How do 20 questions AI algorithms work? - algorithm

Simple online games of 20 questions powered by an eerily accurate AI.
How do they guess so well?

You can think of it as the Binary Search Algorithm.
In each iteration, we ask a question, which should eliminate roughly half of the possible word choices. If there are total of N words, then we can expect to get an answer after log2(N) questions.
With 20 question, we should optimally be able to find a word among 2^20 = 1 million words.
One easy way to eliminate outliers (wrong answers) would be to probably use something like RANSAC. This would mean, instead of taking into account all questions which have been answered, you randomly pick a smaller subset, which is enough to give you a single answer. Now you repeat that a few times with different random subset of questions, till you see that most of the time, you are getting the same result. you then know you have the right answer.
Of course this is just one way of many ways of solving this problem.

I recommend reading about the game here:
In particular the Computers section:
The game suggests that the information
(as measured by Shannon's entropy
statistic) required to identify an
arbitrary object is about 20 bits. The
game is often used as an example when
teaching people about information
theory. Mathematically, if each
question is structured to eliminate
half the objects, 20 questions will
allow the questioner to distinguish
between 220 or 1,048,576 subjects.
Accordingly, the most effective
strategy for Twenty Questions is to
ask questions that will split the
field of remaining possibilities
roughly in half each time. The process
is analogous to a binary search
algorithm in computer science.

A decision tree supports this kind of application directly. Decision trees are commonly used in artificial intelligence.
A decision tree is a binary tree that asks "the best" question at each branch to distinguish between the collections represented by its left and right children. The best question is determined by some learning algorithm that the creators of the 20 questions application use to build the tree. Then, as other posters point out, a tree 20 levels deep gives you a million things.
A simple way to define "the best" question at each point is to look for a property that most evenly divides the collection into half. That way when you get a yes/no answer to that question, you get rid of about half of the collection at each step. This way you can approximate binary search.
Wikipedia gives a more complete example:
And some general background:

It bills itself as "the neural net on the internet", and therein lies the key. It likely stores the question/answer probabilities in a spare matrix. Using those probabilities, it's able to use a decision tree algorithm to deduce which question to ask that would best narrow down the next question. Once it narrows the number of possible answers to a few dozen, or if it's reached 20 questions already, then it starts reading off the most likely.
The really intriguing aspect of is that unlike most decision tree and neural network algorithms I'm aware of, 20q supports a sparse matrix and incremental updates.
Edit: Turns out the answer's been on the net this whole time. Robin Burgener, the inventor, described his algorithm in detail in his 2005 patent filing.

It is using a learning algorithm.
k-NN is a good example of one of these.
Wikipedia: k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm


Algorithm for highest value inside budget

I wasn't entirely sure the best way to ask this question (or do the research to see if it has been previously answered).
Given a data set where each entry has a Point value and a Dollar value, I'm looking to generate a list of length N entries that yields the highest aggregate Point value whilst staying within budget B.
Example data set:
Item Points Dollars
Apple 3.0 $1.00
Pear 2.5 $0.75
Peach 2.8 $0.88
And with this (small) data set, say my budget (B) is $2.25, and list length (N) must be 2. You MUST use the fixed list length, but are not required to use ALL of the budget.
Obviously the example provided is easy to do in one's head, but given a much larger data set, and both higher N and B values, I'm looking for an algorithm that can generate the list. Having a hard time wrapping my head around this one.
Just looking for a pseudo-algorithm, but if you prefer any given language feel free to respond with that!
I am quite positive that this can be reduced to an NP-complete problem and hence it's not really worth trying to develop a process that will always give you the 'correct' answer as many people have tried and failed to do this efficiently over a large data set. However, you can use a much more efficient approximation technique that whilst it will not guarantee to give you the correct answer, many popular approximation algorithms are capable of achieving a high degree of accuracy.
Hope this helps you out :)
This problem is NP-Complete (NP and NP-Hard), meaning, that until now there is no algorithm found, that solves this problem in a polynomial amount time (polynomial to the input size) and if you find an algorithm that does, you would have solved one of the greatest problems in computer science (P=NP), which would you at least bring a million dollar reward.
If you are satisfied with an approximation, I would recommend the Greedy-Algorithm:

