Window move and resize APIs in OS X - windows

I'm trying to find documented (or, undocumented, if that's my only option) APIs on OS X to query a list of windows from the window server and then cause the windows to move and resize. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I guess I'd be starting with something like FindWindowEx and MoveWindow under Win32.
Note that I want to do this from an external process - I'm not asking how to control just my own app's window size and position.

Use the Accessibility API. Using this API you can connect to a process, obtain a list of windows (actually an array), get the positions and sizes of each window and also change window properties if you like.
However, an application can only be using this API if the user has enabled access for assistive devices in his preferences (System Prefs -> Universal Access), in which case all applications may use this API, or if your application is a trusted assitive application (when it is trusted, it may use the API, even if this option is not checked). The Accessibility API itself offers the necessary functions to make your application trusted - basically you must become root (using security services to request root permissions of the user) and then mark your process as trusted. Once your application has been marked trusted, it must be restarted as the trusted state is only checked on start-up and can't change while the app is running. The trust state is permanent, unless the user moves the application somewhere else or the hash of the application binary changes (e.g. after an update). If the user has assistive devices enabled in his prefs, all applications are treated as if they were trusted. Usually your app would check if this option is enabled, if it is, go on and do your stuff. If not, it would check if it is already trusted, if it is, again just do your stuff. If not try to make itself trusted and then restart the application unless the user declined root authorization. The API offers all necessary functions to check all this.
There exist private functions to do the same using the Mac OS window manager, but the only advantage that would buy you is that you don't need to be a trusted Accessibility application (which is a one time operation on first launch in most cases). The disadvantages are that this API may change any time (it has already changed in the past), it's all undocumented and functions are only known through reverse engineering. The Accessibility however is public, it is documented and it hasn't change much since the first OS X version that introduced it (some new functions were added in 10.4 and again in 10.5, but not much else has changed).
Here's a code example. It will wait 5 seconds, so you can switch to a different window before it does anything else (otherwise it will always work with the terminal window, rather boring for testing). Then it will get the front most process, the front most window of this process, print it's position and size and finally move it by 25 pixels to the right. You compile it on command line like that (assuming it is named test.c)
gcc -framework Carbon -o test test.c
Please note that I do not perform any error checking in the code for simplicity (there are various places that could cause the program to crash if something goes wrong and certain things may/can go wrong). Here's the code:
/* Carbon includes everything necessary for Accessibilty API */
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
static bool amIAuthorized ()
if (AXAPIEnabled() != 0) {
/* Yehaa, all apps are authorized */
return true;
/* Bummer, it's not activated, maybe we are trusted */
if (AXIsProcessTrusted() != 0) {
/* Good news, we are already trusted */
return true;
/* Crap, we are not trusted...
* correct behavior would now be to become a root process using
* authorization services and then call AXMakeProcessTrusted() to make
* ourselves trusted, then restart... I'll skip this here for
* simplicity.
return false;
static AXUIElementRef getFrontMostApp ()
pid_t pid;
ProcessSerialNumber psn;
GetProcessPID(&psn, &pid);
return AXUIElementCreateApplication(pid);
int main (
int argc,
char ** argv
) {
int i;
AXValueRef temp;
CGSize windowSize;
CGPoint windowPosition;
CFStringRef windowTitle;
AXUIElementRef frontMostApp;
AXUIElementRef frontMostWindow;
if (!amIAuthorized()) {
printf("Can't use accessibility API!\n");
return 1;
/* Give the user 5 seconds to switch to another window, otherwise
* only the terminal window will be used
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
printf("%d", i + 1);
if (i < 4) {
} else {
/* Here we go. Find out which process is front-most */
frontMostApp = getFrontMostApp();
/* Get the front most window. We could also get an array of all windows
* of this process and ask each window if it is front most, but that is
* quite inefficient if we only need the front most window.
frontMostApp, kAXFocusedWindowAttribute, (CFTypeRef *)&frontMostWindow
/* Get the title of the window */
frontMostWindow, kAXTitleAttribute, (CFTypeRef *)&windowTitle
/* Get the window size and position */
frontMostWindow, kAXSizeAttribute, (CFTypeRef *)&temp
AXValueGetValue(temp, kAXValueCGSizeType, &windowSize);
frontMostWindow, kAXPositionAttribute, (CFTypeRef *)&temp
AXValueGetValue(temp, kAXValueCGPointType, &windowPosition);
/* Print everything */
"Window is at (%f, %f) and has dimension of (%f, %f)\n",
/* Move the window to the right by 25 pixels */
windowPosition.x += 25;
temp = AXValueCreate(kAXValueCGPointType, &windowPosition);
AXUIElementSetAttributeValue(frontMostWindow, kAXPositionAttribute, temp);
/* Clean up */
return 0;
Sine Ben asked how you get a list of all windows in the comments, here's how:
Instead of kAXFocusedWindowAttribute you use kAXWindowsAttribute for the AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue function. The result is then no AXUIElementRef, but a CFArray of AXUIElementRef elements, one for each window of this application.

