think tens of thousands of lines of nested if/then/else statements.
My current assumption is that reducing the spaghetti-factor of the code will not be possible, and that really great documentation is my only weapon against this becoming a totally unsupportable nightmare that ends up on TheDailyWTF.
Anybody got any other ideas?
(I don't mention what language X is simply because I'm hoping for answers to the general problem of working with deficient tools, not any particular tactics for X.)
Ok, for the morbidly curious, X is SAS. I didn't want the question to focus on whether function-style macros are functions (they are not, and cannot implement design patterns), or to blame it - given the constraints of this particular project, I actually agree with the decision to use it! I am also sure that the majority of software is developed in incredibly non-optimal environments (broken tools, bad management, overbearing legacy burden, etc.), and that there must be strategies for making things work even so.
Are you familiar with Church thesis?
If you can't solve "A" in Y but you can emulate Z in Y and Z can solve "A" then by definition Y can solve "A".
Maybe you can write some generalized routine that somehow makes X more effective for the problem at hand? A sort of extension to X, or, even better, a little-language implemented in X?
It seems that others tend to conflate "little language" with documentation. While you can try to go that way (in this case I suggest you have a look at Robodoc) I was thinking something closer to Wasabi, in approach - i.e. really using your tool X to create a sort of interpreter for X++ or even Y, without knowing what X is I can't be, of course, more specific than that.
Does X have comments?
Write your little language aka pseudo code in the comments.
In addition to documentation, choices of variable names and conventions for how they are used may help a bit. Also you may be able to set up some structural conventions in the code so that there is some regularity. Way back when, when folks wrote assembler good coders produced readable code.
hmmmm, sounds like another MUMPS/Intersystems Cache developer ;)
Seriously though, you might want to check if there are any tools for 'X' which could map the flow of the program, or as part of the documentation process break out something like Visio or another similar tool where you can walk through the code and map out what it does (more or less). Hardest part would probably be having to go back and stare at that wall of code and jump right back in so anything you can do to document it/graph it/chart it will help.
Is it possible to use a different technology, better suited to your problem between X and the client-side?
Alternatively, you could use more IF/Then/else statements to construct modular blocks of code, which might help with maintenance.
I find it hard to believe that you don't have any form of user defined functions available in X - even batch files have functions (kind of)
As soon as you have functions, you can make things at least fairly modular.
You could find a language you like, and implement the usual "slap some data into a template"-level web-app stuff in that, and implement wrappers to call out to 'X' for the things it is good at.

What are the advantages of using Prolog over other languages? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Every language that is being used is being used for its advantages, generally.
What are the advantages of Prolog?
What are the general situations/ category of problems where one can use Prolog more efficiently than any other language?
Compared to what exactly? Prolog is really just the pre-eminent implementation of logic programming so if your question is really about a comparison of programming paradigms well that's really very broad indeed and you should look here.
If your question is more specifically about prolog vs the more commonly seen OO languages I would argue that you're really comparing apples to oranges - the "advantage" (such as it is) is just a different way of thinking about the world, and sometimes changing the way you ask a question provides a better tool for solving a problem.
Basically, if your program can be stated easily as declaritive formal logic statements, Prolog (or another language in that family) will give the fastest development time. If you use a good Prolog compiler, it will also give the best performance and reliability, because the engine will have had a lot of design and development effort.
Trying to implement this kind of thing in another language tends to be a mess. The cleanest and most general solution probably involves implementing your own unification engine. Even naive implementations aren't exactly trivial, the Warren Abstract Machine has a book or two written about it, and doing better will at the very least involve a fair bit of research, reading some headache-inducing papers.
Of course in the real world, key parts of your program may benefit from Prolog, but a lot of other stuff is better handled using another language. That's why a lot of Prolog compilers can interface with, e.g., C.
One of the best times to use Prolog is when you have a problem suited to solving with backtracking. And that is when you have lots of possible solutions to a problem, and perhaps you want to order them to include/exclude depending on some context. This suggests a lot of ambiguity... as in natural language processing.
It sure would be a lot tidier to write all the potential answers as Prolog clauses. With a imperative language all I think you can really do is write a giant (really giant) CASE statement, which is not too fun.
The stuff that are inherent in Prolog:
pattern matching!
anything that involves a depth first search. ( in Java if you want to do a DFS, you may want to implement it by a visitor pattern or do a (really giant) CASE
Paul Graham, is a Lisp person nonetheless he argues that Prolog is really good for 2% of the problems, I am myself like to break this 2% down and figure how he'd come up with such number.