Genetic Algorithm - better crossover/mutation algorithm? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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For the basic Genetic Algorithm implementation with a random crossover boundary and random number of mutations at random bit positions, a lot of inferior children are created and leaves the optimum solution to be discovered by chance. This wastes a lot of CPU, and the user does not know when the optimum solution is found, because it could always be "the next one".
Is there an algorithm to consistently get better children rather than leave this important process to chance?
Thank you.
As others have said the quality of offspring is dependant on a lot of factors and can often require experimentation, using known solutions, to get right.
However, one of the biggest factors in determining the quality of the children is the selection of the parent chromosome. Since stronger parents are more likely to create strong children the type of selection plays a big part.
The best type of selection (more common types are rank based, roulette wheel and tournament selection) like with most things Genetic Algorithms related are largely dependant on the problem, and can often require experimentation to get right.
On whether there is a better crossover/mutation algorithm for the basic Genetic Algorithm the answer is, not really. You can experiment with different kinds of crossover (1-point, two-point, n-point) and mutation (swap or replace). The values for each can also be altered. There are also plenty of things you can change or add to the Genetic Algorithm to improve efficiency (things like culling, duplicate removal, allowing the best chromosome into the next generation) but then your Genetic Algorithm would no longer be a basic Genetic Algorithm. Adding these features also means that you may have to do a lot more experimentation to get the features used, and their parameters, right.
As Michalewicz states in his book, How to solve it, there is no such thing as an off-the-shelf genetic algorithm. So, the answer to your question is basically what #OnABauer stated.
I would only like to complete his answer with a suggestion for you to look into a memetic algorithm (there is an interesting introduction here). If you add a local optimization operator, chances are that offspring will be improved (beware of local entrapment only).
For optimizations problems like the traveling salesperson, you can encode the solution so that all possible crossovers form a valid solution.
For example, instead of treating the genome as a list of cities (and thereby making every genome that misses a city or revisits a city as invalid), you can treat the genome as a list of transformations on a list of cities, starting with some (arbitrary) canonical list of cities.
Suppose we have a list of cities:
Boca Raton
If you treat each pair of bits as an encoding of one of the cities, then only a small number of bit patterns encodes a valid tour. Mutating and crossing between valid tours has a very small probability of resulting in another valid tour.
If you instead treat every four bits as a swap instruction. Now any list of bits is valid. To determine the correct tour, you start with an "official" ordering of the cities, and apply the list of swaps in order. You'll end with a valid tour, even if some of the swaps are no-ops.
I've used this approach in a couple of optimization problems with good results.
In essence, genetic algorithm is a type of search algorithm.
GA is a particular kind of heuristic search.
You are trying to explore the answers which you think are more likely to be the best first.
In GA, the basis of why you choose to explore an answer is because it is similar to a previously known good answers (parents).
GA also traditionally can terminate before exploring all the possible answers, which I think is the aspect that worries you the most.
If you want to always look at all possible answer, then you are considering a exhaustive search. For example, doing depth-first search through all possible answers.
In conclusion, GA is a heuristic search.
You choose it, if:
exhaustive search isn't fast enough.
you don't care if the final result is the best (globally optimal)
you understand how to guess for better answer based on explored answers. This depends on the problem domain. It is what determines what mutation and crossover operators.

How genetic algorithm is different from random selection and evaluation for fittest?