I agree that Accessibility is the best way forward. But if you want quick-and-dirty, AppleScript will work as well.


Getting mouse coordinates on Mojave

I have a really basic little command line app that grabs the mouse coordinates the next time the mouse is clicked.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
CGEventRef myCGEventCallback(CGEventTapProxy proxy, CGEventType type, CGEventRef event, void *refcon) {
CGFloat displayScale = 1.0f;
if ([[NSScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector:#selector(backingScaleFactor)])
displayScale = [NSScreen mainScreen].backingScaleFactor;
CGPoint loc = CGEventGetLocation(event);
printf("%dx%d\n", (int)roundf(loc.x * displayScale), (int)roundf(loc.y * displayScale) );
return event;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
CFMachPortRef eventTap;
CGEventMask eventMask;
CFRunLoopSourceRef runLoopSource;
eventMask = 1 << kCGEventLeftMouseDown;
eventTap = CGEventTapCreate(kCGSessionEventTap, kCGHeadInsertEventTap,
1, eventMask, myCGEventCallback, #"mydata");
runLoopSource = CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource(kCFAllocatorDefault, eventTap, 0);
CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), runLoopSource,
CGEventTapEnable(eventTap, true);
return 0;
I'm building it with cmake with the following file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0)
project (location)
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.12 -std=gnu11 -fobjc-arc -fmodules")
This all worked fine until the upgrade to Mojave.
A bit of poking around shows this is down to the latest set of security updates and some hints (except CGEventTapCreate() is not returning null) about settings some values in Info.plist to allow the app to use the accessibility API. But I'm struggling to work out where to put it as I just have a single .m file with the code.
This needs to run as a none root user (company policy)
if the only way to get it to ask for permission then it can be extended to be a "GUI" app with a minimal UI
This app is just to grab the upper left hand corner of a region of the screen to feed to a second app that streams that area of screen to a second device. The code for the streamer is common across Win/Linux/MacOS so trying to keep the screen coordinate collection totally separate
As you surmise, event taps won't work on Mojave without having accessibility access. From the documentation:
Event taps receive key up and key down events if one of the following
conditions is true: The current process is running as the root user.
Access for assistive devices is enabled. In OS X v10.4, you can enable
this feature using System Preferences, Universal Access panel,
Keyboard view.
A GUI app will prompt the user to enable accessibility the first time it's needed, but it looks like a CLI app doesn't do that (which makes sense).
There is no way to enable this programatically or through a script; the user must do it themselves.
Running your tool as root should work - can you enforce that?
Otherwise, you can direct the user to the correct place in System Preferences:
tell application "System Preferences"
reveal anchor "Privacy_Accessibility" of pane id ""
end tell
It may be possible using Carbon, if your app isn't sandboxed.
Finally, a quick test shows this is at least possible using IOHID. I shameless borrowed the KeyboardWatcher class from this answer. Then, modified the device type:
[self watchDevicesOfType:kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard];
[self watchDevicesOfType:kHIDUsage_GD_Mouse];
Finally, my callback looks like this:
static void Handle_DeviceEventCallback (void *inContext, IOReturn inResult, void *inSender, IOHIDValueRef value)
IOHIDElementRef element = IOHIDValueGetElement(value);
IOHIDElementType elemType = IOHIDElementGetType(element);
if (elemType == kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button)
int elementValue = (int) IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(value);
// 1 == down 0 == up
if (elementValue == 1)
CGEventRef ourEvent = CGEventCreate(NULL);
CGPoint point = CGEventGetLocation(ourEvent);
printf("Mouse Position: %.2f, y = %.2f \n", (float) point.x, (float) point.y);
That is really a quick hack job, but it demonstrates this is possible and hopefully you can refine it to your needs.
I've found the CGEventTap documentation is out of date beginning with Mojave. Running as root used to act as a bypass for certain entitlements, but in Mojave this was tightened down. One bizarre side effect, as you noticed, is that root can still acquire the mach port for the tap; its just that no events can be read from it. If you try your application without running as root you should get the expected popup asking for permission.
If you do not get the popup, or need to run as root for other purposes, you can manually add your application to the trusted TCC database via SystemPreferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Accessibility
settings some values in Info.plist to allow the app to use the accessibility API
I believe you mean adding entitlements (which are also a plist). The entitlement that allows an application to use the Accessibility API is the entitlement (with a value of kTCCServiceAccessibility). As you can probably guess from the name it is only allowed on Apple signed binaries.
You can add these entitlements to your own app if you disable System Integrity Protection (SIP) and boot the kernel with the option amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1, but I wouldn't recommend it (and certainly any customers of yours wouldn't want to). With just SIP disabled you could manually add an entry to the TCC database to grant privileges, but still wouldn't recommend it.
Possible Alternative
You can use an event monitor:
NSEventMask mask = (NSLeftMouseDownMask | NSRightMouseDownMask | NSOtherMouseDownMask);
mouseEventMonitor = [NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask: mask
handler:^(NSEvent *event){
// get the current coordinates with this
NSPoint coords = [NSEvent mouseLocation];
// event cooordinates would be event.absoluteX and event.absoluteY
... do stuff
The documentation does mention:
Key-related events may only be monitored if accessibility is enabled or if your application is trusted for accessibility access (see AXIsProcessTrusted).
But I don't think that applies to mouse events.