His argument for "better" languages is "less code, more power". Prolog is definitely "less code" and if you go for latter flavours of it (typed ones), you get more power too. The only thing that bothered me when using Prolog is the fact that I don't have random access in lists (no arrays).
Prolog is a very high level programming language. An analogy could be (Prolog : C) as (C : Assembler)
Why is not used that much then? I think that it has to do with the machines we use; They are based on turing machines. C can be compiled into byte code automatically, but Prolog is compiled to run on an emulation of the Abstract Warren Machine, thus, it is not that efficient.
Also, prolog is based on first order logic which is not capable of solving every solvable problem in a declarative manner, thus, at some point, you need to rely on imperative-like code.
I'd say prolog works well for problems where a knowledge base forms an important part of the solution. Especially when the knowledge structure is suited to be encoded as logical rules.
For example, writing a natural language interpreter for a particular problem domain would require a lot of knowledge in that domain. Expert systems also fall within this knowledge driven category.
It's also a nice language to explore solutions to logical puzzles ;-)
I have been programming (for fun) over a year with Swi-Prolog. I think one of the advantages of Prolog is that Prolog has no side effects: Prolog is language that kind of has no use for (local or class member) variables, it kind of forces the programmer not use variables. Prolog objects have no state, kind of. I think. I have been writing command line Prolog (no GUI, except few XPCE tests): it is like a train on a track.

What makes a language readable or not readable? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I heard people say they can understand their python code a year later but not their XYZ code. Why? I dont know what is good about python syntax or what is bad about another. I like C# but i have a feeling VB.NET code is easier to read. I am doing language design so what do you find makes code/syntax/language readable or not readable?
IMO, one of the big things is significant white space. Block indention goes a long ways and languages like Python and F# that provide a level of significant white space can help with readability.
Code like Java and C# tend to be structured and the readability becomes a focal point of how it was coded to begin with and not of the language itself.
Code is readable when its written in a style of explicit "stating what you want to do".
This only depends on the language in sofar
it allows you to express what you want (functional-programming!)
it doesn't emphasize on cryptical statements
The rest depends on the style you use to write code (even Perl can be understandable!), but certain languages make it easier to hacky statements.
expr = if not (ConditionA and ConditionB) then ... else ...
expr = (!(conditionA && conditionB)) ? ... : ...
foreach line in lines:
if (line =~ /regex/):
// code
... if /regex/ foreach(#lines);
x = length [ x | x <- [1..10], even x ]
int x = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)
if ((i&&1)==0) ++x;
Generally what makes Python considered readable is that it forces a standardized indentation. This means that you'll never be forced to wonder whether you're in an if block or a function, it is clear as day. Even poorly written code therefore becomes obvious.
One language which I generally consider difficult to read is PHP for the same reason (or rather, its opposite). Since programmers are allowed to indent at will, and store variables anywhere, it can get convoluted very quickly. Further, since PHP historically did not have case sensitive function names (PHP < 4.4.7 I believe), this means that there really isn't a consistency in the implementation of the core language either... (Don't get me wrong, I like the language, but a bad coder can REALLY make a mess).
JavaScript also has a lot of problems with undisciplined developers. You'll find yourself wondering where variables have been defined and what scope you're in. Code will not be in one consolidated place, but rather spread across multiple files, and often lurking where unexpected.
ActionScript 3 is a bit better. Generally, there has been a move to have everyone use similar syntax's, and Adobe has gone so far as to define its standards and make them accessible and common. It does not take much to see how the ECMAScript implementation which is supported by a for-profit company is superior to the generalized one.
Readability is a function that takes a lot of inputs. I don't think it's really possible to compile a full list of things that can affect a language's readability. The most general way to describe it is "minimizing cognitive load." A few major factors:
Subtleties of meaning. If two code snippets look very similar at a glance but do different things, it hurts readability because the reader has to stop and deduce what's actually happening.
Meaningless code — aka boilerplate. This doesn't necessarily mean code that does nothing, but code that doesn't tell me anything about what we're actually doing. Every bit of code that doesn't express the actual intent of a function or object reduces readability by that much.
Cramming meaning — aka golf. This is the opposite of the boilerplate problem. It's possible to compress code so far that the reader is forced to stop and examine it pretty much character by character. The exact line where this occurs is somewhat subjective (which is part of why some people love Perl and some people hate it), but it's definitely a real phenomenon.
The programmer makes code readable or unreadable, not the language. Thinking otherwise is just fooling yourself. This is because the only people who are qualified to judge readability are those who know the language. To the non-programmer, all languages are equally unreadable.
I heard people say they can understand their python code a year later but not their XYZ code. Why?
