best practice Treeview populating from differents kinds of objects - treeview

I would like to populate a Treeview.
Here is what I have in DB :
table : Box
table Book :
BoxID (fk Box.BoxID)
table Chapter:
BookID (fk Book.BookID)
As you may know a treeview is made up of treenode object.
A treenode object have a text property and a tag property.
The "text" property is the text that it's display on the screen for this node and the "tag" is an "hidden" value (usually uses to identify a node)
So in my case; the fields ending with ID will be used in the "tag" property and the fields ending with Name will be used in the "text" property
example :
so for a book; I will use the BookID field for the "tag" property and BookName field for the "text" property
note : I use a dbml so I have a Book object, Box object and Chapter object and I use linq to get them from the db.
So my question is; what is the best practice to build this tree?
I have a solution but it's really ugly because it looks like I'm duplicating the code.
The problem is that the values I need to extract for the text and tag properties are identified by differents fields name in the db
So for the book level, I need to get the BookID field to populate the tag property of my node; for the box level, I need to get the BoxID field to populate the tag property , ....
How can I make a kind of generic way to do it ?
I hope I made myself clear enough, don't hesitate to ask me questions :)
Thx in advance

Here is what I have for the moment
I get the list of box with a linq (dbml) request.
List<Box> MyListofBox = getMyListofBox();
Treenode tnBox = null;
Treenode tnBook =null;
foreach(Box b in MyListofBox )
tnBox = new TreeNode();
tnBox.tag = b.BoxID;
tnBox.text = b.BoxName;
List<Book> MyListofBook = getMyListofBookByBoxID(b.BoxID)
foreach(Book boo in MyListofBook )
tnBook = new TreeNode();
tnBook.tag = boo.BookID;
tnBook.text = boo.BookName;
but of course I don't like this solution...
do you have a better way ?

I would extract the you need from the database in the form of a struct, possibly via the anonnoumous type that has been added to C# together with linq. Then I would populate insert this data into the place in the tree.
From what I get, you are trying to get each property separately, which will not work so well, because then you will have to make a call to the database for each separate property, which is very wasteful.
Addition based on what you have added
I do not believe the code can be more compact - the names you call are similar, but not the same and the way you do it was what I was trying to explain earlier.

You could
Define an key/value interface that both Box and Book implement
Define a delegate that returns a TreeNode and create delegate methods that accept Box and Book
However, I think the code is fine as written. Sometimes you just have to code it and there's little point in further abstracting or optimizing it.
The only issue I see in the code is that you're making a database call in a loop. Whether or not that's a problem depends on the application.


Realm Xamarin LINQ Select

Is there a way to restrict the "columns" returned from a Realm Xamarin LINQ query?
For example, if I have a Customer RealmObject and I want a list of all customer names, do I have to query All<Customer> and then enumerate the results to build the names list? That seems cumbersome and inefficient. I am not seeing anything in the docs. Am I missing something obvious here? Thanks!
You have to remember that Realm is an object based store. In a RDBMS like Sqlite, restricting the return results to a sub-set of "columns" of an "record" makes sense, but in an object store, you would be removing attributes from the original class and thus creating a new dynamic class to then instantiate these new classes as objects.
Thus is you want just a List of strings representing the customer names you can do this:
List<string> names = theRealm.All<Customer>().ToList().Select(customer => customer.Name).ToList();
Note: That you take the Realm.All<> results to a List first and then using a Linq Select "filter" just the property that you want. Using a .Select directly on a RealmResults is not currently supported (v0.80.0).
If you need to return a complex type that is a subset of attributes from the original RealObject, assuming you have a matching POCO, you can use:
var custNames = theRealm.All<Customer>().ToList().Select((Customer c) => new Name() { firstName = c.firstName, lastName = c.lastName } );
Remember, once you convert a RealmResult to a static list of POCOs you do lose the liveliness of using RealmObjects.
Personally I avoid doing this whenever possible as Realm is so fast that using a RealmResult and thus the RealObjects directly is more efficient on processing time and memory overhead then converting those to POCOs everytime you need to new list...