IOHIDManager not triggering callback for keyboard

So I am trying to put together a simple fullscreen OpenGL application using CGL and IOHIDManager in order to learn the lower-level APIs. Currently, I am creating an OpenGL context and starting it fullscreen. I am trying to now add keyboard input so I can quit the app. I've found many similar examples of using IOHIDManager to read keys, but no matter what I do my callback does not fire.
My callback is just a function that prints "here". I'm not sure where I am going wrong -- I've tried both CFRunLoopGetCurrent() and CFRunLoopMain(). My main is simply a while loop. What gives?
CFMutableDictionaryRef CreateMatchingDictionary(UInt32 usage_page, UInt32 usage) {
CFMutableDictionaryRef dictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
CFNumberRef page_number = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &usage_page);
CFDictionarySetValue(dictionary, CFSTR(kIOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey), page_number);
CFNumberRef usage_number = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &usage);
CFDictionarySetValue(dictionary, CFSTR(kIOHIDDeviceUsageKey), usage_number);
return dictionary;
void CreateInputManager() {
IOHIDManagerRef hid_manager = IOHIDManagerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
CFMutableDictionaryRef matching_dictionary = CreateMatchingDictionary(kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard);
IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(hid_manager, matching_dictionary);
IOHIDManagerRegisterInputValueCallback(hid_manager, KeyboardCallback, NULL);
IOHIDManagerOpen(hid_manager, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
IOHIDManagerScheduleWithRunLoop(hid_manager, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
void KeyboardCallback(void *context, IOReturn result, void *sender, IOHIDValueRef value) {
int main() {
// Commented out CGL context & fullscreen window creation
while(true) {
If I put CFRunLoopRun() at the end of function CreateInputManager, my callback is called but the function never returns. How is this supposed to work in a single-threaded CGL app? Is it a strict requirement that IOHIDManager requires a run loop to function?
IOKit and HID work via Mach messaging, which in turn is deeply integrated with the runloop mechanism, as you've found. If you really do want to busy-poll, you can use the CFRunLoopRunInMode function with a zero timeout to check for events.
You may wish to consider using a CVDisplayLink to invoke your rendering code on every vertical frame refresh instead. The display link's callback will be called from the runloop, so you can leave your main thread running in CFRunLoopRun().
See for how Apple recommends you structure event handling in OpenGL applications.
Turns out I need to create a separate pthread with the CreateInputManager function, specify that the IOHIDManager is to schedule the callback on CFRunLoopGetCurrent() and kick off a run loop on that thread by calling CFRunLoopRun().
I wonder if there is a way to get IOHIDManager to work with plain-old polling instead of these callbacks...