Firstly, I don't think that people say that based solely on syntax. There are a lot of other factors to take into consideration, to name just a few:
The fact that some languages tend to promote only one right way to do something (like Python), and others promote many different ways (Ruby for example, from what I hear [disclaimer: I am not a Ruby programmer])
The libraries the language has. The better designed ones tend to be incredibly easy to understand without needing documentation, and this also tends to help remember. A language with good libraries will therefore make things easier.
Having said that, my personal take on Python is the fact that many people call it "executable pseud-code". It supports a wide variety of things that tend to appear in pseudo-code, and as an extension, are the standard way to think about things.
Also, Python's un-C-like syntax, one of the features that make it so disliked by so many people, also makes Python look more like pseudocode.
Well, that's my take on Python's readability.
To be honest when it comes to what makes a language readable it is really seems to boil down to a combination of simplicity and personal preference. (Of course - it is always possible to write unreadable code in any language if you try hard enough). Since personal preference can't really be controlled, it comes down to ease of expression - the more complicated it is in a language to use simple features, the more difficult that language is likely to be in general from a readability standpoint.
A word required when one character will suffice - a stone in the garden of Pascal and VB.
Block ()
// Content
// Content
It requires extra brain processing to read a word and mentally associate it with a concept, while a single symbol is immediately recognized by its image.
It is the same thing as the difference with natural languages, usual textual languages vs. symbol languages with hieroglyphs (Asian group). The processing of the first group is slower because basically a text is parsed to a set of concepts while hieroglyphs represent concepts themselves. Compare it with what you already know - will a serialization/deserialization from an XML be faster than a custom search over a binary format?
IMHO, the more a computer language resembles a spoken language, the more readable it is. For extreme examples, take languages like J or Whitespace or Brainfuck... completely unreadable to the untrained eye.
But a language that resembles English can be more easily understood. Not that this makes it the best language, as COBOL can attest.
I think it has more to do with the person writing the code rather than the actual language itself. You can write very readable code in any language, and unreadable code in any language. Even a complex Regular expression can be formatted and commented so as to make it easy to read.
a coworker of mine use to have a saying: "You can write crap code in any language." I liked it and wanted to share today. What makes code readable? Here are my thoughts
The ability to read the syntax of the language.
Well formatted code.
Meaningfully named variables and functions
Comments to explain complex processing. Beware, too much commentes can make the code hard to read
Short functions are easier to read than long ones.
None of these have anything to do with the language, it's all about the coder, and the quality of their work.
I will try saying that a code is readable by its simplicity.
You got to get at first sight what it does and what its purpose is. Why write a thousand lines of code when only a few does what is required?
This is the spirit of a functional language like F#, for instance.
For me its mainly the question of wether the language allows you to develop more readable abstractions which do prevent getting lost in details.
This is where OOP comes in very handy with the hiding of details. If i can hide the details of a task behind an interface that has the behavior of a common concept (i.e. iterators in C++) i usually don't have to read the implementation details.
I think, language design (for normal languages, not brainfuck :) ) not matters. To make code readable you should follow standards, code conventions, and don't forget about refactoring.
It's all about clean code.
Keep it small, simple, well named, and formatted.
class ShoppingCart {
def add(item) {
println "you added some $item"
def remove(item) {
println "you just took out the $item"
def myCart = new ShoppingCart()
myCart.with {
add "juice"
add "milk"
add "cookies"
add "eggs"
remove "cookies"
The literacy level of the reader.
Two distinct aspects, really. First is syntax and whitespace. Python enforces a whitespace standard, dropping unnecessary {, } and ; characters. This makes it easy on the eyes. Second, and most importantly, clarity of expression- i.e. how easy is it to map code back to the way you think. There are several features (and non-features) in programming languages that contribute to the latter point:
Disallowing jumps. The goto statement in C is a typical example. Code that doesn't keep running out of structured blocks is easier to read.
Minimizing side-effects. Global variables are evil, remember?
Using more tailored functions. How can your head track a for loop with 5 iteration variables? The Common Lisp loop is much easier to read (although VERY difficult to write, but that's a different story)
Lexical closures. You can figure out a variable's value by just looking at it, as opposed to running the code in your head, and then figuring out which statement is shadowing which.
A couple of examples:
do for tweet = (master-response-parser (twitter-show-status tweet-id))
for tweet-id = tweet-id then (gethash in-reply-to tweet)
while tweet-id
collecting tweet)
listOfFacs = [x | x <- [1 ..], x == sumOfFacDigits x]
where sumOfFacDigits x = sum [factorial (x `div` y) | y <- [1 .. 10]]
Concerning the syntax, I think it it imperative that it be fairly descriptive. For instance, in many languages, you have the foreach statement, and each one handles it a bit differently.