Linq related items not loading

I have a "task" table, which has a "sub category". The sub category is related to a Category. A category has many sub categories, but my task item only stored the sub category id (The category can be deduced from this).
So, my entity framework seems to understand this relationship.
But, my link is failing.
public TaskObject GetTask(int taskId)
var item = (from t in _te.tasks.Include("r_sub_category").Include("r_category").Include("r_priority").Include("r_state").Include("assigned_person").Include("create_person").Include("update_person") where t.task_id == taskId select t).FirstOrDefault();
return Transformer.UnpackTask(item);
There is a r_category table, and entity object, but when I run this, it tells me:
A specified Include path is not valid. The EntityType 'taskerModel.task' does not declare a navigation property with the name 'r_category'.
And that's correct - r_category is linked to my r_sub_category table... and not directly to task. Is there a way to load the r_category?
Or, maybe this Include is lazy, and I should be doing some sort of Joining myself? Maybe more efficient?
You need to show the full path with dot Notation so im guessing it would be
And so forth

EntityRef<T> Issues, not returning value from Lookup List

Ok, I'll explain this as much as I can...
I've got a Site Lookup Column called EEE Content Type which refers to the Site Content Item Type Types List.
Now in my custom list (which inherits from Item), I am referencing that column, and it comes up in sharepoint fine and displays the lookup values.
The issue is when I'm using SPMetal.exe to generate the types it whinges about "Key isn't present in the dictionary" and fails. So I remove the definition of the column in the parameters.xml file for SPMetal, and re-generate the classes.
Now I've manually added the property and association.
private EntityRef<SiteContentItemTypeItem> _eeeContentType;
[Association(Name = "EEE_x0020_Content_x0020_Type", Storage = "_eeeContentType", MultivalueType = AssociationType.Single, List = "Site Content Item Types")]
public SiteContentItemTypeItem EEEContentType
return this._eeeContentType.GetEntity();
SiteContentItemTypeItem inherits from Item so its class is empty.
But when I load the custom list I have created, i get the first entry and the EEEContentType field is null...
using (IntranetDataContext context = new IntranetDataContext("http://siteurl")) {
context.ObjectTrackingEnabled = false;
EntityList<SiteContentItem> alerts = context.GetList<SiteContentItem>("User Alerts");
SiteContentItem alert = (from tmpalert in alerts where tmpalert.Id == 1 select tmpalert).First();
SiteContentItemTypeItem contentType = alert.EEEContentType;
I'm all out of ideas...
Should the List value in the Association attribute be that of a collection in the class or is it refering to the actual lookup list name?
Figured it out...
Stupid of me to "assume" when creating site lookup columns via code that SharePoint would use the proper naming conventions for FieldNames with spaces.
So the fieldName was correct, its InternalName wasn't the one I was expecting. And as sharepoint linq requires the internal names, it was throwing internal exceptions in the Linq.SharePoint DLL.

LINQ to IEnumerable<MyObj>

I have a class MyObj and a collection IEnumerable.
Some of the columns are wholly empty (i.e. == NULL) across all rows and therefore I want to create an IEnumerable<> of the members of MyObj which hold a non-null value.
If I could predict the members of MyObj which would be of interest I'd do something like:
var part =
from entry in iList
select new {entry.a, entry.c, entry.s};
...but I don't know which members of MyObj I'm interested in at design time - I only know that at runtime.
How can I construct my list??
Tamim Sadikali.
Your question does not make sense.
You're trying to create a type whose members are only known at runtime.
What would you do with the results?
You would not be able to access any properties of the result objects because they might not exist.
If you want to display the data in a grid, and you don't want to display columns which are entirely null, then you should bind the original collection to the grid, then hide some of the columns in the grid.
Wait for release of VS2010, C# 4.0 with it's 'dynamic' type should solve your problem. (Or maybe help you shoot yourself in the foot).
If you are doing this for UI, better hide columns that contain all nulls. For DataGridView in WinForms it may look like this:
foreach (DataGridViewColumn column in dataGridView.Columns)
if (dataGridView1.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>().All(r => r.Cells[column.Name].Value == null))
column.Visible = false;