CreateIconFromResource return NULL and UI crashed after being called thousands of times

Anybody got this problem, anyway I didn't find an answer. The code is simple:
void CbDlg::OnBnClickedOk()
for(int i=0; i<1000; i++)
HGLOBAL hResLoad = ::LoadResource(NULL, hRes);
BYTE* pIconBytes = (BYTE*)::LockResource(hResLoad);
int nId = ::LookupIconIdFromDirectory(pIconBytes, TRUE);
hRes = ::FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nId), RT_ICON);
DWORD read = ::SizeofResource(NULL ,hRes);
hResLoad = ::LoadResource(NULL, hRes);
pIconBytes = (BYTE*)::LockResource(hResLoad);
if(pIconBytes != NULL)
HICON hIcon = ::CreateIconFromResource(pIconBytes, read, TRUE, 0x00030000);
DWORD e = ::GetLastError();
if(hIcon != NULL)
If I click the Ok button four times (On my computer), CreateIconFromResource start to return NULL (It worked fine before and I could even draw out the icon). As to the GetLastError, it's always return 6 whatever CreateIconFromResource return NULL or not.
When this problem happened, if I drag the title bar to move, UI crashed, see the pictrue.
Of course you can understand this piece of code is just a demo, my real business need to call CreateIconFromResource thousands of times just like this.
According to Hans' suggestion, I keep tracking the Handles/USER Objects/GDI objects, and found that USER Objects grows 1000 and GDI objects grows 2000 against each clicking to OK button (handles didn't grow), and GDI objects is 9999 when problem happens. But how to release them correctly, when I finish to use? I didn't use that much at one time, but need to load, release, load again, release again... Just like this demo. As MSDN document, I called DestroyIcon for every HICON. What else do I need to do, to finally release the USER/GDI objects?
I found the answer. The success or failure is all due to MSDN.
It says:
"The CreateIconFromResource function calls CreateIconFromResourceEx passing LR_DEFAULTSIZE|LR_SHARED as flags" AND "Do not use this function(DestroyIcon) to destroy a shared icon"
But It also says:
"When you are finished using the icon, destroy it using the DestroyIcon function" in CreateIconFromResource's document.
Actually, the second statement is WRONG.
So, the solution is, using CreateIconFromResourceEx without LR_SHARED, and DestroyIcon every HICON after using.

How to get the specific foreground window of the application

Can I somehow get the specific foreground window of the application? For example, not the HWND of the whole Skype application, but some currently selected internal window of this application (maybe it's chat window's text edit).
Thanks in advance.
You can use EnumChildWindows.
Basically, it goes through the child windows of a given window until you find the one that has the characteristics you want. And - it is good to know that the "parent" of all application windows is HWND_DESKTOP
Here is code:
And somewhere else:
BOOL CALLBACK findChildWithClass(HWND hwndTest,LPARAM lParam) {
char *pszClass = (char *)lParam;
char szClass[64];
if ( strlen(szClass) < 1 ) return TRUE;
if ( 0 == _strnicmp(pszClass,szClass,min(strlen(pszClass),strlen(szClass))) ) {
hwndFoundChild = hwndTest;
return FALSE;
if ( hwndFoundChild )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
So, the function "findChildWithClass" will be repeatedly called by Windows with the handle to the next child of the specified parent.
When the characteristics of that child window match what you are looking for, in this case class name, the function sets the value of a global static and returns FALSE to indicate the enumeration should stop.
You can get the class name of any window using Spy++, in this case, I used spy++ to find the name of the MS Word frame window. However, since the particular code will also look at every child of every child sent to it - you could have also found an "inner" window of MS Word using it. Also - you don't have to use class name, perhaps something else (window contents ?) is unique to the application you are trying to discover the window for ( Skype ? )

How to get correct hDevMode values from CPrintDialogEx (PrintDlgEx)?

