Oracle10 and JDBC: how to make CHAR ignore trailing spaces at comparision? - oracle

I have a query that has
The prt_status field is defined as CHAR(5) though. So it's always padded with spaces. The query matches nothing as the result. To make this query work I have to do
which does work.
That's annoying.
At the same time, a couple of pure-java DBMS clients (Oracle SQLDeveloper and AquaStudio) I have do NOT have a problem with the first query, they return the correct result. TOAD has no problem either.
I presume they simply put the connection into some compatibility mode (e.g. ANSI), so the Oracle knows that CHAR(5) expected to be compared with no respect to trailing characters.
How can I do it with Connection objects I get in my application?
UPDATE I cannot change the database schema.
SOLUTION It was indeed the way Oracle compares fields with passed in parameters.
When bind is done, the string is passed via PreparedStatement.setString(), which sets type to VARCHAR, and thus Oracle uses unpadded comparision -- and fails.
I tried to use setObject(n,str,Types.CHAR). Fails. Decompilation shows that Oracle ignores CHAR and passes it in as a VARCHAR again.
The variant that finally works is
It makes the code not portable though.
The UI clients succeed for a different reason -- they use character literals, not binding. When I type PRT_STATUS='ONT', 'ONT' is a literal, and as such compared using padded way.

Note that Oracle compares CHAR values using blank-padded comparison semantics.
From Datatype Comparison Rules,
Oracle uses blank-padded comparison
semantics only when both values in the
comparison are either expressions of
datatype CHAR, NCHAR, text literals,
or values returned by the USER
In your example, is 'ONT' passed as a bind parameter, or is it built into the query textually, as you illustrated? If a bind parameter, then make sure that it is bound as type CHAR. Otherwise, verify the client library version used, as really old versions of Oracle (e.g. v6) will have different comparison semantics for CHAR.

If you cannot change your database table, you can modify your query.
Some alternatives for RTRIM:
.. WHERE PRT_STATUS like 'ONT%' ...
.. WHERE PRT_STATUS = 'ONT ' ... -- 2 white spaces behind T
.. WHERE PRT_STATUS = rpad('ONT',5,' ') ...

I would change CHAR(5) column into varchar2(5) in db.

You can use cast to char operation in your query:
... WHERE PRT_STATUS=cast('ONT' as char(5))
Or in more generic JDBC way:
... WHERE PRT_STATUS=cast(? as char(5))
And then in your JDBC code do use statement.setString(1, "ONT");


Updating oracle records that starts with special char

I have below table dim_ethernet which has a column 5G_ON_AIR_DT
. I have to update its value from programming so I have written syntax in below style .
I got an error while running the code.
Does any one know how to write this code properly.
update ORA.dim_ethernet
set "5G_ON_AIR_DT" =: 5G_ON_AIR_DT
Seems like you are very new to Oracle world. Couple of things that are worth considering.
Your Query:
update ORA.dim_ethernet
set "5G_ON_AIR_DT" =: 5G_ON_AIR_DT
=: makes no sense as it is not valid in either SQL or PLSQL.
:= is an assignment operator in PLSQL.
= is assignment operator in SQL
PLSQL and SQL are two different engines but work together flawlessly giving an impression that they are one and the same. But in fact, they are not.
:some_val acts as a bind variable.
Using "column_name" is bad. Objects in Oracle are not case sensitive and if you put any object name inside double quotes, then it becomes case sensitive. There is no need to make your column name case sensitive.
That said, post the sample data and expected output. You will receive the best replies on the forum to handle what you are doing.
You have an identifier 5G_ON_AIR_DT.
From the Database Object Names and Qualifiers documentation:
Nonquoted identifiers must begin with an alphabetic character from your database character set. Quoted identifiers can begin with any character.
Since your identifier does not begin with an alphabetic character it cannot be used as a non-quoted identifier and always must be used with quotes.
You also have syntax errors with the =: and should be using = instead.
This would give you the query:
UPDATE ORA.dim_ethernet
(Note: this statement will update the rows where SITE_DWKEY is not NULL and modify the 5G_ON_AIR_DT column to be its current value; so appears to be a pointless operation but would now be syntactically valid.)
db<>fiddle here

Can N function cause problems with existing queries?