I'm attempting to use LINQ to insert a record into a child table and I'm
receiving a "Specified cast is not valid" error that has something to do w/
the keys involved. The stack trace is:
Message: Specified cast is not valid.
Type: System.InvalidCastException
Source: System.Data.Linq TargetSite:
V ByRef) HelpLink: null Stack: at
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keyValues) at
type, Object[] keyValues) at
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This error is being thrown on the following code:
ResponseDataContext db = new ResponseDataContext(m_ConnectionString);
CodebookVersion codebookVersion = db.CodebookVersions.Single(cv => cv.VersionTag == m_CodebookVersionTag);
ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode()
SurveyQuestionName = "Q11",
Code = 3,
Description = "Yet another code"
db.SubmitChanges(); //exception gets thrown here
The tables in question have a FK relationship between the two of them.
The parent table's column is called 'id', is the PK, and is of type: INT NOT NULL IDENTITY
The child table's column is called 'responseCodeTableId' and is of type: INT NOT NULL.
codebookVersion (parent class) maps to table tblResponseCodeTable
responseCode (childClass) maps to table tblResponseCode
If I execute SQL directly, it works. e.g.
INSERT INTO tblResponseCode
(responseCodeTableId, surveyQuestionName, code, description)
VALUES (13683, 'Q11', 3, 'Yet another code')
Updates to the same class work properly. e.g.
codebookVersion.ResponseCodes[0].Description = "BlahBlahBlah";
db.SubmitChanges(); //no exception - change is committed to db
I've examined the variable, rc, after the .Add() operation and it does, indeed, receive the proper responseCodeTableId, just as I would expect since I'm adding it to that collection.
tblResponseCodeTable's full definition:
id int identity
responseCodeTableId int
surveyQuestionName nvarchar
code smallint
description nvarchar
dtCreate smalldatetime
dtCreate has a default value of GetDate().
The only other bit of useful information that I can think of is that no SQL
is ever tried against the database, so LINQ is blowing up before it ever
tries (hence the error not being a SqlException). I've profiled and verified
that no attempt is made to execute any statements on the database.
I've read around and seen the problem when you have a relationship to a non PK field, but that doesn't fit my case.
Can anyone shed any light on this situation for me? What incredibly obvious thing am I missing here?
Many thanks.
Paul Prewett
Post up the schema of the parent table.
if you look here, some other people have had your problem.
It appears that Linq2SQL has trouble mapping some foreign keys to some primary keys. One guy had a resolution, but I think you are already mapping to an IDENTITY column.
Since the database isn't being called I think you have to look at the mappings linq to sql is using. What does the Association look like? There should be an Association on both the parent and child classes.
Take a look at the linq to sql Association between the two classes. The Association should have a ThisKey property. The cast that is failing is trying to cast the value of the property that ThisKey points to, I think.
As far as I can tell there can be a problem when there is more than one key and the type of the first key does not match the type that ThisKey points too. I'm not sure how linq would determine what the first key is.
From the looks of it you only have one key and one foreign key so that shouldn't be the problem, but the designer, if you are using it, has been known to get creative.
I'm pretty much guessing, but this looks like something I've seen before.
Is this an example of this bug? If so, try running your code in .NET 4.0 now that the beta is out.
If, like me, you aren't ready to start using the beta, you may be able to work around the problem. The issue seems to be that LINQ does not properly support relationships defined on non-primary key fields. However, the term "primary key" does not refer to the primary key defined on the SQL table, but the primary key defined in the LINQ designer.
If you dragged your tables into the designer, then Visual Studio automatically inspects the primary key defined in the database and marks the corresponding class field(s) as "primary keys". However, these do not need to correspond to each other. You can remove the key Visual Studio chose for you, and pick another field (or group of fields). Of course, you need to make sure this is logical (you should have a unique constraint in the database on the field/fields you choose).