I have been learning the genetic algorithm since 2 months. I knew about the process of initial population creation, selection , crossover and mutation etc. But could not understand how we are able to get better results in each generation and how its different than random search for a best solution. Following I am using one example to explain my problem.
Lets take example of travelling salesman problem. Lets say we have several cities as X1,X2....X18 and we have to find the shortest path to travel. So when we do the crossover after selecting the fittest guys, how do we know that after crossover we will get a better chromosome. The same applies for mutation also.
I feel like its just take one arrangement of cities. Calculate the shortest distance to travel them. Then store the distance and arrangement. Then choose another another arrangement/combination. If it is better than prev arrangement, then save the current arrangement/combination and distance else discard the current arrangement. By doing this also, we will get some solution.
I just want to know where is the point where it makes the difference between random selection and genetic algorithm. In genetic algorithm, is there any criteria that we can't select the arrangement/combination of cities which we have already evaluated?
I am not sure if my question is clear. But I am open, I can explain more on my question. Please let me know if my question is not clear.
A random algorithm starts with a completely blank sheet every time. A new random solution is generated each iteration, with no memory of what happened before during the previous iterations.
A genetic algorithm has a history, so it does not start with a blank sheet, except at the very beginning. Each generation the best of the solution population are selected, mutated in some way, and advanced to the next generation. The least good members of the population are dropped.
Genetic algorithms build on previous success, so they are able to advance faster than random algorithms. A classic example of a very simple genetic algorithm, is the Weasel program. It finds its target far more quickly than random chance because each generation it starts with a partial solution, and over time those initial partial solutions are closer to the required solution.
I think there are two things you are asking about. A mathematical proof that GA works, and empirical one, that would waive your concerns.
Although I am not aware if there is general proof, I am quite sure at least a good sketch of a proof was given by John Holland in his book Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems for the optimization problems using binary coding. There is something called Holland's schemata theoerm. But you know, it's heuristics, so technically it does not have to be. It basically says that short schemes in genotype raising the average fitness appear exponentially with successive generations. Then cross-over combines them together. I think the proof was given only for binary coding and got some criticism as well.
Regarding your concerns. Of course you have no guarantee that a cross-over will produce a better result. As two intelligent or beautiful parents might have ugly stupid children. The premise of GA is that it is less likely to happen. (As I understand it) The proof for binary coding hinges on the theoerm that says a good partial patterns will start emerging, and given that the length of the genotype should be long enough, such patterns residing in different specimen have chance to be combined into one improving his fitness in general.
I think it is fairly easy to understand in terms of TSP. Crossing-over help to accumulate good sub-paths into one specimen. Of course it all depends on the choice of the crossing method.
Also GA's path towards the solution is not purely random. It moves towards a certain direction with stochastic mechanisms to escape trappings. You can lose best solutions if you allow it. It works because it wants to move towards the current best solutions, but you have a population of specimens and they kind of share knowledge. They are all similar, but given that you preserve diversity new better partial patterns can be introduced to the whole population and get incorporated into the best solutions. This is why diversity in population is regarded as very important.
As a final note please remember the GA is a very broad topic and you can modify the base in nearly every way you want. You can introduce elitarism, taboos, niches, etc. There is no one-and-only approach/implementation.

Best algorithm for matchmaking for a crowd sourced rankings?

I'd like to set up a system that crowd sources the best 10 items from a set that can vary from 20-2000 items (the ranking amoung the top ten is not important). There is an excellent stackoverflow post on algorithms for doing the actual sort at
How to rank a million images with a crowdsourced sort. I am leaning toward asking users which they like best between two items and then using the TrueSkill algorithm.
My question is given I am using something like TrueSkill, what is the best algorithm for deciding which pairs of items to show a user to rate? I will have a limited number of opportunities to ask people which items they like best so it is important that the pairs presented will give the system the most valuable information in identifying the top 10. Again, I am mostly interested in finding the top ten, less so how the rest of the items rank amongst themselves or even how the top ten rank amongst themselves.
This problem is very similar to organizing a knock-out tournament where skills of the players are not well known and number of players is very high (think school level tennis tournaments). Since round robin ( O(n^2) matches) is very expensive, but a simple knock-out tournament is too simplistic, the usual option is to go with k-elimination structure. Essentially, every player (in your context a item) is knocked out of contention after losing k games. Take a look at the double elimination structure: .
Perhaps you can modify it sufficiently to meet your needs.
Another well known algorithm for this was produced to calculate rankings in Go or Chess tournaments. You can have a look at the MacMahon Algorithms which calculate such pairings and the ranks at the same time. It should be possible to truncate this algorithm, so that it will only produce a set of 10 best Items.
You can find more details in Christian Gerlach's thesis, where he describes the actual optimization algorithm (unfortunately the thesis is in German).