// PHP
foreach ($array as $variable) ...
// Ruby
array.each{ |variable| ... }
// Python
for variable in array ...
// Java
for (String variable : array)
Honestly, I feel that PHP and Python have the clearest means of understanding, but, it all boils down to how smart and clear the programmer wants to be. For instance, a bad programmer could write the following:
// PHP
foreach ($user as $_user) ...
My guess is that you would have almost no idea what the heck the code is doing unless you tracked back and attempted to figure out what $user was and why you were iterating over it. Being clear and concise is all about making small chunks of code make sense without having to trace back through the program to figure out what variables/function names are.
Also, I would have to completely agree with whitespace. Tabs, newlines and spacing in-between operators really make a huge difference!
Edit 1: I might also interject that some languages have the syntax and tools readily available to make things more clear. Take Ruby for example:
if [1,2,3].include? variable then ... end
verses, say Java:
if (variable != 1 || variable != 2 || variable != 3) { ... }
One of these (IMHO) is certainly more clear and readable than the other.

How to write a linter? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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In my day job I, and others on my team write a lot of hardware models in Verilog-AMS, a language supported primarily by commercial vendors and a few opensource simulator projects.
One thing that would make supporting each others code more helpful would be a LINTER that would check our code for common problems and assist with enforcing a shared code formatting style.
I of course want to be able to add my own rules and, after I prove their utility to myself, promote them to the rest of the team..
I don't mind doing the work that has to be done, but of course also want to leverage the work of other existing projects.
Does having the allowed language syntax in a yacc or bison format give me a leg up?
or should I just suck each language statement into a perl string, and use pattern matching to find the things I don't like?
(most syntax and compilation errors are easily caught by the commercial tools.. but we have some of our own extentions.)
lex/flex and yacc/bison provide easy-to-use, well-understood lexer- and parser-generators, and I'd really recommend doing something like that as opposed to doing it procedurally in e.g. Perl. Regular expressions are powerful stuff for ripping apart strings with relatively-, but not totally-fixed structure. With any real programming language, the size of your state machine gets to be simply unmanageable with anything short of a Real Lexer/Parser (tm). Imagine dealing with all possible interleavings of keywords, identifiers, operators, extraneous parentheses, extraneous semicolons, and comments that are allowed in something like Verilog AMS, with regular expressions and procedural code alone.
There's no denying that there's a substantial learning curve there, but writing a grammar that you can use for flex and bison, and doing something useful on the syntax tree that comes out of bison, will be a much better use of your time than writing a ton of special-case string-processing code that's more naturally dealt with using a syntax-tree in the first place. Also, what you learn writing it this way will truly broaden your skillset in ways that writing a bunch of hacky Perl code just won't, so if you have the means, I highly recommend it ;-)
Also, if you're lazy, check out the Eclipse plugins that do syntax highlighting and basic refactoring for Verilog and VHDL. They're in an incredibly primitive state, last I checked, but they may have some of the code you're looking for, or at least a baseline piece of code to look at to better inform your approach in rolling your own.
I've written a couple verilog parsers and I would suggest PCCTS/ANTLR if your favorite programming language is C/C++/Java. There is a PCCTS/ANTLR Verilog grammar that you can start with. My favorite parser generator is Zebu which is based on Common Lisp.
Of course the big job is to specify all the linting rules. It makes sense to make some kind of language to specify the linting rules as well.
Don't underestimate the amount of work that goes into a linter. Parsing is the easy part because you have tools (bison, flex, ANTLR/PCCTS) to automate much of it.
But once you have a parse, then what? You must build a semantic tree for the design. Depending on how complicated your inputs are, you must elaborate the Verilog-AMS design (i.e. resolving parameters, unrolling generates, etc. If you use those features). And only then can you try to implement rules.
I'd seriously consider other possible solutions before writing a linter, unless the number of users and potential time savings thereby justify the development time.
In trying to find my answer, I found this on ANTLR - might be of use
If you use Java at all (and thus IDEA), the IDE's extensions for custom languages might be of use
yacc/bison definitely gives you a leg up, since good linting would require parsing the program. Regex (true regex, at least) might cover trivial cases, but it is easy to write code that the regexes don't match but are still bad style.
ANTLR looks to be an alternative path to the more common (OK I heard about them before) YACC/BISON approach, which it turns out also commonly use LEX/FLEX as a front end.
a Quick read of the FLEX man page kind of make me think It could be the framework for that regex type of idea..
Ok.. I'll let this stew a little longer, then see how quickly I can build a prototype parser in one or the other.
and a little bit longer