So I had 2 tables/classes related to eachother using an alternative key. The parent table had 2 keys: a surrogate primary key defined as an int, and an alternative natural key defined as a string. In the LINQ designer, I had defined the association using the alternative key, and I experienced the InvalidCastException whenever trying to update that association field on the child object.
To work around this, I went into the LINQ designer, selected the int, and then changed the Primary Key property from True to False. Then I chose the string, and set it's Primary Key property to True. Recompiled, retested, and the InvalidCastException is gone.
Looking at your screen shot it looks like you may be able to fix your issue by changing the LINQ primary key on ResponseCode from ResponseCode.ID to ResponseCode.ResponseCodeTableID
ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode()
SurveyQuestionName = "Q11",
Code = 3,
Description = "Yet another code"
INSERT INTO tblResponseCode
(responseCodeTableId, surveyQuestionName, code, description)
VALUES (13683, 'Q11', 3, 'Yet another code')
Are not the same, you are not passing in the foreign key reference. Now, I'm huge n00b at LINQ2SQL, but I'd wager that LINQ2SQL is not smart enough to do that for you, and it expects it as the first parameter of the anonymous dictionary, and is trying to cast a string to an integer.
Just some ideas.
This block:
db.SubmitChanges(); //exception gets thrown here
Can you try InsertOnSubmit instead of Add? i.e.
I think Add is not meant to be used to insert records if my memory serves me right. InsertOnSubmit is the one to use.
To try and narrow down the culprit.
Have you tried replacing the anonymous dictionary with something like:
ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode();
rc.SurveyQuestName = "Q11";
rc.Code = 3;
rc.Description = "Yet Another Code";
I've yet to really work with .NET 3.5 yet (day job is still all 2.0), so I'm wondering if there is an issue with passing the data using the anonymous dictionary (The cases don't match the SQL Columns for one).
Yea, I've read that and other posts, but it always seems to involve someone linking up to a field that simply has a unique contraint. Or in this guy's case (which does sound exactly like mine), he didn't get a solution.
Here's the parent table:
tblResponseTable definition (which maps to CodebookVersion)
id int identity
versionTag nvarchar
responseVersionTag nvarchar
versionTag does have a unique contraint on it, but that's not represented anywhere that I can see in the LINQ-to-SQL stuff - and since nothing ever goes to the database... still stuck.
Mike, I hear you. But no matter where I look, everything looks correct. I've checked and rechecked that the ResponseTableId is an int and that Id is an int. They're defined as such in the designer and when I go look at the generated code, everything again appears to be in order.
I've examined the associations. Here they are:
public partial class ResponseCode : ...
[Association(Name="CodebookVersion_tblResponseCode", Storage="_CodebookVersion", ThisKey="ResponseCodeTableId", OtherKey="Id", IsForeignKey=true)]
public CodebookVersion CodebookVersion
public partial class CodebookVersion : ...
[Association(Name="CodebookVersion_tblResponseCode", Storage="_ResponseCodes", ThisKey="Id", OtherKey="ResponseCodeTableId")]
public EntitySet<ResponseCode> ResponseCodes
And a screenshot of the association in case that will help:
Any further thoughts?
ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode()
CodebookVersion = codebookVersion,
SurveyQuestionName = "Q11",
Code = 3,
Description = "Yet another code"
You may want to check to see that any fields in your database tables which are set by the db server when inserting a new record have that reflected in the Linq to SQL diagram. If you select a field on the Linq to SQL diagram and view its properties you will see a field called "Auto Generated Value" which if set to true will ensure all new records take on the default value specified in the database.
LINQ to SQL has been deprecated, FYI -
I ran into a very similar problem. I'll link you over to my wordy post:
And I'll also offer a solution, just a guess...
ResponseDataContext db = new ResponseDataContext(m_ConnectionString);
CodebookVersion codebookVersion = db.CodebookVersions.Single(cv => cv.VersionTag == m_CodebookVersionTag);
ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode()
ResponseCodeTableId = codebookVersion.Id,
SurveyQuestionName = "Q11",
Code = 3,
Description = "Yet another code"
Somewhere in your object graph there is a conversion error, the underlying data model (or the Linq To SQL model) has changed. This is typically something like NVARCHAR(1) -> CHAR when it should be STRING, or something similar.
This error is not fun to hunt down, hopefully your object model is small.
We had a similar problem, caused by using non-integer keys. Details and hotfix number are here:
