I'd like to implement a system that generates unique NxN blocks when given a MD5 hash as an input, currently I'm splitting the MD5 into sub-strings and just using them as Hex colour-codes, does anyone have any good ideas on systems I could use to generate these images?
I've considered using the values as the constants in a Lorenz attractor but the output just isn't that visually distinguishable for large numbers of generated outputs.
You could try generating a face-like image. People are fairly good at distinguishing different face-like images. For example, see Wavatars, which are goofy face-like images in which the shape is varied, the color, the background the eyes, the mouth, and so on, leading to a very large number of different, fairly recognizable images.
If not faces, then pick some other class of fairly recognizable objects that can vary on several axes, like cars or animals or something.
See, for example, this thread on Meta about automatically generating unicorn avatars.
The auto generated avatars on SO are called Identicons, you could use a variant of that.
See this question for more information:
How is the user id image generated on SO?
I have been looking all over and seen lot of questions of this nature.
My problem is much simpler than generating a 3D world with heights and such.
I'd like to generate a 2D map in a limited space (15x15, 20x20 ...) based on a tileset.
Here is a random example what a simple result could look like:
Is anyone aware of an algorithm which is capable of executing such a task?
First, you should create a spritesheet that will have all the tiles you need.
Then you should create a class 'Tile', that will be able to render yourself (tile will be of fixed size, so it will not be hard)
Then, you should create a level. I mean, you should create a description of your level. You can do it in text format, xml or you can generate it randomly. For example, your level:
Where one letter means one tile (G is for grass, B is for bridge).
Then, when you've done it, you should iterate through your level descritpion and render it.
UPD. Sorry for misunderstanding your question. I use an excellent piece of software: "Tiled". It's open source and great! You cat create levels by drag and drop. And when completed you can export your level to xml, txt, json and other formats.
I am wondering if there is a pre-existing algorithm/library/framework to compare two images to see if one is a re-sized version of the other? The programming language doesn't matter at this stage.
If there is nothing out there, I'd need to write something up. What I have thought of so far:
(Expensive) Resize the larger to the smaller and compare pixel by pixel.
Better yet, just resize a few random "areas" on the picture and compare. If they match, convert more, etc...
Break the image into a number of rows and columns and do some sort of parity math on the color values.
The problem I see with the first two ideas especially, is that there are different ways to re-size a picture in the first place, so the math will likely not work out the same at all. Some re-sizing adds blur, etc....
If anyone could point me to some good literature on this subject, that would be great. My googling turns up mostly shareware applications which is not what I want.
The goal is to have this running in the back of a webserver.
The best approach depends on the characteristics of the images you are comparing, what percentage of probability it is that the images are the same, and when they are different, are they typically off by a lot or could it be as minute as a single pixel difference?
If the answers to the above is that the images you need to compare will be completely random then going with the expensive solution, or some available package might be the best bet.
If it is that you know that the images are different more often than not, and that the images typically differ quite a lot, and you really want to hand-roll a solution you could implement some initial 'quick compare' steps that would be less expensive and that would quickly identify a lot of the cases where the images are different.
For example you could resize the larger image, then either compare pixel-by-pixel (or calculate a hash of the pixel values) only a 'diagonal line' of the image (top left pixel to bottom right pixel) and by doing so exclude differing images and only do the more expensive comparison for those that pass this test.
Or take a pre-set number of points at whatever is a 'good distribution' depending on the type of image and only do the more expensive comparison for those that pass this test.
If you know a lot about the images you will be comparing, they have known characteristics and they are different more often than they are the same, implementing a cheap 'quick elimination compare' along the lines of the above could be worthwhile.
You need to look into dHash algorithm for this.
I wrote a pure java library just for this few days back. You can feed it with directory path(includes sub-directory), and it will list the duplicate images in list with absolute path which you want to delete. Alternatively, you can use it to find all unique images in a directory too.
It used awt api internally, so can't be used for Android though. Since, imageIO has problem reading alot of new types of images, i am using twelve monkeys jar which is internally used.
Jar with dependencies bundled internally can be downloaded from, https://github.com/srch07/Duplicate-Image-Finder-API/blob/master/archives/duplicate_image_finder_1.0.jar
The api can find duplicates among images of different sizes too.
I'm trying to analyse two contours and give a percent corresponding to their similarity. Assuming I have all the point's coordinates describing these contours (just like an SVG path), based on which factor should I tell they're almost identical ?
After some Google searches, I found something related to Fourier descriptors, are they relevant for my case ?
What I want to do is to compare several fonts to another one. Just like would do What the font, but not with an image. Thanks to the produced algorithm, it would be possible to find a font equivalent according to the similarity percentage.
