How to duplicate an Oracle instance? - oracle

How can I duplicate an Oracle instance? Does anyone have any idea how to do so?

Assuming you want the schema and data duplicated, use the exp and imp commands to export your database, then import it as another user using the FROMUSER and TOUSER parameters.

Well, presumably you have a backup (surely!), so just test your backup recovery on your test server.
To be slightly more serious, it depends what version you are using, newer versions of RMAN make it pretty easy I believe, older versions, you basically do it as a backup recover.
How I've done it in the past, is basically
copy backup data files
create init file
Apply archivelogs and then open with resetlogs
Here is an article which explains the process with a bit more detail

A minor comment on your terminology - "instance" is actually the set of processes running on the database server host and you want to duplicate the "database".
As someone else mentioned, the best way is to start with an RMAN backup of the original database. However, since Oracle 9 RMAN has had the "DUPLICATE DATABASE" command, which takes care of a lot of housekeeping that used to be necessary if you just made a copy by restoring a production backup (e.g. resetting DBID, changing data and log file locations in the control file, setting database GLOBAL_NAME, etc.).
If you're not using RMAN, and the database is on the small side, you can script something that puts each tablespace in hot backup mode, copies the datafiles for that tablespace to a backup location, and then takes the tablespace out of hot backup mode. You now have a recoverable backup that can be moved to another host for archive log application. This definitely has a performance impact on the original database and should be your last resort.

Create a template based on your existing instance. You can then create other instances.


Is it possible to add an existing tablespace datafile to a new tablespace?

Background: hard-drive died in existing Oracle12cR2 server but I was able to recover all the previous tablespaces from backup, including SYSTEM01.DBF and USERS01.DBF. I created a new Oracle 12cR2 database server, and would like to know if I can recover any of the data in the tablespaces?
if you have oracle running in archive log mode and have a recent backup complete with all archives until the crash: yes you can. After that you can use various methods to move the data to the new database.
My question that remains is: why move it to an other database when you were able to recover the original one? The recovered database is as good as (or even better) than the new one.

Can I Restore data from ORACLE datafiles folder?

my server had been attacked by a ransomware .rapid and all my data had been encrypted , luckily for me the oracle home folder is not encrypted - yet - and most of the files including the datafiles folder and tablespaces are still accessible
Can any One please tell me how to recover my database objects?
no backup is available , only oracle home folder -most of it-
The System is broken , I am trying to know witch files to collect and copy that will enable me to recover my database files from another system
when I try to log into sqlplus throw cmd I get the following error :
'sqlplus' is not recognized as an internal or external command ,
operable program or batch file.
Okay. If you can find an init.ora file on your server, that's the PFILE - initialization parameter file - that's the last thing missing to easily copy your database to a new server. If you can't find it, that's ok - it'll just be a little harder. As long as you have the datafiles, you can eventually get your database back.
Basically, you'll want to follow steps 2-8 in the link I posted. You can also find some helpful info in the Oracle guide to manually creating a database in Windows. I'll walk you through them.
Shutdown your old database (if it's still running). This will make sure your datafiles are in a consistent state for copying. Probably stopping the Windows Service would be the easiest way to do that if you can't access sqlplus.
Copy the data to your new server. I'm assuming it'll be in the same location, D:\app\Administrator\oradata\VTC\
Make a copy of the control file CONTROL01.CTL and name it create_db.sql (EDIT: I was assuming that this was a backup to trace ascii version of the control file, but it sounds like this is the binary file)
Edit create_db.sql. Where it says CREATE CONTROLFILE REUSE DATABASE "MY_DB" NORESETLOGS, change it to CREATE CONTROLFILE SET DATABASE "MY_DB" RESETLOGS. Make note of whatever "MY_DB" is - this is your database name. Most people make it the same as the SID. I normally do RESETLOGS which throws out the old redo logs, but you could try keeping them with NORESETLOGS if that works for you.
Remove or comment out the lines that say RECOVER DATABASE and ALTER DATABASE OPEN;. Make sure the paths for the datafiles and logfiles look correct. Save the file.
If you couldn't find your init.ora to copy, I think this very minimal one will work for you, although you'll want to fix your memory settings later. Create it in the same folder.
CONTROL_FILES = ("D:\app\Administrator\oradata\VTC\CONTROL01.CTL")
Create an Oracle Database Windows Service. Afterwards check Services to make sure it's running.
oradim -NEW -SID MY_DB -STARTMODE manual -PFILE "D:\app\Administrator\oradata\VTC\init.ora"
Log in to your new Oracle instance as SYSDBA. There's no database yet.
cd D:\app\Administrator\oradata\VTC\
sqlplus / as sysdba
Create the database, using the control file from the old server as a script.
If everything comes back OK, run:
alter database open

Oracle daily db backup - without Enterprise Manager

I'm a SQL Server DBA, but we have an Oracle 10g database that I need to start performing daily backups on. We do not have Enterprise Manager. Is there a way to schedule a daily backup in Oracle like in SQL Server?
I apologize if this question is severely elementary for Oracle people, but I've had a very tough time trying to research this and coming up with an answer other than "Use EM".
Easiest in your case is to make a simple Windows Batch script that set ORACLE_HOME and PATH and uses rman to make the backup. Schedule the script in the Windows Task scheduler. Assuming your database is production and because of this runs in archive log mode your script could be something like this:
(I am not a Windows expert so subtle errors might be easy to spot for you)
rman cmdfile=your_rman_actions_script.rman log=your_log_file.log
your_rman_action_script.rman looks like
connect target=/
For documentation look at Oracle 10g database documentation and start with 2 day dba. After that check out the backup docu found here Administration
I would (but then, my background is more on Unix, less on Windows) do the scheduling from outside the database, using the OS Scheduler to run a backup script. Assuming that no real backup system is available.
In the beginning of backup, you would run a SQL script to place the tablespaces in backup mode (ALTER TABLESPACE x BEGIN BACKUP), then back up the tablespace data files, and after that restore normal mode (ALTER TABLESPACE x END BACKUP). PL/SQL can be used here for looping over all tablespaces.
After that, you'd back up the control file (ALTER SYSTEM BACKUP CONTROLFILE ...), and finally you would rotate the redo logs enough times that all relevant log data has been archived, and back up the archive logs.
And as of doing incremental backups f.ex. throughout the working week, just do the log rotation & archive log copy part.