We use Oracle 10g and Oracle 11g.
We also have a layer to automatically compose queries, from pseudo-SQL code written in .net (something like SqlAlchemy for Python).
Our layer currently wraps any string in single quotes ' and, if contains non-ANSI characters, it automatically compose the UNISTR with special characters written as unicode bytes (like \00E0).
Now we created a method for doing multiple inserts with the following construct:
INSERT INTO ... (...)
This algorithm could compose queries where the same string field is sometimes passed as 'my simple string' and sometimes wrapped as UNISTR('my string with special chars like \00E0').
The described condition causes a ORA-12704: character set mismatch.
One solution is to use the INSERT ALL construct but it is very slow compared to the one used now.
Another solution is to instruct our layer to put N in front of any string (except for the ones already wrapped with UNISTR). This is simple.
I just want to know if this could cause any side-effect on existing queries.
Note: all our fields on DB are either NCHAR or NVARCHAR2.
Oracle ref:
Basicly what you are asking is, is there a difference between how a string is stored with or without the N function.
You can just check for yourself consider:
SQL> create table test (val nvarchar2(20));
Table TEST created.
SQL> insert into test select n'test' from dual;
1 row inserted.
SQL> insert into test select 'test' from dual;
1 row inserted.
SQL> select dump(val) from test;
Typ=1 Len=8: 0,116,0,101,0,115,0,116
Typ=1 Len=8: 0,116,0,101,0,115,0,116
As you can see identical so no side effect.
The reason this works so beautifully is because of the elegance of unicode
If you are interested here is a nice video explaining it
I assume that you get an error "ORA-12704: character set mismatch" because your data inside quotes considered as char but your fields is nchar so char is collated using different charsets, one using NLS_CHARACTERSET, the other NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET.
When you use an UNISTR function, it converts data from char to nchar (in any case that also converts encoded values into characters) as the Oracle docs say:
"UNISTR takes as its argument a text literal or an expression that
resolves to character data and returns it in the national character
When you convert values explicitly using N or TO_NCHAR you only get values in NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET without decoding. If you have some values encoded like this "\00E0" they will not be decoded and will be considered unchanged.
So if you have an insert such as:
insert into select N'my string with special chars like \00E0',
UNISTR('my string with special chars like \00E0') from dual ....
your data in the first inserting field will be: 'my string with special chars like \00E0' not 'my string with special chars like à'. This is the only side effect I'm aware of. Other queries should already use NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET encoding, so it shouldn't be any problem using an explicit conversion.
And by the way, why not just insert all values as N'my string with special chars like à'? Just encode them into UTF-16 (I assume that you use UTF-16 for nchars) first if you use different encoding in 'upper level' software.
use of n function - you have answers already above.
If you have any chance to change the charset of the database, that would really make your life easier. I was working on huge production systems, and found the trend that because of storage space is cheap, simply everyone moves to AL32UTF8 and the hassle of internationalization slowly becomes the painful memories of the past.
I found the easiest thing is to use AL32UTF8 as the charset of the database instance, and simply use varchar2 everywhere. We're reading and writing standard Java unicode strings via JDBC as bind variables without any harm, and fiddle.
Your idea to construct a huge text of SQL inserts may not scale well for multiple reasons:
there is a fixed length of maximum allowed SQL statement - so it won't work with 10000 inserts
it is advised to use bind variables (and then you don't have the n'xxx' vs unistr mess either)
the idea to create a new SQL statement dynamically is very resource unfriedly. It does not allow Oracle to cache any execution plan for anything, and will make Oracle hard parse your looong statement at each call.
What you're trying to achieve is a mass insert. Use the JDBC batch mode of the Oracle driver to perform that at light-speed, see e.g.:
Note that insert speed is also affected by triggers (which has to be executed) and foreign key constraints (which has to be validated). So if you're about to insert more than a few thousands of rows, consider disabling the triggers and foreign key constraints, and enable them after the insert. (You'll lose the trigger calls, but the constraint validation after insert can make an impact.)
Also consider the rollback segment size. If you're inserting a million of records, that will need a huge rollback segment, which likely will cause serious swapping on the storage media. It is a good rule of thumb to commit after each 1000 records.
(Oracle uses versioning instead of shared locks, therefore a table with uncommitted changes are consistently available for reading. The 1000 records commit rate means roughly 1 commit per second - slow enough to benefit of write buffers, but quick enough to not interfer with other humans willing to update the same table.)