Some scripts just compare the bounding box for each letters, but it's not enough. I need a way to tell that Arial is closest to Verdana than to Webdings. So assuming I can extract the contour from the fonts, I need a way to compare two contours.
For example (with "logical" percent values):
there are two basic ways to approach the general problem (font matching): symbolic and statistical. a good solution will probably combine both in some way.
a symbolic approach uses your knowledge of the problem in a direct way. for example, you can make a list of the things you (as an intelligent human) would use to characterise fonts. the kind of questions that identifont uses. this approach means writing routines that are smart enough to detect the various properties (eg stroke width, whether certain loops are closed, existence of serifs, etc) plus a decision tree (or "rule engine") that puts the yes/no/unsure answers together and comes up with an answer.
the statistical approach sounds more like what you were thinking about, and is probably how what the font works. here the idea is to find some general properties and use those as weights to find a "best" selection. for example, if you have lots of fonts then you can train a neural net (input being pixels at some sample resolution). there you don't need to know "how" the net decides - just that given enough training data it will find a way to do so. or you could just look at the sum of all the dark pixels - that would likely give you results similar to your percentages above.
this sounds simple, but often it's not so easy to find simple statistical measurements that show differences well in all the ways you want.
so then there's a large middle ground between the two. the idea being that if you can pull in some of the ideas from the first group then you can make the approaches in the second much more efficient. while the simplest neural net approach is "all in one" (it includes the calculations and the decisions) you can separate those out. so instead of just giving the net a bunch of pixels you can give it more "meaningful" inputs - things that you know help detect between different fonts. things like stroke width, or the number of "holes" in the character. you can also add some smarts to remove things that might otherwise confuse results - for example, pre-scaling to the same height (if you have a full font set then you can scale everything so that the height of a lowercase "m", say, is constant).
fourier descriptors are a way of characterising the "outside shape" of something and so could be used as an input to a statistical approach as i've described above. in the example you give the fourier descriptors will pick up the "spikiness" of the serifs in the lower G, and so would indicate that it is very different from the G on the left. but they care much less about stroke width and nothing at all about scale (magnification/zoom) (which can be a good or bad thing - if you're being given random letters of different sizes, you don't want to be sensitive to size, but if you've normalized to a standard "m" for an entire alphabet then you certainly do want to include that). since the output is just a spectrum you can compare different letters by cross-correlation of use something like PCA to categorize different types of letter.
other ideas would be 2d cross-correlation (the maximum of the normalised correlation gives you some idea of how similar two things are) or simply seeing what fraction of pixels are common in both letters.
as the comments say, this is a huge problem (and i am not an expert - the above is just random bullshit from being an interested bystander).
but, to finally answer your question, if what you have is an outline, then a fourier descriptor would be a good place to start. since that focuses on shape rather than "weight" i would combine that with something like total area enclosed by the outline. then write some code to calculate those and see what numbers you get for some example alphabets. if it seems to distinguish some letters, but not others, then look for some other measurements that would help in those cases. you will likely end up combining quite a few approaches to get something both fast and reliable.
alternatively, if you just want something simple, try using some easy-to-measure values like height, width, total number of pixels "inside" the contours, how many strokes you cross along vertical or horizontal lines, etc. combining a bunch of those could get you something "good enough" for some purposes, if you aren't comfortable with the maths involved in fourier transforms etc.
Have you considered using a neural network based approach? This paper uses a Self-Organizing Tree map to perform content based image retrieval. With a good training set, it should be possible to create a multilayer network (or SOM) that can give you an accurate similarity measure.
So I'm trying to run a comparison of different images and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for some basic metrics I can take for the group of images.
Assuming I have two images, A and B, I pretty much want as much data as possible about each so I can later programmatically compare them. Things like "general color", "general shape", etc. would be great.
If you can help me find specific properties and algorithms to compute them that would be great!
EDIT: The end goal here is to be able to have a computer tell me how "similar" too pictures are. If two images are the same but in one someone blurred out a face; they should register as fairly similar. If two pictures are completely different, the computer should be able to tell.
What you are talking about is way much general and non-specific.
Image information is formalised as Entropy.
What you seem to be looking for is basically feature extraction and then comparing these features. There are tons of features that can be extracted but a lot of them could be irrelevant depending on the differences in the pictures.
There are space domain and frequency domain descriptors of the image which each can be useful here. I can probably name more than 100 descriptors but in your case, only one could be sufficient or none could be useful.
Pre-processing is also important, perhaps you could turn your images to grey-scale and then compare them.
This field is so immensely diverse, so you need to be a bit more specific.
