What is the email for the Jettison mailing list? - jettison

Sounds like a stupid question, doesn't it?
But the page on the Jettison project mentions the Codehaus mailing subscription page, which in turn asks for the mailing list name before you can subscribe.



How to pin an announcement on google classroom

In 2020 aprox Google introduced the option to pin an announcement at the top of the list (in the main page of the classroom), manually is an option inside the colon menu after you create an announcement.
I 'd need to use this option in a script, because I need to pin a document with rules in every classroom I have, but I can't find any reference in Classrooms API.
Can someone help me?
I do not believe this is possible programmatically at this time as there is no reference in the API to be able to do so with either announcements or course work materials, as you mentioned. I had looked to try to accomplish the same thing and came to the conclusion it's not yet supported. You could post this as a feature request in the Classroom issue tracker, I'm surprised I don't already see it there: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues?q=componentid:191645%20status:open
One alternate solution to make course work added via script easier to access as it gets pushed down the classroom feed is to make it posted to it's own topic:

Creating contact folders with Outlook REST API?

Is it possible to create contact folders with Outlook REST API? I've looked into the docs for Outlook Contacts API and found only references to fetching existing contact folders (even in the beta version).
Other questions seem to focus on using C# and probably some specific SDK for that. I'm using Python, so that wouldn't work for me. I haven't found, both on StackOverflow and through Google in general, any definitive answers to this question. From the lack of any mentions in the docs, I'd assume it's not possible, but just wanted to get a definitive and/or official answer on that matter, if possible. Also please let me know if I missed something during my research.
There is a create folder operation, although it seems specific to Mail folders and doesn't take any parameters that can specify a folder type. It's possible it may take on the same item type as the parent folder, but I'm not certain.
Otherwise there is a create method specific for Contact folders in the Graph API; see https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/docs/api-reference/v1.0/api/contactfolder_post_childfolders.
If you want a Python specific SDK, see: https://github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-python. Code samples: https://github.com/search?q=python+sample+user:microsoftgraph&type=Repositories
FYI, you can use any code platform to work with the Office 365 or Graph APIs, as long as they support REST.
After reading #Eric Legault's answer it gave me an insight to try something blindly. Even though the docs do not state it, you can create a folder by doing a POST to the contact folders endpoint with DisplayName property in the body.
So do
POST https://outlook.office.com/api/<version>/me/contactfolders with {"DisplayName": "folder_name"} in the request's body and it will work, returning the usual 201 Created response code.
This worked for me in both v2.0 and beta endpoints.
As of this writing, Outlook Contacts' UI (self-entitled Outlook People) is terrible and not user-friendly at all (either that or I just suck at understanding it), so I actually don't know how to create or delete contact folders through it, but I'm glad the REST API does the job :)

New Google Plus Comments in Blog - How to View / Receive Notifications?

I have a Blogger blog and I used to have Blogger's own comment system in it. I didn't like some parts of it, so I tried changing to Google+ comments instead.
I have no problems with the comment box, it's implemented well, works fine, etc. But when I had Blogger comments, I could see the newest comments my visitors had posted site-wide and I also received email notifications when someone posted a comment in any post of my blog.
However, now, with Google Plus comments, I don't seem to get any sort of notification. (no emails, not even that alert thingy on top-right corner of Google that only ever shows Youtube comments I don't care about) And, also, I know of no way to check the most recent comment in my website.
I kind of need either of these features (most recent / notifications) so I can reply to people when they post comments on my blog. After all I got dozens of posts it's not viable to check every single one of them for new comments every single day.
How can I view the most recent Google plus comments within a website? Or at least receive an email when there is a new Google plus comment posted in my website?
P.S.: I'm not interested in an API for these. There should be an actual user interface somewhere for these things, right?
As it currently stands, this feature has not worked since October 2016.
According to a post by a Google Employee in the official Blogger Forum on 2nd February 2017 -
Hi all,
Thanks for posting.
Just wanted to let you know that the concerned team is aware of this
issue and is working on it. I will keep you all posted as soon as I
get an update from them.
Any updates regarding this issue will be likely posted in the above forum thread

How can I add attachments to a post with WP-API

I am creating posts with WP-API and I want to attach files to them.
I see a section in the docs saying "create an attachment", but it seems that it doesn't associate the file with a post.
I also don't see any other obvious way to associate a media/attachment with a post.
What am I missing?
It seems that WordPress (or WP-API) does not link media to posts, but you have to add a link on your post to the media/attachment.

Ruby: Mailing List library or gem

Can anyone recommend a good gem or library for managing a mailing list with Ruby? No Rails solutions, if possible, please (I don't want to have ActionWhatever dependencies, this will most likely be done with Ramaze).
I just need basic features, like management of the list itself (CRUD operations on the user list), plus being able to send notifications, welcome messages, and also auto respond to basic things like subscribe and unsubscribe.
Optimally, people should be able to subscribe via both a Ramaze web page (i.e. I'd have Ramaze call/access the lib's API), as well as by sending an email to a specific email address. But I am willing to forego the operations by email.
I'm willing to entertain non-Ruby, or non-programmatic solutions, if they are good, but the ability to subscribe from a web page [under my control] is a must.
EDIT: Sorry, one important detail I forgot to add: This is intended to be a one-way mailing list. That is, people should be able to subscribe and unsubscribe alright, but only one person should be allowed to send to the list for broadcasting.
I'm not exactly sure about your requirements. If you only need basic features, why do you care what language it is implemented in? You would only need to know this if you need advanced features that you have to implement yourself!
Given your requirements, pretty much any mailing list server will fit the bill.
However, there is a specific suggestion I would like to make, just because I think it is an extremely cool example of a refreshing take on e-mail applications: Lamson.
Lamson is not a mailing list server, rather it is an e-mail application development framework (similar to how Rails is a web application development framework). Lamson is not written in Ruby, but in Python, but it is quite simply the best thing that has happened to e-mail since, well, ever. It was written by Zed Shaw (of Mongrel fame), and is based on the premise that just like Rails proved that web development doesn't have to be a PITA, e-mail development doesn't have to be, either. (In that way it is similar to Adhearsion, which also took the ideas of Rails and applied to a totally different domain, in this case telephony.)
There is already a mailing list service based on Lamson, called Libre List, which (naturally) hosts the Lamson mailing lists, among others. The source code to Libre List is included in the Lamson source distribution as an example.
I ended up going with Google Groups. (If silky would care to add an official answer to this effect, I would gladly mark it as the official accepted answer.)
Google Groups lets you alter settings so that you can have a "newsletter" like I wanted (i.e. single sender, multiple recipients). It also has an embeddable HTML snippet ready to go for quick subscription from a web page under your control.
