Update using Prototype and Ajax - ajax

I am using Ajax and Prototype. In my code, I need to update the contents of a div.
My div:
<div id="update">
1. Content_1
My code:
Expected output:
<div id="update">
How can I do this in Ajax and Prototype?

AJAX usually means you are executing a script on the server to get this result.
However, in your example it looks like you simply want to append some text.
To append text you could simply add the text to the end of the innerHTML:
$("update").innerHTML = $("update").innerHTML + "2.Content_2";
If you are wanting to execute a server script, I'd do this: (I haven't used Prototype for a while, things might have changed)
function getResult()
var url = 'theServerScriptURL.php';
var pars = '';
var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(
method: 'post',
parameters: {},
onComplete: showResult
function showResult(originalRequest)
$("update").innerHTML = originalRequest.responseText;
This code will call 'theServerScriptURL.php' and display the result in the div with id of 'update'.


Does anyone know why this Ajax wont work?

I have some code, some to change the class of a div, the rest to load content into the ajax div.
The ajax div however, does not load content. Why might this be?
window.onload = function () {
var everyone = document.getElementById('everyone'),
favorites = document.getElementById('favorites');
everyone.onclick = function() {
var otherClasses = favorites.className;
if (otherClasses.contains("Active")) {
everyone.className = 'statusOptionActive';
favorites.className = 'statusOption';
favorites.onclick = function() {
var otherClasses = everyone.className;
if (otherClasses.contains("Active")) {
favorites.className = 'statusOptionActive';
everyone.className = 'statusOption';
function loadXMLDoc(event) {
url: "../home/" + event.data + ".php",
type: "GET",
success: function (result) {
These divs start the ajax code (or should do at least)
<div id="everyone" class="statusOptionActive" onclick="loadXMLDoc('indexEveryone')">Everyone, everywhere</div>
<div id="favorites" class="statusOption" onclick="loadXMLDoc('indexFav')">Favourites Only</div>
Why won't it work :(
Delete your div onclick event,since already you are manipulating your click event in the script.
Edited div
<div id="everyone" class="statusOptionActive">Everyone, everywhere</div>
<div id="favorites" class="statusOption">Favourites Only</div>
And I don know what argument you are passing in to loadXMLDoc('indexFav'); and loadXMLDoc('indexEveryone'); apart from that your javascript code is correct.
Hope this helps
Thank you
One obvious problem I can see is that you pass a string to loadXMLDoc, then you try to access .data on that string.

jQuery: Get next page via ajax and append it with animation

I am getting next page on my wordpress blog using jquery, finding the desired div and appending it to the existing one. This part works without a problem. But, what I need to do is, to add slideDown animation to it.
This is how my working code so far looks like:
$.get(next_page, function(data) {
var response = $(data);
var more_div = $(response).find('.FeaturedRow1').html();
I tried adding hide() to response, more_div as well as append lines. In the first case, I get error stating that it cannot set property display of undefined.
In the second case, in the console it display HTML and says "has no method hide". I also tried adding a line $(more_div).hide() but again, I get the error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'display' of undefined".
If I use hide in the 3rd line
it hides the whole FeaturedRow1 div and animates it, that takes me to the top of the div, which is what I don't want.
EDIT: Here's the important HTML structure and jQuery code for the desired section
<div class="FeaturedRow1">
<div class="postspage">
//list of posts here
<div class="navigation">
<span class="loadless">
//hyperlink to previous page
<span class="loadmore">
//hyperlink to next page
When you click on the hyperlink inside the loadmore, the following jQuery code gets called
$('.loadmore a').live('click', function(e) {
var next_page = $(this).attr('href');
$.get(next_page, function(data) {
var $response = $(data);
var $more_div = $response.find('.FeaturedRow1').hide();
$('.loadless').live('click', function(e) {
if ($('.postpage').length != 1) {
You get error as you are using html method which returns a string not a jQuery object, try the following.
var $response = $(data);
var $more_div = $response.find('.FeaturedRow1').hide();
$.get(next_page, function(data) {
var $response = $(data);
var more_div = $response.find('.FeaturedRow1').html();