What you are looking for is a topic of hundreds if not thousands of scientific articles. But well, perhaps a simplistic approach can work.
So assuming that the question here is not identifying objects and there is no transform, translation, scale or rotation involved and we are only dealing with the two images which are the same but one could have more noise added upon it:
1) Image domain (space domain): Compare the pixels one by one and add up the square of the differences. Normalise this value by the width*height - just divide by the number of pixels. This could be a useful measure of similarity.
2) Frequency domain: Convert the image to frequency domain image (using FTT in an image processing tool such as OpenCV) which will be 2D as well. Do the same above squared diff as above, but perhaps you want to limit the frequencies. Then normalise by the number of pixels. This fares better on noise and translation and on a small rotation but not on scale.
SURF is a good candidate algorithm for comparing images
Wikipedia Article
A practical example (in Mathematica), identifying corresponding points in two images of the moon (rotated, colorized and blurred) :
You can also calculate sum of differences between histogram bins of those two images. But it is also not a silver bullet...
I recommend taking a look at OpenCV. The package offers most (if not all) of the techniques mentioned above.
Sometimes two image files may be different on a file level, but a human would consider them perceptively identical. Given that, now suppose you have a huge database of images, and you wish to know if a human would think some image X is present in the database or not. If all images had a perceptive hash / fingerprint, then one could hash image X and it would be a simple matter to see if it is in the database or not.
I know there is research around this issue, and some algorithms exist, but is there any tool, like a UNIX command line tool or a library I could use to compute such a hash without implementing some algorithm from scratch?
edit: relevant code from findimagedupes, using ImageMagick
try $image->Sample("160x160!");
try $image->Modulate(saturation=>-100);
try $image->Blur(radius=>3,sigma=>99);
try $image->Normalize();
try $image->Equalize();
try $image->Sample("16x16");
try $image->Threshold();
try $image->Set(magick=>'mono');
($blob) = $image->ImageToBlob();
edit: Warning! ImageMagick $image object seems to contain information about the creation time of an image file that was read in. This means that the blob you get will be different even for the same image, if it was retrieved at a different time. To make sure the fingerprint stays the same, use $image->getImageSignature() as the last step.
findimagedupes is pretty good. You can run "findimagedupes -v fingerprint images" to let it print "perceptive hash", for example.
Cross-correlation or phase correlation will tell you if the images are the same, even with noise, degradation, and horizontal or vertical offsets. Using the FFT-based methods will make it much faster than the algorithm described in the question.
The usual algorithm doesn't work for images that are not the same scale or rotation, though. You could pre-rotate or pre-scale them, but that's really processor intensive. Apparently you can also do the correlation in a log-polar space and it will be invariant to rotation, translation, and scale, but I don't know the details well enough to explain that.
MATLAB example: Registering an Image Using Normalized Cross-Correlation
Wikipedia calls this "phase correlation" and also describes making it scale- and rotation-invariant:
The method can be extended to determine rotation and scaling differences between two images by first converting the images to log-polar coordinates. Due to properties of the Fourier transform, the rotation and scaling parameters can be determined in a manner invariant to translation.
Colour histogram is good for the same image that has been resized, resampled etc.
If you want to match different people's photos of the same landmark it's trickier - look at haar classifiers. Opencv is a great free library for image processing.
I don't know the algorithm behind it, but Microsoft Live Image Search just added this capability. Picasa also has the ability to identify faces in images, and groups faces that look similar. Most of the time, it's the same person.
Some machine learning technology like a support vector machine, neural network, naive Bayes classifier or Bayesian network would be best at this type of problem. I've written one each of the first three to classify handwritten digits, which is essentially image pattern recognition.
resize the image to a 1x1 pixle... if they are exact, there is a small probability they are the same picture...
now resize it to a 2x2 pixle image, if all 4 pixles are exact, there is a larger probability they are exact...
then 3x3, if all 9 pixles are exact... good chance etc.
then 4x4, if all 16 pixles are exact,... better chance.
doing it this way, you can make efficiency improvments... if the 1x1 pixel grid is off by a lot, why bother checking 2x2 grid? etc.
If you have lots of images, a color histogram could be used to get rough closeness of images before doing a full image comparison of each image against each other one (i.e. O(n^2)).
There is DPEG, "The" Duplicate Media Manager, but its code is not open. It's a very old tool - I remember using it in 2003.
You could use diff to see if they are REALLY different.. I guess it will remove lots of useless comparison. Then, for the algorithm, I would use a probabilistic approach.. what are the chances that they look the same.. I'd based that on the amount of rgb in each pixel. You could also find some other metrics such as luminosity and stuff like that.