Combat strategy for ants

This question refers to the Google-sponsored AI Challenge, a contest that happens every few months and in which the contenders need to submit a bot able to autonomously play a game against other robotic players. The competition that just closed was called "ants" and you can read all its specification here, if you are interested.
My question is specific to one aspect of ants: combat strategy.
The problem
Given a grid of discrete coordinates [like a chessboard] and given that each player has a number of ants that at each turn can either:
stay still
move east / north / west / south, ant will be killed by an enemy ant if an enemy ant in range is surrounded by less (or the same) of its own enemies than the ant [equivalent to: "An ant will kill an enemy ant if an enemy in range is surrounded by more (or the same) enemies than its target"]
A visual example:
In this case the yellow ants are going to move west, and the orange ant, not being able to move away [blue tiles are blocking] will have two yellow ants "in range" and will die (if the explanation is still not clear, I invite you to visit the link above to see more examples and explained scenarios).
The question
My question is substantially about complexity. I thought to this problem extensively, but I still couldn't come up with an acceptable way to calculate the optimal set of moves in a reasonable time. It seems to me that for finding the best possible set of moves for my ants, I should evaluate the outcome for every possible scenario, but since battles can be pretty crowded with ants, this would mean that computation time would grow exponentially (5^n, with n being the number of ants involved).
Another limitation of this approach is that the solution being worked on doesn't improve its effectiveness proportionally to the time spent computing, so arbitrarily interrupting its execution might leave you with a non-acceptable solution.
I suspect that a good solution might be found via some geometrical considerations in combination with linear algebra, (maybe calculating some "centres of gravity" for groups of ants?) but I could not pass the level of "intuition" on this...
So, my question really boils down to:
How should this problem be approached to find [nearly] optimal solutions in a computation time of ~50-100 ms on a modern machine (this figure is derived by the official contest rules)?
If you are interested by the problem and need some inspiration, I highly recommend to watch some of the available game replays.
I think your problem can be solved by turning the problem around.
Instead of calculating the best moves - per ant - you could caclulate the best move candidates per discrete position on your playing board.
+1 for a save place
+2 for a place that results in an enemy dying
-1 point for a position of certain death
That would scale in a linear way - but have some trade off in not providing best individual movement.
Maybe worth a try :)
Tricky indeed. You may find some hints in Bee algorithms. This is a set of algorithms to use swarm cooperation and 'reasonable computation time'. Bee algorithms can for instance be used to roughly (!) solve the traveling salesman problem. I expect that these algorithms can provide you with the best solution given computing time.
Of course, the problem can be simplified using geometry: relative positions of ants in a neighbourhood are more important than absolute positions. And also light_303's solution is complementatry to the search pattern I propose.
I'm selecting this answer as accepted as the winner of the contest published a post-mortem analysis of his code, and indeed he followed the approach suggested by the author of this answer. You can read the winner's blog entry here.
For these kind of problems, MinMax algorithm with alpha beta pruning is usually used. (*) [simple explanation for minmax and alpa beta prunning is at the end, but for more details, the wikipedia page should also be read].
In order to overcome the problem you have mentioned about extremely large number of possible moves, a common improvement is doing the minmax algorithm iteratively. At first you explore all nodes until depth 1, and find the best solution. If you still have some time: explore all nodes until depth 2, and now chose a new more informed best solution, and so on...
When out of time: gives the best solution you could find, at the last level you explored.
To further improve your solution, you might want to reorder the nodes you develop: for iteration i, sort the nodes in iteration (i-1) [by their heuristical value for each vertex] and explore each possibility according the order. The idea behind it is that you are more likely to prun more vertices, if you first investigate the "best" solutions.
The problem here remains finding a good heuristical function, which evaluates "how good a state is"
(*)The MinMax algorithm is simple: You explore the game tree, and decide what will you do for each state, and what is your oponent is most likely to do for each action. This is done until depth k, where k is given to the algorithm.
The alpha beta prunning is an addition to minmax, which tells you "which nodes should not be explored anymore, since any way I am not going to chose them, because I have a better solution"
My question is substantially about complexity. I thought to this
problem extensively, but I still couldn't come up with an acceptable
way to calculate the optimal set of moves in a reasonable time.
It's an AI competition. AI deals with problems which are too complex to be solved with optimal algorithms.
So you have to try "stuff", like your idea about centers of gravity. Even better would be some genetic algorithms where better strategies are found through natural selection (but it's hard to set up some evolving "framework" for that).
BTW: you can see the blog of the current leader and his strategy is surprisingly simple.