Zend Form: onchange select load another view content

In my application I have a form in controller/index that consists out of 3 select boxes. When all three boxes have a value selected I need to show additional html and extra form options in the same view based on those select values. The obvious solution seems to make an ajax call to another action that handles the database operation and creates a view and loading that view into the controller/index.phtml
I have been able to load a view of another action in the index.phtml by using:
$('#select').change(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
$('#results').load('/controller/index/' + $(this).attr('value'));
return false;
However I need to pass the variables of all three select boxes and for that I alternatively used:
$('#select1').change(function() {
var select1 = $('#select1').val();
var select2 = $('#select2').val();
var select3 = $('#select3').val();
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
url: '/controller/index/',
data: { select1: select1, select2: select2, select3: select3},
success: function(result){
var return1 = result.return1;
var return2 = result.return2;
The last method works in as far that I do see the variables passed in the headers and the response contains the view, but I cant fix it that just the content of the ajax view is placed within the index view. (Ofcourse by not using AjaxContent switching, the ajax view will load but that includes the complete layout as well.) Anything that I echo in the ajax action or ajax view do not show in the index view. Any pointer would be more than welcome
the ajax action now looks like
$select1 = $this->_request->getParam('select1');
$select2 = $this->_request->getParam('select2');
$select3 = $this->_request->getParam('select3');
$results = array(
'return1' => 'value1',
'return2' => 'value2'
and the controller init
public function init() {
$ajaxContext = $this->_helper->getHelper('AjaxContext');
$ajaxContext->addActionContext('ajax', 'json')->initContext();
So everything works, I can see the returned values in the response by using developer tool (network) in my browser, however I just do not know how I can use this to "update" the view
You can do two things:
You can enable the layout of the action you are calling via ajax. See you have disabled layout so even if the view phtml file of the ajax action contains something, it won't show. You can enable layout, use text/html dataType instead of json and show the returned HTML somewhere.
Or, in the success event of the ajax call, write javascript codes to update DOM.
Thanks #Salman for your suggestions as they lead me in the right direction and I managed to solve the problem.
I managed to pass multiple parameters with the ajax .load() call by passing them as get parameters.
The results of the ajaxAction could then be formatted in the ajax.ajax.phtml view and were consecutively
shown within the #results div that resides in the index.phtml where the select boxes are.
<div id="results" style="display:block;">Select all three values</div>
IndexController init and ajaxAction
public function init() {
$ajaxContext = $this->_helper->getHelper('AjaxContext');
$ajaxContext->addActionContext('ajax', 'html')->initContext('html');
public function ajaxAction() {
$select1 = $this->_request->getQuery('select1');
$select2 = $this->_request->getQuery('select2');
$select3 = $this->_request->getQuery('select3');
$form = new Application_Form();
// Database operations and logic
$this->view->form = $form;
$this->view->array = $somearray;
jquery script in index.phtml
$('.selector').change(function() {
var select1 = $('#select1').val();
var select2 = $('#select2').val();
var select3 = $('#select3').val();
if ( select1 && select2 && select3) {
$('#results').load('/controller/ajax?select1=' + select1 + '&select2=' + select2 + '&select3=' + select3);
<?php if ( $this->array ) : ?>
<?php echo( $this->form ); ?>
<?php else: ?>
Nothing found for selected values
<?php endif ?>

Passing mutiple arguments with AJAX. Values come from DIV

I am trying to pass two arguments thought ajax. The variables I am pulling from are in a div and are done on the fly. I can easily pass the date_time but I need to be able to pass a variable "id" also. The date is in an array that is being loaded and changes. The ID does not change for this page.
This is the javascript. Below that will be my div. All attempts to append this have failed. Any ideas?
<div class='letter' width=600 date_time=\"$date_time\" id=\"$id\">
....doing stuff here.....
function OnScrollLetters () { var div = document.getElementById ("userLetter");
var info = document.getElementById ("info");
if(div.scrollTop == (div.scrollHeight - div.clientHeight))
url: "get_letters_for_profile_scroll.php?lastComment="+ $(".letter:last").attr('date_time'),
success: function(html) {
$('div#loadMoreComments').replaceWith("<center><h1 style='color:red'>End of Letters</h1></center>");
This is my div.
<div class='letter' width=600 date_time=\"$date_time\" id=\"$id\">
....doing stuff here.....
Try place a "=" between parameter name and value

Passing the signed_request along with the AJAX call to an ActionMethod decorated with CanvasAuthorize

This is a follow-up to AJAX Call Does Not Trigger Action Method When Decorated With CanvasAuthorize
So I found the following links and it seems that this is a common problem:
I tried to follow the advice by prabir but I couldn't get it to work...
Here's my setup:
I have the following snippet in the page where the button that triggers the whole post to facebook is located:
#if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["signed_request"]))
<input type="hidden" id="signedReq" value="#Request.Params["signed_request"]" />
And then I have this snippet (inside a script tag inside the same page):
var signedRequest = $('#signedReq').val();
$('.facebookIcon').click(function () {
var thisItem = $(this).parent().parent();
var msg = thisItem.find('.compItemDescription').text();
var title = thisItem.find('.compareItemTitle').text();
var itemLink = thisItem.find('.compareItemTitle').attr('href');
var img = thisItem.find('img').first().attr('src');
postOnFacebook(msg, itemLink, img, title, signedRequest);
And finally, inside an external js file I have the following function:
/*Facebook post item to wall*/
function postOnFacebook(msg, itemLink, pic, itemTitle, signedReq) {
var siteUrl = 'http://www.localhost:2732';
url: '/Facebook/PostItem',
data: {
'message': msg,
'link': siteUrl + itemLink,
'picture': siteUrl + pic,
'name' : itemTitle,
'signed_request': signedReq
type: 'get',
success: function(data) {
if(data.result == "success") {
alert("item was posted on facebook");
But signedReq is always undefined. And I'm not really sure I should be passing the 'signed_request' field inside the data object. Any thoughts?
Make sure you hidden input field is being populated.
Also, when you try to pull the ID of the input field via JQuery, you might not be referencing the proper element since .NET butcher's ID's of anything that's run on the server.
When I use the hidden input field trick, I set the jquery value like so:
var signedRequest = $('#<%=signedReq.ClientID %>').val();
This way, I'm getting the identifier that .NET is giving to the HTML element.
Hope that helps.
Just a guess - in your hidden field: id="signed_request" instead of id="signedReq"