I'm displaying a CPrintDialogEx dialog to choose a printer and modify the settings. I set the hDevNames member so that a default printer will be selected, but I leave hDevMode set to NULL. On successful return I pull some values such as paper size out of the returned DEVMODE structure from hDevMode.
I'm having a problem because hDevMode appears to be initialized with the values from the default printer that I passed in, not the printer that was finally selected. How do I get the parameters from the actual selected printer?
As requested here's the relevant part of the code. I've deleted some of it in the interest of space. TOwnedHandle is a smart pointer I wrote for holding a memory handle and locking it automatically.
ASSERT(dlg.m_pdex.hDevMode == NULL);
ASSERT(dlg.m_pdex.hDevNames == NULL);
dlg.m_pdex.hDevNames = GlobalAlloc(GHND, sizeof(DEVNAMES) + iSizeName);
DEVNAMES * pDevNames = (DEVNAMES *) GlobalLock(dlg.m_pdex.hDevNames);
// ...
if ((dlg.DoModal() == S_OK) && (dlg.m_pdex.dwResultAction == PD_RESULT_PRINT))
TOwnedHandle<DEVMODE> pDevMode = dlg.m_pdex.hDevMode;
TRACE("Printer config = %dx%d %d\n", (int)pDevMode->dmPaperWidth, (int)pDevMode->dmPaperLength, (int)pDevMode->dmOrientation);
// ...
Edit: I've determined that I don't get the problem if I don't set the hDevNames parameter. I wonder if I've discovered a Windows bug? This is in XP, I don't have a more recent version of Windows handy to test with.
I've distilled the code into a test that doesn't use MFC, this is strictly a Windows API problem. This is the whole thing, nothing left out except the definition of pDefaultPrinter - but of course it doesn't do anything useful anymore.
ex.hwndOwner = m_hWnd;
#if 1
int iSizeName = (strlen(pDefaultPrinter) + 1) * sizeof(char);
ex.hDevNames = GlobalAlloc(GHND, sizeof(DEVNAMES) + iSizeName);
DEVNAMES * pDevNames = (DEVNAMES *) GlobalLock(ex.hDevNames);
ASSERT(pDevNames != NULL);
pDevNames->wDeviceOffset = sizeof(DEVNAMES);
strcpy((char *)pDevNames + pDevNames->wDeviceOffset, pDefaultPrinter);
HRESULT hr = PrintDlgEx(&ex);
if ((hr == S_OK) && (ex.dwResultAction == PD_RESULT_PRINT))
DEVMODE * pdm = (DEVMODE *) GlobalLock(ex.hDevMode);
ASSERT(pdm != NULL);
TRACE("Printer config = %dx%d %d\n", (int)pdm->dmPaperWidth, (int)pdm->dmPaperLength, (int)pdm->dmOrientation);
DEVNAMES * pdn = (DEVNAMES *) GlobalLock(ex.hDevNames);
ASSERT(pdn != NULL);
TRACE(_T("Printer device = %s\n"), (char *)pdn + pdn->wDeviceOffset);
If I can't get a fix, I'd love to hear of a work-around.
After much head scratching I think I've figured it out.
When the dialog comes up initially, the hDevMode member gets filled with the defaults for the printer that is initially selected. If you select a different printer before closing the dialog, that DEVMODE structure is presented to the new printer driver; if the paper size doesn't make sense to the driver it may change it, and the drivers are not consistent.
The reason this tripped me up is that I was switching between three printers: two label
printers with very different characteristics, and a laser printer with US Letter paper.
The laser printer always responds with the proper dimensions but may indicate a wrong paper size code.
The first label printer will override the size provided by the laser printer but not the other label printer.
The second label printer will accept the size provided by the first label printer, because it's capable of using that size even though it's not loaded and not configured. It modifies the size provided by the laser printer by returning the maximum width and the Letter size length of 11 inches.
I determined two ways to work around the problem. The first is to implement IPrintDialogCallback and respond to SelectionChange calls by reloading the default DEVMODE for the newly selected printer. EDIT: I tried this and it does not work. CPrintDialogEx already implements an IPrintDialogCallback interface, making this easy. It appears that PrintDlgEx has its own internal handle that it uses to track the current DEVMODE structure and only uses the one in the PRINTDLGEX structure for input/output. There's no way to affect the DEVMODE while the dialog is up, and by the time it returns it's too late.
The second solution is to ignore the returned results entirely and work from the default paper configuration for the printer. Any changes made from the printer defaults within the dialog are lost completely, but for my application this is acceptable.
bool MyDialog::GetPaperSize(const TCHAR * pPrinterName, double & dPaperWidth, double & dPaperLength)
// you need to open the printer before you can get its properties
HANDLE hPrinter;
if (OpenPrinter((TCHAR *)pPrinterName, &hPrinter, NULL))
// determine how much space is needed for the DEVMODE structure by the printer driver
int iDevModeSize = DocumentProperties(m_hWnd, hPrinter, (TCHAR *)pPrinterName, NULL, NULL, 0);
ASSERT(iDevModeSize >= sizeof(DEVMODE);
// allocate a DEVMODE structure and initialize it to a clean state
std::vector<char> buffer(iDevModeSize, 0);
DEVMODE * pdm = (DEVMODE *) &buffer[0];
pdm->dmSpecVersion = DM_SPECVERSION;
DocumentProperties(m_hWnd, hPrinter, (TCHAR *)pPrinterName, pdm, NULL, DM_OUT_BUFFER);
// convert paper size from tenths of a mm to inches
dPaperWidth = pdm->dmPaperWidth / 254.;
dPaperLength = pdm->dmPaperLength / 254.;
return true;
return false;