Oracle CHAR Comparison Not Working in Function

Could someone please explain to me the difference between the below two Oracle queries? I know they look very similar but the first one returns results and the second one does not. My implementation of the function can be seen below as well.
--Returns results
WHERE ID = CAST(<UserID> AS CHAR(2000)); --ID is defined as CHAR(8) in the DB.
--Does not return results
WHERE ID = CAST_TO_CHAR(<UserID>); --ID is defined as CHAR(8) in the DB.
--Function definition
RETURN CHAR IS returnVal CHAR(2000);
INTO returnVal
RETURN returnVal;
It almost seems to me that the type is not persisting when the value is retrieved from the database. From what I understand from CHAR comparisons in Oracle, it will take the smaller of the two fields and truncate the larger one so that the sizes match (that is why I am casting the second variable to length 2000).
The reason that I need to achieve something like this is because a vendor tool that we are upgrading from DB2 to Oracle defined all of the columns in the Oracle database as CHAR instead of VARCHAR2. They did this to make their legacy code more easily portable to a distributed environment. This is causing big issues in our web applications because compares are now being done against fixed length CHAR fields.
I thought about using TRIM() but these queries will be accessed a lot and I do not want them to do a full table scan each time. I also considered RPAD(, ) but I don't really want to hard code lengths in the application as these may change in the future.
Does anyone have any thoughts about this? Thank you in advance for your help!
I have similar problem. It turned out that these are the rules of implicit data conversion. Oracle Database automatically converts a value from one datatype to another when such a conversion makes sense.
If you change your select:
You will see that's works properly.
And here's another test script showing that the function works correctly:
test_string_c CHAR(8);
test_string_v VARCHAR2(8);
--Assign the same value to each string.
test_string_c := 'string';
test_string_v := 'string';
--Test the strings for equality.
IF test_string_c = CAST_TO_CHAR(test_string_v) THEN
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The names are the same');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The names are NOT the same');
anonymous block completed
The names are the same
Here are some rules govern the direction in which Oracle Database makes implicit datatype conversions:
During INSERT and UPDATE operations, Oracle converts the value to
the datatype of the affected column.
During SELECT FROM operations, Oracle converts the data from the
column to the type of the target variable.
When comparing a character value with a numeric value, Oracle
converts the character data to a numeric value.
When comparing a character value with a DATE value, Oracle converts
the character data to DATE.
When making assignments, Oracle converts the value on the right side
of the equal sign (=) to the datatype of the target of the assignment
on the left side.
When you use a SQL function or operator with an argument of a
datatype other than the one it accepts, Oracle converts the argument
to the accepted datatype.
Complete list of datatype comparison rules you can explore here

Different matches when using prepared statements on CHAR(3) column

I had to make a CHAR(1 CHAR) column wider and I forgot to change the column type to VARCHAR2:
I noticed the error when my PHP app would no longer find exact matches, e.g.:
... with :foo being #4 didn't find the 3-char padded #4 value. However, I initially hit a red herring while debugging the query in SQL Developer because injecting raw values into the query would find matches!
Why do I get matches with the second query? Why do prepared statements make a difference?
To expand a little on my comments, I found a bit in the documentation that explains difference between blankpadded and nonpadded comparison:
If both values in your comparison (the two sides of the equal sign) have datatype CHAR or NCHAR or are literal strings, then Oracle chooses blankpadded comparison. That means that if the lengths are different, then it pads the short one with blanks until they are the same length.
With the column DUPLICADO being a CHAR(3), the value '#4' is stored in the column as three characters '#4 ' (note the blank as third character.) When you do DUPLICADO = '#4' the rule states Oracle will use blankpadded comparison and therefore blankpad the literal '#4' until it has the same length as the column. So it actually becomes DUPLICADO = '#4 '.
But when you do DUPLICADO = :foo, it will depend on the datatype of the bind variable. If the datatype is CHAR, it will also perform blankpadded comparison. But if the datatype is VARCHAR2, then Oracle will use non-padded comparison and then it will be up to you to ensure to do blankpadding where necessary.
Depending on client or client language you may be able to specify the datatype of the bind variable and thereby get blankpadded or nonpadded comparison as needed.
SQL Developer may be a special case that might not allow you to specify datatype - it just possibly might default to bind variables always being datatype VARCHAR2. I don't know sufficient about SQL Developer to be certain about that ;-)

using ansi sql syntax for formatting Numeric

I am using two different databases for my project,
Oracle and Apache Derby, and am trying as much as possible to use the ANSI SQL syntax supported by both of the databases.
I have a table with a column amount_paid NUMERIC(26,2).
My old code, which was using Oracle db, needed to retrieve value in this format
SELECT LTRIM(TO_CHAR(amount_paid,'9,999,999,999,999.99'))
How can I convert a numeric value to such a string in the format '9,999,999,999,999.99' using ANSI sql syntax?
I think this is the wrong approach. The format mask is for display purposes, so it really ought to be the concern of the presentation layer. All your data access layer should do is merely execute:
select amount_paid
from your_table
where ....
This syntax will obviously work whatever database your app attaches to.
Then put the formatting code in the front-end, where it belongs.
My knowledge is not encylopedic but as far as I know there isn't an ANSI function to do what you want (although I'd be glad to find out I'm wrong :-). CONVERT converts between character sets but does not, as best I can see, do the formatting work you want. CAST converts values between data types but, again, doesn't do formatting.
If Derby doesn't support the Oracle-style TO_CHAR function you may have to roll your own function, let's call it MY_TO_CHAR. In Oracle the implementation might be
strOracle_format IN VARCHAR2,
strDerby_format IN VARCHAR2)
RETURN TO_CHAR(nValue, strOracle_format);
In Derby you'd want to define this function in a similar manner, taking the appropriate value and format and invoking Derby's equivalent of TO_CHAR with the Derby formatting string.
EDIT: I agree with #APC - a lot of these issues disappear if you don't require the backend to do what is basically front-end work.
Share and enjoy.