Problem when backing up Oracle 10g

I've just started a job and have identified an issue in which the database isn't currently being backed up properly so to speak. We are doing one back up every 6 hours that uses the Oracle native backup utility, but we were also sold a process by a company in which they stated that they could in essence perform "warm" backups of our database by simply taking file system copies of our database files and when we needed to restore we'd simply shut down Oracle and then copy over the files that had been copied, restart Oracle and the world would be whole again. The challenge is the fact that we have not gotten this to work just yet. I need to spend some more time reviewing the message that Oracle is giving, but my primary question is, "Is it possible" to take copies of Oracle files while Oracle is still running and to use those files at a later date to restore the database? I know that it works if the database is shut down, and then copies are made, but this is the first that I've heard that a copy (file system) can be made while the database is running. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Here is the error that we are getting.
ORA-00314: log 3 of thread 1, expected sequence# 1939 doesn't match 1944
ORA-00312: online log 3 thread 1: 'E:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ITMS\REDO03.LOG'
Yes, it is possible, but you have to put all the tablespaces into backup mode first and take them out afterwards (e.g. ALTER TABLESPACE x BEGIN BACKUP and ALTER TABLESPACE x END BACKUP; you'll need to check the syntax and make sure it's appropriate for your situation!). Oversimplifying hugely, this tells Oracle not to write to any of the data files, so they're all kept in a consistent state.
The two main problems you get otherwise are that individual files are updated while you're copying them so a single file can be corrupted; and more visibly that different files have different internal timestamps and sequences so Oracle won't allow them to be used.
If you're using a process you've bought in then it should already be taking care of all that though. It sounds the backup is OK and it's the restore that you haven't got working.
I haven't been involved in a restore from a hot backup for some time so someone else will need to give the detail on the actual error. My read of it is that you've tried to open with the restored data files but the later live redo logs. When restoring I think you either have to RECOVER the database using the redo logs generated since the backup was taken; or if you're trying to restore to that point in time then you can open the data with the RESETLOGS directive and lose all the changes from all the redo logs that came later. But really take more informed advice than this...
As far as I know, there are two ways that you can "copy" datafiles from a running Oracle instance.
The datafiles are copied for a
tablespace when the tablespace is in
You are using a high-end journalling
filesystem such as Veritas that can
snapshot and track block
changes on the filesystem while the
copy is taking place.
It is possible. You must must be in ARCHIVELOG mode.
An example script would be for manual:
Alter tablespace USERS begin backup;
host cp -p /u02/oradata/PROD/users01.dbf /u03/backup/PROD/
host cp -p /u02/oradata/PROD/users02.dbf /u03/backup/PROD/
Alter tablespace USERS end backup;
However, I would recommend just using RMAN. RMAN is QUITE ROBUST, included free, and will do the hot backup, as well as cold. It will clone to another instance, clone as a point in time, recover to a certain point in time, etc. Any manual backup procedure should be migrated to using the RMAN.
If you wanted to backup the entire database while it is open (I prefer as Oracle with DBA so you can avoid passwords in scripts, but ymmv):
$ . oraenv
$ rman target=/
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Thu Oct 28 14:23:29 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
connected to target database: PROD (DBID=x)
RMAN> backup as compressed backupset database plus archivelog;
Backup Complete.
I've effectively done this with a non-mission-critical database running on Amazon EC2. My backup strategy is to periodically take a snapshot of the EBS volume. To restore a backup, I create a new EBS volume from the snapshot, start up the instance using it, then run RECOVER DATABASE.
This loses any transactions that were in-flight at the time when the snapshot was taken, of course.

oracle rman simple backup

I would like to backup an Oracle 10G as simple as possible.
It is in NOARCHIVELOG mode and I can shut down for backup (it is only a development server).
After reading tons of documentation abour rman I tried this way in rman:
shutdown immediate;
startup mount
backup database;
sql 'alter database open';
As I see it works fine, list backup shows backups.
Than I made some modifications (droping some tables, adding data) and I tried to restore backup:
shutdown immediate;
startup mount
restore database;
recover database;
sql 'alter database open';
It also seems to work fine but I can't get back the previous state of the database. I don't understand why. I also don't understand why need to use recover.
The "restore database;" command will read the backup from the backup media media so that your database files are exactly like they were when the last backup was taken. It does not restore control files.
The "recover database;" command will apply incremental backups (not applicable - your example only has a full backup) and apply archive logs (also not applicable, you're in "NOARCHIVELOG" mode.) It may also write to the control files - if it does, you can see why it's required.
After the restore/recover/open commands you issued in your question your database is as it was at the time of the backup. Any transactions committed after the backup are lost and can't be recovered because you're in "NOARCHIVELOG" mode. You need to be in "ARCHIVELOG" mode to do a complete "point in time" recovery.
byw, what files, if any did you delete, rename or move to really simulate a true media failure? I'll bet you didn't delete one of your control files. You need to practice that scenario.
